Alabaster Tutorial Co-Op Course Descriptions for 2014 – 2015 Last Update: Friday, August 29, 2014 General: The following is a brief description of courses that will be offered this school year. Most are self-explanatory by title. All high-school level classes meet requirements to earn credit towards graduation. Students are expected to attend class and do the required work without excuse. Teacher credentials can be provided upon request. Although not a requirement, most of our teachers either have a degree in the course being taught or pertinent life experience with the material. Credit values are only listed for courses earning high-school credit. Science Courses: General Science Instructor Cindy Gilbert Grade Level: 6th – 8th grades Credit Value: N/A Course Objective: This will be a general science course geared for students in the 6th- 8th grade range. Topics will vary and cover a cross-section of science disciplines. Base Text: Observing God’s World, A Beka Book 3rd Edition Physical Science Instructor: Joy Boyd Grade Level: 9th – 12th grades Credit Value: 1.0 credit Course Objective: This class will build an understanding of concepts for physical sciences such as chemistry, geology, astronomy, and physics Text: Exploring Creation with Physical Science, Apologia Publishers, 2nd edition Biology Instructor Cindy Gilbert Grade Level: 9th - 12th grades Credit Value: 1.0 credit Course Objective: This course will cover material found in high school biology and includes cell types, structures, and functions and necessary precursors for anatomy and physiology. Text: Biology,God’s Living Creation A Beka Book Publishers, 3rd Edition Chemistry Instructor Steve Howe Grade Level: 10th - 12th grades Credit Value: 1.0 credit Course Objective: High school chemistry…..foundations of chemistry including atoms, molecules, naming compounds, balancing equations, reactions, electron configurations, the periodic table, etc. Required Text: Exploring Creation with Chemistry, Apologia Publishers, 2nd Edition Anatomy & Physiology Instructor Cindy Gilbert Grade Level: 10th - 12th grades Credit Value: 1.0 credit Course Objective: High school anatomy & physiology…..the marvelous, wonderfully crafted and created mechanics and systems of the human body from a Christian perspective Required Text: The Human Body Fearfully and Wonderfully Made, Apologia Publishers Page 1 of 5 Alabaster Tutorial Co-Op Course Descriptions for 2014 – 2015 Last Update: Friday, August 29, 2014 Marine Biology Instructor Cindy Gilbert Grade Level: 9th - 12th grades Credit Value: 1.0 credit Course Objective: This course introduces concepts of marine biology including marine animals, ocean layers, ecosystems, etc. Text: Exploring Creation with Marine Biology, Apologia Publishers English/Literature /Foreign Language Courses: 6th/8th Language Arts Instructor Dana Nafe Grade Level: 6 – 8th grades Credit Value: NA Course Objective: This is a general language arts class covering grammar/mechanics, spelling, vocabulary and reading. Assignments will be student grade-level appropriate. Required Text: To be determined th 9th/10th Language Arts Instructor Joy Boyd Grade Level: 9 – 10th grades Credit Value: 1.0 Course Objective: This is a general language arts class covering grammar/mechanics, spelling, vocabulary and reading with emphasis on good sentence and paragraph structures in preparation for essay writing in higher grades. Assignments will be student grade-level appropriate. Text: Materials to be provided by instructor. th British Literature Instructor Lydia Howe Grade Level: high school Credit Value: 1.0 credit Course Objective: The Gold Book series is designed to encourage the high school student's ability to read and understand literature, develop the ability for verbal and written expression, enable him to interpret and access literary meaning in terms of content and philosophy and clearly state a position in response. Students will read assigned novels and poetry from classic British authors. Text: Learning Language Arts Through Literature (the Gold Book), Common Sense Press 11th/12th Writing and ACT Prep Instructor Abbie Patton Grade Level: 11th – 12th grades Credit Value: 1.0 credit Course Objective: This will be a college English prep course. Students will learn techniques in writing the 5-paragraph essay required for college papers. There will be elements of literary analysis and ACT prep. Required Text: Perspectives on Contemporay Issues, Catherine Ackley 6th edition (check for low price book) Journalism/”The Eagles Flyer” Grade Level: high school Instructor Lydia Howe Credit Value: 1.0 credit Page 2 of 5 Alabaster Tutorial Co-Op Course Descriptions for 2014 – 2015 Last Update: Friday, August 29, 2014 Course Objective:. Students will have hands-on experience in creating copy and photos, editing, layout design, and graphics production of a journalistic newsletter covering Hope Christian School events, clubs, sports, class projects, etc. Text: None Spanish I Instructor Angela Miller Grade Level: 9th - 12th grades Credit Value: 1.0 credit Course Objective: First or second year high school Spanish Required Text: Spanish