Discussion Questions Games & Exercises

Discussion Questions
Games & Exercises
Book Club Overview
Overall Book Discussion Questions
These are comprehensive questions pertaining to WillPower Now.
Great for jump starting a book club discussion.
General Discussion Questions
These questions are applicable to all sections and chapters.
It is suggested that these questions are used when you want a
consistent way of reviewing the book.
Chapter Specific Questions
Each discussion question is specific to a chapter.
This is ideal when a group prefers to drill down with a deeper
discussion around a particular chapter.
Book Club Icebreakers & Closers
Here are fun games and exercises for your book club.
They are great for icebreakers or as a way to kickoff or end a
Implementing WillPower Now
Inspired by WillPower Now? Here are suggestions for how you can
implement WillPower Now & inspire others too.
Ask Yourself
• Who would be able to solve your most
stubborn life challenge?
– a psychologist,
– a job recruiter,
– a boxing coach,
– or You?
These are comprehensive questions pertaining to WillPower Now.
Great for jump starting a book club discussion.
Book Club Overview
Suggested Discussion Formats
• Take turns going around the room,
allowing each member to talk
about his or her experience reading
WillPower Now.
• Hand out index cards. Ask
everyone to write a question or
self - observation; then select one
or more to discuss.
Book Club Overview
Popular Book Club Questions for WillPower Now
• What is the central idea discussed in WillPower
• What issues or ideas does Will Harris explore? Are
they personal, sociological, global, political,
economic, spiritual, medical, or scientific? Can you
identify a portion of the book that addresses each
of these?
• What have you learned after reading this book?
• Has WillPower Now broadened your perspective
about a difficult issue—personal or professional?
• Has it introduced you to techniques outside of your
comfort zone...or reminded you of something you
have heard before but yet to implement?
These questions are applicable to all sections and chapters.
This is helpful when you want a consistent way of reviewing WillPower Now.
General Discussion
General questions for each chapter in WillPower Now
Do the issues in this chapter affect your life? How so—directly, on a
daily basis, or more generally? Now or sometime in the future?
What evidence does Will Harris use to support the ideas in this
chapter? Is the evidence convincing...definitive or...speculative?
Does Will Harris depend on personal opinion, observation, and
assessment? Or is the evidence factual—based on science, statistics,
historical documents, or quotations from (credible) experts?
What are the implications for your future? Are there long- or shortterm consequences to the issues raised in this chapter for you? Are
they positive or negative...affirming or frightening?
What solutions does Will Harris propose? Who would implement
those solutions? How probable is success?
Talk about specific passages that struck you as significant—or
interesting, profound, amusing, illuminating, disturbing, sad...? What was
Each discussion question is specific to a chapter.
This is ideal for deeper discussion around a particular chapter.
Book Club Overview
Chapter 1
• Which revolution concerns you the most at home, at work or at the bank?
Chapter 2
• How do you define willpower? Do you agree with Will Harris’ description of
• How does your definition differ, if at all?
• Are you a 10% or a 90% (home, work, bank)?
• Describe your vision (home, work, bank)?
• Which vision are you most hopeful & why? Least hopeful?
• What is your motivation or drive to achieve your vision (home, work, bank)
Chapter 3
• Share your life purpose with the group.
• What is your love/hate pairing?
• Which of the 7 problems disturbs you the most (home, work, bank)?
Book Club Overview
Chapter 4
• Are you focused on creating or breaking habits (home, work, bank)?
Chapter 5
• Describe one of your past storms at (home, work, bank)?
• Which period in the cycle are you in your life at (home, work, bank); Pre-storm,
Storm, Post Storm?
• Who are some famous Rainmakers? Storm Chasers?
Chapter 6
• What is your loving style?
• What was the loving style of your ex?
• What is the loving style of anyone in your life now?
• What is the loving style of someone who you do not get along?
• Which loving style was promoted in your childhood home?
• Name ways of showing each loving style (not mentioned in the book).
Book Club Overview
Chapter 7
• What acts of kindness could you set out to do on purpose (not mentioned
in the book)?
• When is the best time to suppress, express, relax your anger?
• Name a time in your life that was the ideal time for suppressing, expressing,
and relaxing your anger?
Chapter 8
• Describe who you are to the group; without using the demographics listed
in the chapter.
• Who have other people tried to make you out to be?
• Who are you meant to be? What’s stopping you from being that person
now? Or, what helped you become that person?
• What do you stand for?
• Pick one thing you stand for and get the group to supply you with ideas on
how to stand up for each stance.
Chapter 9
• How can you manage up at work?
• Describe a political situation at work? What are the different ways to
categorize your options for each? (company, superior, you)
• Which of the three options do you normally choose?
Book Club Overview
Chapter 10
• Do you agree with Will Harris’ premise that success can equal getting to “average”
performance quicker than others?
• What area of your job should you strive to get to “average performance” quicker?
• Describe a work accomplishment (project/task) and identify one thing that is “the right
thing to do” and one area that would fall under just “doing things right”.
• Name an area where you procrastinate & identify the reason(s) for your
procrastination. Have the group tell you how you can end your procrastination.
• Name someone from each motivational style from your current job or past. What was
your clue to identifying their motivational style?
