Naturwissenschaften DOI 10.1007/s00114-010-0657-z SHORT COMMUNICATION The structure of stereotyped calls reflects kinship and social affiliation in resident killer whales (Orcinus orca) Volker B. Deecke & Lance G. Barrett-Lennard & Paul Spong & John K. B. Ford Received: 14 December 2009 / Revised: 2 February 2010 / Accepted: 13 February 2010 # Springer-Verlag 2010 Abstract A few species of mammals produce groupspecific vocalisations that are passed on by learning, but the function of learned vocal variation remains poorly understood. Resident killer whales live in stable matrilineal groups with repertoires of seven to 17 stereotyped call types. Some types are shared among matrilines, but their structure typically shows matriline-specific differences. Our objective was to analyse calls of nine killer whale matrilines in British Columbia to test whether call similarity primarily reflects social or genetic relationships. Recordings were made in 1985–1995 in the presence of focal matrilines Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s00114-010-0657-z) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. V. B. Deecke (*) Sea Mammal Research Unit, Scottish Oceans Institute, University of St. Andrews, St. Andrews, Fife KY16 8LB Scotland, UK e-mail: V. B. Deecke : L. G. Barrett-Lennard Cetacean Research Laboratory, Vancouver Aquarium, P.O. Box 3232, Vancouver, BC V6B 3X8, Canada V. B. Deecke : L. G. Barrett-Lennard : J. K. B. Ford Department of Zoology, University of British Columbia, 6270 University Blvd., Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z9, Canada P. Spong OrcaLab, Hanson Island, P.O. Box 510, Alert Bay, BC V0N 1A0, Canada J. K. B. Ford Cetacean Research Program, Pacific Biological Station, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Nanaimo, BC V9T 6N7, Canada that were either alone or with groups with non-overlapping repertoires. We used neural network discrimination performance to measure the similarity of call types produced by different matrilines and determined matriline association rates from 757 encounters with one or more focal matrilines. Relatedness was measured by comparing variation at 11 microsatellite loci for the oldest female in each group. Call similarity was positively correlated with association rates for two of the three call types analysed. Similarity of the N4 call type was also correlated with matriarch relatedness. No relationship between relatedness and association frequency was detected. These results show that call structure reflects relatedness and social affiliation, but not because related groups spend more time together. Instead, call structure appears to play a role in kin recognition and shapes the association behaviour of killer whale groups. Our results therefore support the hypothesis that increasing social complexity plays a role in the evolution of learned vocalisations in some mammalian species. Keywords Vocal learning . Gene-culture coevolution . Social network . Kin recognition Introduction The reasons why some animals including humans have evolved learned vocalisations are open to debate. One possible explanation is that vocal learning evolved as a means to increase the complexity of signals to meet an increased need for the recognition of individuals, kin, or social partners as social systems became more complex (Janik and Slater 1997). Variation in the structure of vocalisations often reflects social relationships between Naturwissenschaften individuals and thus potentially encodes information about association patterns (e.g. Miller and Bain 2000; Rendell and Whitehead 2003), membership of a social or reproductive unit (e.g. Enggist-Dueblin and Pfister 2002; Watwood et al. 2004) or use of a common foraging or resting site (e.g. Wright 1996; Boughman 1997). Vocal dialects can be defined as differences in the structure of vocalisations among animals that live in sympatry and come into acoustic contact (Conner 1982). Dialect variation has been documented in species from diverse taxonomic background, e.g. songbirds (Trainer 1989; Enggist-Dueblin and Pfister 2002), parrots (Wright 1996; Bartlett and Slater 1999), bats (Boughman 1997), cetaceans (Ford 1991; Rendell and Whitehead 2003; Watwood et al. 2004) and primates (Gouzoules and Gouzoules 1990; Crockford et al. 2004). In the majority of cases where the mechanisms of dialect development have been investigated, vocal learning has been shown to play a role (Boughman 1998; Bartlett and Slater 1999; Deecke et al. 2000). However, in many species, social groups consist of closely related individuals making it difficult to dissociate the relative effects of socially mediated vocal learning and genetic relatedness on dialect variation. Resident killer whales in the northeastern Pacific feed almost exclusively on fish, primarily on Pacific salmon Oncorhynchus spp. (Ford and Ellis 2006), and live in stable social groups (matrilines) that consist of a female and her offspring. The social structure of resident killer whales is characterised