Unit 1 The Chain of Love

Unit 1
The Chain of Love
_______ 1. Alvin is very t_______l. He always remembers his friends’ birthdays and sends them gifts.
_______ 2. With many assignments d_______e tomorrow, Sammy has no choice but to stay up late tonight.
_______ 3. Kimberley put all her baggage in the t_______k of her car and drove to the airport.
_______ 4. An argument is r_______ging between the two parties about whether the channel should be built or not.
_______ 5. The teacher’s clear explanation e_______ed all the doubts from every student’s mind.
_______ 6. Philip, who is strongly influenced by his mother, thinks she is the most important woman in his
e_______e life.
_______ 7. Some poor mountain climbers were left s_______d because of the typhoon.
_______ 8. Seeing his bus arriving from the store, Mark g_______bed a newspaper and paid the money in a hurry.
_______ 9. It was really not Wesley’s day. He had a f_______t tire on his way to work.
_______ 10. Several mistakes have been made and the c_______n of events caused a series of misunderstanding.
_______ 11. To r_______y her parents’ love, Sharon studies hard and often helps with housework.
_______ 12. Some poor African countries rely on foreign a_______d to survive.
_______ 13. Mary asked her son to put on a jacket because it was _______ (chill) outside.
_______ 14. “Are you cold?” Helena asked me in a _______ (whisper) during the movie.
_______ 15. With the _______ (approach ) of the summer vacation, everyone is excited.
_______ 16. It is a _______ (wonder) that ancient Chinese build wooden houses with no nails and screws.
_______ 17. Feeling depressed and hopeless, the _______ (employment) worker turned to heavy drinking.
S1 + had + V1-en + since + N(P)/S2 + V2-ed
+ for . . . …一直…自從…
‧ Tracy had studied hard since last semester.
1. 自從先生去年過世後,王太太一直感到極度的悲傷。
2. 這個小嬰兒哭了二十分鐘,直到最後睡著為止。
hit home 使(某人)深切感受到
‧ The terror of death hit home when Tim joined the war.
3. 當 John 走進空蕩蕩的家時,他深刻感受到失去父親的真實感。
4. 當我看到許多樹被吹倒時,我深刻感受到颱風的威力。
pull up (駕駛)停車,(車輛)停止
‧ Ivy pulled up in front of the coffee shop and grabbed something for her breakfast.
5. 一輛計程車停在我們面前,但我們並沒有要搭車。
6. 校車在校門前停車後,學生們逐一下車。
by the way 順帶一提
‧ Mia went to France. By the way, I had been there three times.
7. Anthony 鋼琴彈得很好。順帶一提,他弟弟籃球打得很好。
8. Louise 感冒了。順帶一提,我昨天晚餐吃了兩碗麵。
roll down something 搖下(車窗)
‧ Sandy rolled down the window when she got into the car.
9. 當這個歌手搖下車窗揮手時,所有的歌迷尖叫。
10. 我們搖下車窗讓新鮮空氣進來,因為車子的冷氣壞了。
pass through 路過,途經
‧ Jenny passed through her uncle’s house on her way home, so she visited him for a while.
11. 我們經過村莊時看到許多小孩跑來跑去。
12. 男孩們走捷徑穿越公園回家。
not give something a thought 不考慮某事
‧ When Hubert falls in love, he does not give age a thought.
13. 當 Jamie 買衣服時,她不考慮錢。
14. 因為安全考量,我不考慮極限運動。
drive off (駕駛)開車離開,(車輛)開走
‧ Naomi hugged her husband and drove off.
15. Dolly 和她女兒告別然後開車離開。
16. 在我了解到我把傘留在公車上時,公車已經開走了。
be on one’s feet 久站
‧ I really need a good night’s sleep after being on my feet the whole day.
17. 這店員已久站了一天,沒有坐下片刻。
18. Eric 不想當老師因為需要長時間久站。
in sight 在視線內,在視野中
‧ There were no houses in sight in this remote area.
19. 當你站在這山丘上,整個城市都會在你視線之內。
20. 下個街區左轉,你在找的那家醫院就會在你視線之內。
S1 + be/V1 + half/twice/three times + as adj./adv. ( + N + ) as + S2 ( + V2 ).
S1 + be/V1 + two times/three times + adj.-er/adv.-er than + S2 ( + V2 ).
‧ Kylie drives three times as fast as her parents.
21. Joey 賺的錢是他老闆的一半。
22. 這間房子現在的價格是三年前的九倍。
be worried sick 極度擔心
‧ The villagers are worried sick about the coming typhoon.
23. Colin 極度擔心一個人在美國旅遊的女兒。
24. 極度擔心數學考試,Keira 昨晚睡不好。
Ever since the Levi’s factory closed, Joe 1
find a job.
the chilly winter raging on and
their baby due the next month, Joe had been feeling depressed. However, his own misery had never
stopped him from helping people. To him, helping someone in need always made him happy.
people once helped him and he wanted to pass the chain of love to others. Therefore, when Joe saw an
old lady who needed help with her flat tire, he did not think twice about stopping
her out. He
didn’t expect the lady to repay him 5 . Instead, he only told the old lady to pass on the kindness to
someone who needed it. 6
goodbye to Joe, the lady drove to a small café,
she saw a cheerful
waitress who was very pregnant. “She must need money badly,” thought the old lady; “otherwise, a
pregnant woman like her won’t stand
her feet all day.” The old lady then decided to repay Joe’s
kindness by secretly putting lots of money under the napkin for the waitress. The amount was
the cost of the meal the old lady ordered. The waitress found the money and felt very grateful. She
didn’t realize that it was
someone else’s
Joe’s kindness that helped her, her husband, and
their unborn child.
