What was part four entitled? Jack What is the court for part four

“Wonder” pg. 133-150
What was part four entitled?
What is the court for part four?
“Now here is my secret. It is very simple.
It is only with one’s heart that can see
Who is the quote by, and where is it
Antoine de Saint-Exupery, The Little
What happened in August?
Jack’s parents got a phone call.
Who did they get a phone call from?
Mr. Tushman
Who is Mr. Tushman?
The middle school director (principal)
How did Jack’s mom respond?
“Maybe he calls all the new students to
welcome them”
What did Jack’s dad reply after mom’s
He eagerly asked, “What’s up, what did
he say”?
What was Mr.Tushman calling about?
He said that a boy is starting middle
school this year and has never been to
school, so he talked to the lower school
teachers and they recommended Jack
to show him around.
What did mom say about the answer
It was very flattering but kind of sad.
Mr. Tushman was wondering if he could
count on Jack to do what?
Shepherd the new boy around.
How did Jack respond to his mom?
Like hang out with me?”
What did Mom call this?
A “Welcome Buddy”
Why did Mr. Tushman choose Jack?
Teachers told Mr. Tushman that he was
the kind of kid for being a “good egg”.
Why was Mom proud?
Teachers were thinking highly of him.
What question did Jack have?
Why is it sad?” “You said it’s flattering
but kind of sad, too”.
How did Mom answer back?
The boy had some sort of....... something
wrong with his face. She wasn’t sure.
What did Mom assume happened to the He was in an accident.
What did Jack ask after that?
Do I have to?
How did mom look after Jack said this?
She looked a bit surprised.
What did mom reply to Jack’s question? “Well of course not but, I think
it would be think it would be
the right thing to do”
How did Jack reply after Mom’s
“If I don’t have to, I don’t want to do it.”
What did mom reply?
“I’m not going to force you to. Can you at
least think about it? I don’t think that
it’s much to ask that you spend time
with a new kid……”
When will Mom call back Mr.
not until tomorrow
Who did Jack immediately
think “the boy” was?
Where did Jack see Auggie for the first
In front of the Carvel on Amesfort
What age was Jack during this
About 5 or 6
Who was Veronica?
Jack’s babysitter
What was Jack doing with his
Were sitting on the bench outside the
store with Jamie who was sitting in
the stroller.
What was Jack too busy doing?
Busy eating his ice cream cone
What did Jack not notice?
The people who sat down next to him.
Who was Jamie?
Jack’s baby brother
What happened at one point?
Jack turned his head to suck the ice
cream out of the bottom until………..
Jack saw August
Where was August sitting?
Right next to Jack
How did Jack react when he saw
August’s face?
Made a “Uhh!” sound
Why did Jack do this?
He was scared.
What did Jack think August was
A zombie mask or something
How did Jack compare his “Uhh!” sound
The kind of “Uhh!” sound you would say
when you’re watching a scary movie
and the bad guy like jumps out of the
What did Jack know?
The kid didn’t hear him, but his sister
What did Jack’s babysitter say after
Via heard the sound?
She said “Jack! We have to go!”
How did Jack jump?
Like a bee just landed on him
What was August doing when Jack
turned around?
He was licking his ice cream cone
What did Augusts’ mom pick up?
A scooter
What was Via doing to Jack?
Glaring at him like she was going to kill
What did Jack whisper to Veronica?
What’s wrong with that kid
What did Veronica say in response?
Hush Boy
What was Jamie doing?
He was spilling out of his stroller to get
a 2nd look
How were the boys acting?
What did Jamie ask Veronica?
Is it Halloween?
What did Jamie think?
That August was wearing a mask
When had Jack seen August since
A couple times at the playground and a
few times at the park
What did August always wear?
An astronaut helmet
Who knew August?
All the kids in the neighborhood
Whenever he sees August he tries to
remind himself of what?
Of what Veronica said
It is hard to act in what way around
Act normal
What does Jamie call Veronica?
What did the boys do that was
Staring at August
What should the boys thank God for?
For all their blessings
Who knew it was going on?
Augusts’ momma
What did Jack try to explain to Jamie?
That Auggie wasn’t wearing a mask
When they left it was like what?
They had just saw the devil
What did Veronica say about hurting
That you don’t have to mean to hurt
someone to hurt someone.
