Annual Research Expenditures and Research Space For the period of September 1, 2011 to August 31, 2012 July 31, 2013 UTSA Office of Space Management This page is intentionally left blank. UTSA Research Expenditures and Space - FY 11-12 July 31, 2013 - Page 2 of 66 TABLE OF CONTENTS Executive Summary ................................................................................ Page 5 Overview ................................................................................................. Page 7 Means and Methods ................................................................................ Page 8 Annual Research Expenditures - By Institution...................................... Page 10 Annual Research Expenditures - By Entity ............................................ Page 12 Annual Research Expenditures - By College or Vice President ............. Page 16 Annual Research Expenditures - Per Number of PI’s by College .......... Page 22 Annual Research Expenditures - By Center or Institute ......................... Page 26 Annual Research Expenditures - By Department ................................... Page 32 Annual Research Expenditures - By Principal Investigator ................... Page 43 Comparable Research Expenditures ....................................................... Page 64 Comparable Research Disciplines .......................................................... Page 65 Availability and Distribution .................................................................. Page 66 UTSA Research Expenditures and Space - FY 11-12 July 31, 2013 - Page 3 of 66 This page is intentionally left blank. UTSA Research Expenditures and Space - FY 11-12 July 31, 2013 - Page 4 of 66 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Annual research expenditures have increased 168% over the last 7 years, from approximately $32 to $54 million. The largest source of research funding for the last 7 years comes from restricted federal research funding. For 2011-2012, 64% of expenditures are from restricted federal funding. To provide meaningful data, this report segregates data between academic departments (individual/project research), and research centers/institutes. For 2011-2012, 42% of research expenditures is attributable to individual/project research, 51% is attributable to research centers/institutes; 62% of research space is attributable to individual/project research, 33% is attributable to research centers/institutes. For colleges for 2011-2012, the College of Sciences accounts for 55% of all research expenditures and 57% of research space. The College of Engineering accounts for 20% of research expenditures and 25% of research space. The 25% balance of research expenditures and 18% of research space is spread across all other colleges. The number of principal investigators (PI’s) reporting expenditures is lead by the College of Sciences (COS) at 46% (109 PI’s), followed by the College of Engineering at 24% (56 PI’s). All other colleges combined account for 30% (73 PI’s). The COS leads in the average of research expenditures per PI at $273,000, as well as the average square feet per PI at 1,719. For research centers/institutes for 2011-2012, the South Texas Center for Emerging Infectious Diseases (STCEID), and the Neurosciences Institute (NI) lead all with 14% (just under $4 million) of research center/institute expenditures. STCEID leads all with 19% of center/institute research space with NI having 12%. The Research Centers at Minority Institutes (RCMI), and the Center for Infrastructure Assurance and Security (CIAS) have 11% and 10% respectively of center/institute research expenditures (approximately $3 million) and 10% and 7% respectively of center/institute research space. The Support of Continuous Research Effort (SCORE), and the Sustainable Energy Research Institute (SERI) each have 9% of center/ institute research expenditures (each over $2 million), and 11%, and 5% respectively of center/institute research space. Of the 30 centers reporting research expenditures, 8 have research expenditures of between $500,000 and $1 million, and 15 have less than $500,000. For departments for 2011-2012, Interdisciplinary Learning and Teaching leads all with 14% (over $3 million) of departmental research expenditures and 1% of the departmental research space. Chemistry, Mechanical Engineering, Computer Science, and Physics and Astronomy follow with 12%, 11%, 10%, and 9% (over $2 million) of departmental research expenditures and 12%, 13%, 3%, and 11% respectively of the departmental research space. Biology, Electrical Engineering and Biomedical Engineering have 7%, 6% and 6% respectively (over $1 million each) of departmental research expenditures, and account for 22%, 9% and 5% respectively of the departmental research space. Of 37 departments reporting research expenditures, 3 have research expenditures of between $500,000 and $1 million, and 26 have less than $500,000. 24 departments are reporting less than 500 square feet of research space, and of those 11 are reporting less than 100 square feet of research space. For principal investigators for 2011-2012, of the 239 who had research expenditures greater than zero ($0.00), 5 (or 2%) had expenditures of over $1 million, 11 (or 5%) had expenditures between $500,000 and $1 million, 72 (or 30%) had expenditures between $100,000 and $500,000, 77 (or 32%) had expenditures between $10,000 and $100,000, and 74 (or 31%) had expenditures of less than $10,000. Looked at another way, 37% of the PI’s generate 90% of the total research expenditures made by PI’s. UTSA Research Expenditures and Space - FY 11-12 July 31, 2013 - Page 5 of 66 This page is intentionally blank. UTSA Research Expenditures and Space - FY 11-12 July 31, 2013 - Page 6 of 66 OVERVIEW This annual report compiles research expenditures and research space as reported to the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. UTSA Office of Space Management has prepared this report to better understand the issues and challenges inherent with development of space usage and allocation policies related to research space. The purpose of this report is to provide a tool to correlate research expenditures and research space. Annual research expenditures expressed in a per square-foot basis (the amount of research space allocated to support the research effort) is one measure of the level of effectiveness and productivity of research. UTSA Grants and Contracts Financial Services currently prepares an annual report that is incorporated into and published annually by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) entitled “Research Expenditures”. This report includes (among other things) the total expenditures for research and sponsored programs for all Texas universities. The report breaks down expenditures by broad disciplines. The data for the THECB report is extracted from DEFINE, using unit codes to identify each department or principal investigator. An extract of this financial data is the source for the information in this report, and includes the following funding groups: • 100 - Unrestricted General Research (institutional state funds) • 110 - Unrestricted General Research (Advanced Research Program / Advanced Technology Program (ARP/ATP) funds from THECB) • 160 - Unrestricted Designated Research (institutional state funds) • 200 - Restricted Federal Research (federal funds) • 300 - Restricted Non-Federal Research (other state agency funds) • 380 - Restricted Non-Federal Research (local city and county government funds) • 400 - Non-Federal Research (private grants) • 480 - Non-Federal Research (gifts) UTSA Office of Space Management currently prepares an annual report that is incorporated into and published annually by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) entitled “Facilities Inventory”. This report includes (among other things) the total space assigned to research and sponsored programs for all Texas universities. The report breaks down space by room number, unit code and departmental assignment. The data for the THECB report is extracted from DEFINE, using unit codes to identify each department or principal investigator. An extract of this inventory data is the source for the information in this report. UTSA Research Expenditures and Space - FY 11-12 July 31, 2013 - Page 7 of 66 MEANS AND METHODS Research space is defined by THECB as space which is used primarily for experimentation, investigation or training in research methods, professional research and observation. Research space is provided for the purpose of creating knowledge, and organizing or applying existing knowledge. Research space also includes space that directly supports research. Research is conducted for a specific time period as a result of a contract, grant, or specific allocation of institutional resources. Research space is categorized by room use code, and includes the following: • 250 - Research / Non-Class Laboratory • 255 - Research / Non-Class Laboratory Service (equipment rooms, preparation rooms, storage rooms, cold rooms, dark rooms) • 310 - Offices • 315 - Office Service (file rooms, break rooms, copy rooms, supply rooms, circulation areas) • 350 - Conference Room • 355 - Conference Room Service (storage rooms, equipment rooms) • 570 - Animal Facilities • 575 - Animal Facilities Service (storage rooms, equipment rooms, circulation space) • 580 - Greenhouse • 585 - Greenhouse Service (storage rooms, equipment rooms) Research space is further categorized by functional category code, and includes the following: • 21 – Institutes and Research Centers - space for a formal research organization that is independent of departmental operations. Although organization is the key criterion for classification, this category includes only