AP BIOLOGY DIVERSITY OF LIFE ACTIVITY #1 NAME_____________________ DATE____________HOUR____ ORIGIN OF L IFE HISTORY OF L IFE ONE HYPOTHESIS CONDITIONS ON EARTH Diversity of Life Activity #1 page 1 SCENARIO ABIOTIC S YNTHESIS OF O RGANIC MONOMERS OPARIN & H ALDANE ABIOTIC S YNTHESIS OF POLYMERS Diversity of Life Activity #1 page 2 M ILLER & UREY FORMATION OF P ROTOBIONTS ORIGIN OF HEREDITY MAJOR L INEAGES OF LIFE OLD Diversity of Life Activity #1 page 3 NEW QUESTIONS: 1. How old is the Earth? ___________________________________________ How old are the oldest fossils? _____________________________________ Why are these fossils NOT considered to represent the first life forms on Earth? ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 2. Describe the conditions of Earth at the time life began. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 3. Listed below are descriptions or supporting evidence of the four proposed steps in the chemical evolution that lead to the first cells. Identify each of the following as true of steps 1, 2, 3, or 4. ______ Abiotic production of the 20 amino acids, sugars, lipids, p urine and pyrimidine bases under controlled laboratory conditions ______ Abiotic synthesis of organic molecules ______ Abiotic synthesis of polymers ______ Aggregates of abiotically produced molecules that are able to maintain an internal environment different from the external ______ Charged sites on clay and or iron pyrite held monomers together long enough for a bond to form between the monomers ______ Energy from UV radiation, lightning, and heat catalyzed the formation of organic monomers from inorganic compounds ______ Formation of protobionts ______ Miller & Urey experiment ______ Origin of genetic material ______ Polymers synthesized by dehydration synthesis ______ Produce polymers by dripping a solution with monomers on hot clay or sand Diversity of Life Activity #1 page 4 ______ Production of coacervates, microspheres, and liposomes ______ Protenoid synthesis ______ Ribozymes ______ RNA abiotically synthesized ______ RNA formed first then DNA 4. Why was the origin of genetic material important to the origin of life on Earth? ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 5. How can an RNA molecule have both a genotype and a phe notype? ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 6. How did the structure of RNA provide a mechanism for natural selection? ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 7. Match the term with the correct description or definition. ______ Before life A. Abiotic ______ Without life; inorganic B. Prebiotic ______ Abiotically synthesized proteins C. Protenoids ______ Aggregates of abiotically produced molecules that maintain an internal environment different from the external D. Protobionts Diversity of Life Activity #1 page 5 8. Define Panspermia. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ What evidence, if any, supports Panspermia? ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 9. RNA may not have been the first hereditary system to develop. Explain. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 10. Where, according to the current hypothesis, did life begin on Earth? ________________________________________________________________ Why is this hypothesis being challenged? ________________________________________________________________ What alternative is being proposed as to where life began on Earth? ________________________________________________________________ Diversity of Life Activity #1 page 6