Dispersion forces from van der Waals density functionals Jose M. Soler Departamento de Física de la Materia Condensada Universidad Autónoma de Madrid Collaborators Mariví Fernández-Serra, Stony Brook Simone S. Alexandre, Belo Horizonte Guillermo Román-Pérez, UAM Michelle Fritz, UAM Mohammed Moaied, UAM Eduardo Anglada, UAM Jue Wang, Stony Brook Betul Pamuk, Stony Brook Peter Stephens, Stony Brook Phil B. Allen, Stony Brook Rafael Ramírez, ICMM-CSIC Carlos Herrero, ICMM-CSIC Emilio Artacho, Nanogune & Cambridge Outline • Differences between vdW-DF versions • Efficient implementation of vdW-DFs • VdW effects in liquid water • Nuclear quantum effects in ice VdW XC density functional Dion, Rydberg, Schröder, Langreth, and Lundqvist, PRL 92, 246401 (2004) GGA-revPBE x Z ab LDA c nl c E xc = E +E +E 1 nl E c = ∫∫ dr1 dr2 n(r1 ) n(r2 ) Φ(q1,q2 ,r12 ) 2 ⎡ ε LDA (n) Z ⎛ k ⎞ 2 ⎤ q(n,∇n) = ⎢1+ cLDA − ab ⎜ G ⎟ ⎥ kF 9 ⎝ 2k F ⎠ ⎥⎦ ⎢⎣ ε x (n) ∇n 2 1/ 3 = −0.8491 k F = ( 3π n ) kG = n Non-local correlation kernel q1 + q2 r12 2 q1 − q2 δ= q1 + q2 D= € n = const ⇒ δ = 0 ⇒ 2 4 π D Φ(D) dD = 0 ⇒ ∫ E cnl = 0 12(4 π /9) 3 1 r12 →∞ ⇒ D →∞ ⇒ Φ →− 2 2 2 2 6 q1 q2 (q1 + q2 ) r12 Universal ‘seamless’ functional vdW-DF, version 2 K. Lee et al, PRB 82, 081101 (2010) vdW-DF2 Exch: revPBEx rPW86x Corr: -Zab=0.848 1.887 Other proposals: - J.Klimes, D.R.Bowler, and A.Michaelides, JPCM 22, 22201 (2010) - J.Wellendorff et al, Topics Catal. 54, 1143 (2011) vdW-DF-VV10 O. A. Vydrov & T. Van Voorhis, JCP 133, 244103 (2010) E xc = E xGGA-rPW86 + E cGGA-PBE + E cnl + βN 1 nl E c = ∫∫ dr1 dr2 n1 n 2 Φ(n1,∇n1,n 2 ,∇n 2 ,r12 ) 2 3/2 Φ=− g = q 2 r122 + κ g1g2 (g1 + g2 ) 1/ 4 ⎛ 4 3 ⎞ 4 q = ⎜ k F + CkG ⎟ ⎝ 9π ⎠ C = 0.0093 b = 5.9 1/ 2 ⎛ 3π ⎞ κ = b⎜ k F ⎟ ⎝ 4 ⎠ 1 ⎛ 3 ⎞ β = ⎜ 2 ⎟ 32 ⎝ b ⎠ C and b are fitted empirically € 3/4 Nonlocal kernel vdW-DF2 vdW-DF1 vdW-VV Asymptotic behavior 1 1 r12 →∞ ⇒ Φ →− 2 2 2 2 6 q1 q2 (q1 + q2 ) r12 vdW-DF2 € vdW-VV vdW-DF1 Oxigen atom density AE PS PS AE Oxigen atom density in (kF,kG) space AE PS Density × kernel 1 E = 2 nl c € ∫∫ dr dr AE 1 2 n1 n 2 Φ(n1,∇n1,n 2 ,∇n 2 ,r12 ) PS Water molecule DRSLL Enl=6.8 LMKLL Enl=2.8 VV Enl=3.1 Liquid water molecule liquid Simple and complex systems graphite Pt2S8C8H12I The double integral problem • Φ(q1,q2,r12) decays as r12-6 • Ecnl= ∫∫ d3r1 d3r2 n(r1) n(r2) Φ(q1,q2,r12) can be truncated for r12 > rc ~ 15Å • In principle O(N) calculation for systems larger than 2rc ~ 30Å • But... with Δx ~ 0.15Å (Ec=120Ry) there are ~(2×106)2 = 4×1012 integration points • Consequently, direct evaluation of vdW functional is much more expensive than LDA/GGA Factoring Φ(q1,q2,r12) Φ(q1,q2 ,r12 ) ≅ ∑ pα (q1 ) pβ (q2 )Φαβ (r12 ) α ,β nl c ∫∫ dr dr n(r )n(r )Φ(q ,q ,r ) ≅ ∑ ∫∫ dr dr θ (r ) θ (r )Φ (r E = 1 2 1 1 2 2 α 1 1 β 2 2 12 αβ α ,β = ∑ ∫ dk θα (k) θ β (k) Φαβ (k) α ,β θα (r) ≡ ρ (r) pα [q( n(r),∇n(r))] 12 ) Interpolation as an expansion f f1 f3 f2 f4 x = f2p2 f3p3 f1p1 x1 x2 f4p4 x3 x4 General recipe: fj=δij ⇒ f(x)=pi(x) Factoring by interpolation Nonlocal correlation potential E cnl ≡ ΔV 2 ∑ ∑θαiθ βj Φαβ (rij ) α , β i, j ∇ρi ≅ ∑ gij n j j v nlc i ⎛ ∂θ ⎞ ∂ θ 1 ∂E αj αi ⎜ ⎟⎟ ≡ = 2ΔV ∑⎜ uαi + ∑ gij uαj ΔV ∂ρi ∂n i ∂∇n j ⎠ α ⎝ j nl c uαi = ΔV ∑ ∑θ βj Φαβ (rij ) β j 3 d ∫ r2θ β (r2 )Φαβ (r12 ) = 3 ikr1 d k e θ β (k)Φαβ (k) ∫ Kernel cusp n1,n 2 →0 ⇒ q1,q2 →0 ⇒ Φ(q1r12 ,q2 r12 ) →∞ Φ(d1,d2 ) = Φsoft (d1,d2 ) + Φcusp (d1,d2 ) 1 E ≈ ∫∫ dr1dr2 n(r1 )n(r2 )Φsoft (q1,q2 ,r12 ) + 2 ∞ 1 2 2 d r n (r ) 4 π r drΦcusp (d1,d1 ) ∫ 1 1 ∫0 2 nl c A better solution (Gygi et al): € F(q1,q2 ,r12 ) ≡ q1q2Φ(q1,q2 ,r12 ) ≅ ∑ pα (q1 ) pβ (q2 ) Fαβ (r12 ) α ,β ∫∫ dr dr n(r )n(r )Φ(q ,q ,r ) ≅ ∑ ∫∫ dr dr θ (r ) θ (r ) F (r ) E cnl = 1 2 1 1 2 α α ,β n(r) θα (r) ≡ pα (q(r)) q(r) 2 1 1 β 2 2 αβ 12 12 Implementation of vdW-DF-VV10 1 E = ∫∫ dr1 dr2 n1 n 2 Φ(n1,∇n1,n 2 ,∇n 2 ,r12 ) 2 n1n 2Φ ≡ F(k F1,kG1,k F 2 ,kG 2 ,r12 ) ≅ nl c ∑ ∑ p (k α F1 ) pβ (kG1 ) pγ (kF 2 ) pδ (kG 2 ) Fαβγδ (r12 ) α , β γ ,δ 1 E ≅ ∑ ∑ ∫∫ dr1dr2 θαβ (r1 ) θ γδ (r2 ) Fαβγδ (r12 ) 2 α ,β γ ,δ nl c θαβ (r) ≡ pα ( k F (r)) pβ ( kG (r)) Alternative implementation (Sabatini & de Gironcoli): € ΦVV (n1,∇n1,n 2 ,∇n 2 ,r12 ) ≈ Φapprox (q1,q2 ,r12 ) O( N log(N) ) algorithm do, for each grid point i find ni and ∇ni Input: ni on a regular grid find qi=q(ni ,∇ni ) find θαi = ni pα(qi ) Output: Exc , vixc on the grid ∀α No need of supercells in solids end do Fourier-transform θαi → θαk No cutoff radius of interaction ∀α do, for each reciprocal vector k find uαk = ∑β Φαβ(k) θβk ∀α end do Inverse-Fourier-transform uαk → uαi ∀α do, for each grid point i find ni , ∇ni , and qi find θαi , ∂θαi /∂ni , and ∂θαi /∂ ∇ni find vi end do ∀α vdW effects in water J.Wang et al, JCP 134, 024516 (2011) Known problems: • GGA water is too structured and rigid • Equilibrium density is too low • Diffusion coefficient is too low => Simulations must be performed at too high pressures and temperatures, to reproduce experiments Pressure-density curves Why vdW interactions increase density? • Shorter bond lenghts? • Larger average coordinations? • Other? Dimer interaction energies H bonded vdW bonded vdW-DF RDF Pair distribution functions GGA vdW-DF H-bond network GGA vdW-DF 3.42 H-bonds/molecule 3.15 H-bonds/molecule Angular distribution function First shell r = 2.8 Ang ‘Interstitial shell’ r = 3.5 Ang Interstitial sites Interstitial sites 2.9 Å Diffusivities Liquid water. Conclusions • The density and diffusivity of water greatly improve with vdW-DF • vdW interactions increase the density by populating ‘interstitial sites’ • This weakens the H-bond network and increases the diffusivity Liquid water. Still unsatisfactory. • Defficiencies: • Density too large • Bulk modulus too large • g(r) not yet quite satisfactory • Missing effects: • Better functional? • Nuclear quantum effects Vydrov-VanVoorhis functional GGAs vdW-VV vdW-PBE Vydrov-VanVoorhis functional Quantum nuclei: Inverse isotopic effect B. Pamuk et al, PRL 108, 193003 (2012) K.Röttger et al, Acta Cryst. B50, 644 (1994) D2 O H2O Also present in liquid water! Normal isotopic effect U Heavier Lighter r Inverse isotopic effect O H O Quasi-harmonic approximation V ∂ (ω i /2) 1 ω i δV = ∑ = ∑ γi B0 i ∂V B0 i 2 € ∂ ln ω i γi = − ∂ lnV Path integral simulations J. M. McMahon, M. A. Morales, and D. M. Ceperley, APS 2012 QHA IN THE LIQUID LOCAL MINIMA QHA in quenched snapshots Classical limit overestimates the volume Heavy water (at 290K) has 0.2% more volume per molecule than light water. Quantum effects. Conclusions • Inverse isotopic effect in solid and liquid water • Unlike TIP4P/F, DFT reproduces it in ice • Caused by stretching modes • Depends on very subtle competition between O-H stretching and O-O librations • Indications that DFT reproduces it in the liquid • Indications of that quantum effects strengthen the hydrogen-bond network in the liquid