rooms where research activities are conducted or that directly support research. • 22 – Individual or Project Research - space for research normally managed within the academic department. • 45 – Ancillary Support - research space that is unique to a particular academic program or department. Examples are demonstration rooms, celestial observatories, animal quarters, kilns, nuclear reactors, and Vivarium. • 48 – Academic Personnel Development - space for research areas when the research is for the professional development of academic personnel, and budgeted by the department. • 92 – Independent Operations / External Agencies - research space controlled and/or leased to outside agencies. UTSA Research Expenditures and Space - FY 11-12 July 31, 2013 - Page 8 of 66 For space which is not used exclusively for research, or has more than one research program activity involved, usage is prorated. A percentage of the square footage corresponding to the equivalent percentage of use is applied in calculating the square footage. For example, if an office that is 100 square feet in size is used 50% of the time for research, 50 square feet will be used in the calculation of annual research expenditures (ARE) per assignable square feet (ASF), or ARE/ASF. All calculations of square feet are based on assignable area, defined by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board as “the sum of floor space within the interior walls of rooms that is assigned to, or available for assignment to, occupants for use.” When Principal Investigators (PI’s) have research expenditures related to a research center or research institute, a portion of the space assigned to the PI is attributed to the center or institute in the same proportion as the research expenditures. For example, if PI has $75,000 research expenditures for his department and has $25,000 research expenditures for a research center, the space allocated to the PI will be split 75% for the department and 25% for the center. The existing UTSA Room Inventory Database (Microsoft Access) has limited capabilities for compiling and reporting data. These limitations include: • Assignment of more than 1 unit code to 1 room number; where multiple unit codes use 1 room, extraction of data must be done through a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. • Assignment of more than 1 functional category code (research vs. non-research) to 1 room number: where a room has multiple functional category codes, extraction of data must be done through a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. • Assignment of more than 1 room use code (office vs. research lab) to 1 room number; where a room has multiple room use codes, extraction of data must be done through a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. Because of these limitations, this report was compiled using both spreadsheet and database applications; some inaccuracies in the translation of the data between the two systems can be expected. UTSA Research Expenditures and Space - FY 11-12 July 31, 2013 - Page 9 of 66 2005 - 2012 ANNUAL RESEARCH EXPENDITURES - BY INSTITUTION Fiscal Year 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 Restricted Research Federal $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 21,462,730 21,669,297 22,574,016 26,966,123 31,715,391 34,031,026 34,796,530 Restricted Research Non-Federal $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2,814,374 3,587,768 4,523,394 6,178,992 2,203,303 1,781,386 1,418,848 Unrestricted Research Designated $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 3,441,952 1,619,482 2,344,581 2,618,437 4,407,484 7,111,873 8,687,612 Unrestricted Research General $ 4,597,486 $ 5,444,164 $ 5,159,454 $ 10,757,935 $ 10,113,712 $ 13,894,372 $ 9,388,226 Annual Research Assigned Expenditures Square Feet (ARE) (ASF) ARE/ASF $ 32,316,542 201,588 $ 160 $ 32,320,711 216,899 $ 149 $ 34,601,445 228,929 $ 151 $ 46,521,487 239,586 $ 163 $ 48,439,890 284,626 $ 170 $ 56,818,657 312,067 $ 182 $ 54,291,216 327,027 $ 166 2005 - 2012 Annual Research Expenditures - By Institution $40,000,000 Restricted Research ‐ Federal $35,000,000 Restricted Research ‐ Non‐Federal Unrestricted Research ‐ Designated $30,000,000 Unrestricted Research ‐ General $25,000,000 $20,000,000 $15,000,000 $10,000,000 $5,000,000 $‐ 2005‐2006 2006‐2007 UTSA Research Expenditures and Space - FY 11-12 2007‐2008 2008‐2009 2009‐2010 2010‐2011 2011‐2012 July 31, 2013 - Page 10 of 66 2011 - 2012 Annual Research Expenditures - By Institution Unrestricted Research ‐ General 17% Unrestricted Research ‐ Designated 16% Restricted Research ‐ Non‐Federal 3% UTSA Research Expenditures and Space - FY 11-12 Restricted Research ‐ Federal 64% July 31, 2013 - Page 11 of 66 2005 - 2012 ANNUAL RESEARCH EXPENDITURES - BY ENTITY Entity 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 Departments ARE $ 18,485,407 $ 13,223,544 $ 12,546,208 ASF 154,403 141,139 147,799 ARE/ASF $ 120 $ 94 $ 85 Centers ARE $ 11,037,730 $ 16,857,020 $ 19,014,010 ASF & Institutes 47,185 75,760 81,130 ARE/ASF $ 234 $ 223 $ 234 Other ARE $ 2,793,405 $ 2,240,147 $ 3,041,227 ASF ARE/ASF $ $ $ Totals ARE $ 32,316,542 $ 32,320,711 $ 34,601,445 ASF 201,588 216,899 228,929 ARE/ASF $ 160 $ 149 $ 151 2008-2009 $ 17,646,169 150,572 $ 117 $ 24,725,318 89,014 $ 278 $ 4,150,000 $ $ 46,521,487 239,586 $ 194 2009-2010 $ 21,327,784 172,159 $ 124 $ 23,456,754 95,652 $ 245 $ 3,651,262 16,815 $ $ 48,435,800 284,626 $ 170 2010-2011 $ 24,082,621 196,237 $ 123 $ 27,738,946 101,472 $ 273 $ 4,997,090 14,358 $ $ 56,818,657 312,067 $ 182 2011-2012 $ 22,933,152 203,587 $ 113 $ 27,519,137 109,074 $ 252 $ 3,838,927 14,366 $ $ 54,291,216 327,027 $ 166 Notes: ARE = Annual Research Expenditures ASF = Assigned Square Feet "Other" includes VPBA, VPAA, VPR, and Honors College, and VPCS (not including VPCS Institutes). 2005 - 2012 Annual Research Expenditures - By Entity $60,000,000 Departments Centers $50,000,000 Other $40,000,000 Totals $30,000,000 $20,000,000 $10,000,000 $‐ 2005‐2006 2006‐2007 UTSA Research Expenditures and Space - FY 11-12 2007‐2008 2008‐2009 2009‐2010 2010‐2011 2011‐2012 July 31, 2013 - Page 12 of 66 2005 - 2012 Assignable Square Feet of Research Space - By Entity 350,000 Departments Centers & Institutes 300,000 Other Totals Assignable Square Feet 250,000 200,000 150,000 100,000 50,000 0 2005‐2006 2006‐2007 UTSA Research Expenditures and Space - FY 11-12 2007‐2008 2008‐2009 2009‐2010 2010‐2011 2011‐2012 July 31, 2013 - Page 13 of 66 2011 - 2012 Annual Research Expenditures - By Entity 2011 - 2012 Assignable Square Feet - By Entity Other 5% Other 7% Centers & Institutes 33% Centers & Institutes 51% UTSA Research Expenditures and Space - FY 11-12 Departments 42% Departments 62% July 31, 2013 - Page 14 of 66 This page is intentionally blank. UTSA Research Expenditures and Space - FY 11-12 July 31, 2013 - Page 15 of 66 2008-2012 ANNUAL RESEARCH EXPENDITURES (ARE) - BY COLLEGE OR VICE PRESIDENT College College of Architecture College of Business College of Engineering College of Education and Human Development College of Liberal and Fine Arts College of Public Policy College of Sciences VP Community Services VPAA, VPBA, VPR, Honors College Totals Abbrev. COA COB COE COEHD COLFA COPP COS VPCS Other 2008-2009 ARE 2009-2010 ARE 2010-2011 ARE 2011-2012 ARE 2011-2012 ASF $ 110,159 $ 1,187,095 $ 6,249,522 $ 1,117,378 $ 2,827,049 $ 1,153,886 $ 29,293,217 $ 389,002 $ 2,789,804 $ 158,155 $ 1,568,037 $ 7,850,483 $ 2,137,366 $ 3,019,407 $ 1,247,570 $ 28,740,866 $ 159,554 $ 3,670,489 $ 176,975 $ 2,162,068 $ 9,556,172 $ 4,522,815 $ 2,953,225 $ 1,154,977 $ 30,972,342 $ 200,076 $ 5,120,007 $ 111,345 $ 1,878,766 $ 10,621,352 $ 4,487,989 $ 2,177,736 $ 1,302,512 $ 29,756,971 $ 50,464 $ 3,904,080 549 1,721 83,349 8,618 23,019 5,471 187,318 2,437 14,545 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 45,117,112 $ 48,551,927 $ 56,818,657 $ 54,291,215 327,027 $ 166 (average) Notes: This combines ARE by Departments and ARE by Center or Institute. UTSA Research Expenditures and Space - FY 11-12 2011-2012 ARE / ASF 203 1,092 127 521 95 238 159 21 268 July 31, 2013 - Page 16 of 66 2008 - 2012 Annual Research Expenditures - By College or Vice President $35,000,000 2008‐2009 ARE $30,000,000 2009‐2010 ARE 2010‐2011 ARE $25,000,000 2011‐2012 ARE $20,000,000 $15,000,000 $10,000,000 $5,000,000 $0 COA COB COE COEHD COLFA COPP COS VPCS Other Notes: "Other" includes VPBA, VPAA, VPR, and Honors College. This combines ARE by Departments and ARE by Center or Institute. UTSA Research Expenditures and Space - FY 11-12 July 31, 2013 - Page 17 of 66 2011 - 2012 ANNUAL RESEARCH EXPENDITURES (ARE) - BY COLLEGE OR VICE PRESIDENT College College of Architecture College of Business College of Engineering College of Education and Human Development College of Liberal and Fine Arts College of Public Policy College of Sciences VP Community Services VPAA, VPBA, VPR, Honors College Totals Abbrev. COA COB COE COEHD COLFA COPP COS VPCS Other Restricted Unrestricted Non-Federal Designated Unrestricted General Total Expenditures Assigned Square Feet $ 20,506 $ 562,863 $ 5,737,009 $ 3,788,083 $ 381,651 $ 435,004 $ 23,763,751 $ 31,469 $ 76,196 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 44,417 $ 770,046 $ 1,619,869 $ 251,931 $ 655,869 $ 112,748 $ 4,176,265 $ 3,039 $ 1,053,426 $ 46,422 $ 545,857 $ 2,672,953 $ 415,826 $ 973,982 $ 692,598 $ 1,639,486 $ 15,964 $ 2,385,138 $ 111,345 $ 1,878,766 $ 10,621,352 $ 4,487,989 $ 2,177,736 $ 1,302,512 $ 29,756,971 $ 50,464 $ 3,904,080 549 1,721 83,349 8,618 23,019 5,471 187,318 2,437 14,545 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 34,796,532 $ 1,418,847 $ 8,687,610 $ 9,388,226 $ 54,291,215 327,027 $ 166 (average) Restricted Federal 591,521 32,149 166,234 62,162 