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EDUCATORS Flexible and Convenient From UND and Five Educational Partners Inquiry Based Learning Courses taught by Bonnie Gourneau, UND faculty ............................................................... 1 credit each New Online Courses for Educators A to Z Grant Writing ................................................................................................ 1 credit panish in the Classroom .......................................................................................... 1 credit Address Service Requested TEACHER INQUIRY AND CAPACITY BUILDING Assessment, Data, and Accountability, Inquiry Based Learning Bullying, Inquiry Based Learning Classroom Management, Inquiry Based Learning Common Core Standards, Inquiry Based Learning Differentiation, Inquiry Based Learning English Language Learners, Inquiry Based Learning Instructional Strategies, Inquiry Based Learning Intervention and RTI, Inquiry Based Learning Professional Learning Communities, Inquiry Based Learning Reading and Literacy, Inquiry Based Learning Student Engagement, Inquiry Based Learning Online Courses for 30291 2085 Professional Development for Educators Gustafson Hall - Room 103 3264 Campus Road Stop 9021 Grand Forks ND 58202-9021 1.800.CALL.UND 21st Century Tools for Teachers ............................................................................. 1 credit Authentic Innovation in the 21st Century Classroom ......................................... 1 credit Blogging and Podcasting for Beginners ................................................................ 1 credit Integrating Technology in the Classroom ............................................................. 1 credit Interactive Whiteboards, iPads and Web 2.0 Tools, Paula Rogers, UND faculty .............................................................................. 1 credit iPads in Education ................................................................................................... 3 credits Social Networking and Digital Literacy in the Classroom, Paula Rogers, UND faculty .............................................................................. 1 credit Teaching Smarter with SMART Boards ................................................................ 1 credit Technology Applications for Teaching and Supporting the Struggling Reader ................................................................. 1 credit Understanding the Digital Generation: Teaching and Learning in the New Digital Landscape ............................... 1 credit NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID GRAND FORKS, ND 58201 PERMIT #10 TECHNOLOGY AND 21ST CENTURY SKILLS 1.800.CALL.UND ONLINE COURSES by TOPIC AREAS Choose from this wide variety of online courses to: • • • • obtain graduate professional development credit. stay current in your field. satisfy certification renewal requirements to advance your salary. earn 1-3 credits (fees listed on website). ADMINISTRATION AND LEADERSHIP Coaching: What Every Educator Needs to Know ............................................... 1 credit Creative Intelligence and Culture, Karen Devers, UND faculty ......................... 1 credit Data, Data Everywhere ........................................................................................... 1 credit Improving Instruction through Strategic Conversations with Teachers .......... 1 credit Supervision of Student Teachers, Linda Holdman, UND faculty ...................... 1 credit Teaching, Learning, and Leading in the Digital Age .......................................... 1 credit ARTS AND THEATRE Visual Literacy: Art in the General Classroom ................................................... 1 credit CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT Character Education, Part 1: Community and Cultural Change ....................... 3 credits Character Education, Part 2: Positive Role Models and Proactive Educators ..... 3 credits Effective Classroom Discipline: Anger Management, Part 1 ............................. 3 credits Effective Classroom Discipline: Anger Management, Part 2 ............................. 3 credits PBIS (Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports): Introduction and Implementation ................................................................ 3 credits Solving Classroom Discipline Problems I ............................................................. 1 credit Solving Classroom Discipline Problems II ........................................................... 1 credit INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES AND ASSESSMENTS Adolescent Development Focusing on Middle School Education, Diane Stoley, UND faculty .............................................................................. 2 credits Assessment and the Common Core State Standards .......................................... 3 credits Charlotte Danielson’s A Framework for Teaching ............................................... 1 credit Creating the Inclusive Classroom: Strategies for Success ................................... 1 credit Critical Thinking in the Classroom, Karen Devers, UND faculty ...................... 2 credits Data-Driven Decision Making: Implementing Strategies for Student Achievement .................................................................................................... 3 credits Differentiated Instruction and Assessment for Middle School ........................ 3 credits Flipped Teaching ...................................................................................................... 3 credits Formative Assessment and Standards-Based Grading ........................................ 