by natal philopatry, and both male and female offspring typically travel with their mothers for their entire lives (Bigg et al. 1990). Because killer whales are long-lived, matrilines often contain three or even four generations related through maternal descent. Groups may eventually split when the oldest female dies and her daughters (who by then usually have offspring of their own) spend more and more time apart from each other. Killer whales emit three types of vocalisations: echolocation clicks, whistles and pulsed calls. Pulsed calls are highly stereotyped, and many call types contain independently modulated high- and low-frequency components (Ford 1989; Miller 2002). These calls exhibit groupspecific variation at the level of the vocal repertoire as well as in the structure of individual call types (Fig. 1). All members of a matriline share a common repertoire of seven to 17 call types (Ford 1991). Some of these may be shared with other, presumably related matrilines. However, shared call types often show some degree of group-specific structural variation (Ford 1991; Deecke et al. 1999; Miller and Bain 2000; Nousek et al. 2006). While killer whale call repertoires are stable over long periods of time (Ford 1991), the structure of individual call types undergoes subtle changes with time. These changes can be transmitted between frequently associating matrilines through vocal learning (Deecke et al. 2000). This study focused on nine matrilines belonging to the Northern Resident population of killer whales that inhabits the inshore waters of British Columbia, Canada. Our objective was to test the hypothesis that variation of stereotyped calls encodes information about group relatedness and social affiliation by comparing patterns of variation in call structure to association patterns of the nine matrilines as well as to relatedness of the groups' matriarchs determined from microsatellite variation. Including both measures allows us to separate the effects of genetic and social factors on call variation and to test whether differences in call structure primarily reflect the strength of social bonds, kinship or a combination of the two. Materials and methods The study population Northern Resident killer whales inhabit the coastal waters of British Columbia from central Vancouver Island north to the Alaskan Border. The population numbered 216 individuals in 1998 (Ford et al. 2000), and the animals are grouped into three acoustic clans, with all members of a clan sharing a portion of their call repertoire (Ford 1991). One of these, A-clan, can be further subdivided into two subclans. The nine matrilines of A-subclan that are the focus of this study have vocal repertoires of 13 or 14 call types, of which 11 are shared by all. They only have seven call types in common with the members of B-subclan (Ford 1991). Acoustic analysis Recordings were made during 1985–1995 using a variety of recording systems. All systems had a flat frequency response from 0.1 to 7 kHz, although for some systems, this extended up to 20 kHz. We only included recordings made when a single focal matriline was within recording range, or when the focal matriline was associated with groups belonging to a different clan and thus known not to make any of the call types analysed in this study (Ford 1991). Recordings were digitised with a sampling rate of 22.1 kHz. We selected calls with adequate signal-to-noise ratio and assigned them to call types according to Ford (1987). We generated spectrograms for each selected call (FFT size and frame length: 1,024 samples; overlap between frames: 87.5%; window function: Hamming) and extracted a frequency contour of the low-frequency component using the method of Deecke et al. (1999). Frequency contours were standardised to 100 equally spaced points, Naturwissenschaften Fig. 1 Spectrograms of examples of the N9 call type from six matrilines belonging to A-subclan of the Northern Resident population of killer whales (Orcinus orca). Versions of different matrilines show consistent differences in call structure. Note for example the pronounced terminal component (abrupt drop in pulse-repetition rate towards the end of the call) in the versions of A08, A23 and A25 matrilines. This feature is absent in the N9 calls of A12 and A30 matrilines. The versions by A36 matriline tend to be intermediate with only a short terminal component and call duration was also included in the analysis creating an input vector of 101 variables. Because the highfrequency component is highly directional (Miller 2002), it is often indistinct, and including it in the analysis would have severely restricted our sample size. However, previous studies have shown that patterns of variation tend to be broadly similar for both call components (Miller and Bain 2000; Nousek et al. 2006; Fig. 1). We measured call similarity in pairwise comparisons by training an artificial neural network to discriminate between samples of input vectors of the same call type made by two different matrilines. To