Vocabulary List #2 - bacchanal

Honors English 11 - Vocab. List #2
- a drunken or riotous celebration
2. cornucopia - a goatts horn overflowing with fruit, flowers, and
1. bacchanal
corn, signifying prosperity
of or related to Hermes, Greek god of commerce,
invention, cunning, and theft; magical
3. hermetic
4. hydra - a many-headed monster slain by Hercules; a diverse
source of destruction that cannot be destroyed by a single
5. iridescent
brilliantr lustrous, or colorful in appearance
6, Olympian -the gods of the ancient Greek pantheon who
dwelled on Mt. Olympus
7. palladium
- a sacred object believed to have the power to
protect the city or state possessing it; a safeguard
8. phoenix - a mythical bird of great beauty fabled to live 500
years, burn itself on a funeral pyre, and then rise from its ashes
renewed and youthful
mammoth; having superhuman strength (from
Antaeus, a giant overcome by Hercules)
9. antaean
10. gorgon
a repulsively ugly or terrifying woman (from
Greek Gorgon, three sisters who had snakes for hair and eyes
that if looked into turned the beholder into stone)
11. harpv - a predatory person (from Gk Harpy - a monster
with the head and trunk of a woman and the tail, talon, and
wings of a bird)
- a joyous song or hymn of praise
13. plutonian - related to the Greek god Pluto or the
12. paean
14. stvsian - gloomy and dark; hellish; in Gk. Myth. - related to
the river Styx, one of the rivers which led to the underworld
15. thespian
(from the Greek "Thespis") of or related to
16. catharsis - a cleansing of emotions, usually pity and fear,
often through art
17. ode - a type of lyric poem or choral passage alternating with
the episodes of the plot in a Greek drama
18, strophe
- In Greek drama, the first part of an ode recited or
chanted by the Chorus
19. antistrophe - In Greek drama, the second part of an ode
recited or chanted in response to the Chorus
20. Hecate
- rn Gk Myth. - An ancient fertility goddess and
protector of witches
21. Sophocles
Greek dramatist best known for his tragedies
Oedipus Rex and Antigone.
22. Euripides - Contemporary of Sophocles often considered the
most tragic of the Greek playwrights
23. Aristophanes
- Greek writer of comedies
24. Pericles - Athenian statesman and general
25. cadence - the balanced, rhythmic flow of a song, poem,
dance, or march
26. cothurni - in ancient Greek theater, ir actor's platformed
27. chiton - in ancient Greek theaterr
Btr actorts long,
robe, usually died in symbolic colors.
28. sunpliant
- asking humbly and earnestly
29. Creon - In Greek mythology, the King of Thebes and
successor to Oedipus
30. Parados
- in Greek theater, the entrance to the theater or
the entrance ode given by the chorus
31,. hubris - arrogance or conceited pride which causes the
hero's transgression against the gods; usually the tragic flaw
32. hamartia
a tragic flaw, weakness of character or error in
judgment, which causes the downfatl of the hero
33. stichomvthia - In Greek drama, poetry, and dispute, a form
of dialogue in which characters speak single lines alternately
34. antilabe
- The breaking of a line between two speakers
35. rapacious - plundering and taking by force; greedy