Lecture 6. Single Equilibrium Stages (2) ( ) [Ch. 4] • Multicomponent Flash, Bubble-Point, and Dew-Point Calculations - Variables and equations in flash vaporization Isothermal flash Bubble and dew points Adiabatic flash • Ternaryy Liquid-Liquid q q Systems y - Carrier A and solvent C mutually insoluble - Carrier A and solvent C partially soluble Flash Vaporization • Flash : a single-equilibrium-stage distillation in which a feed is partially vaporized to give a vapor richer in the more-volatile components than the feed • If the equipment is properly designed, the vapor and liquid leaving the flash drum are in equilibrium Flash vaporization Partial condensation SingleSingle -Stage Equilibrium Operation • 3C + 10 variables F V F, V, L, L zi, yi, xi, TF, TV, TL, PF, PV, PL, Q V, yi, hV, PV, TV F zi hF TF PF • 2C + 5 equations Q L, xi, hL, PL, TL • C + 5 degrees of freedom Common Sets of Specifications • C + 3 feed variables (F, TF, PF, zi) are known 2 additional variables can be specified V, yi, hV, PV, TV F zi hF TF PF Q L, xi, hL, PL, TL • TV,,PV Isothermal flash • V/F=0, PL Bubble-point T • V/F=1, V/F 1 PV D Dew-point i tT • V/F=0, TL Bubble-point P • V/F=1, TV Dew-point P • Q Q=0 0, PV Adiabatic flash • Q, PV Nonadiabatic flash • V/F, PV Percent vaporization flash Isothermal Flash (1) • Isothermal flash calculation - When the equilibrium temperature TV (or TL) and the equilibrium pressure PV (or PL) are specified 2C + 5 variables are determined from 2C + 5 equations - Not straightforward because of nonlinear equations ti - Use the Rachford-Rice procedure when K-values K values are independent of composition Isothermal Flash (2) zi (1 Ki ) f {} 0 i 1 1 ( K i 1) C • Solve iteratively by guessing values of between 0 and 1 until the function f{} = 0 f (x) • Newton’s N ’ method h d ( k 1)) f (x) f { } f '{ ( k ) } (k ) (k ) C f '{ } (k ) i 1 zi (1 K i ) 2 1 ( K i 1) (k ) 2 ( k 1) ( k ) / ( k ) ( 0.0001) x x4 x3 x2 x1 Bubble and Dew Points (1) zi (1 Ki ) f {} 0 i 1 1 ( K i 1) C • At the bubble point point, = 0 and f{0} = 0 f {0} zi (1 K i ) zi zi K i 0 i i i z K i i 1 i • At the due point, = 1 and f{1} = 0 zi (1 K i ) zi zi 0 f {1} Ki i i Ki i zi i K 1 i • For a given feed composition, zi, the above equation can be used to find T for a specified P or to find P for a specified T Bubble and Dew Points (2) • How to determine K-values ? (1) Plots of K-values for a specific T and P (2) Equations for vapor-liquid equilibria - Raoult’s law K i Pi sat / P K i i Pi sat / P - Modified Raoult Raoult’s s law (3) Iterative calculations C f {P} zi K i 1 i C f {P} i zi 1 Ki Method of false position P ( k 2) ( k 1) (k ) f { P } f { P } ( k 1) ( k 1) P f {P }/ ( k 1) (k ) P P Adiabatic (Q=0) Flash Start with guessed value of TV Start with guessed value of (wide-boiling mixtures) (close-boiling mixtures) Q Q Outer-loop Outer-loop Guess zi (1 Ki ) 0 i 1 1 ( K i 1) C f {TV } Inner-loop f {TV } hV (1 )hL hF 0 Satisfy ? Inner-loop f {} hV (1 )hL hF 0 Satisfy ? Ternary LiquidLiquid-Liquid Systems • Ternary mixtures that undergo phase splitting to form two separate liquid phases : using solubility difference • Extract : the exiting liquid phase that contains the solvent and the extracted solute • Raffinate : the exiting liquid phase that contains the carrier, A, and the portion of the solute, B, that is not extracted Components A and C mutually insoluble Solvent, S (component C) Feed, F (components A, B) Extract, E B C) (components B, Raffinate, R (components A, B) Components A and C partially soluble Solvent, S (component C) Extract, E A B, B C) (components A, Feed, F (components A, B) Raffanite, R (components A, B, C) Components A and C mutually Insoluble • Solute material balance X B( F ) FA X B( E ) S X B( R ) FA K 'DB X B( E ) / X B( R ) X B( E ) K 'DB X B( R ) XB: ratio of mass (or moles) of solute B, to mass (or moles) of the other component p in F,, R,, or E K’DB: distribution coefficient defined in terms of mass or mole ratios X B( R ) X B( F ) FA FA K 'DB S • Extraction factor factor, EB E B K 'DB S / FA X ( R) B /X (F ) B 1 1 EB E : (the extent to which the solute is extracted) : fraction of B that is not extracted Components A and C Partially Soluble • Equilateral triangular diagram -W Water t (A), (A) ethylene th l glycol l l (B) (B), furfural (C) bubble point pressure - Above bubble-point : no vapor phase Single phase region the two liquid phases have identical compositions (one phase) p Two-liquid T li id phase region Miscibility limits for water-furfural Other Liquid Liquid-Liquid Equilibrium Diagrams Right triangular diagram Equilibrium solute diagram in mass fractions Equilibrium q solute diagram g in mass ratios Janecke diagram g [Example] Water Water-GlycolGlycol-Furfural Equilibrium (1) A 45% by weight glycol (B)-55% water (A) solution is contacted with twice its weight of pure furfural solvent (C) ( ) at 25℃ and 101 kPa. D t Determine i th the composition iti off th the equilibrium ilib i extract t t and d raffinate phases produced. Furfural, S 200 g 100% C Extract, E • Basis : 100 g of feed • Overall material balance F+S=E+R Feed, F 100 g 55% A, 45% B Raffinate, R [Example] Water Water-GlycolGlycol-Furfural Equilibrium (2) Locate the feed (F) and solvent (S) compositions Define M, the mixing point M=F+S=E+R Apply the inverse-lever-arm rule ( mass b (or balance) l ) tto fi find d M point i t ( F S ) wC( M ) FwC( F ) SwC( S ) F wC( S ) wC( M ) SM (M ) (F ) S wC wC MF Find E and R along a tie line Apply A l the th iinverse-leverl arm rule to find the amounts of E and R When Two Pairs of Components are Partially Soluble Miscibility boundaries are separate t : two separate twophase regions Miscibility boundaries and tie-line equilibria merge g Tie lines do not merge : three-phase th h region, i RST is formed As temperature is reduced, (a) (b) (c)