Solar World Cinema web

The solar powered mobile cinema brings unseen films to unusual places
Solar World Cinema is an international network of solar powered mobile cinemas. All the projection equipment (inflatable screen,
sound and projector) is 100% powered by solar energy. Each Solar Cinema performs an itinerant tour of educational workshops
and free film screenings in cities and towns in different parts of the world. Solar World Cinema is based in the Netherlands and
founder of Pop-up Cinema and co-founder of Ecocinema, the independent Latin American branch.
A broad range of international films and customized workshops on sustainability and cinematography are brought to a wide
international audience. The Solar Cinema itself is a strong communication tool. It’s screen offers space for promotional and
educational video’s, and it’s a perfect example of a sustainable energy application.
photo by A Witte
SOLAR WORLD CINEMA | || +31 6 187 70 355 | FB: | twitter: @solarcinema
photo by CHeMPhoto
SOLAR WORLD CINEMA | || +31 6 187 70 355 | FB: | twitter: @solarcinema
photo by CHeMPhoto
Our goal is to democratize the access to cinema, creating a special platform to screen films with social matters for free,
turning public spaces into self sustainable open-air cinemas. Solar Cinema brings unseen films to unusual places.
Our objective is to raise awareness and stress the importance of switching to renewable energies. This awareness is embedded in daily life of the audience by organising free screenings, workshops and cultural activities that generate impact
through education.
Furthermore we are an alternative distributor of Independent cinema that reaches an audience in remote places that are
normally difficult to reach. We go beyond the borders of the traditional cinematic world.
SOLAR WORLD CINEMA | || +31 6 187 70 355 | FB: | twitter: @solarcinema
Not only the Solar Cinema itself is an innovative tool that brings sustainable solutions in people’s daily life, but also bringing
inspiring content is an important mission. Therefor we program inspirational and artistic short films in our
Go Greener Short Film program: a selection of inspiring, fresh, non moralistic short films that have a green or sustainable
message or theme. These short films are screened during each screening of Solar Cinema around the globe.
SOLAR WORLD CINEMA | || +31 6 187 70 355 | FB: | twitter: @solarcinema
SOLAR WORLD CINEMA | || +31 6 187 70 355 | FB: | twitter: @solarcinema
We believe it is important to inspire people through culture.
Through film screenings but also with customized workshops.
In the
workshops we offer, short films are made that are presented on our
screens. We believe that educational workshops combined with the film
screenings have an even bigger impact on communities. Children or
youngsters participating in the workshops spread a sustainable
message, to their families and friends inviting them to the film
screenings and spreading their freshly acquired knowledge.
Goals of the workshops:
1. Educate about sustainable energy
2. Inspire people to think about their environment
3. Stimulate cinematographic talent
4. Create regional content and audiences for independent cinema
5. Bridge international borders through culture and connect
audiences through content.
In order to reach these goals, we have created different workshops,
each adaptable to a different audience and culture. We are an
international organization by heart that aims to bridge gaps and borders through culture.
SOLAR WORLD CINEMA | || +31 6 187 70 355 | FB: | twitter: @solarcinema
Screening and sound equipment:
We use high-quality screening and sound equipment, as the cinematic experience is an
important characteristic of our work. We work with equipment that has the advantage of being highly mobile, easy to set
up and has the capacity to serve for massive exhibitions in the open air.
Equipment we use:
Different screens, in various sizes, both structural as inflatable
Beamers of 5.500 AnsiLumens or more (High definition)
HDV and Blu-ray player and Digital sound
Photovoltaic System:
During the day sunlight is being captured and it is transformed into
projection light at night. Our solar system produces enough energy for 10 hours film screening.
No additional energy source is needed.
This makes us highly mobile and completely independent.
SOLAR WORLD CINEMA | || +31 6 187 70 355 | FB: | twitter: @solarcinema
Solar World Cinema headquarters
Running Ecocinema’s
Planned launches
founding partner of
with the support of
please contact us for more information:
Solar World Cinema |
Jan aartestraat 7-08 | 5017 EC Tilburg, The Netherlands
+31 6 187 70 355 | FB: | twitter: @solarcinema