Chapter 25 The Age of Nationalism, 1850-1914

AP European History
Mr. Mercado (Rev. 09)
Chapter 25
The Age of Nationalism, 1850-1914
A. True or False
Where the statement is true, mark T. Where it is false, mark F, and correct it in the space
immediately below.
___ 1.
In 1851, the French voters disapproved of Louis Napoleon’s seizure of power.
___ 2.
Increasingly, the main opposition to Napoleon III came from the middle class.
___ 3.
The Russian victory in the Crimean War of 1853-1856 contributed to renewed serfdom for
Russian peasants after 1861.
___ 4.
After 1848, the pope strongly supported Italian unification.
___ 5.
After 1873, the price of wheat on the world market fell dramatically.
___ 6.
In northern Ireland, the minority Irish Ulsterites were Protestant and against home rule.
___ 7.
Bismarck used war with France in order to bring the south Germans into a united
___ 8.
The first modern social security laws were passed in the 1880s in Britain.
___ 9.
Generally speaking, radical republicans fought for the defense of Captain Dreyfus in
___ 10.
With the Franco-Prussian war, the defeat of France led to a more powerful Prussia and to
Germany’s unification.
___ 11.
A new institution of local government established in Russia in 1864 was the Duma.
___ 12.
Women first achieved suffrage in Switzerland.
___ 13.
After 1871, areas of Europe that had not developed strong national states included Ireland,
Austria-Hungary, and the Balkans.
___ 14.
Britain found itself flirting with civil war just before the First World War because of the
Irish question.
___ 15.
Jews by the late-nineteenth century were still not accorded full civil rights in Germany.
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B. Multiple Choice
Select the best answer and write the proper letter in the space provided.
1. The most industrialized, socialized, and unionized continental country by 1914 was
a. France.
b. Germany
c. Italy
d. Belgium
2. The Russian zemstvo was a(n)
a. industrial workers’ council.
c. terrorist group.
b. local government assembly
d. village priest.
3. The Kulturkampf in Germany was an attack on
a. liberals.
b. socialists
c. the Catholic church
d. Prussian culture
4. Which of the following was NOT true of the Italian peninsula by 1850?
a. It was already a unified state.
b. It had been divided into many states in the middle ages.
c. Part of it was ruled as a state by the pope.
d. Parts of the north were ruled by Austria.
The general tendency of unions toward the end of the century was
a. to move closer to Marxism.
b. to move toward evolutionary socialism.
c. to reject socialism altogether.
d. to favor revolution.
After 1850, the disciples of nationalism in Italy looked for leadership from
a. Prussia. b. the papacy c. Sardinia-Piedmont
d. the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies
7. Cavour’s program for the unification of northern Italy included
a. improved transportation.
b. increased power for the Catholic church.
c. restriction of civil liberties.
d. compromise and cooperation with Austria.
9. Witte’s plans for the economic development of Russia included
a. lowering protective tariffs.
b. taking Russia off the gold standard.
c. encouraging foreign investment.
d. bringing Russian Marxists into the government.
10. Bismarck’s fundamental goal for Prussia was
a. democratic reform.
b. preservation of Great Power status via expansion.
c. the elimination of nationalism.
d. the elimination of the monarchy.
11. Camillo Cavour succeeded in all of the following EXCEPT
a. transforming nationalism into a conservative force.
b. unifying Italy into a single state.
c. restraining the radicalism of Garibaldi.
d. removing social influence of the Catholic church throughout Italy.
Russian social and political reforms in the 1860s could best be described as
a. revolutionary. b. totally ineffective
c. halfway measures d. extremely effective
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Among those opposing home rule in Ireland were
a. Catholics. b. Ulsterites.
c. Irish peasants.
d. William Gladstone.
13. After 1870, Marxian socialists
a. unanimously accepted the revisionist theories of Edward Bernstein.
b. failed to grow in number.
c. formed a second international organization.
d. refused to participate in national elections.
14. Which of the following statements about German unification is true?
a. It was completed in 1891 with a war between Prussia and Russia.
b. The chief architect of the movement was the emperor of Austria.
c. The unification process was directed by the German state of Austria.
d. Unification did not include liberal and democratic ideas and methods.
15. The Russian Revolution of 1905
a. followed victory over the Japanese.
b. overthrew the tsar and established a communist regime.
c. abolished the Duma, or assembly.
d. resulted from the dissatisfaction of many groups: the middle class, peasants, and ethnic
16. Changes that enable a country to compete effectively with leading countries at a given time are
a. nationalism. b. modernization
c. revisionism
d. Reconstruction
18. The Russian defeat in the Crimean War of 1853-1856
a. signaled the end of the end of the modernization of Russia for nearly fifty years.
b. resulted in legal and local political reform.
c. delayed the abolition of serfdom.
d. was relatively insignificant militarily and politically.
