Solar subsidies

Solar subsidies
Solar power seems to have a lot going for it. It
doesn’t contribute to climate change and it’s a
renewable source of energy. So why are so few
people in Australia choosing solar power?
Focus Questions
Describe what is happening at Mawson Lakes School.
What are some advantages of solar power?
What are solar cells made from?
How are they made?
Why aren’t more people installing solar cells to generate energy?
Why is it difficult for solar power to compete with coal?
What happened at Pittwater High School in Sydney?
What are some people saying the Government should do to encourage
solar energy use?
9] Why is it difficult for solar power to compete with coal?
10] Do you think the Government is doing enough to encourage people to
use solar power? Explain your answer.
6 MAY 2008
Learning Area
Science and
Society and Environment
Key learning
Students will develop an
understanding of how
the sun is used to
generate energy and
what renewable energy
Is the sun the answer?
Students will conduct a simple experiment that explores how solar energy
converts to heat energy. Ask students to make some predictions about what
they think might happen before they begin the experiment.
1] Place a balloon over the opening of each drink bottle. Make sure it is a
tight fit.
2] Put the bottles in a warm, sunny place or under a heat lamp (make sure
the bottles are the same distance from the lamp).
3] Record how long it takes to see a change in the balloons.
Students will need the
following to conduct the
2 plastic drink bottles –
1 painted black the
other wrapped in
aluminium foil
2 balloons
What happened to the balloons?
Why do you think it happened?
What do you think would happen if the bottles were painted different colours?
© ABC 2008
Heat lamp
What is renewable energy?
Ask students to come up with a description of what renewable and nonrenewable energy is. Working in pairs, students share their definitions.
Students now need to research what renewable and non-renewable energy is
and add to or change their own definitions. What are some other renewable
energy resources other than solar energy? Students share their findings with
the class.
Further investigations
Do a solar audit of the school. Explore whether solar power is used in the
school or classrooms.
Create a poster or advertising brochure persuading people to use solar
The answer is solar power. What are five questions?
Investigate which regions of the world would be best for generating solar
Related Research Links
Labor Government’s solar plan for schools
ABC Catalyst website – new solar cells could be cheaper
Solar in schools – Victorian government website
Using solar in schools to help reduce carbon emissions
About solar energy
Time magazine for kids – information about solar energy,28391,90777,00.html
© ABC 2008