177,469 (8) 389,320 ARE / ASF 203 1,092 127 521 95 238 159 21 268 Notes: This combines ARE by Departments and ARE by Center or Institute. UTSA Research Expenditures and Space - FY 11-12 July 31, 2013 - Page 18 of 66 2011 - 2012 Annual Research Expenditures - By College or Vice President $35,000,000 Unrestricted General $30,000,000 Unrestricted Designated Restricted Non‐Federal $25,000,000 Restricted Federal $20,000,000 $15,000,000 $10,000,000 $5,000,000 $0 COA COB COE COEHD COLFA COPP COS VPCS Other Notes: "Other" includes VPBA, VPAA, VPR, and Honors College. This combines ARE by Departments and ARE by Center or Institute. UTSA Research Expenditures and Space - FY 11-12 July 31, 2013 - Page 19 of 66 2011 - 2012 Annual Research Expenditures - By College or Vice President VPCS 0% Other 7% COA 0% COB 4% COE 20% COEHD 8% COS 55% COLFA 4% COPP 2% Notes: "Other" includes VPBA, VPAA, VPR, and Honors College. This combines ARE by Departments and ARE by Center or Institute. UTSA Research Expenditures and Space - FY 11-12 July 31, 2013 - Page 20 of 66 2011 - 2012 Assignable Square Feet - By College or Vice President VPCS 1% Other COA 0% 4% COB 1% COE 25% COEHD 3% COS 57% COLFA 7% COPP 2% Notes: "Other" includes VPBA, VPAA, VPR, and Honors College. This combines ARE by Departments and ARE by Center or Institute. UTSA Research Expenditures and Space - FY 11-12 July 31, 2013 - Page 21 of 66 2008 - 2012 ANNUAL RESEARCH EXPENDITURES (ARE) - PER NUMBER OF PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATORS, BY COLLEGE 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 No. of No. of No. of No. of Principal Principal Principal Principal Investigators 2008-2009 2008-2009 Investigators 2009-2010 2009-2010 Investigators 2010-2011 2010-2011 Investigators 2011-2012 2011-2012 (PI) ARE/PI ASF/PI (PI) ARE/PI ASF/PI (PI) ARE/PI ASF/PI (PI) ARE/PI ASF/PI Abbrev. College College of Architecture COA 4 $ 27,540 94 6 $ 19,017 60 4 COB 13 $ 96,618 18 9 $ 178,312 41 COE 44 $ 141,491 892 45 $ 173,638 COEHD 18 $ 62,077 231 18 COLFA 19 $ 148,804 1,365 COPP 6 $ 192,314 College of Sciences COS VP Community Services VPCS 114 $ 256,958 - $ - - $ - 218 $ College of Business College of Engineering College of Education and Human College of Liberal and Fine Arts College of Public Policy VPAA, VPBA, VPR, Honors College Other Totals 44,244 84 2 12 $ 180,172 50 1,443 53 $ 180,305 $ 118,743 269 26 16 $ 191,467 1,370 745 6 $ 207,928 1,419 100 $ 286,288 - - $ - - $ 200 $ 184 1,160 (averages) 55,673 275 14 $ 137,627 146 912 56 $ 189,667 1,488 $ 173,954 115 23 $ 195,130 375 23 $ 128,401 1,156 20 $ 108,887 1,151 1,019 8 $ 144,372 726 12 $ 109,970 456 1,674 95 $ 326,025 1,775 109 $ 273,000 1,719 - - 3 $ 66,692 1,172 3 - - - $ - - 224 $ 170 1,423 (averages) $ 210 1,206 (averages) $ $ 24,908 - $ - 239 $ - 166 1,368 (averages) Notes: This combines ARE by Departments and ARE by Center or Institute. Only Principal Investigators who had expenditures greater than $0.00 is included. UTSA Research Expenditures and Space - FY 11-12 813 July 31, 2013 - Page 22 of 66 2011 - 2012 Number and Percentage of Principal Investigators per College COA, 2, 1% COB, 14, 6% COE, 56, 24% COS, 109, 46% COEHD, 23, 10% COPP, 12, 5% UTSA Research Expenditures and Space - FY 11-12 COLFA, 20, 8% July 31, 2013 - Page 23 of 66 2008 - 2012 Annual Research Expenditures Per Principal Investigator - By College 350000 300000 250000 2008‐2009 200000 2009‐2010 150000 2010‐2011 2011‐2012 100000 50000 0 COA COB COE UTSA Research Expenditures and Space - FY 11-12 COEHD COLFA COPP COS July 31, 2013 - Page 24 of 66 2008 - 2012 Assignable Square Feet Per Principal Investigator - By College 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 2008‐2009 1000 2009‐2010 800 2010‐2011 2011‐2012 600 400 200 0 COA COB COE UTSA Research Expenditures and Space - FY 11-12 COEHD COLFA COPP COS July 31, 2013 - Page 25 of 66 2008-2012 ANNUAL RESEARCH EXPENDITURES (ARE) - BY CENTER OR INSTITUTE Center or Institute Unit Codes Reports To Abbrev. 2008-2009 ARE 2009-2010 ARE 2010-2011 ARE 2011-2012 ARE 2011-2012 2011-2012 ASF ARE/ASF Advanced Microscopy 7054000- COS ADM $ - $ - $ 5,987 $ 36,446 - $ - Advance Confocal Center 7050011- COS ACC $ - $ - $ - $ 380,100 - $ - Center for Advanced Manufacturing and Lean Systems 7025000-001 COE CAMLS $ 1,050,089 $ 419,684 $ 221,676 $ 180,468 613 $ 294 Childhood and Adoles. Policy Research Institute / Mexico Center 7030000-002 VPCS CAPRI $ 379,811 $ 152,823 $ 182,639 $ 2,595 2,252 $ 1 1,132,621 $ 1,089,945 Center for Archeological Research 1625000-005 COLFA CAR $ $ 1,225,274 $ 850,436 7,677 $ 111 Center for Cultural Sustainability 1426000_ COA CCS $ - $ - $ 44,934 $ 45,025 371 $ 121 Center for Economic Development 7003000-000 VPCS CED $ - $ 2,709 $ - $ - - $ - Center for Excellence in Engineering Education Center for Education and Research in Information and Infrastructure Security 1305000- COE CEEE $ - $ 135,378 $ 516 $ 364 1206001_ COB CERIIS $ - $ Center for Infrastructure Assurance and Security 0613000-020 COS CIAS $ Center for Innovation and Technology Entrepreneurship 1310000- COB CITE $ 3,221,268 - $ 36,723 $ 199,821 372 $ 537 $ 3,310,166 $ 2,871,609 7,320 $ 392 $ 36,768 $ 32,130 $ 71,432 1,235 $ 58 296,092 $ 19,924 $ - - $ $ - $ - - $ - 3,672 $ 251 1920000-016 COLFA CPI $ 479,362 $ 0618000-007 COPP CPS $ 29,435 $ Center for Research and Training in the Sciences 7045000-000 COS CRTS $ 538,273 $ Center for Urban and Regional Planning 1424000_ COA CURP $ Center for Water Research 1825000-010 COS CWR $ - 187,782 3,464,003 Culture and Policy Institute 530,763 $ $ Center for Policy Studies $ - 163,400 737,232 - $ 352,216 $ 751,814 $ 923,380 - $ 23,780 $ 47,558 135 $ 352 $ 440,379 $ 537,453 3,235 $ 166 East Asia Institute 0217000- VPAA EAI $ - $ 19,227 $ 138,180 $ Institute for Aging Research 7040000_ COS IA $ - $ - $ 190 $ Institute for Bioengineering and Translational Research 1384000-0619 COE IBTR $ 932,509 $ 78,910 $ 515 $ - $ - Institute for Cyber Security 7035000-000 ICS $ 1,442,743 $ 597,473 $ 738,358 $ 993,391 5,091 $ 195 852,528 $ 659,617 $ 764,264 4,553 $ 168 - $ - COS 3 - - $ - - $ - Institute for Demographic and Socioeconomic Research 0616000-003 COPP IDSER $ 961,004 $ Institute for the Protection of American Communities 0625000-000 VPR IPAC $ 1,725 $ - $ - $ - Institute of Texan Cultures 9660000-005 VPCS ITC $ - $ - $ - $ 47,433 1 Interactive Technology Experience Center 1315000- COE ITEC $ $ 380,965 $ 351,929 $ 167,259 219 $ Minority Access to Research Centers 7049000- COS MARC $ 448,647 $ 520,788 $ 422,456 $ 511,541 - $ - Neurosciences Institute 7052000-006 COS NI $ 2,501,813 $ 2,700,654 $ 2,773,755 $ 3,892,058 11,989 $ 325 Research Centers at Minority Institutes 7050000-009 COS RCMI $ 1,968,308 $ 1,167,081 $ 2,563,342 $ 3,004,679 10,759 $ 279 Research Initiative for Scientific Enhancement 7048000-000 COS RISE $ 959,119 $ 872,247 $ 990,559 $ 994,243 - $ - San Antonio Institute for Cellular and Molecular Primatology 1863000-000 COS SAICMP $ 26,071 $ 619 $ 577,289 $ 900,584 1,138 $ 791 San Antonio Life Sciences Institute 0617000-000 COS SALSI $ - $ 847,363 $ 3,143,939 $ 144,812 599 $ 242 SBDC Contracting Resource Center 7011000_ VPCS SBDC-CRC $ - $ $ 120 $ - $ - Support of Continuous Research Excellence 7046000-024 COS SCORE $ $ 2,572,009 $ 11,499 $ 217 UTSA Research Expenditures and Space - FY 11-12 - $ 47,433 2,008,108 $ 2,792,760 2,493,561 July 31, 2013 - Page 26 of 66 764 2008-2012 ANNUAL RESEARCH EXPENDITURES (ARE) - BY CENTER OR INSTITUTE Center or Institute Unit Codes Reports To Abbrev. 2008-2009 ARE 2009-2010 ARE Sustainable Energy Research Institute 7060000-06 COE SERI $ - $ Center for Simulation, Visualization and Real Time Prediction 7053000- COE SIVIRT $ - $ Specialized Neuroscience Research Program 7047000-002 COS SNRP $ 29,831 $ 5,567,230 $ South Texas Center for Emerging Infectious Diseases 1812000-014 COS STCEID $ Southwest Trade Assistance Adjustment Center 7005000- VPCS SWTAAC $ Women's Studies Institute 1604000-000 COLFA WSI $ Totals 129,730 $ 24,338,460 - 2011-2012 ARE 2011-2012 2011-2012 ASF ARE/ASF $ 615,323 $ 2,449,162 4,971 $ 493 $ 1,246,484 $ 1,376,975 3,904 $ 353 $ 2,379 $ - $ - $ 4,352,781 $ 3,796,251 19,804 $ 192 (67) $ 2,054 $ 444 - $ - 128,845 $ 140,113 886 $ 158 $ 28,010,878 102,811 $ 229 695,245 5,207,431 $ $ 2010-2011 ARE 115,590 $ 23,535,664 $ $ 27,738,950 - 2008 - 2012 Annual Research Expenditures - By Center or Institute $6,000,000 2008-2009 ARE 2009-2010 ARE 2010-2011 ARE 2011-2012 ARE $5,000,000 $4,000,000 $3,000,000 $2,000,000 $1,000,000 Other STCEID SIVIRT SERI SCORE SALSI SAICMP RISE RCMI NI MARC ITEC IDSER ICS IBTR CWR CRTS CPI CIAS CERIIS CEEE CAR CAPRI CAMLS ACC $0 Note: Those entities with annual research expenditures less than $150,000 for all of the 4 years are combined and shown as "Other" on this chart. UTSA Research Expenditures and Space - FY 11-12 July 31, 2013 - Page 27 of 66 2011-2012 ANNUAL RESEARCH EXPENDITURES (ARE) - BY CENTER OR INSTITUTE Restricted Federal Restricted NonFederal Unrestricted Designated Unrestricted General Total Annual Research Expenditures Assigned Square Feet Center or Institute Unit Codes Reports To Abbrev. Advanced Microscopy 7054000_ COS AM $ $ - $ 36,446 $ - $ 36,446 - $ Advanced Confocal Center 7050011- COS ACC $ 380,100 $ - $ - $ - $ 380,100 - $ - Center for Advanced Manufacturing and Lean Systems 7025000-001 COE CAMLS $ 46,569 $ - $ $ 17,244 $ 180,467 613 $ 294 CAPRI $ - - 116,654 Childhood and Adolescent Policy Res. Inst./ Mexico Center 7030000-002 VPCS $ - $ 2,595 $ Center for Archeological Research 1625000-005 COLFA CAR $ 44,565 $ 166,234 $ 213,190 $ 426,447 ARE / ASF - $ 2,595 2,252 $ 1 $ 850,436 7,677 $ 111 371 $ 121 - $ - 516 $ 364 Center for Cultural Sustainability 1426000_ COA CCS $ 15,776 $ - $ 29,249 $ - $ 45,025 Center for Economic Development 7003000-000 VPCS CED $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Center for Excellence in Engineering Education Center for Education and Research in Information and Infrastructure Security 1305000- COE CEEE $ $ - $ 3,448 $ 32,519 $ 1206001_ COB CERIIS $ 47,727 $ - $ 152,094 $ - $ 199,821 372 $ 537 Center for Infrastructure Assurance and Security 0613000-020 COS CIAS $ 2,842,402 $ - $ 29,206 $ - $ 2,871,608 7,320 $ 392 Center for Innovation and Technology Entrepreneurship 1310000- COB CITE $ 20,474 $ - $ 1,260 $ 49,698 $ 71,432 1,235 $ Culture and Policy Institute 1920000-016 COLFA CPI $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - - $ 151,815 Center for Policy Studies 0618000-007 COPP CPS $ - $ - $ - $ - 7045000-000 COS CRTS $ 44,258 $ - $ 173,255 $ 705,867 $ 923,380 3,672 $ 251 Center for Urban and Regional Planning 1424000_ COA CURP $ 4,730 $ - $ 14,165 $ 28,663 $ 47,558 135 $ 352 Center for Water Research 1825000-010 COS CWR $ 434,016 $ 12,832 $ 41,365 $ 49,239 $ 537,452 3,235 $ 166 East Asia Institute 0217000- VPAA EAI $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Institute for Aging Research 7040000_ COS IAR $ - $ - $ $ - $ - $ - Institute for Bioengineering and Translational Research 0619000-001 COE IBTR $ 7035000-000 COS ICS $ 883,702 - $ 3 - $ - 58 - Center for Research and Training in the Sciences Institute for Cyber Security - 187,782 3 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 32,689 $ 77,000 $ 993,391 - 5,091 $ 195 100,086 $ 510,128 $ 764,265 4,553 $ 168 - $ - Institute for Demographic and Socioeconomic Research 0616000-003 COPP IDSER $ 91,889 $ 62,162 $ Institute for the Protection of American Communities 0625000-000 VPR IPAC $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Institute of Texan Cultures 9660000-005 VPCS ITC $ 31,469 $ - $ - $ 15,964 $ 47,433 1 $ 47,433 Interactive Technology Experience Center 1315000- COE ITEC $ 138,483 $ - $ 28,776 $ - $ 167,259 219 $ Minority Access to Research Centers 7049000- COS MARC $ 497,309 $ - $ 14,232 $ - $ 511,541 - $ 764 - Neurosciences Institute 7052000-006 COS NI $ 3,581,405 $ - $ 303,930 $ 6,723 $ 3,892,058 11,989 $ 325 279 Research Centers at Minority Institutes 7050000-009 COS RCMI $ 2,825,260 $ - $ 179,419 $ - $ 3,004,679 10,759 $ Research Initiative for Scientific Enhancement 7048000-000 COS RISE $ 983,034 $ - $ 11,209 $ - $ 994,243 - $ - San Antonio Institute for Cellular and Molecular Primatology 1863000-000 COS SAICMP $ 862,049 $ - $ 33,278 $ 5,258 $ 900,585 1,138 $ 791 144,812 $ 144,812 599 $ 242 - $ - San Antonio Life Sciences Institute 0617000-000 COS SALSI $ - $ - $ - $ SBDC Contracting Resource Center 7011000_ VPCS SBDC-CRC $ - $ - $ - $ UTSA Research Expenditures and Space - FY 11-12 - $ - July 31, 2013 - Page 28 of 66 2011-2012 ANNUAL RESEARCH EXPENDITURES (ARE) - BY CENTER OR INSTITUTE Center or Institute Unit Codes Reports To Abbrev. Restricted Federal Support of Continuous Research Excellence 7046000-024 COS SCORE $ 2,493,561 Sustainable Energy Research Institute 7060000-06 COE SERI $ 334,362 Center for Simulation, Visualization and Real Time Prediction 7053000- COE SIVIRT $ 1,316,998 Specialized Neuroscience Research Program 7047000-002 COS SNRP $ South Texas Center for Emerging Infectious Diseases 1812000-014 COS STCEID $ Southwest Trade Assistance Adjustment Center 7005000- VPCS SWTAAC Women's Studies Institute 1604000-000 COLFA WSI Totals 2,978,139 Restricted NonFederal $ Unrestricted Designated - $ - 2,493,561 11,499 $ 2,449,162 4,971 $ 493 12,115 $ 47,862 $ 1,376,975 3,904 $ 353 - $ - $ - $ - $ 48,393 $ 19,804 $ 192 $ $ - $ - $ 769,719 $ - $ - $ 444 $ $ 1,274 $ - $ 35,948 $ $ 21,051,366 $ 451,313 $ 2,652,625 - ARE / ASF $ 317,850 $ $ Assigned Square Feet $ $ $ Total Annual Research Expenditures $ 1,586,865 $ 210,085 - Unrestricted General 102,891 $ 3,855,573 3,796,251 $ 444 - $ - $ 140,113 868 $ 161 $ 28,010,877 102,793 $ 272 2011 - 2012 Annual Research Expenditures - By Center or Institute $4,500,000 Unrestricted General Unrestricted Designated Restricted Non-Federal Restricted Federal $4,000,000 $3,500,000 $3,000,000 $2,500,000 $2,000,000 $1,500,000 $1,000,000 $500,000 Other STCEID SIVIRT SERI SCORE SAICMP RISE RCMI NI MARC ITEC IDSER ICS CWR CRTS CIAS CERIIS CEEE CAR CAMLS ACC $0 Note: Those entities with annual research expenditures less than $150,000 are combined and shown as "Other" on this chart. UTSA Research Expenditures and Space - FY 11-12 217 July 31, 2013 - Page 29 of 66 2011 - 2012 Annual Research Expenditures - By Center or Institute Other 2% ACC 1% CAMLS CAR 1% 3% CEEE 1% STCEID 14% CERIIS 1% CIAS 10% CRTS 3% SIVIRT 5% ICS 4% SERI 9% CWR 2% IDSER 3% ITEC 1% SCORE 9% MARC 2% SAICMP 3% NI 14% RISE 4% RCMI 11% Note: Those entities with annual research expenditures less than $150,000 are combined and shown as "Other" on this chart. UTSA Research Expenditures and Space - FY 11-12 July 31, 2013 - Page 30 of 66 2011 - 2012 Assignable Square Feet - By Center or Institute Other 5% ACC 0% STCEID 19% CAMLS CEEE 1% CAR 1% CERIIS 7% 0% CIAS 7% CRTS 4% CWR 3% ICS 5% SIVIRT 4% IDSER 4% SERI 5% ITEC 0% SCORE 11% NI 12% SAICMP 1% RISE 0% MARC 0% RCMI 10% Note: Those entities with annual research expenditures less than $150,000 are combined and shown as "Other" on this chart. UTSA Research Expenditures and Space - FY 11-12 July 31, 2013 - Page 31 of 66 2008-2012 ANNUAL RESEARCH EXPENDITURES (ARE) - BY DEPARTMENT Department Accounting Anthropology Architecture (and 1423000) Art and Art History Bilingual-Bicultural Studies Biology Biomedical Engineering Chemistry Civil and Environmental Engineering Communications Computer Science Counseling Criminal Justice Demographics & Organizational Studies Economics Educational Leadership Educational Psychology Electrical Engineering English Finance Geological Science Health and Kinesiology History Information Systems Interdisciplinary Learning and Teaching Management Management Science and Statistics Management Technology Marketing Mathematical Science Mechanical Engineering Modern Languages Music Unit Code 1220000 1465000 1422000 1420000 1520000 1860000 1380000 1830000 1320000 1445000 1870000 1560000 1720000 1730000 1240000 1540000 1565000 1340000 1440000 1250000 1820000 1580000 1450000 1230000 1570000 1260000 1285000 1235000 1275000 1880000 1360000 1460000 1480000 UTSA Research Expenditures and Space - FY 11-12 College COB COLFA COA COLFA COEHD COS COE COS COE COLFA COS COEHD COPP COPP COB COEHD COEHD COE COLFA COB COS COEHD COLFA COB COEHD COB COB COB COB COS COE COLFA COLFA 2008-2009 ARE 2009-2010 ARE 2010-2011 ARE 2011-2012 ARE $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 9,805 296,749 110,159 232 2,757,235 369,445 1,739,540 754,045 52,627 1,543,633 261,681 62,302 32,062 136,193 165,926 1,187,181 196,525 461,311 535,119 99,190 200,164 70,635 71,855 112,754 20,113 144,929 195,371 1,388,852 - 169,424 407,084 114,100 44,056 18,760 2,106,034 1,537,883 1,450,231 1,247,639 1,724,523 115,882 179,805 162,471 160,244 191,935 30,881 1,139,685 132,621 89,628 654,635 354,259 372,954 158,957 1,386,454 13,180 20,121 39 97,626 150,920 1,948,881 33,430 13,467 78,881 382,775 108,262 104,148 1,898,302 1,136,442 1,665,731 1,154,271 99,234 2,056,489 168,844 306,759 137,226 162,516 216,857 199 1,394,129 269,797 130,126 312,940 571,560 140,615 499,191 3,441,854 87,660 39,751 133,232 40,708 2,463,366 4,396 20,459 49,198 136,086 18,762 79,281 1,542,882 1,245,978 2,751,634 996,955 2,203,346 144,603 319,782 140,742 122,263 94,230 1,380,841 74,998 35,358 549,037 612,333 20,363 129,438 3,204,887 66,043 100,076 175 78,195 96,639 2,481,177 18,281 2011-2012 ASF 14 782 43 20 43,919 10,778 25,243 15,208 6,335 164 164 244 175 157 17,610 16 11,954 3,956 1 172 2,525 23 17 5 587 27,231 101 2011-2012 ARE/ASF $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 3,514 174 436 3,964 35 116 109 66 348 882 1,950 577 699 600 78 2,210 46 155 20,363 753 1,269 2,871 5,887 15,639 165 91 181 July 31, 2013 - Page 32 of 66 2008-2012 ANNUAL RESEARCH EXPENDITURES (ARE) - BY DEPARTMENT Department P-20 Initiatives Philosophy Physics and Astronomy Political Science and Geography Psychology Public Administration Social Work Sociology Tourism Management Office of the Dean, All Colleges Unit Code 1601006 1470000 1850000 1430000 1455000 1740000 1780000 1485000 1200014 n/a Totals UTSA Research Expenditures and Space - FY 11-12 College VPCS COLFA COS COLFA COLFA COPP COPP COLFA COB Other 2011-2012 ASF 2011-2012 ARE/ASF 2008-2009 ARE 2009-2010 ARE 2010-2011 ARE 2011-2012 ARE $ $ $ 3,162,965 $ 100,572 $ 232,061 $ 43,070 $ 17,663 $ 18,184 $ 5,011 $ - $ $ $ 3,265,174 $ 114,502 $ 226,620 $ 27,491 $ 22,892 $ 24,265 $ $ 1,419,032 $ 15,263 $ 27,829 $ 1,904,385 $ 92,061 $ 410,035 $ 15,768 $ 13,007 $ 46,341 $ 14,784 $ 2,331,693 $ (8) $ 966 $ 2,084,165 $ 124,755 $ 233,331 $ 40,625 $ 33,032 $ 42,162 $ 12,474 $ 1,469,143 149 21,613 4 7,372 86 152 2 6,327 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 96 31,189 32 472 217 6,237 232 $ 16,555,159 $ 21,327,785 $ 24,097,886 $ 22,734,228 203,149 $ 112 (0) - July 31, 2013 - Page 33 of 66 2008 - 2012 Annual Research Expenditures - By Department $4,000,000 $3,500,000 $3,000,000 2008-2009 ARE 2009-2010 ARE 2010-2011 ARE 2011-2012 ARE $2,500,000 $2,000,000 $1,500,000 $1,000,000 Other Office of Dean's Psychology Physics-Astron. Mech. Eng. Math Inter. Learning Information Sys. History Health/Kines. Geological Sci. English Electrical Eng. Ed. Leadership Economics Demography Criminal Just. Counseling Computer Sci. Chemistry Biomedical Eng. Biology Anthropology Accounting $0 Civil… $500,000 Note: Those entities with annual research expenditures less than $150,000 for all of the 4 years are combined and shown as "Other" on this chart. UTSA Research