19. The German Zollverein was
a. a trade union. b. a customs union
Which of the following was NOT an action taken by the Third French Republic?
a. Crushing the Paris Commune of 1871
b. Passing considerable reforms
c. Legalization of trade unions
d. Expansion of the traditional Catholic school system
c. an “all-German” parliament
d. a political party
20. The sometimes popular emperor-dictator of France who granted France a new constitution in
1869 was
a. Napoleon III. b. Baron Haussmann
c. Alexander H. Stephens d. Sergei Witte
21. The new popularly elected parliament in Russia after 1805 was known as the
a. House of Commons. b. National Assembly.
c. Reichstag.
d. Duma.
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22. In the late-nineteenth and early-twentieth centuries, socialists in Germany
a. were still largely underground, due to Bismarck’s oppression.
b. scored gains in the Reichstag, becoming its single largest party by 1912.
c. gained popular support because of their backing of the 1906 colonial war in Africa.
d. were still not a significant factor in German national politics.
23. After the adoption of the 1867 constitution, Hungary was dominated by
a. the peasantry.
b. the middle classes.
c. the Croatians and Romanians.
d. the Magyar nobility.
24. Between 1906 and 1913 in Germany, the working classes
a. increasingly rejected unions and unionism.
b. adopted revolutionary Marxist principles.
c. looked to collective bargaining as a substitute for revolution.
d. rejected Bernstein’s revisionist thought.
25. The regime of Louis Napoleon III of France shows
a. the reconciliation of popular and conservative forces in an authoritarian nationalism.
b. France’s rapid progress towards women’s suffrage.
c. the refusal of the French monarchs to hold plebiscites.
d. all of the above
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C. Identification
Supply the correct identification for each numbered description.
Term used to identify the compromise in 1867 that created a dual monarchy in
the Austro-Hungarian Empire in which Hungary had its own king and
governed its own domestic affairs.
Ruler of Sardinia-Piedmont that later became the king of a united Italy.
The most influential person in German history in the nineteenth century.
Leader of the Redshirts who “liberated” the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies.
Proclamation issued by Pope Pius IX that condemned liberalism and Italian
1905 tragic event in Russia where troops opened fire on peaceful workers and
their families.
Prussian Protestant nobles who formed the backbone of the Conservative party
(and who earlier had become the officer core of the Prussian military).
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Radical revolutionary group in Paris that fought a short civil-war against the
National Assembly, resulting in the deaths of 20,000 people.
Important reform bill in Britain that gave suffrage to nearly all adult males.
D. Matching People, Places, and Events
Match the person, place, or event in the left column with the proper description in the right column by
inserting the correct letter on the blank line.
___ 1. Adolph Thiers
___ 2. Karl Marx
___ 3. Leon Gambetta
___ 4. Emile Zola
___ 5. David Lloyd George
___ 6. Karl Lueger
___ 7. John Stuart Mill
___ 8. Benjamin Disraeli
___ 9. William Gladstone
___ 10. Jules Ferry
___ 11. William II
___ 12. Theodore Herzl
___ 13. Edward Bernstein
___ 14. Alexander II.
___ 15. Mazzini
A. Young German emperor who forced Bismarck to resign
due to the latter’s attempt to outlaw the Social Democratic
B. Important Zionist leader who sought a homeland for Jews.
C. Whig prime minister in Britain who favored Irish Home
D. Author of On Liberty whose views on protecting the
individual and minorities became the basis for modern
E. Russian tsar who emancipated the serfs in 1861
F. Late-nineteenth-century mayor of Vienna whose antiSemitic views influenced Adolf Hitler
G. French master of mass politics who established absolute
parliamentary supremacy in the late 1870s.
H. Author of the Communist Manifesto who became the
“father” of communist thought in the 19th century.
I. Socialist revisionist who advocated use of the political
system to make socialist gains rather than revolution.
J. Pre-1850 idealistic Italian patriot who failed to secure
Italian unification in the Revolution of 1848.
K. British prime minister whose “leap in the dark” in
supporting the Reform Bill of 1867 increased male
suffrage for middle-class males and some skilled workers
L. First president of the French Third Republic and leader
who earlier oversaw the defeat of the Paris Commune in
M. Famous realist author who came to the support of Alfred
N. Leader of the Liberal Party in England who established a
tax on the rich in order to pay for new social welfare
O. French moderate republican who helped establish free
compulsory elementary education for girls and boys.
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E. Geography
Using Map 25.1 in the textbook as a reference answer the following questions:
1. By the end of 1860, which seven regions/states were part of the emerging unified Italy?
_____________________ ________________________ _________________________
____________________ _________________________ _________________________
2. Which were the last two states to join unified Italy? ___________________ ___________________
Using Map 25.2 in the textbook as a reference answer the following questions:
3. Which two French regions did Germany gain due to war?
4. Which state in the new united Germany had the largest land area prior to unification? ____________
5. Which was the largest German state gained by the German Empire in 1871? ___________________