Chapter 11
• What skills do you need to practice?
• What are examples of practicing that skill? Have your group offer other ideas for
practicing that skill.
• Think of as situation where you need to get some one or group of people to agree on a
matter. Plug in the Object, Verb, Subject format of conflict resolution in order to
clearly map out what you want them to agree. Role-play or talk through a process of
gaining their agreement.
• Identify where the breakdown (disagreement) occurred in a past conflict situation at
work? Was it over the object, the verb or the subject?
Book Club Overview
Chapter 12
• What other jobs/business could you have in conjunction with your current
• What are your biggest obstacles to having an additional income stream?
• Map out your business by talking through the four steps to accumulating
wealth? How far can you go in the process now?
• Tell a business idea you had that you later discovered someone else had
started or implemented. What do you feel was the difference between
them and you?
Chapter 13
• Name one friend with benefits….a person you can support their business
with the intension of making a profit.
• Pick a scenario (you or another person)where friends came together for
business & it didn’t work out. Look at the 4 tips around mixing business
with friendships & identify where the failure originated.
Book Club Overview
Chapter 14
• Describe your Revolutionary Entrepreneur process as much as
• What is your Entrepreneur persona? Have the group tell you
how they perceive you using this to your advantage.
• What is your Entrepreneur talent? Have the group tell you
how they perceive you using this to your advantage.
• What have you moaned about but have done nothing about
(home, work, bank)?
• Which seminar would you benefit the most in attending
(Expand Your WillPower at Home, Expand Your WillPower at
Work, or Expand Your WillPower at the Bank)
Here are fun games and exercises for your book club.
They are great for icebreakers or as a way to kickoff or end a meeting.
Fun & Games
• Who’s the quickest?
– Write the page number down for a page in WillPower Now that
discusses a topic that is personal, sociological, global, political,
economic, spiritual, medical, or scientific in scope.
– First person to have a page number for all eight areas wins!
• Or make it timed…the most pages in 3 minutes wins!
• Pictionary
– Split into teams. Each team takes turns drawing a picture to
describe one of the nine tactics from at home, at work and at
the bank.
– Entire book club is able to guess the tactic/chapter title: Loving
Style, The Angry Revolution, Revolutionary Work, Practice
Business, Revolutionary Income, Time Control, etc.
• Life Imitating Art
– Pick any story from WillPower Now and take turns having
someone from the group tell a story from their life (or one
they heard) that could take the place of the story used in
WillPower Now.
– The group votes on the best substitute story.
Inspired by WillPower Now?
Here are suggestions to help you implement WillPower Now & inspire others too.
Top 10 WillPower Now Tactics
Top ways for you to implement WillPower Now…
Attend one of three seminars: Expand Your Willpower …at Home, at Work,
at the Bank. Go to ExpandYourWillPower.com for seminar information.
Write four ideas for the Loving Style of the one you love on four different pieces
of paper. Let them randomly pick, each week for one month, a way for you to
show them you love them based on their Loving Style.
Pick one day each month where you will go out in that day seeking someone to
be kind to on purpose. See if other areas of your life improve as a result.
Consider an area where you are in need of kindness.
Unpack your Adjectives! Pick one of the things you stand and do
something to support that stance; i.e. you stand for non-violence…do
something in support of non-violence (join a group, upload a link to
Facebook, etc…
Select 1 of 3ways of managing your Boss interaction to implement.
To help prioritize doing the right things and not just doing things right,
make a “Not to Do List” today instead of a “To Do List”.
Pick a business skill today to “practice”; like conflict resolution or
conducting a meeting. Focus on one area as you execute.
Begin research on your “next job” (another income source) that is small
enough to get started in conjunction with your “regular job”.
Make your business personal by investing a small amount of money to
back a friend’s business idea. Start an investment club focused on backing
a friend’s business idea. (i.e. – invest in an ad for their business w/30% of
revenue generated from that ad going back to you.)
Pick 1 of 7 Revolutionary Entrepreneurship tactics to work on this month
that will bring you closer to your dream.
Top 10 Ways 2 Inspire & Drive
Top Ten Ways to Inspire & Drive WillPower Now….
Buy the book for yourself at Amazon.com.
Rave about the book at Amazon.com (Click Like, Write Review, 5 Star Rating)
Sign up for the FREE Weekly Dose of Willpower.
Invite Will to speak at a group event or meeting. This can be at your work, a
networking event, a church event, or even your community organization!
5. LIKE WillPowerNow on Facebook.
6. Host a Book Club event to discuss WillPower Now (click to download a list of
discussion topics and questions).
7. Email the book flyer to your friends and neighbors (click to download the PDF flyer).
8. Distribute the book marketing cards around town at your favorite hang-outs such as
the beauty shop, barber shop or other local businesses (click to download the PDF
9. Tack the book marketing cards to community boards around your neighborhood,
such as at your local grocer, post office or gym.
10. Share the book with your friends and followers by clicking the icons on the site.
Thank you for your support and I
applaud you for introducing
WillPower Now into your Book
We are not perfect, but we have a
chance to be perfect together. You
are your best hope for a better world.
Please contact me if I can be of
assistance in helping you in any way.