Expenditures and Space - FY 11-12 July 31, 2013 - Page 34 of 66 This page is blank intentionally. UTSA Research Expenditures and Space - FY 11-12 July 31, 2013 - Page 35 of 66 2011-2012 ANNUAL RESEARCH EXPENDITURES (ARE) - BY DEPARTMENT Department Accounting Anthropology Architecture (and 1423000) Art and Art History Bilingual-Bicultural Studies Biology Biomedical Engineering Chemistry Civil and Environmental Engineering Communications Computer Science Counseling Criminal Justice Demographics & Organizational Studies Economics Educational Leadership Educational Psychology Electrical Engineering English Finance Geological Science Health and Kinesiology History Information Systems Interdisciplinary Learning and Teaching Management Management Science and Statistics Management Technology Marketing Mathematical Science Mechanical Engineering Modern Languages Music Unit Code 1220000 1465000 1422000 1420000 1520000 1860000 1380000 1830000 1320000 1445000 1870000 1560000 1720000 1730000 1240000 1540000 1565000 1340000 1440000 1250000 1820000 1580000 1450000 1230000 1570000 1260000 1285000 1235000 1275000 1880000 1360000 1460000 1480000 UTSA Research Expenditures and Space - FY 11-12 College COB COLFA COA COLFA COEHD COS COE COS COE COLFA COS COEHD COPP COPP COB COEHD COEHD COE COLFA COB COS COEHD COLFA COB COEHD COB COB COB COB COS COE COLFA COLFA Restricted Federal $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,286 24,177 82 721,899 527,064 1,672,626 301,656 1,847,723 297,259 29,033 46,636 831,600 603 130,711 476,123 2,137 23,651 3,116,410 6,528 87,164 2,083,050 943 Restricted Unrestricted Unrestricted Non-Federal Designated General Total Annual Assigned Square Research Feet Expenditures $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 25,082 164,636 352,764 4,182 4,769 (1,179) - $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 54,530 1,003 644 575,830 355,884 711,303 73,618 264,731 1,885 9,955 1,807 15,669 274,849 9,755 374,514 72,659 71,181 47,812 1,742 175 9,474 307,339 8,336 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 47,912 57,379 17,759 78,554 245,153 337,948 203,069 268,916 90,893 144,603 20,637 101,754 73,820 74,380 269,623 74,998 25,000 43,812 63,551 18,227 34,606 40,664 66,043 91,806 78,195 91,968 9,002 49,198 136,086 18,762 79,280 1,542,882 1,245,978 2,751,634 996,954 2,203,347 144,603 319,781 140,742 122,263 94,231 1,380,841 74,998 35,358 549,037 612,333 20,364 129,438 3,204,886 66,043 100,076 175 78,195 96,638 2,481,178 18,281 14 782 43 20 43,919 10,778 25,243 15,208 6,335 164 164 244 175 157 17,610 16 11,954 3,956 1 172 2,525 23 17 5 587 27,231 101 ARE / ASF $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 3,514 174 436 3,964 35 116 109 66 348 882 1,950 577 699 600 78 2,210 46 155 20,364 753 1,269 2,871 5,887 15,639 165 91 181 July 31, 2013 - Page 36 of 66 2011-2012 ANNUAL RESEARCH EXPENDITURES (ARE) - BY DEPARTMENT Department P-20 Initiatives Philosophy Physics and Astronomy Political Science and Geography Psychology Public Administration Social Work Sociology Tourism Management Office of the Dean, All Colleges Unit Code 1601006 1470000 1850000 1430000 1455000 1740000 1780000 1485000 1200014 n/a Totals UTSA Research Expenditures and Space - FY 11-12 College VPCS COLFA COS COLFA COLFA COPP COPP COLFA COB Other Restricted Unrestricted Unrestricted Non-Federal Designated General Total Annual Assigned Square Research Feet Expenditures $ $ $ 1,457,121 $ 92,711 $ 128,544 $ $ 114 $ 8,522 $ 12,474 $ 511,521 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ (8) $ 966 $ 2,084,165 $ 124,755 $ 233,331 $ 40,625 $ 33,033 $ 42,163 $ 12,474 $ 1,469,194 149 21,613 4 7,372 86 152 2 6,327 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 96 31,189 32 472 217 6,237 232 $ 14,439,368 $ $ 22,734,280 203,149 $ 112 Restricted Federal - (8) $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 550,246 461,791 104,367 16,108 825 850,055 $ 4,677,841 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 966 165,253 32,044 420 40,625 16,811 32,816 107,618 $ 3,066,825 ARE / ASF (0) - July 31, 2013 - Page 37 of 66 2011 - 2012 Annual Research Expenditures - By Department $3,500,000 Unrestricted General Unrestricted Designated $3,000,000 Restricted Non-Federal Restricted Federal $2,500,000 $2,000,000 $1,500,000 $1,000,000 $500,000 Other Deans Psychology Physics-Astron. Mech. Eng. Inter. Learning Health/Kines. Geological Sci. Electrical Eng. Criminal Just. Computer Sci. Civil Engineering Chemistry Biomedical Eng. Biology $0 Note: Those entities with annual research expenditures less than $150,000 are combined and shown as "Other" on this chart. UTSA Research Expenditures and Space - FY 11-12 July 31, 2013 - Page 38 of 66 This page is blank intentionally. UTSA Research Expenditures and Space - FY 11-12 July 31, 2013 - Page 39 of 66 2011 - 2012 Annual Research Expenditures - By Department Other 7% Psychology 1% Biology 7% Biomedical Eng. 6% Deans 7% Chemistry 12% Physics-Astron. 9% Civil Engineering 4% Mech. Eng. 11% Computer Sci. 10% Criminal Just. 1% Inter. Learning 14% Electrical Eng. 6% Health/Kines. 3% Geological Sci. 2% Note: Those entities with annual research expenditures less than $150,000 are combined and shown as "Other" on this chart. UTSA Research Expenditures and Space - FY 11-12 July 31, 2013 - Page 40 of 66 2011 - 2012 Assignable Square Feet - By Department Other 1% Deans 3% Psychology 4% Biology 22% Physics-Astron. 11% Biomedical Eng. 5% Mech. Eng. 13% Chemistry 12% Inter. Learning 1% Health/Kines. 2% Geological Sci. 6% Electrical Eng. 9% Criminal Just. 0% Civil Engineering 8% Computer Sci. 3% Note: Those entities with annual research expenditures less than $150,000 are combined and shown as "Other" on this chart. UTSA Research Expenditures and Space - FY 11-12 July 31, 2013 - Page 41 of 66 This page is blank intentionally. UTSA Research Expenditures and Space - FY 11-12 July 31, 2013 - Page 42 of 66 ANNUAL RESEARCH EXPENDITURES - BY PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR The following pages detail annual research expenditures (ARE) and assignable square feet (ASF) for each principal investigator (PI) for the fiscal years of 2008-2009, 2009-2010, 2010-2011, and 2011-2012. Unit codes ending with a plus sign (+) include data from research expenditures that the PI may be involved in through an Institute or Center. Where research space is not assigned to the PI, the PI's office room number is listed and one percent of the space is assumed to be used for research. 2011 - 2012 No. of PI's with Research Expenditures 2011 - 2012 Total Research Expenditures for PI's with Expenditures $3,590,063 , 10% 5, 2% 11, 5% $7,923,478 , 22% Greater than $1,000,000 74, 31% 72, 30% $73,288 , 0% $500,000 to $999,999 $100,000 to $499,999 $10,000 to $99,999 Less than $10,000 $16,984,181, 47% $7,774,499 , 21% 77, 32% UTSA Research Expenditures and Space - FY 11-12 July 31, 2013 - Page 43 of 66 2008 - 2012 ANNUAL RESEARCH EXPENDITURES - BY PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR Unit Code Unit Name Department TOURISM MGMT - Tourism Management 1200014_ PI-BOJANIC Information Systems 1230002+ IS-PI-DIETRICH Information Systems 1230003_ IS-PI-CLARK Information Systems 1230005+ IS-PI-GOLES Information Systems 1230006_ IS-PI-GRANT Information Systems 1230008_ IS-PI-GUPTA Information Systems 1230009+ IS-PI-CHANG Information Systems 1230010+ IS-PI-BEEBE MGMT TECH-PI- Management Technology 1235000_ FLANNERY 2008-2009 Annual Research Expenditures (ARE) 2008-2009 Assign. Square Feet (ASF) 2008-2009 ARE/ASF 2009-2010 Annual Research Expenditures (ARE) - 2009-2010 Assign. Square Feet (ASF) - 2010-2011 Annual Research Expenditures (ARE) 2009-2010 ARE/ASF $ 5,011 1 $ 5,011 $ $ 151,827 57 $ 2,654 $ 131,933 $ 11,395 8 $ 1,416 $ 2,875 $ 422 1 $ 422 $ - $ 448 6 $ 80 $ 200 6 $ $ 1,394 1 $ 1,394 $ 600 1 $ 2010-2011 Assign. Square Feet (ASF) 2011-2012 Annual Research Expenditures (ARE) 2010-2011 ARE/ASF 2011-2012 Assign. Square Feet (ASF) 2011-2012 ARE/ASF 2011-2012 up to 3-Year Average ARE/ASF $ - $ 14,784 2 $ 7,392 $ 12,474 2 $ 6,237 $ 4,543 57 $ 2,315 $ 158,576 58 $ 2,734 $ 25,460 58 $ 439 $ 1,829 8 $ 357 $ 718 8 $ 89 $ 1,799 8 $ 223 $ 223 $ - $ - - $ - $ - - $ - $ - 36 $ - - $ - $ - - $ - $ 12 600 $ 6 1 $ 6 $ - - $ - $ 202 $ 119,014 12 $ 9,918 $ 219,382 145 $ 1,513 $ 5,715 $ 154,838 326 $ 475 $ 47,556 326 $ 146 $ 310 - $ - $ 175 - $ - $ 0 - $ 20,113 56 $ 358 $ 39 56 $ 1 $ - Economics $ 41,936 1 $ 32,763 $ 45,025 1 $ 35,176 $ 42,863 3 $ 14,288 $ 46,636 3 $ 15,545 $ 21,670 Economics $ 24,896 1 $ 17,410 $ 2,732 143 $ 19 $ 5,815 143 $ 41 $ 1,807 143 $ 13 $ 24 Finance 1250002_ FIN-PI-BHANOT MGMT-PIManagement 1260012_ MCCRAY MGMT-PI1260027_ LENGNICK-HALL Management $ - $ - $ 86 2 $ 43 $ 1,175 2 $ 587 $ 910 2 $ 455 $ 362 $ 398 4 $ 90 $ - - $ - $ - $ - $ - - $ - $ - $ 341 4 $ 85 $ - - $ - $ 990 $ 124 $ - - $ - $ 1275002_ MKT-PI-CHO Marketing $ 3,989 3 $ 1,467 $ - - $ - $ - $ - $ - - $ - $ - 1285011_ MSS-PI-YE Management Science and Statistics $ - $ - $ - - $ - $ 296 1 $ 296 $ 325 1 $ 325 $ 207 MSS-PI1285013_ DEOLIVEIRA Management Science and Statistics $ 23,518 $ 23,518 $ 296 $ 296 $ 953 1 $ 953 $ 805 1 $ 805 $ 684 1285015+ MSS-PI-KO Science and Statistics $ - - $ - $ - - $ - $ - - $ - $ 124,193 136 $ 913 $ 913 CE-PI1320005_ WEISSMANN Civil & Environmental Engineering $ 1,759 $ 122 $ 191,720 1,750 $ 110 $ 1,759 $ 136 $ 188,701 538 $ 351 $ 199 1320008_ CE-PI-DIAZ Civil & Environmental Engineering $ - $ - $ 2,803 561 $ 5 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 2 1240001_ ECO-PI- LIEN ECO -PI1240003+ MERRIFIELD 214,887 - - - 1 UTSA Research Expenditures and Space - FY 11-12 1 239,044 - 8 - - July 31, 2013 - Page 44 of 66 41 2008 - 2012 ANNUAL RESEARCH EXPENDITURES - BY PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR Unit Code Unit Name Department 2008-2009 Annual Research Expenditures (ARE) 2008-2009 Assign. Square Feet (ASF) 2008-2009 ARE/ASF 2009-2010 Annual Research Expenditures (ARE) 2009-2010 Assign. Square Feet (ASF) 2009-2010 ARE/ASF 2010-2011 Annual Research Expenditures (ARE) 2010-2011 Assign. Square Feet (ASF) 2011-2012 Annual Research Expenditures (ARE) 2010-2011 ARE/ASF 1320010_ CE-PI-SHARIF Civil & Environmental Engineering $ 64,982 45 $ 1,444 $ 1,674 46 $ 36 $ 89,708 485 $ 185 $ 1320011_ CE-PI-YANG Civil & Environmental Engineering $ 9,207 409 $ 23 $ 4,773 409 $ 12 $ 8,234 166 $ 50 $ - 1320012_ CE-PI-SHIPLEY Civil & Environmental Engineering $ 72,116 2,172 $ 33 $ 116,812 2,172 $ 54 $ 19,447 442 $ 44 $ 1320013+ CE-PI-JOHNSON Civil & Environmental Engineering $ 38,395 2,172 $ 18 $ 108,782 2,041 $ 53 $ 180,714 3,921 $ 46 Civil & Environmental 1320014_ CE-PI-DESSOUKY Engineering $ 33,659 467 $ 72 $ 196,523 1,415 $ 139 $ 84,365 1,415 $ 60 CE-PI1320015_ Papagiannakis Civil & Environmental Engineering $ 79,597 948 $ 84 $ - $ - $ - - $ CE-PI-BIN1320016_ SHAFIQUE Civil & Environmental Engineering $ 170,807 600 $ 285 $ 601 $ 345 $ 1,341 1,201 $ 1320017_ CE-PI-MANZ Civil & Environmental Engineering $ 1,476 685 1320018_ CE-PI-HUANG Civil & Environmental Engineering $ 27,538 1320019+ CE-PI-PEI Civil & Environmental Engineering $ 142,095 1320020_ CE-PI-LIU Environmental Engineering $ 1340004+ EE-PI-RAJU Electrical Engineering $ - 122,349 - 207,255 - $ - $ - 980 $ 125 $ 88,649 UTSA Research Expenditures and Space - FY 11-12 - $ - $ - 742 $ 119 $ 62,137 2011-2012 up to 3-Year Average ARE/ASF 2011-2012 ARE/ASF 2,475 $ 109 $ 110 - $ - $ 20 27,369 442 $ 62 $ 53 $ 183,404 2,347 $ 78 $ 59 $ 13,866 1,466 $ 9 $ 69 $ 492 773 $ 1 $ 0 1 $ 5,546 1,201 $ 5 $ 117 $ 2 $ 225 685 $ 0 $ 1 70 $ 393 $ 105,231 70 $ 1,503 $ 948 620 $ 229 $ 40,569 1,487 $ 27 $ 128 - $ - $ 121,643 685 $ 178 $ 178 502 $ 124 $ 39,847 502 $ 79 $ 108 - 269,234 2011-2012 Assign. Square Feet (ASF) July 31, 2013 - Page 45 of 66 2008 - 2012 ANNUAL RESEARCH EXPENDITURES - BY PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR Unit Code Unit Name Department 2008-2009 Annual Research Expenditures (ARE) 1340009+ EE-PI-LIN, W Electrical Engineering $ 605 EE-PI1340010+ GRIGORYAN Electrical Engineering $ - 1340011+ EE-PI-JOHN Electrical Engineering $ 1340013+ EE-PI-AGAIAN Electrical Engineering 1340014_ EE-PI-QIAN 2008-2009 Assign. Square Feet (ASF) 2 2009-2010 Annual Research Expenditures (ARE) 2008-2009 ARE/ASF 2009-2010 Assign. Square Feet (ASF) 2010-2011 Annual Research Expenditures (ARE) 2009-2010 ARE/ASF $ 303 $ - - $ - $ 580 - $ - $ - - $ - $ - 34,751 375 $ 93 $ 1,595 159 $ 10 $ 568 $ 2,953 1,269 $ 2 $ 33,812 1,282 $ 26 $ Electrical Engineering $ 115,198 570 $ 202 $ 16,158 745 $ 22 1340015_ EE-PI-CHEN Electrical Engineering $ 13,151 606 $ 22 $ 23 1 $ EE-PI1340018+ SHADARAM Electrical Engineering $ 59,199 589 $ 101 $ 1,987 589 $ 1340022_ EE-PI-COTAE Electrical Engineering $ 11,500 500 $ 23 $ - - $ 1340023_ EE-PI-HUANG Electrical Engineering $ 102,840 322 $ 319 $ 97,971 322 1340024+ EE-PI-JAMSHIDI Electrical Engineering $ 60,373 2,704 $ 22 $ 37,052 1340026+ EE-PI-JIN Electrical Engineering $ 129,968 322 $ 404 $ 138,713 UTSA Research Expenditures and Space - FY 11-12 2010-2011 Assign. Square Feet (ASF) 2 - 2011-2012 Annual Research Expenditures (ARE) 2010-2011 ARE/ASF $ 290 $ - $ - $ 7 2011-2012 Assign. Square Feet (ASF) 2011-2012 ARE/ASF 2011-2012 up to 3-Year Average ARE/ASF - $ - $ 97 74,885 713 $ 105 $ 105 $ 35,107 513 $ 68 $ 29 $ 37,174 1,345 $ 28 $ 18 $ (66,068) 570 $ $ - - $ - $ 8 596 $ 368 $ 125 - $ - $ - 80 $ - 1,282 $ $ 3,617 1,489 $ 23 $ - - $ 3 $ 2,583 589 $ - $ - - $ - $ $ 304 $ 180,979 278 $ 651 $ 110,138 196 $ 562 $ 506 2,704 $ 14 $ 226,916 1,456 $ 156 $ 241,036 2,113 $ 114 $ 95 160 $ 867 $ 237,363 365 $ 650 $ 269,773 1,068 $ 253 $ 590 - 2 - 4 $ 219,288 - (116) $ July 31, 2013 - Page 46 of 66 (31) 2008 - 2012 ANNUAL RESEARCH EXPENDITURES - BY PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR Unit Code Unit Name Department 2008-2009 Annual Research Expenditures (ARE) 2008-2009 Assign. Square Feet (ASF) 2009-2010 Annual Research Expenditures (ARE) 2008-2009 ARE/ASF 1340028_ EE-PI-AKOPIAN Electrical Engineering $ 66,601 611 $ 109 $ 78,839 1340029_ EE-PI-KELLEY Electrical Engineering $ 1,891 619 $ 3 $ - 1340030_ EE-PI-GUO Electrical Engineering $ 259,293 718 $ 361 $ 1340031_ EE-PI-BHALLA Electrical Engineering $ 98,415 718 $ 137 $ 1340032_ EE-PI-HUDSON Electrical Engineering $ 16,805 117 $ 144 $ - 1340033_ EE-PI-JOO Electrical Engineering $ 24,643 68 $ 362 $ 20,048 EE-PI1340034+ KRISHNASWAMI 2009-2010 Assign. Square Feet (ASF) 2009-2010 ARE/ASF 2010-2011 Annual Research Expenditures (ARE) 2010-2011 Assign. Square Feet (ASF) 2010-2011 ARE/ASF 2011-2012 Annual Research Expenditures (ARE) 2011-2012 Assign. Square Feet (ASF) 2011-2012 ARE/ASF 2011-2012 up to 3-Year Average ARE/ASF 697 $ 113 $ 121,595 982 $ 124 $ 101,515 953 $ 107 $ 114 - $ - $ 54,241 619 $ 88 $ 3,316 118 $ 28 $ 39 145,051 1,441 $ 101 $ 146,171 1,333 $ 110 $ 385,075 3,114 $ 124 $ 111 157,526 718 $ 219 $ 197,878 826 $ 240 $ 142,194 1,150 $ 124 $ 194 - $ - $ - - $ - $ - - $ - $ - $ 295 $ 3,297 68 $ 48 $ - - $ - $ 114 Electrical Engineering $ 7,602 179 $ 42 $ 296,069 817 $ 362 $ 202 1340035_ EE-PI-LEE Electrical Engineering $ 88,114 159 $ 554 $ 140,484 398 $ 353 $ 454 1340036_ EE-PI-LIU Electrical Engineering 1340037_ EE-PI-WANG 1360001_ ME-PI-BAGLEY ME-PI1360004_ MANTEUFEL 1360006+ ME-PI-WANG, X Electrical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering 68 $ - - $ - $ - - $ - $ - - $ - $ 45,513 622 $ 73 $ 73 $ - - $ - $ - - $ - $ - - $ - $ 78,255 643 $ 122 $ 122 $ - - $ - $ 1,490 1 $ 1,490 $ - - $ - $ - - $ - $ 497 $ 659 1 $ 659 $ 1,610 2 $ 805 $ 150 2 $ 75 $ 2,438 240 $ 10 $ 297 $ 165,859 2,585 $ 64 $ 406,342 2,584 $ 157 $ 525,102 2,584 $ 203 $ 275,994 2,924 $ 94 $ 152 UTSA Research Expenditures and Space - FY 11-12 July 31, 2013 - Page 47 of 66 2008 - 2012 ANNUAL RESEARCH EXPENDITURES - BY PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR Unit Code Unit Name Department ME-PI1360010+ MILLWATER Mechanical Engineering Mechanical 1360011+ ME-PI-AGRAWAL Engineering Mechanical 1360013_ ME-PI-CONNOLLY Engineering ME-PI-HAN, HAI- Mechanical Engineering 1360015+ CHAO Mechanical Engineering 1360019+ ME-PI-SAYGIN Mechanical Engineering 1360020+ ME-PI-FENG 2008-2009 Annual Research Expenditures (ARE) $ $ 477,568 - 2008-2009 Assign. Square Feet (ASF) 2009-2010 Annual Research Expenditures (ARE) 2008-2009 ARE/ASF 2009-2010 Assign. Square Feet (ASF) 2009-2010 ARE/ASF 2010-2011 Annual Research Expenditures (ARE) 2010-2011 Assign. Square Feet (ASF) 2010-2011 ARE/ASF 2011-2012 Annual Research Expenditures (ARE) 2011-2012 Assign. Square Feet (ASF) 2011-2012 up to 3-Year Average ARE/ASF 2011-2012 ARE/ASF 830 $ 575 $ 590,441 831 $ 711 $ 485,014 786 $ 617 $ 811,111 3,202 $ 253 $ 527 - $ - $ 2,614 11 $ 238 $ 89,299 11 $ 8,118 $ 59,958 672 $ 89 $ 2,815 - - $ - $ 51 $ 113,496 526 $ 216 $ 109,391 930 $ 118 $ 37,786 1,052 $ 36 $ $ 165,200 1,534 $ 108 $ 188,414 1,534 $ 123 $ 712,113 1,534 $ 464 $ 789,772 3,266 $ 242 $ 276 $ 154,061 1,412 $ 109 $ 22,952 1,412 $ 16 $ 17,985 1,412 $ 13 $ 271 1,412 $ 0 $ 10 $ 146,451 687 $ 213 $ 303,568 701 $ 433 $ 552,436 732 $ 755 $ 1,307,292 1,998 $ 654 $ 614 $ 184,781 223 $ 829 $ 64,417 238 $ 271 $ 73,797 324 $ 228 $ 263,905 1,332 $ 198 $ 232 1360022+ ME-PI-NOWAK Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering $ 2,163 1,241 $ 2 $ 85,530 1,241 $ 69 $ 98,223 1,241 $ 79 $ 117,330 1,241 $ 95 $ 81 1360023+ ME-PI-WAN Mechanical Engineering $ 80,310 157 $ 512 $ 117,515 791 $ 149 $ 1,336 6 $ 223 $ 568 931 $ 1 $ 124 ME-PI1360024_ MICHAELIDES Mechanical Engineering $ 24,935 503 $ 50 $ 82,985 908 $ 91 $ 56,696 907 $ 63 $ 3,333 907 $ 4 $ 53 1360026_ ME-PI-HAYMAN Mechanical Engineering $ 8,845 1,000 $ 9 $ 29,251 1,000 $ 29 $ 19,615 1,000 $ 20 $ 694 1,000 $ 1 $ 17 1360027+ ME-PI-FOSTER Mechanical Engineering $ - - $ - $ - - $ - $ - - $ - $ 197,532 1,109 $ 178 $ 178 1360028_ ME-PI-ZENG Mechanical Engineering $ - - $ - $ - - $ - $ - - $ - $ 85,458 167 $ 512 $ 512 1360029+ ME-PI-FENG, Z ME-PI1360030_ BHAGANAGAR Mechanical Engineering $ - - $ - $ - - $ - $ - - $ - $ 131,371 291 $ 451 $ 451 Mechanical Engineering $ - - $ - $ - - $ - $ - - $ - $ 530 936 $ 1 $ 1 BIOMED-PI1380001_ ROBERSON Biomedical Engineering $ 19,073 381 $ $ 7,416 384 $ $ - 384 $ - $ - 384 $ $ 6 1360021+ ME-PI-CHEN UTSA Research Expenditures and Space - FY 11-12 50 19 - July 31, 2013 - Page 48 of 66 2008 - 2012 ANNUAL RESEARCH EXPENDITURES - BY PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR Unit Code Unit Name Department 2008-2009 Annual Research Expenditures (ARE) BIOMED-PI1380002+ BIZIOS Biomedical Engineering $ 1380005+ BIOMED-PI-ONG Biomedical Engineering $ BIOMED-PI1380006+ APPLEFORD Biomedical Engineering Biomedical 1380007_ BIOMED-PI-MANI Engineering Biomedical 1380008+ BIOMED-PI-Tang Engineering - 2008-2009 Assign. Square Feet (ASF) 2008-2009 ARE/ASF 2009-2010 Annual Research Expenditures (ARE) 2009-2010 Assign. Square Feet (ASF) 2010-2011 Annual Research Expenditures (ARE) 2009-2010 ARE/ASF 2010-2011 Assign. Square Feet (ASF) 2011-2012 Annual Research Expenditures (ARE) 2010-2011 ARE/ASF 2011-2012 Assign. Square Feet (ASF) 2011-2012 up to 3-Year Average ARE/ASF 2011-2012 ARE/ASF - $ - $ 103,718 1,096 $ 95 $ 109,178 477 $ 229 $ 190,352 1,774 $ 107 $ 144 1,024,786 2,610 $ 393 $ 1,136,658 2,842 $ 400 $ 750,496 2,762 $ 272 $ 479,583 2,860 $ 168 $ 280 $ 90,524 321 $ 282 $ 3,403 28 $ 122 $ 21,625 80 $ 270 $ 6,103 138 $ 44 $ 145 $ 8,373 656 $ 13 $ 35,527 657 $ 54 $ 1 - $ - $ - - $ $ 18 $ 112,595 1,090 $ 103 $ 8,994 1,090 $ 8 $ 27,054 1,090 $ 25 $ 60,174 1,266 $ 48 $ 27 $ 46,256 117 $ 395 $ 25,182 117 $ 215 $ 342,436 167 $ 2,051 $ 422,065 1,555 $ 271 $ 846 $ - - $ - $ 140,652 179 $ 786 $ 252,472 108 $ 2,338 $ 80,595 1,933 $ 42 $ 1,055 100 $ 448 $ 52,992 100 $ 530 $ 2,080 100 $ 21 $ 333 - BIOMED-PIRAMASUBRAMAN Biomedical Engineering 1380009+ IAN Biomedical Engineering 1380010+ BIOMED-PI-YE Biomedical Engineering 1380011_ BIOMED-PI-OH Biomedical 1380012_ BIOMED-PI-FINOL Engineering $ - - $ - $ 44,817 $ - - $ - $ - - $ - $ - - $ - $ 161,732 1,642 $ 98 $ 98 BIOMED-PI1380013_ REILLY Biomedical Engineering $ - - $ - $ - - $ - $ - - $ - $ 159,718 616 $ 259 $ 259 Architecture $ 24,098 $ 560 $ 17,086 43 $ 397 $ - - $ - $ - - $ - $ 132 Architecture $ - - $ - $ 5,461 5 $ 1,092 $ 9,924 5 $ 1,985 $ - - $ - $ 1,026 Architecture $ - - $ - $ 8 1 $ 8 $ 8 1 $ 8 $ - - $ - $ 5 1422020_ ARCH-PI-NICOLL Architecture $ 4,710 6 $ 856 $ 9,146 6 $ 1,662 $ 54,702 5 $ 10,940 $ - - $ - $ 4,201 ARCH-PI1422021_ NISHIMOTO Architecture $ 14,333 101 $ 141 $ 9,890 94 $ 105 $ 28 101 $ 0 $ $ 35 ARCH-PI1422022_ DUPONT Architecture $ 14,777 186 $ 80 $ 5,803 186 $ 31 $ - - $ - $ - $ - - $ $ - - $ $ - - $ - $ 41,490 ARCH-PI1422004_ TANGUM ARCH-PIPEMBERTON1422010_ HAUGH ARCH-PI1422019_ SENAGALA Science & 1430002_ SPS-PI-LARACEY Geography 43 UTSA Research Expenditures and Space - FY 11-12 - - 35 39 2 $ 1 $ - $ 10 $ 20,745 $ 20,745 July 31, 2013 - Page 49 of 66 2008 - 2012 ANNUAL RESEARCH EXPENDITURES - BY PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR Unit Code Unit Name 1430004_ SPS-PI-ENGSTER HIS-PI1450003_ REYNOLDS HIS-PI1450008_ HARDGROVE HIS-PI1450019_ GONZALES HIS-PI1450020_ GONZALEZ, G PSY-PI1455001+ EISENBERG 1455003_ PSY-PI-DYKES PSY-PI1455007+ FLANNAGAN Department 2008-2009 Annual Research Expenditures (ARE) 2008-2009 Assign. Square Feet (ASF) 2009-2010 Annual Research Expenditures (ARE) 2008-2009 ARE/ASF Science & Geography $ - - $ - $ - History $ - - $ - $ 84,139 History $ 39 1 $ 39 $ - History $ 1,497 1 $ 1,085 $ - History $ 939 1 $ 864 $ (40) Psychology $ - - $ - $ Psychology $ 23,237 140 $ 166 Psychology $ 98,353 1,035 $ 95 2009-2010 Assign. Square Feet (ASF) - 2010-2011 Annual Research Expenditures (ARE) 2009-2010 ARE/ASF $ - $ - $ 42,069 $ 76,498 - $ - $ - - $ - $ - 1 $ (37) $ 601 248 1 $ 248 $ $ 135 140 $ 1 $ 35,182 1,085 $ 32 2 1455015_ PSY-PI-GARZA R Psychology 2010-2011 Assign. Square Feet (ASF) - 2011-2012 Annual Research Expenditures (ARE) 2010-2011 ARE/ASF $ - $ 50,399 $ 38,249 $ - - $ - $ 2,137 - $ - $ - 1 $ 553 $ - 847 1 $ 847 $ 4,288 $ 100 145 $ 1 $ $ - - $ - $ 92,366 190 $ 2 2011-2012 Assign. Square Feet (ASF) 2 2011-2012 ARE/ASF $ 25,200 $ 25,200 $ - $ 26,773 $ 2,137 $ 712 - $ - $ - - $ - $ 203 1 $ 4,288 $ 1,794 100 145 $ 1 $ 1 $ - - $ - $ 11 486 $ 96,462 190 $ 508 $ 331 1,484 $ 244 $ 132 991 $ (32) $ 8 - 1 1455016+ PSY-PI-ZAWACKI Psychology $ 648 1,484 $ 0 $ 26,893 1,484 $ 18 $ 198,036 1,484 $ 133 $ 362,632 PSY-PI1455018+ MANGOLD Psychology $ 60,887 467 $ 130 $ 9,388 487 $ 19 $ 36,536 991 $ 37 $ (31,992) 1455019+ PSY-PI-HANNON Psychology $ - - $ - $ 175,022 89 $ 1,967 $ 133,705 92 $ 1,453 $ - - $ PSY-PI1455020_ FERNANDEZ Psychology $ 518 $ 260 $ 89,516 468 $ 191 $ 52,010 703 $ 74 $ 944 703 $ 1455021_ PSY-PI-PILLOW Psychology $ - $ - $ - - $ - $ - - $ $ 189 1 1455022+ PSY-PI-SMITH Psychology $ 2,145 244 $ $ 180,969 1465004+ ANTH-PI-HARD ANTH-PI1465005_ MCDONALD ANTH-PI1465007_ BARTLETT ANTH-PI1465008_ ALCONINI ANTH-PI1465009_ MCCABE Anthropology $ - Anthropology $ 267 Anthropology $ Anthropology Anthropology 134,752 - - - 9 $ - $ - - $ - $ - - $ - $ 8,234 2 $ 127 $ - - $ - $ - - $ - $ - 142,039 1 $ 101,456 $ 239,772 1 $ 171,266 $ 143,460 1 $ 102,471 $ 9,031 $ 99,930 1 $ 72,942 $ 9,932 1 $ 7,250 $ 14,238 1 $ 10,393 $ - $ - $ - $ 6,201 1 $ 6,201 $ 11,039 1 $ 11,039 $ 2,001 - UTSA Research Expenditures and Space - FY 11-12 2011-2012 up to 3-Year Average ARE/ASF $ 1,140 1 $ 89 $ 189 $ 189 244 $ 742 $ 375 2 $ 4,117 $ 1,372 $ - $ - $ 9,031 $ 94,256 $ - $ 5,881 $ 2,001 $ 6,414 1 1 July 31, 2013 - Page 50 of 66 2008 - 2012 ANNUAL RESEARCH EXPENDITURES - BY PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR Unit Code Unit Name Department 2008-2009 Annual Research Expenditures (ARE) 1465010_ ANTH-PI-MOORE Anthropology ANTH-PIAnthropology 1465011_ COREWYN $ 2,170 $ - 1465012_ ANTH-PI-EHARDT Anthropology $ - 2008-2009 Assign. Square Feet (ASF) 1 2009-2010 Annual Research Expenditures (ARE) 2008-2009 ARE/ASF 2009-2010 Assign. Square Feet (ASF) 2010-2011 Annual Research Expenditures (ARE) 2009-2010 ARE/ASF 2010-2011 Assign. Square Feet (ASF) 2010-2011 ARE/ASF 2011-2012 Annual Research Expenditures (ARE) 2011-2012 Assign. Square Feet (ASF) 2011-2012 ARE/ASF 2011-2012 up to 3-Year Average ARE/ASF $ 2,170 $ 13,649 5 $ 2,730 $ 3,181 5 $ 636 $ 4,000 5 $ 800 $ 1,389 - $ - $ 2,995 1 $ 2,995 $ 3,050 1 $ 3,050 $ 1,850 1 $ 1,850 $ 2,632 - $ - $ 51 1 $ 51 $ 15,050 1 $ 15,050 $ - - $ - $ 5,034 - $ - $ 16 1465013_ ANTH-PI-PAGES Anthropology $ 2,375 49 $ 48 $ - ANTH-PI1465015_ LAMBERT Anthropology $ 24,675 504 $ 49 $ 7,402 553 $ 13 $ 21 1465016_ ANTH-PI-LLOYD Anthropology $ - - $ $ 2,900 1 $ 2,900 $ 2,900 $ 7,645 218 $ $ 14,199 218 $ 65 $ 50 - - $ - $ - - $ - $ - 188 $ 1,315 $ - - $ - $ 501 - $ - $ 27 $ 299 $ 581 1465017_ ANTH-PI-BROWN Anthropology SOC-PISociology 1485005_ MARQUEZ $ - - $ - $ - $ 1,500 190 $ 8 $ - - $ - - $ - $ 35 1485011+ SOC-PI-SUNIL SOC-PI1485012_ ACEVEDO Sociology $ 3,427 2 $ 1,823 $ 35,565 188 $ 189 $ Sociology $ 13,257 2 $ 7,052 $ 153 2 $ 81 $ - 2 $ - $ - 1520002_ BBL-PI-MILK BiculturalBilingual $ - $ - $ 1,541 2 $ 771 $ 1,346 2 $ 673 $ 598 Bicultural1520013_ BBL-PI-SANCHEZ Bilingual $ 40,000 1 $ 40,000 $ - - $ - $ 20,000 1520020_ BBL-PI-HULT BiculturalBilingual $ 1,963 - $ - $ - - $ - $ - EDUCLEAD-PI1540029_ PADILLA Educational Leadership $ 314 $ - - $ - $ - - $ - $ - EDUCLEAD-PI1540030_ SHOHO Educational Leadership $ - EDUCLEAD-PI1540031_ MURAKAMI- Educational Leadership $ 1,580 EDUCLEAD-PI1540032_ RODRIGUEZ Educational Leadership $ 5,067 - 1 314 $ $ - $ 87 2 $ 43 $ - - $ - $ 72 2 $ 36 $ 26 1 $ 1,274 $ 967 1 $ 780 $ - - $ - $ 2,197 1 $ 2,197 $ 992 1 $ 4,054 $ 2 1 $ 2 $ - - $ - $ 2,004 1 $ 2,004 $ 669 UTSA Research Expenditures and Space - FY 11-12 - $ - 2 $ - - 247,241 July 31, 2013 - Page 51 of 66 2008 - 2012 ANNUAL RESEARCH EXPENDITURES - BY PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR Unit Code Unit Name Department 2008-2009 Annual Research Expenditures (ARE) 2008-2009 Assign. Square Feet (ASF) 2008-2009 ARE/ASF 2009-2010 Annual Research Expenditures (ARE) EDUCLEAD-PI1540034_ NUNEZ Educational Leadership $ 30,540 5 $ 6,376 $ 9,037 EDUCLEAD-PI1540035_ CRISP Educational Leadership $ 17,202 1 $ 17,202 $ - EDUCLEAD-PI1540036_ BOWERS Educational Leadership $ - $ - $ 13,092 EDUCLEAD-PI1540037+ RENDON Educational Leadership COUNSEL-PI1560002_ HERNANDEZ Counseling $ 47,661 COUNSEL-PI1560008_ KARCHER Counseling $ - COUNSEL-PI1560010_ MCGEE Counseling $ 623 1570014+ IDS-PI-WINTER Interdisciplinary Learning $ 1570016_ IDS-PI-FLORES - 100 $ 477 $ - - $ - $ 3 $ 249 $ - 226,706 1,098 $ 206 $ Interdisciplinary Learning $ 25,432 500 $ 51 1570018_ IDS-PI-CLAEYS Interdisciplinary Learning $ 2,317 100 $ 23 1570019_ IDS-PI-KAYLOR Interdisciplinary Learning $ - - $ 1570020_ IDS-PI-SAILORS Interdisciplinary Learning $ 42,648 500 $ 2009-2010 Assign. Square Feet (ASF) 2009-2010 ARE/ASF 125 $ - $ $ 1 - 17 $ 1 $ 72 2010-2011 Annual Research Expenditures (ARE) $ 30,659 - $ - 13,092 $ - $ 10,903 $ - - 17 21,760 999 $ 22 $ $ 28,923 386 $ 75 $ 2,537 101 $ $ 71,441 104 $ 1,239,298 417 $ 274 $ 6,661 - $ - $ 1 $ - 1 $ $ - 1 - 1 112 $ - - $ $ - - 10,903 $ 15,544 - $ - $ $ 1 $ 135 - $ - $ - $ 4,364 $ 219 $ 5,561 - $ - $ - - - $ - $ - $ 71 $ - - $ 121,483 1,175 $ 103 $ 3,156 1,175 $ $ 132,414 368 $ 360 $ - - $ 25 $ 2,249 101 $ 22 $ 1,297 101 $ $ 687 $ 59,676 104 $ 574 $ - - $ $ 2,972 $ 3,171,442 405 $ 7,831 $ 3,137,730 405 Interdisciplinary 1570025+ IDS-PI-MOSELEY Learning $ 617 1 $ 617 $ 181,991 Interdisciplinary Learning $ 2,000 1 $ 2,000 $ Interdisciplinary 1570029_ IDS-PI-BERLAND Learning $ 450 3 $ 150 $ UTSA Research Expenditures and Space - FY 11-12 $ 112 2011-2012 up to 3-Year Average ARE/ASF 2011-2012 ARE/ASF - 1570026_ IDS-PI-MOHAN $ 2010-2011 ARE/ASF 2011-2012 Assign. Square Feet (ASF) $ 85 - 2011-2012 Annual Research Expenditures (ARE) - - - $ 2010-2011 Assign. Square Feet (ASF) 59 3 6 - $ 43 $ 145 $ 20 - $ 420 $ 7,747 $ 6,183 123 $ 1,480 $ 1,048 - - $ - $ 1,000 - - $ - $ 75 - 13 July 31, 2013 - Page 52 of 66 2008 - 2012 ANNUAL RESEARCH EXPENDITURES - BY PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR Unit Code Unit Name Department 2008-2009 Annual Research Expenditures (ARE) 2008-2009 Assign. Square Feet (ASF) 2008-2009 ARE/ASF 2009-2010 Annual Research Expenditures (ARE) 1570030_ IDS-PI-PATE Interdisciplinary Learning HEALTH-PI1580004+ ZHANG Health & Kinesiology HEALTH-PI1580007_ WYATT Health & Kinesiology 1580008+ HEALTH-PI-YIN Health & Kinesiology $ 81,548 1580009_ HEALTH-PI-YAO Health & Kinesiology $ - HEALTH-PI1580010_ COOKE Health & Kinesiology $ 269,314 1 $ 212,058 $ HEALTH-PI1580012_ OSWALT Health & Kinesiology $ 8,692 1 $ 6,898 Health & 1580014_ HEALTH-PI-FOGT Kinesiology $ 96,577 1 $ HEALTH-PI1580015_ VARGAS-TONSI Health & Kinesiology $ 2,140 1 1580016+ HEALTH-PI-HE Health & Kinesiology $ 3,070 1 1580017_ HEALTH-PI-YAN $ 28,946 1,409 2 21 $ $ 50,338 $ $ - $ 81,494 1,315 120,351 $ 62 2010-2011 Assign. Square Feet (ASF) 2011-2012 Annual Research Expenditures (ARE) 2010-2011 ARE/ASF 2011-2012 Assign. Square Feet (ASF) 2011-2012 up to 3-Year Average ARE/ASF 2011-2012 ARE/ASF $ 35,492 4 $ 8,873 $ 12,735 4 $ 3,184 $ 6,028 $ 259,768 1,314 $ 198 $ 132,869 1,315 $ 101 $ 120 $ 824 1 $ 824 $ 1 $ - $ 412 289,290 2 $ 178,574 $ 275,954 2 $ 170,342 $ 141,069 $ 74,291 $ - $ - $ 187,830 468 $ 401 $ $ 12,002 1 $ 9,526 81,157 $ 4,087 392 $ 10 $ 1,698 $ 0 - $ $ 2,417 $ 45,369 $ - $ 