Unit VI Study Guide Nationalism and Mass Society

Unit VI Study Guide
Nationalism and Mass Society
Chapter 22 - An Age of Nationalism and Realism
Napoleon III
Baron Haussmann and Paris
Mexico and Emperor Maximilian
Florence Nightingale
Piedmont and the House of Savoy
Count Camillo di Cavour
Giuseppe Garibaldi & the Red Shirts
Count Otto von Bismarck
North German Confederation
Dual Monarchy
Alexander II and the serfs
Queen Victoria
Benjamin Disraeli/William Gladstone
International Working Men’s Assoc.
Louis Pasteur
Dmitri Mendeleyev
Michael Faraday
Joseph Lister
Charles Dickens
Gustave Courbet (The Stonebreakers)
Franz Liszt
Richard Wagner (Gesamtkunstwerk)
Crimean War
Ottoman Empire
Dardanelles and Sevastopol
Austro-Prussian War
Franco-Prussian War
Ausgleich (1867)
Reform Act of 1867 (UK)
Marx’s The Communist Manifesto
Hegel's dialectic
bourgeoisie v. prolétariat
Marx's Das Kapital
Charles Darwin On the Origin of Species
“natural selection”
Focus Questions
-What were the characteristics of Napoleon III’s government, and how did his foreign policy contribute
to the unification of Italy and Germany?
-What actions did Cavour and Bismarck take to bring about unification in Italy and Germany,
respectively, and what role did war play in their efforts?
-What efforts for reform occurred in the Austrian Empire, Russia, and Great Britain between 1850 and
1870, and how successful were they in alleviating each nation’s problems?
-What were the main ideas of Karl Marx?
-How did the belief that the world should be viewed realistically manifest itself in science, art, and
literature in the second half of the 19th century?
-What was the relationship between nationalism and reform between 1850 and 1871?
Ch. 23 – Mass Society in an “Age of Progress”
Thomas Edison/Joseph Swan
Graham Bell
Guglielmo Marconi
Gottlieb Daimler/Henry Ford
Wilbur and Orville Wright
Wilhelm Liebknecht/August Bebel
Social Democratic Party
Aletta Jacob and "family planning"
Boy Scouts
the Football Association
the Commune in Paris
the Reichstag
William II (Prussia)
Alexander III/Nicholas II
Public Health Act of 1875
Reform Act of 1884
France's Third Republic
internal combustion engine
the assembly line
economic depression
white-collar jobs
evolutionary socialism
mass society
Lord Tennyson's The Princess
"yellow press"
mass education
mass leisure
mass politics
Irish Home Rule
Bismarck's welfare legislation
Focus Questions
-What was the Second Industrial Revolution, and what effect did it have on European economic and
social life?
-What roles did socialist parties and trade unions play in improving conditions for the working
-What is a mass society, and what were its main characteristics?
-What role were women expected to play in society and family life in the latter half of the 19th century,
and how closely did patterns of family life correspond to this ideal?
-What general political trends were evident in the nations of western Europe in the last decades of the
19th century, and how did these trends differ from the policies pursued in Germany, Austria-Hungary,
and Russia?
-What was the relationship among economic, social, and political development between 1871 and