What does Veronica say about Augusts’
Oh Lord that poor lady
What is the first time Jack saw
Who else did Mr. Tushman call?
Julian and Charlotte
When did Jack and Julian used to be
In kindergarten
Jack calls Julain the biggest what?
What is Julian trying so hard to do?
Trying so hard to become popular
What did Mom say he should give
Julian credit for?
Helping the kid out (Auggie)
What does Jack call Charlotte?
Goody Two-Shoes
Why did Jamie come to the kitchen?
To get a juice box from the fridge.
What questions Jack ask Jamie?
Remember that kid we saw in the park
after school last year? The kid named
August? The one with the face?
What happened when Jamie replied Oh
that kid?
his eyes opened wide
What did Jamie ask his mom?
Remember that nightmare about the
zombies from last year?
What did mom think the zombie
nightmare was from?
watching a scary movie
When Jamie saw August what sound
Ahhh, he ran away
did he make and what did he do after he
made that sound?
When mom asked Did you do it in front
of him, how and what did Jamie reply?
I couldn’t help it, he said kind of whining
Mom asked, Can you imagine
How it felt to see you running away
from him, Jamie, screaming
Jamied argued that he wasn’t what?
How did Jamie demonstrate the way he
ran away?
He put his hands on his cheeks,and
started running around the kitchen.
Jamie asked mom what does _______ sympathetic
What grade is Jamie going into?
The 2nd grade
What word does Mom not like?
Why was mom surprised?
Jack agreed to meet August
What did Mom do after Jack agreed to
meet August?
she smiled and said, I knew you’d raise
to the occasion, kiddo. Good for you. I’m
proud of you.
Why did Jack change his mind?
When Jack heard Jamie talking about
how he had run away from August
going “AHH!’, he suddenly felt really bad.
What wasn’t the reason Jack had
changed his mind?
He didn’t have to hear Mom giving a
whole lecture, and it wasn’t to help
August from Julian.
Jack said that there is always gonna be
kids who are jerks like who?
What is the first thing out of the four
You would get used to his face
What would happen the first couple of
You would be like “woah”, I’m never going
to get used to this
What would happen after a week?
You would be like, huh, it’s not so bad.
What is the second out of the four
He’s actually a cool dude.
What does Jack mean by this?
He’s pretty funny. A teacher would say
something and August would whisper
something funny into his ear and crack
Jack up.
What is he overall?
A nice kid
What does Jack mean by this?
Easy to hang out with and talk to and
What is the third out of the four
He’s really smart.
What did Jack first think?
August would be behind everyone
because he didn’t go to school
According to Jack, August is not smart
as which two people?
Charlotte and Ximena Chin
What does August do that Charlotte
and Ximena not do?
Jack cheats off of him if he needed to.
How did August and Jack get in trouble?
Jack copied off of his homework.
Which teacher got them in trouble?
Ms. Rubin
What would have been the explanation
Jack said?
Oh, that’s because I copied off August’s
What did Auggie do?
He lied to protect Jack
What was Auggie’s lie?
We did our homework together last
What was the fourth thing?
Jack would actually want to be friends
with Auggie
What happened at first?
Jack was only friendly to August
because Mr. Tushman asked him to be
nice to him.
What does Jack choose to do now?
Jack would choose to hang out with
Why is Auggie considered as Jack’s
He laughs at all Jack’s jokes, Jack feels
like he could tell him anything, and he is
a good friend.
If all the fifth graders were lined up
against the wall, who would August
choose to hang out with?
What is the name of the next chapter?
When Jack was asking why August like
he was mad at him or something, what
did Summer answer?
Bleeding Scream
When Jack said hey August, are you
mad at me what would August do?
He would shrug and walk away
Who does August hang out with the
Summer Dawson
Who else does August hang out with?
Reid Kingsley, two Maxes got him
playing Dungeons & Dragons
Charlotte, for all her Goody Two-Shoeing
doesn’t do more than what?
Nod hello when she’s passing August in
the hallway
Jack doesn’t know if still everyone does
plays the Plague behind August back
Jack says if August wants to dis him
August is the one who loses, not him
When and why do Jack and August talk
to eachother?
for school stuff, only when it is
absolutely necessary
What are some examples for the
answer above?