) 1. (A) has not been able to
(C) was not able to
(B) had not been able to
(D) could not
) 2. (A) With
(B) By
(C) Since
(D) Because
) 3. (A) An amount of
(B) Much
(C) Number of
(D) Plenty of
) 4. (A) to helping
(B) helping
(C) to help
(D) help
) 5. (A) anymore
(B) much
(C) at much
(D) at all
) 6. (A) To wave
(B) Waved
(C) Waving
(D) Had waved
) 7. (A) which
(B) where
(C) when
(D) what
) 8. (A) at
(B) on
(C) in
(D) to
) 9. (A) as fifty times as much as
(C) fifty times very much as
) 10. (A) not; but
(B) not; only
(B) fifty times as many as
(D) fifty times as much as
(C) neither; nor
(D) either; or
1. In what season did the story take place? (paragraph 1)
2. What did Joe do when he saw the elderly lady who needed help? (paragraph 2)
3. How did the lady feel when Joe approached? (paragraph 2)
4. What was the lady’s problem? (paragraph 4)
5. What did the lady do while Joe was changing the tire? (paragraph 4)
6. What did Joe say when the lady asked him how much she owed him? (paragraph 5)
7. What did the lady do when she saw a small, dingy-looking café? (paragraph 7)
8. What did the lady notice in the waitress? (paragraph 8)
9. How much had the lady paid for her meal? (paragraph 9)
10. What was the waitress thinking about when she lay awake in bed? (paragraph 10)
The phrase “good Samaritan,” coming from a story in the New Testament, becomes a law in
many countries today. A good Samaritan is a person who helps someone in trouble, even a complete
stranger. It could be somebody who has been in an accident and needs medical help or who is being
robbed or attacked by others.
In the U.S. and Canada, Good Samaritan laws say that you won’t get into any trouble if you
help somebody but the result isn’t successful. The law protects good Samaritans, and nobody on the
spot of an accident has to help if they don’t want to. However, once you stop to help someone, you
have to stay until professional help arrives, such as an ambulance or the police. In addition, good
Samaritans are not allowed to ask the person they helped for any reward.
On the other hand, several other countries including Japan, Italy, France, Spain, Israel, and
Belgium all have Good Samaritan laws saying that one MUST be a good Samaritan and stop to help
someone who is hurt. Take Princess Diana’s car crash, for example. The photographers who had been
following her all along broke the law by taking pictures instead of trying to help her as the tragedy
happened. That could have put them in jail and fined them $83,000.
It is always nice to help somebody who is in trouble. But when it comes to the law, it’s
important to know what you should do in any situation. If you witness somebody being hurt or
robbed, what you can do is stop and call the emergency number so that more help will come. If
everyone is willing to lend a helping hand to people in trouble, you might be saved by a good
Samaritan some day when you need help.
) 1. According to this article, people in which country can choose whether to help or not when an
accident occurs?
(A) The U.S.
(B) France.
(C) Japan.
(D) Italy.
) 2. Why could the photographers at the scene of Princess Diana’s car crash have been put to jail?
(A) They didn’t have the right to take pictures.
(B) They attacked the police.
(C) They did not give her a hand.
(D) They stole something from the scene.
) 3. Today a good Samaritan is a person who ________.
(A) helps a stranger
(B) helps a friend in need
(C) helps earthquake victims
(D) All of the above.
) 4. The word “witness” in the fourth paragraph means ________.
(A) accept
(B) see
(C) pretend
(D) wait
) 5. This article encourages people to ________.
(A) move to Canada
(B) help people in need
(C) drive carefully
(D) read the New Testament
A 1. 當 Henry 運動或獨自在外國旅行時,他都不考量自身安全。
2. 他的父母都極度擔心他。
3. 林先生在一家小麵包店前停車,因為他很餓。
4. 他決定要買所有看得到的麵包。
5. Stephenie 的工作需要她長時間久站。
6. 順便一提,她已在這家公司待超過 15 年了。
7. Penny 的爸爸在她宿舍門口放她下車後開車離開。
8. 一個人坐在房間裡時,她深刻感受到寂寞感。
9. Susan started learning to play the drums when she was eight. (用 since 改寫)
10. The dictionary has 800 pages.
The novel has 200 pages. (請以 The dictionary 開頭合併句子)
The old lady had a flat tire and she couldn’t do anything. 11. 當 Joe 在換輪胎時,老太太搖下
車窗開始對他說話。 12. 她說她只是路過。 She was very thankful because Joe came to
her rescue.
11. ___________________________________________________________________
12. ___________________________________________________________________
Please arrange the following sentences in the correct order.
(A) This is why I will always remember my junior high teacher, the person who changed my life.
(B) As a shy girl, I found it hard to talk to my new classmates.
(C) Because of her support, I slowly made friends with some of my classmates.
(D) When I entered junior high school, I was worried sick about whether I could make friends or not.
(E) Seeing my unhappiness, my teacher talked to me and encouraged me to keep trying and not to give up.