PHYSICS LAB: COEFFICIENT OF FRICTION FOR A TOY CAR ON A HILL NAME____________________ DATE _________ PERIOD ___ LAB PARTNERS: 1____________ 2____________ 3____________ 4____________ 5____________ PURPOSE: To find the coefficient of sliding friction of the tires of a toy car relative to masonite. PROCEDURE: 1. Obtain a masonite board with which you can set up an inclined plane for the car to climb. 2. Record a brief description of the car used in the space provided. 3. Determine the mass of the car and record in the space provided. 4. Adjust the angle of the inclined plane so that while attempting to climb the hill, the car will essentially remain in the same position with its wheels spinning. Record the angle in the space provided. NOTE: The car may not remain in a stable position; it may veer off to one side or the other. Run a few trials, and use your best judgment for the angle. FORCE DIAGRAM: On the diagram of the vehicle below, draw and label vectors representing the following forces: F⊥ Fn Ff W FII The forces should be drawn so that the special relationship between W, FII and F⊥ is evident. Be sure that Fn, the "normal" force, is drawn so that it unquestionably looks "normal" (perpendicular) to the incline. W θ DATA/CALCULATIONS/CONCLUSION: 1. Description of car: ________________________________________________ 2. Mass of car = ________g = ________kg 3. Angle: ________degrees 4. Weight of car = (m)(g) = ________kg x ________m/s/s = ________N 5. FII = W sin _____ = ________N x ________ = ________N 6. F⊥ = W cos ____ = ________N x ________ = ________N 7. Ff = FII = ________N 8. µk = Ff = ________N = Fn N Fn = F⊥ = ________N check your work: tan θ = tan ____ = Coefficient of Friction Lab Fn = Normal Force Ff F Ff = F Fn = W Ff µ= Fn Fn Ff FII W = Weight θ θ F f = F ric tion Fo rc e (N) F = Applied Force (N) µ = coeffici en t of fric tion (s tati c o r kineti c) F⊥ F⊥ = W cos θ FII = W sin θ Ff = FII Fn = F⊥ Ff µ= Fn W Limiting Angl e of Repos e (Fin ding µ s u sing tan θ ) Record the weight of the box alone as weight as W. Place it on the board with the bottom surface of the block facing the masonite surface of the board, and slowly raise the board until the block jus t b egins sli ding. Note the angle. Repeat several times, and record the average angle. W = _______ FII = W sin _____ = θ = _ ____ ___ ________N x ________ = ________N F⊥ = ________N x ________ = ________N W cos ____ Ff = FII = = ________N Fn = F⊥ = µs = Ff = ________N = _______ Fn ________N tan θ = tan ____ = ______ N Compare µs to tan θ ___________________ Limiting Angl e of Kineti c F ric tion (Finding µ k usi ng tan θ) Repeat the procedure for Limiting angle of repose, except this time keep ta pping th e blo ck G ENTLY down th e plan e as you rais e th e boa r d. Note the angle at which the block slides down the ramp at constan t s peed. Repeat several times, and record the average angle. W = _______ FII = W sin _____ = ________N x ________ = ________N F⊥ = ________N x ________ = ________N W cos ____ Ff = FII = θ = _ ____ ___ = ________N µk = Ff = ________N = ______ Fn N Fn = F⊥ = ________N tan θ = tan ____ = ______ Compare µk to tan θ _______________ 1. How could you QUICKLY determine the coefficient of STATIC Friction using an incline? Use a complete sentence and describe the process. 2. How could you QUICKLY determine the coefficient of KINETIC Friction using an incline? Use a complete sentence and describe the process.