I or Spanish II , BJU Press (Bob Jones) and activities manual History Courses: 6th/7th Alabama History Instructor Cindy Gilbert Grade Level: 6 – 7th grades Credit Value: N/A Course Objective: This is a general histories course covering Alabama history. Text: Material to be provided by instructor. Some field trips are possible as well as guest lecturers. th 8th US History Instructor Cindy Gilbert Grade Level: 8th grades Credit Value: N/A Course Objective: This is a general histories course covering Alabama history. Text: America: Land I Love, A Beka Book World History & Geography Instructor Dana Nafe Grade Level: high school (primarily 9th) Credit Value: 1.0 credit Course Objective: This is a general history course satisfying the high school requirement for World History. Text: to be determined US History Instructor Charity Miller/Gene Rowley Grade Level: 10 -12 Credit Value: 1.0 credit Course Objective: This course satisfies high-school US History I credit and covers pre-Colonial through Reconstruction. Text: Material provided by instructor. th th 20thCentury American Pop Culture Instructor Tony Nafe Grade Level: 10 -12 Credit Value: 1.0 credit (either History or language) Course Objective: This course satisfies high-school US History II credit. This course will explore the 20th century through the lens of American popular culture. Its influences on how we think, feel, vote and live our lives as well as its impact on legislation and judicial rulings. As such, students will be asked to consider the ways in th th Page 3 of 5 Alabaster Tutorial Co-Op Course Descriptions for 2014 – 2015 Last Update: Friday, August 29, 2014 which they are both a user of and used by popular culture. We will begin the year by defining popular culture and students will be asked to think about ways that popular culture shapes American life. Text: Material provided by instructor. Government and Economics Instructor Charity Miller/Joy Boyd Grade Level: 11th – 12th grades Fall: American Government Credit Value: 0.5 credit (Government) Spring: Economics Credit Value: 0.5 credit Economics) Fall: This class will explore American government structures, the U.S. Constitution and other founding documents, ideas on government from the Founding Fathers, modern government, discussion of current events and current government procedures and actions, etc. Spring: The course will move into the principles of economics and how they impact everyday life. Text: Exploring Government, Notgrass Company. Access to the internet is required for research assignments. Mathematics: 6th/7th Grade Instructor Teresa Tutor Grade Level: 6th – 8th grades Credit Value: N/A Course Objective: This course will build concepts needed for pre-Algebra and Algebra I. Material will cover work with fractions, decimals, per cents, beginning equations, word problems, etc. Text: Saxon 7/6 (3rd Edition) Pre-Algebra Instructor Teresa Tutor Grade Level: 7th – 9th grades Credit Value: N/A Course Objective: This course will build concepts needed for pre-Algebra and Algebra I. Material will cover work with fractions, decimals, per cents, beginning equations, word problems, etc. Required Text: Saxon Algebra 1/2 (3rd Edition preferred) Algebra I Algebra I, Saxon Publishers, 3rd edition preferred (no newer) Geometry Geometry, Saxon Publishers, 1st edition (2009 copyright date) Algebra II Algebra II, Saxon Publishers, 3rd edition preferred (no newer) Pre-Cal/Trig Advanced Mathematics Saxon Publishers, 2rd edition preferred Calculus Material to be provided by instructor. Instructor Terri Douglas Credit Value: 1.0 per course Page 4 of 5 Alabaster Tutorial Co-Op Course Descriptions for 2014 – 2015 Last Update: Friday, August 29, 2014 Course Objectives: Each course is high-school level work and covers required and recommended topics. Homework is required. Each course uses a Saxon student text as basis but additional work is incorporated into the course. Grade levels are not specific but some courses are required to be taken in a specified order. Electives: Photography Instructor Kimberly Greenlaw Grade Level: 9 – 12th grades Credit Value: 1.0 credit Course Objectives: This class explores elements of photography such as camera usage, photography types, techniques, photography as art, etc. A digital camera is required (decent but not fancy.) Text: None th Basic Cosmetology Instructor Somer Howe Grade Level: 9th – 12th grades Credit Value: 1.0 credit Course Objectives: An introduction to basic cosmetology Text: None Biblical Life Skills Instructor Joy Boyd Grade Level: 9th – 12th grades Credit Value: 1.0 credit Course Objectives: This course will address more than just basic stewardship issues. From a Biblical perspective students will encounter topics/ideas/guest lecturers that cover everything from finances, banking, and insurance to dressing-for-success, consignment shopping, everyday car mechanics and social skills. Required Text: None Health Instructor Dana Nafe Grade Level: 9th – 12th grades Credit Value: 0.5 credit Course Objectives: This course satisfies the required high-school credit for health Text: Material provided by instructor. Page 5 of 5