capture within-group variation, samples were selected to include calls from as many independent recording sessions from each matriline as possible. No sample from any matriline contained calls from fewer than three independent sessions with that group. To generate a similarity index, a single vector was removed from the sample, a backpropagation neural network trained to discriminate between the vectors of the two matrilines, and the removed vector was used to test the neural network performance. This procedure was repeated until all vectors had served as test vectors (see Deecke et al. 1999, 2000 and Nousek et al. 2006 for greater detail on the neural network analysis). The network's classification error (the absolute difference between expected and observed output for a given trial) averaged over all trials served as a call similarity index for the two groups. A large error (near 50% incorrect classification) therefore signifies very similar calls, while a low error indicates consistent group-specific differences in call structure and/or duration. Analysis of association patterns We calculated the half-weight index of association (Cairns and Schwager 1987; Ginsberg and Young 1992) of the nine matrilines from a database of sightings of Northern Resident killer whales from the years 1990–1995. This covers the period when the majority of the recordings analysed in this study were made and thus best reflects the social structure of A-subclan at the time call Naturwissenschaften Fig. 2 The interaction of dialect similarity with association behaviour and relatedness of resident killer whales (Orcinus orca). The scatter plots show the relationship between the similarity of three stereotyped call types of different A-subclan matrilines and their half-weight index of association (a–c) and the relatedness of the oldest females in each group (d–f) determined by analysis of microsatellite variation. The results of the Mantel's matrix permutation test are given in the top left corner of each panel, and regression lines are shown for significant matrix correlations. For the call similarity-relatedness correlations (d– f), note the absence of points near the top and left of the graphs. Although there are pairs of matrilines with above-average relatedness but not very similar calls, the converse is not true: all pairs whose call similarity falls above the group average also have above-average relatedness values variation was assessed. We only included encounters during which one or more matrilines of A-subclan were present and did not analyse associations with groups outside of A-subclan. Analysis of matriarch relatedness DNA was obtained from biopsy samples taken from identified individuals using a lightweight pneumatic dart Naturwissenschaften Fig. 3 The interaction between association behaviour and relatedness in resident killer whales (Orcinus orca). The scatter plot shows the relationship between the association patterns of the nine A-subclan matrilines and the relatedness of the oldest females in each group determined by analysis of microsatellite variation. The result of the Mantel's matrix permutation test is given in the top left corner, and the regression is shown in dashed grey. The plot suggests that there is no clear relationship between the relatedness of matriarchs of groups and their association frequency (Barrett-Lennard et al. 1996) or, in one case (A09 matriline), from a sample taken during a necropsy. Genetic relatedness of the oldest female in each group was assessed by studying variation at 11 microsatellite loci. Details on extraction protocols, primers and amplification conditions are given in the Electronic supplementary material. We used the method of Queller and Goodnight (1989) to calculate pairwise coefficients of relatedness. Allele frequencies were estimated from a sample of 75 individuals from A-clan of the Northern Resident Community. Statistical analyses The acoustic similarity matrices for the different call types and matrices of association and relatedness for the nine matrilines were compared by computing the matrix correlation coefficient (Zar 1996). Mantel's matrix permutation test (Schnell et al. 1985) was used to test whether matrix correlations were significant. Results and discussion We obtained sufficient sample size (>20 calls) from more than three matrilines for three call types. Sample sizes for the analysis of acoustic variation were N2 call type: four matrilines, 21 calls each; N4 call type: nine matrilines, 24 calls each and N9 call type: six matrilines, 21 calls each. Call similarity values ranged from 0.003 (N9 call, A08 and A36 matrilines) to 0.482 (N9 call, A23 and A25 matrilines). A total of 757 encounters in the sightings database involved one or more matrilines of A-subclan. Half-weight indices of association ranged from 0.239 (A09 and A11 matrilines) to 0.973 (A11 and A24 matrilines). Matriarch relatedness ranged from −1.329 (A12 and A23 matrilines) to 0.561 (A09 and A36 matrilines). Call similarity was