3 credits Middle School Philosophy and Curriculum, Diane Stoley, UND faculty ......... 3 credits Middle School Strategies, Naomi McGaughey, UND faculty .............................. 3 credits Motivating and Engaging Students ........................................................................ 3 credits Motivating Underachievers Using Response to Intervention and Differentiated Instruction .............................................................................. 3 credits New Teacher Help .................................................................................................... 3 credits PD for Working Teachers ....................................................................................... 1 credit Professional Learning Communities (PLC): Introduction and Implementation ................................................................ 3 credits Pyramid Response to Intervention: How to Respond When Kids Don’t Learn ................................................... 3 credits Response to Intervention: Changing How We Do Business ................................................................... 3 credits Survival Kit for New Teachers ............................................................................... 1 credit The Creative Classroom .......................................................................................... 1 credit Understanding Common Core State Standards: An Overview and Look Forward .................................................................. 3 credits INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES: SHIFTS TO MEET COMMON CORE STANDARDS ALL NEW! Common Core Standards for English Language Arts, K-5 ................................ 1 credit Common Core State Standards (CCSS) Introduction to the English/Language Arts (ELA) Standards Grades K-2 ................................................................ 3 credits Common Core State Standards (CCSS) Introduction to the English/Language Arts (ELA) Standards Grades 3-5.................................................................. 3 credits Common Core State Standards (CCSS) Introduction to the English/Language Arts (ELA) Standards Grades 6-8 ................................................................. 3 credits Common Core State Standards (CCSS) Introduction to the English/Language Arts (ELA) Standards Grades 9-12................................................................ 3 credits Common Core in Math: Instructional Shifts for Effective Implementation, Grades 6-8.........................................................................................................3 credits Common Core in Math: Instructional Shifts for Effective Implementation, Grades 9-12 ......................................................................................................3 credits 1.800.CALL.UND LANGUAGE ARTS An Introduction to Teaching ESL/EFL ................................................................. 1 credit Elementary Reading Intervention Strategies ....................................................... 3 credits Guided Reading and Writing: Strategies for Maximum Student Achievement .......................................... 1 credit Guided Reading: Strategies for the Differentiated Classroom ........................... 1 credit Improving Reading Comprehension Skills in Content Area Classes, Naomi McGaughey, UND faculty ................................................................... 2 credits Response to Intervention: Reading Strategies that Work ................................... 1 credit Teaching ESL/EFL Reading .................................................................................... 1 credit Teaching Writing: Grades K-3 ................................................................................ 1 credit Teaching Writing: Grades 4-6 ................................................................................ 1 credit MATHEMATICS AND SCIENCE Discovery Based Mathematics, Part 1: Real, Whole, and Negative Numbers ........................................................... 3 credits Discovery Based Mathematics, Part 2: Multiplication, Division, Fractions, and Decimals .................................... 3 credits Singapore Math Strategies: Advanced Model Drawing for Grades 6-9 ............ 1 credit Singapore Math Strategies: Model Drawing for Grades 1-6 .............................. 1 credit Singapore Math Strategies: Number Sense and Computational Strategies ...... 1 credit Teaching Math: Grades 4-6 .................................................................................... 1 credit Teaching Science: Grades 4-6 ................................................................................ 1 credit SPECIAL STUDENT POPULATIONS Empowering Students With Disabilities ............................................................... 1 credit Teaching English Language Learners Across the Curriculum, Sheltered Instruction, ESL and Culturally Responsive Instruction, Part 1 .... 3 credits Teaching English Language Learners Across the Curriculum: Sheltered Instruction, ESL and Culturally Responsive Instruction, Part 2 .... 3 credits Teaching Students with ADHD ............................................................................. 1 credit Teaching Students with Autism: Strategies for Success ...................................... 1 credit The Schoolwide Gifted Cluster Grouping Model ................................................ 3 credits With online learning you can: • study when and where you want. • complete courses in 6 weeks to 4 months. 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