Jack would ask August what is the
homework for Ms.Rubin’s class?
August would ask, Can i borrow your
pencil sharpener?
When Jack was hanging out with
August why wouldn’t kids hang out with
they would have to hang out with
Who are the only people who are not in
on the Plague?
Summer and the D&D crowd
Nobody is that obvious about the Plague,
yet ___________________.
nobody wants to hang out with him
Now Jack can do what?
be in the popular group
Why is this a problem?
a. Jack doesn’t really enjoy hanging out
with the popular group
b. Jack actually liked to hang out with
When did the first snow of winter hit?
Right before Thanksgiving break
What happened because of this?
School was closed and Jack got an extra
day of vacation
Why was Jack glad about this?
He was bummed about the whole
August thing and he wanted some time
to chill without seeing August everyday
What is Jack’s favorite thing in the
Waking up on snow days
Why does he love waking up on snow
He likes the feeling when you first open
your eyes in the morning and you don’t
even know why everything seems
different then usual
What hits you after?
Everything is quiet, no cars honking, and
no buses coming down the street
What is covered in white?
The sidewalk, the trees, the cars, and the
window panes
What is Jack never going to be?
One of those grown-ups that uses an
umbrella during the snow
Who’s school was closed too?
Where did Dad take Jack and Jamie?
Skeleton Hill in the park
What is one of the legends that was
A little kid broke his neck while sledding
made at Skeleton Park?
down the hill a few years ago
On the way home, what did Jack spot?
A banged-up wooden sled propped
against the Old Indian Rock monument.
What did Dad say about this?
To leave it, it was just garbage
What did Jack say about this?
It would make the best sled ever
What did Dad let Jack do?
Drag it home, and Jack spent the rest
of the day repairing it
How did Jack repair the sled?
Super-glued the broken slats together
and wrapped heavy-duty white duct
tape around for extra strength
What color paint did August use?
Where did he get it from?
White paint he had gotten for the
Alablaster Sphinx for the Egyptian
museum project
What did Jack paint on the sled after it
was dry?
Lightning, and lightning symbols above
the letters
What did he do the next day?
Went back to Skeleton Hill
How does Jack describe the riding of his
So, so, so, so, much faster than the
plastic sleds he had been using
Since it has gotten warmer outside,
what has happened?
The snow had become more crunchier
and wetter; good packing snow
How long did Jack and Jamie stay in
the park?
Until their fingers were frozen and our
lips had turn a little blue.
By the end of the weekend, what
happened to the snow?
The snow started turning gray and
yellow, and the rainstorm turned most
of the snow to slush
What happened when Jack went back
to school on Monday?
There was no snow left
What words describe the first day back
from vacation?
Rainy, yucky
How was Jack feeling inside?
Where did Jack first see August?
In front of the lockers
What is Jack’s dad job? What is Jack’s
mom’s job?
Teacher; Social worker
What do people think?
People who go to private schools are
When did they sell their car?
When Jamie started kindergarten
Where does Jack live?
On the top floor of a five-story walk up
we rent from Dona Petra all the way on
the “other” side of Broadway
What is the “code”?
For the section of North River Heights
where people don’t want to park their
Jack shares a room with who?
What does everyone know about
Everyone knows he’s rich
Where does Julian have to go? When?
Paris in Christmas
Why does Julian think it’s boring?
His grandmother lives in a house in the
middle of nowhere. An hour away from
Paris in a tiny, tiny village.
What does Julian sarcastically say that
is fun?
“There’s another fly on the wall. There’s
a dog sleeping on the sidewalk. Yippee.”
What are Julian’s parents talking
Throwing a big party instead of going to
What did Julian also get?
A sled
Where did Julian get his sled from?
How did he describe it?
Hammacher Schlemmer; So state of art
How much was it?
Around 800 dollars
What does Julian call Skeleton Hill?
Garbage Hill
Who left their sled at Skeleton Hil?
What did Miles say about his sled?
Someone took it
Who was the person who took it?
Who did Miles think took it?
A hobo
What does Julian say he will do the
next time it snows?
My dad could drive us all up to a golf
course in Westchester that makes
Skeleton Hill look like nothing.
What was Jack’s lie?
He had to go get a book from his locker.