Tianjin Foreign Studies University

Tianjin Foreign Studies
Tianjin Foreign Studies University (TFSU) was
founded in 1964. As one of eight such universities
in China, it offers a number of language and
cultural programs to Chinese and overseas students
of various educational backgrounds. The main
campus and Binhai campus occupy an area of 1,500
mu with a floor space of nearly 200,000 square
meters. Most of its buildings are in the classical
and elegant Western European style. The clean
and quiet campus is an ideal place for the teaching
and study of foreign languages, of international
trade and economics, and for foreign studies and
academic research. The university offers more than
30 programs in 20 specialties, namely, English,
Japanese, Korean, German, French, Spanish,
Russian, Arabic, Portuguese, Italian, Swahili,
Chinese Language & Culture, Journalism, World
Economy and Trade, Law, Finance, Educational
Technology, and Information Management and
Information Systems. TFSU is authorized to confer
Master Degrees. The university is associated with
many international universities and benefits from
the interaction and exchange. We warmly welcome
international students from all over the world.
Bachelor Degrees: 4 years
1.English (Translation, English Culture;
International Business; Journalism and Mass
2.Japanese (Translation, International Business,
Japanese Culture)
3.French (French & English, International
Trade, Business Management)
4. Russian (Russian & English)
5. German (Translation, International Business)
6. Spanish (Spanish & English)
7. Italian ( Italian &English)
8. Portuguese (Portuguese & English)
9. Korean (Translation)
10. Arabic
11. Swahili (Swahili & English)
12. Educational Technology
13. Teaching Chinese as Foreign Language
14. World Economy and Trade
15. Finance (International Finance)
16.Information Management and Information
17.Economics (Economics, Economics for
International Business)
18. Human Resource Management
19. Marketing
20. Financial Management
21.Accounting (Accounting for International
22.L a w ( I n t e r n a t i o n a l E c o n o m i c L a w,
International Lawyer)
23. International Politics(International Affairs)
24. Administration
25. Journalism (International Journalism)
26. Chinese Language and Literature
27. Advertising (Exhibition Planning)
28. Translation
29. Communication
30. Tourism
31. Animation
Note: Applicants Qualification: High school
graduate with HSK 6 certificate. (One
year language training in School of
International Exchange of TFSU is
required without HSK certificate.)
Master Degrees: 2.5 years
1. English Language and Literature Majors:
a)Translation Theory and Application
b)English Literature Orientated
c) English Education Orientated
d)American Society & Culture Orientated
e) Linguistics Orientated
f) English Simultaneous Interpretation
g)International Business
h)Computer-Aided Language Learning
i) International Information
2. Japanese Language and Literature Majors
a)J a p a n e s e L i n g u i s t i c s T h e o r y a n d
Application Orientated
b)Japanese Literature
c) Japanese Education
d)Japanese Culture Orientated
e) Japanese Economics
f) Japanese Simultaneous Interpretation
3. French Language and Literature Majors
a)Translation Theory and Application
b)Studies of France Orientated
c) French Literature
4. Russian Language and Literature Majors
a) Russian Literature Orientated
b)Russian Language and Culture Orientated
5. Germen Language and Literature Majors
a) German Teaching Method
b)German Literature
6. Spanish Language and Literature Majors
a)S p a n i s h Tr a n s l a t i o n T h e o r y a n d
b)Spanish Literature and Culture
7. Korean Language and Literature Majors
a) Korean Applied Linguistics
b)Korean Literature
8. European Language and Literature
a) Italian Language and Literature
b)Portuguese Language and Literature
Arabic Language and Literature
a) Arabic Language and Culture
b)Arabic Literature
Foreign Linguistics and Applied Linguistics
a) Theoretical Linguistics
Comparative Literature and World Literature
a) Sino-US Comparative Literature
b)Comparative Study of Oriental Literature
Chinese Ancient Literature
a) Literature of Qin and Han Dynasty
b)Literature of Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasty
c) Literature of Tang and Song dynasty
Contemporary Chinese Literature
Chinese Philology
a) Syntax
Linguistics and Applied Linguistics
a) Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language
b)Comparative Linguistics
Foreign Philosophy
a)M o d e r n A m e r i c a n P h i l o s o p h y a n d
Translation of Literature
b)M o d e r n C a n a d a P h i l o s o p h y a n d
Translation of Literature
17. World Economics
a)R e s e a r c h o f I n t e r n a t i o n a l Ta x a n d
International Investment
b)R esearch of Financial Openness and
Reform of International Financial System
c) Research of International Logistics
d)Comparative Studies on Development of
Small and Middle-Size Industries
18. Western Economics
a)Industrial Organization Theory and Policy
Research at Home and Broad
b)Research Direction of Financial Innovation
and China Capital Market Development
19. Political Economics
a)R esearch of Enterprise Theory and
Enterprise System
b)R esearch Direction of Comparative
Economic System
20.Population, Resources and Environmental
a)S trategic Research on Resources and
Regional Development
b)F inancial Engineering and Corporation
21. Management Science and Engineering
a) Management Information System
b)Modern Management Theory
c) Method and Application
d)Organization and Operation Management
22. Master of Translating and Interpreting
a) English Translation
b)English Interpretation
c) Japanese Translation
d)Japanese Interpretation
e) Russian Translation
f) Russian Interpretation
g)French Translation
h)German Translation
i) German Interpretation
j) Korean Translation
k) Korean Interpretation
Note: 1 ) Students majoring in Translation
Theory and Application should be
holders of HSK 8-Certificate
2) All applicants demand proficiency of
relevant majors’ language
3) I nternational Business English is
taught by English only. The program
offers various courses as listed here:
International Logistics Management,
International Marketing,
Multinational Corporation
Management, Multinational
Human Resources Management,
International Business Theory,
International Business Practice,
Macro and Micro economics,
Advanced Business English Writing,
Theory and Practice of Business
English Translation, and CrossCultural Business Communication.
The program will admit 11-13
students in 2012 as planned. All the
courses are taught in English.
Non-Degree Chinese Language Training: 1-2
Note: A ge: 18~55, Healthy High school
Tuition Fees
Tuition Fees for Self-Supported International
1. Registration Fee: 400RMB
2. Study Fee:
a)12600RMB per year (language training
b) 14600 RMB per year (for Bachelor Degree)
c) 18600RMB per year (for Master Degree)
3. Textbooks: around 200RMB
4. Accommodation fee: 60RMB per day. The dorm
is furnished with bathroom, air-conditioner,
telephone, refrigerator, television, internet
access and etc.
Contact Information
International Students Office, International
Cooperation & Exchange Division,
Tianjin Foreign Studies University
Address:No.117 Machang Road, Hexi District,
Tianjin, P. R. China 300204
TEL:0 0 8 6 - 0 2 2 - 2 3 2 8 6 9 7 4 0 0 8 6 - 0 2 2 23285650
FAX:0 0 8 6 - 0 2 2 - 2 3 2 8 3 8 0 6 0 0 8 6 - 0 2 2 23282410
E-Mail: foreignstudents@tjfsu.edu.cn