Social Studies Cumulative Review Our country has lasting effects we still see today from other cultures. Below are some examples of these lasting effects. Nation or Cultural Group Native Americans Spain/Spanish Fra nce/French Engla nd/English Language ke Erie Ohio Mississippi Spa nish Language is spoken in many areas of Religion Architecture mounds La Brought Catholic Religion Archways red tile roofs stucco walls our country Detroit Wrought iron Lou is ia na ba lcon ies New Orleans The main language in our country Brought P rotesta nt Religion Georgian and Tudor style homes There are a number of ways in which American citizens participate in civic life to promote the common good. Form of Participation Voting in Elections Communicating with officials Participating in Civic and Service Organizations Perform Volunteer work Example of this Method Each citizen can cast one vote in our country if they are registered to vote. lf you don't like something, you can write a letter to a government official and point out the problem and ask them to do something to help solve the problem. Join a community group like PTO Volunteer to coach a sports team Volunteer fire fighter Think about the research report you did at the beginning of the year. You will need to name ONE Early American Civilization. (Maya, lnca, Aztec or Mississippian) and be able to fill out the chart below. Describe the government of th is gro u p. Describe the religion of this group. Describe the technology of this gro u p. Describe the agricultural practices of this group. Vocabulary to know Landform- the shape of form of physical features of the Earth's surface such as mountains, volcanoes, hills, plains, plateaus Population- the number of people who live in an area Democracv- a country with a government that has been elected freely and equally by all its citizens Economics- how a society decides and organizes how money is made and spent Relative Iocation- the position of one place compared to other places for example, Ohio is North of Kentucky and South of Michigan. Climate- the kind of weather a place has over a long period of time Region- an area where many features are similar Absolute location- the exact location of a place using latitude and longitude Dictatorship- a government ruled by one person usually by force Culture- the learned behavior of people including beliefs and Ianguages Monarchv-a political system in which a place is ruled bya royalfamily lnterdependence and Specialization-When regions of the world are economically interdependent they depend on one another for goods and services. For example the Midwest region of the United Stated has a lot of coal and iron ore resources. Because of these resources, Ohio specializes in manufacturing. The Midwest specializes in making cars. Columbia does not have coal and iron ore, but their specialization is growing coffee. The climate in the Midwest is not good for growing coffee so we depend on Columbia to provide us with coffee and Columbia depends on us to provide them with cars. Opportunitv Cost- The next best choice you give up when you make a decision to use your resources for something. Example:You have ten dollars and you buy a CD with your money so you can't buy the new shirt. Your opportunity cost is the shirt, Entrepreneur- Someone who takes a risk to own their own business Capital Goods- goods used to make other goods. Example: Machines, tools, trucks Natural Resources-Things found in nature and used in production. Examples: wood, iron ore, coal fruits and vegetables Human Resources- people who do work. Example: Doctor, plumber, electrician, hair stylist, teacher, farmer, truck driver Different factors affect our lives every day. Below are some examples of this statement. How Climate affects our lives How landforms affect our lives How population affects our lives How economics affects our lives Climate affects what we wear Climate affects what activities we do outside Climate affects our gardening Climate affects all plants Landforms can affect the weather in an area. Landforms can also affect what kind of activities a person does like rock climbing, hiking in the hills or forest and snow skiing Population or the number of people greatly affects our lives. lf you live in a densely or highly populated area, you will have a lot of traffic and a lot of stores and restaurants. There are probably a lot of things to do like movies, concerts, ballet and much more. There is most likely more crime and pollution too. lf you live in a sparsely or low populated area, you probably live in the country or rural area without much traffic and noise or pollution. The way we make and spend our money is economics. Where we live can determine what kind of jobs we have. Our lives are affected by economics every day by our jobs and what we can afford to buy with our money or spend our money, People have changed the geography of North America in many ways. These changes have caused many positive (good) effects, and some negative (bad) effects. Study the chart below and be ableto describe some of the changes and the positive and negative effects. Change to the Geography lmproved Navigation in the Great Lakes Building Highways lrrigating Farmland Conducting Mining lntroducing New Species Description of Change Positive Consequence Negative Conseq Removed sediment created deeper navisation channels. Built interstate highways connecting the country. People use irrigation to turn dry areas into farmland. Stop mining and undergo mining. New species of plants and animals are introduced to areas. lncreased shipping, lncrease mobility, trucks can deliver food and soods. Dry region turned to rich farmlands. Obtain valuable minerals such as coal, copper, and iron. Plants and animals may be suited to a rea. -Know how to locate a place using.latitude and longitude - Be able to label the following on a world map Latitude lines longitude Iines equator prime meridian Northern Hemisphere Southern Hemisphere Eastern Hemisphere Western Hemisphere nce over crowding -Know how get information from a multi-tier timeline - Be able to Iabel a compass rose ue Pollution and lncreased air pollution. Harms wildlife by taking away water from lakes and rivers. Soil erosion destroys landscape New species leads to decline of native plants and animals. Name: Directions: Label the hemispheres and label the compass rose. Label this line: ru ru 0 degrees Label this line: Readin Use the Narne: a Gra graph to solve. An sw ers Class Election Results 1) Who won the election? 2) Who got the least number of votes'/ 3) What percent of people voted tbr Oliver'? 4) Wliat percent of people voted for either Luke or Oliver/ s) Which two candidates had about half the votes? 6) Favorite Disney Movie Which movie was the most popr"rlar? 7) Which movie was the least popular? 8) What percent of people said Pinocchio was their favorite? e) What percent of people said either Pinocchio or Cars was their favorite? l0) Which two nlovies did about half the people say was their favorite? Math wrvw. Co r-nn-ronCore S lieets conr " Nome: Lotitude qnd Longitude a I ll0'w 20'W I 00"w 900w Write the nome of the ciiy oncl stote found of the given lotitude ond longitude coordinotes. 1. 33'N lotitude, I l2'W longitude 35'N loiitude, 78oW longitude 3. 46'N lotitude,96oW longitude 4. 45"N lotitu de, 5. 29"N loiitude, 95"W longiiude 6. 43'N lotitude, ZgoW longitude 7. 25'N lotitude, BO'W longitude Su l22W longitude per Teocher Worksheets - www.s u p erl e a cherworkshee is. com