significantly correlated with association frequency for two of the three call types analysed (Fig. 2a–c). Call similarity was significantly correlated with relatedness of the matriarchs for one of the three call types (Fig. 2d–f). There was no significant relationship between the groups' association patterns and relatedness of their matriarchs (Fig. 3). Because significant correlations were always found for the call type(s) for which samples from the largest number of matrilines were analysed, it seems likely that sample size is largely responsible for why some call types gave significant correlations while others did not. Structural variation in the two call types with the largest sample size reflects the association patterns of the groups as would be expected if modifications to call structure are more likely to be transmitted between frequently associating groups (Deecke et al. 2000). However, variation in the structure of the one call type for which samples from all nine matrilines were available was also significantly correlated with the relatedness of the groups' matriarchs, even though there is no evidence that resident killer whale matrilines associate preferentially with other closely related matrilines. This rules out the possibility that kinship affects call similarity only via association patterns. It appears that killer whales do not copy call modifications indiscriminately but are selective as to who they copy from. The strongest bonds in resident killer whale society are those between mothers and their offspring, and individuals spend their entire lives in close association with maternal relatives. As calls are likely learned from maternal relatives, we would expect maternal descent, rather than bi-parental relatedness as given by the coefficient of relatedness using microsatellite data, to be the best correlate of call similarity. Unfortunately, analyses of mitochondrial DNA in resident killer whales have found at most two very similar haplotypes within a population and no variation within clans (Hoelzel and Dover 1991; Yurk et al. 2002). We therefore have no way to reconstruct maternal relatedness prior to the onset of studies using photographic identification of individuals. The plot of N4 call similarity and matriarch relatedness (Fig. 2e) shows that there are groups with relatively closely related matriarchs, and relatively dissimilar calls, but no groups with similar calls but only distantly related matriarchs. This is consistent with a theory of maternal transmission of call similarity—groups with related matriarchs but dissimilar calls share paternal rather than maternal ancestry, whereas all groups with similar calls have recent common maternal ancestors. An interesting finding of our study was the lack of a clear link between association patterns and kinship at the Naturwissenschaften level of the matriline. Because we analysed bi-parental relatedness, there is again the possibility that a clear link between maternal relatedness and association patterns was masked by patterns of paternal ancestry. However, since we analysed association patterns for all nine matrilines and thus had equal statistical power as in the analysis of the N4 call, we can conclude that any link between relatedness and association patterns is weaker than the link between relatedness and call similarity. Our results suggest that factors other than kinship take over in determining association behaviour once matrilines split, while at least some call types continue to encode information about kinship, as shown by the correlation between similarity of the N4 call type and matriarch relatedness. The tight correlation between the similarity of most call types and association patterns in the absence of any relationship between matriarch relatedness and association strength suggests that the similar dialects of closely related groups are not simply an epiphenomenon mediated by association behaviour. Instead, call similarity and association strengths may both depend on some other as of yet unidentified parameter. Alternatively, and more likely perhaps, rather than being a result of association patterns, dialect variation may actually drive the association behaviour of matrilines: call similarity provides a reliable mechanism to identify maternal kin and may be a foundation on which choices of social affiliates are based. Our results therefore provide evidence in favour of the hypothesis that vocal learning evolved to recognise kin and facilitate social decisions in increasingly complex social networks. Acknowledgements We thank David E. Bain, David A. Briggs, Graeme M. Ellis, Alexandra Morton, Helena Symonds, Frank Thomsen and Stephen Wischniowski for contributing additional recordings for analysis. Helena Symonds and Nicola Rehn provided valuable comments on the manuscript. VBD was supported by a DAAD-Doktorandenstipendium aus Mitteln des 3. Hochschulsonderprogramms and a Marie-Curie Intra-European Fellowship. 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