30,000 101 $ 297 $ 99 171,164 581 $ 295 $ 66,398 581 $ 114 $ 270 $ 2,576 1 $ 2,044 $ 5,424 1 $ 4,305 $ 5,292 $ 2,546 346 $ 7 $ 112 315 $ 0 $ 6 - $ 700 - $ - $ - - $ - $ - 19,986 $ 147,345 127 $ 1,160 $ 56,590 127 $ 446 $ 7,197 Health & Kinesiology $ 47,146 1 $ 47,146 $ 3,524 1 $ 3,524 $ 25,335 HEALTH-PI1580018_ BIEDIGER-FRI Health & Kinesiology $ 21,248 1 $ 21,248 $ 14,564 1 $ 14,564 $ 17,906 HEALTH-PI1580019_ KRAUSE Health & Kinesiology $ 6,693 1 $ 6,693 $ 5,000 1 $ 5,000 $ 5,847 HEALTH-PI1580020_ RICKARDS Health & Kinesiology $ 26,457 1 $ 26,457 $ 109,046 1 $ 109,046 $ 67,751 $ - $ - $ 248 1 $ 248 $ 248 - - UTSA Research Expenditures and Space - FY 11-12 $ - $ - 2 - $ - - - $ $ - 2 2009-2010 ARE/ASF 2010-2011 Annual Research Expenditures (ARE) - Health & 1580021_ HEALTH-PI-SASS Kinesiology - $ 2009-2010 Assign. Square Feet (ASF) - July 31, 2013 - Page 53 of 66 2008 - 2012 ANNUAL RESEARCH EXPENDITURES - BY PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR Unit Code Unit Name Department Health & 1580022_ HEALTH-PI-SOSA Kinesiology Criminal Justice 1720008_ CRJ-PI-MILLER Criminal 1720010_ CRJ-PI-MILLERH Justice Criminal Justice 1720011_ CRJ-PI-TAPIA Criminal 1720012_ CRJ-PI-RTILLYER Justice Criminal 1720013_ CRJ-PI-MTILLYER Justice DEMO-PIDemography 1730001_ SINGELMANN DEMO-PIDemography 1730002+ SPARKS Public PAD-PIAdministration 1740007_ PONOMARIOV SOCIAL WORK Social Work 1780001_ PI- MIKOW SOCIAL WORK Social Work 1780004_ PI- RUBIN 2008-2009 Annual Research Expenditures (ARE) $ - $ 26,782 $ - 2008-2009 Assign. Square Feet (ASF) 47 - 2009-2010 Annual Research Expenditures (ARE) 2008-2009 ARE/ASF 2009-2010 Assign. Square Feet (ASF) 2010-2011 Annual Research Expenditures (ARE) 2009-2010 ARE/ASF 2010-2011 Assign. Square Feet (ASF) 2011-2012 Annual Research Expenditures (ARE) 2010-2011 ARE/ASF $ 1,768 1 $ 1,768 $ - 101,249 100 $ 1,012 $ - $ - $ - 2011-2012 up to 3-Year Average ARE/ASF 2011-2012 ARE/ASF - $ - $ 884 100 $ 2,354 $ 1,123 - $ - $ 32 $ - $ 244 100 $ 2 $ $ 570 $ 9,520 100 $ 95 $ $ - $ 30,666 100 $ 307 $ 46 1 $ 46 $ 330 45 $ 7 $ 120 $ 721 1 $ 721 $ 90 18 $ 5 $ 363 - 235,365 2011-2012 Assign. Square Feet (ASF) $ - - $ - $ - - $ - $ - - $ - $ 20 1 $ 20 $ 20 $ - - $ - $ - - $ - $ - - $ - $ 29,033 6 $ 4,839 $ 4,839 $ 12,009 141 $ 85 $ 51,056 141 $ 362 $ 149 $ 65 123 $ 1 $ - - $ - $ 1 7 2 $ 4 $ 114 $ 20 123 $ $ 263 123 $ - - $ - $ - - $ - $ $ - - $ - $ 11,672 104 $ 112 $ - 104 $ - $ - Social Work $ - - $ - $ - - $ - $ - - $ - $ 5,737 Social Work $ - - $ - $ - - $ - $ - - $ - $ 10,370 EES-PI-SMITH, R 1820001+ K Geological Sciences $ 55,168 317 $ 174 $ 317 $ 811 $ 318 $ 818 $ - GEOL-PI1820003_ BIRNBAUM Geological Sciences $ 9,429 1,906 $ 5 $ - - $ - $ - - $ - $ 8,180 Geological 1820032+ GEOL-PI-SARKAR Sciences $ 23 949 $ 0 $ - - $ - $ - - $ - $ - Geological Sciences $ 18,485 2,415 $ 8 $ 7,787 2,659 $ 3 $ 2,124 11 $ 193 $ 1,210 13 $ 93 $ 96 Geological 1820039_ GEOL-PI-ACKLEY Sciences $ 294,367 183 $ 1,609 $ 524,512 182 $ 2,882 $ 273,449 183 $ 1,494 $ 99,532 183 $ 544 $ 1,640 SOCW-PI1780005_ AMBROSINO SOCW-PI1780006_ CHANMUGAM 1820037+ EES-PI-DUTTON $ 11,307 $ UTSA Research Expenditures and Space - FY 11-12 92 257,083 2 260,066 2 - $ 57 $ - $ 37 3 $ 1,912 $ 1,912 1 $ 10,370 $ 10,370 $ - $ 543 $ 100 $ 33 $ - $ - 82 - July 31, 2013 - Page 54 of 66 - 2008 - 2012 ANNUAL RESEARCH EXPENDITURES - BY PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR Unit Code Unit Name Department Geological Sciences 1820040_ GEOL-PI-PAUL GEOL-PIHASCHENBURGE Geological Sciences 1820042+ R 1820043+ GEOL-PI-BUSH Geological Sciences 2008-2009 Annual Research Expenditures (ARE) 2008-2009 Assign. Square Feet (ASF) 2009-2010 Annual Research Expenditures (ARE) 2008-2009 ARE/ASF $ 29,658 566 $ 52 $ - $ 52,167 743 $ 70 $ $ 65,597 474 $ 138 $ 2009-2010 Assign. Square Feet (ASF) 2010-2011 Annual Research Expenditures (ARE) 2009-2010 ARE/ASF - $ 70,279 743 $ 202,010 474 - $ - 95 $ $ 426 2010-2011 Assign. Square Feet (ASF) 2011-2012 Annual Research Expenditures (ARE) 2010-2011 ARE/ASF - $ - $ 21,300 744 $ 29 $ $ 42,834 473 $ 91 - 2011-2012 Assign. Square Feet (ASF) 2011-2012 up to 3-Year Average ARE/ASF 2011-2012 ARE/ASF - $ - $ - 282,832 3,018 $ 94 $ 72 $ 19,616 552 $ 36 $ 184 Geological 1820045_ GEOL-PI-SUAREZ Sciences Geological 1820046_ GEOL-PI-YOUNG Sciences $ - - $ - $ - - $ - $ - - $ - $ 71,522 800 $ 89 $ 89 $ - - $ - $ - - $ - $ - - $ - $ 35,122 153 $ 230 $ 230 GEOL-PI1820047_ WEISSLING Geological Sciences $ - - $ - $ - - $ - $ - - $ - $ 1,907 84 $ 23 $ 23 1830001_ CHEM-PI-BACH Chemistry $ 9,570 1,453 $ 7 $ 10,560 1,454 $ 7 $ 186 1,453 $ 0 $ 399,563 1,453 $ 275 $ 94 1830003+ CHEM-PI-GORSKI Chemistry $ 52,171 1,383 $ 38 $ 66,140 1,382 $ 48 $ 508,091 1,341 $ 379 $ 30,499 1,402 $ 22 $ 150 CHEM-PI1830005+ NEGRETE Chemistry $ 106,946 3,203 $ 33 $ 86,240 3,393 $ 25 $ 105,047 2,225 $ 47 $ 4,018 2,225 $ 2 $ 25 CHEM-PI1830007+ WALMSLEY Chemistry $ 7,163 1,272 $ 6 $ 4,207 1,272 $ 3 $ 531 1,273 $ 0 $ 96 1,290 $ 0 $ 1 CHEM-PI-HAN, 1830008+ HYUNSOO Chemistry $ 95,447 1,392 $ 69 $ 63,735 1,392 $ 46 $ 77,829 1,392 $ 56 $ 200,107 1,392 $ 144 $ 82 1830011+ CHEM-PI-ZHAO Chemistry $ 171,672 1,458 $ 118 $ 349,267 1,458 $ 240 $ 338,332 1,458 $ 232 $ 442,195 1,479 $ 299 $ 257 CHEM-PI1830012+ JOHNSON Chemistry $ 207,240 1,203 $ 172 $ - - $ - $ 11,125 1 $ 11,125 $ - - $ - $ 3,708 CHEM-PI-COYLE, Chemistry 1830013_ C $ 254 1,285 $ 0 $ - - $ - $ - - $ - $ - - $ - $ - 1830014+ CHEM-PI-GARCIA Chemistry $ 106,641 1,246 $ 86 $ 1,247 $ 119 $ 1,246 $ 103 $ 1,282 $ 111 $ 111 UTSA Research Expenditures and Space - FY 11-12 148,287 127,919 141,739 July 31, 2013 - Page 55 of 66 2008 - 2012 ANNUAL RESEARCH EXPENDITURES - BY PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR Unit Code Unit Name 1830015+ CHEM-PI-KURTZ Department 2008-2009 Annual Research Expenditures (ARE) 2008-2009 Assign. Square Feet (ASF) 2009-2010 Annual Research Expenditures (ARE) 2008-2009 ARE/ASF 2009-2010 Assign. Square Feet (ASF) 2010-2011 Annual Research Expenditures (ARE) 2009-2010 ARE/ASF 2010-2011 Assign. Square Feet (ASF) 2010-2011 ARE/ASF 2011-2012 Annual Research Expenditures (ARE) 2011-2012 Assign. Square Feet (ASF) 2011-2012 up to 3-Year Average ARE/ASF 2011-2012 ARE/ASF Chemistry $ - - $ - $ 334,640 2,695 $ 124 $ 225,388 2,700 $ 83 $ 441,672 2,700 $ 164 $ 124 - $ 378,441 2,341 $ 162 $ 763,720 2,538 $ 301 $ 1,099,765 2,573 $ 427 $ 297 2 $ - - $ - $ - - $ - $ 1 - - $ - $ - - $ - $ - CHEM-PI1830016+ JARRETT CHEM-PI1830019_ MERRILL Chemistry $ - - $ Chemistry $ 294 299 $ 1 $ 605 299 $ CHEM-PI-E. 1830021_ TIEKINK Chemistry $ 2,069 1,460 $ 1 $ - - $ - $ 1830022_ CHEM-PI-CHENB Chemistry $ 60,800 1,203 $ 51 $ 207,299 1,383 $ 150 $ 256,648 1,188 $ 216 $ 66,736 1,188 $ 56 $ 141 CHEM-PI1830023_ CWEBER Chemistry $ - - $ - $ 22,496 296 $ 76 $ 20,124 295 $ 68 $ 150 295 $ 1 $ 48 1830024+ CHEM-PI-FRANTZ Chemistry $ 1,203 $ 365 $ 197,302 1,277 $ 155 $ 345,916 1,261 $ 274 $ 596,264 1,261 $ 473 $ 301 $ 154,332 1,052 $ 147 $ 69,403 1,052 $ 66 $ 106 438,791 CHEM-PI1830025_ TONZETICH Chemistry PHYSICS-PI1850003_ SARDAR Physics & Astronomy $ 138,078 1,574 $ 88 $ 430,085 2,300 $ 187 $ 470,930 2,300 $ 205 $ 566,438 2,300 $ 246 $ 213 PHYSICS-PI1850004+ LCHEN Physics & Astronomy $ 69,391 441 $ 157 $ 106,662 450 $ 237 $ 142,372 324 $ 439 $ 52,680 446 $ 118 $ 265 PHYSICS-PI1850005_ CCHEN Physics & Astronomy $ 156,112 1,161 $ 134 $ 115,356 1,842 $ 63 $ 148,820 1,842 $ 81 $ 135,358 1,842 $ 73 $ 72 PHYSICS-PI1850006_ SCHLEGEL Physics & Astronomy $ 71,736 2 $ 38,361 $ 28,139 279 $ 101 $ 11,354 278 $ 41 $ 11,530 278 $ 41 $ 61 PHYSICS-PI1850007_ CHABANOV Physics & Astronomy $ 392,012 2 $ 216,581 $ 340,606 1,516 $ 225 $ 264,636 1,516 $ 175 $ 125,894 1,516 $ 83 $ 161 PHYSICS-PI1850008+ BRANCALEON Physics & Astronomy $ 20,528 1 $ 14,875 $ 927 1,404 $ 1 $ 151,093 1,367 $ 111 $ 158,299 1,436 $ 110 $ 74 UTSA Research Expenditures and Space - FY 11-12 July 31, 2013 - Page 56 of 66 2008 - 2012 ANNUAL RESEARCH EXPENDITURES - BY PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR Unit Code Unit Name Department 2008-2009 Annual Research Expenditures (ARE) 2008-2009 Assign. Square Feet (ASF) 2009-2010 Annual Research Expenditures (ARE) 2008-2009 ARE/ASF 2009-2010 Assign. Square Feet (ASF) 2010-2011 Annual Research Expenditures (ARE) 2009-2010 ARE/ASF PHYSICS-PI1850009+ JOSE-YACAMAN Physics & Astronomy $ 1,700,604 2,795 $ 608 $ 1,893,173 2,681 $ 706 $ PHYSICS-PI1850010_ CROWLEY Physics & Astronomy $ 88,516 1 $ 64,142 $ 59,196 1,000 $ 59 $ PHYSICS-PI1850011_ AYON Physics & Astronomy $ 332,192 3,997 $ 83 $ 255,593 3,968 $ 64 $ PHYSICS-PI1850012_ PERALTA Physics & Astronomy $ 144,100 1 $ 121,092 $ 7,230 165 $ 44 PHYSICS-PI1850013_ LLOZANO PHYSICS-PI1850014_ MARUCHO PHYSICS-PI1850015_ NASH, K Physics & Astronomy Physics & Astronomy Physics & Astronomy PHYSICS-PI1850016_ PACKHAM Physics & Astronomy BIO-PI1860003_ GONZALEZ, D 1,326,799 2010-2011 Assign. Square Feet (ASF) 2011-2012 Annual Research Expenditures (ARE) 2010-2011 ARE/ASF 1,985 $ 668 $ - $ - $ 172,371 4,106 $ 42 $ 33,120 99 $ - 798,234 2011-2012 Assign. Square Feet (ASF) 2011-2012 up to 3-Year Average ARE/ASF 2011-2012 ARE/ASF 3,326 $ 240 $ 538 - - $ - $ 20 $ 59,758 3,938 $ 15 $ 41 335 $ 91,884 1,475 $ 62 $ 147 $ - - $ - $ 12,925 73 $ 177 $ 75,133 73 $ 1,029 $ 6,941 251 $ 28 $ 411 $ - - $ - $ 2,006 73 $ 27 $ 3,379 73 $ 46 $ 4,325 248 $ 17 $ 30 $ - - $ - $ 7,765 73 $ 106 $ 11,846 73 $ 162 $ 161,185 1,447 $ 111 $ 127 $ - - $ - $ - $ - $ - - $ - $ 40,315 569 $ 71 $ 71 Biology $ - - $ - $ (408) 326 $ 110 $ (99) 1860004+ BIO-PI-HARO Biology $ 1,777 1,098 $ 2 $ - $ 0 1860005+ BIO-PI-TSIN Biology $ 160,626 1,883 $ 85 BIO-PI1860006+ SENSEMAN Biology $ 203,214 1,106 $ 1860013+ BIO-PI-LUNDELL Biology $ 66,085 996 BIO-PI-VAN 1860014_ AUKEN Biology $ 83 378 UTSA Research Expenditures and Space - FY 11-12 - 1 $ (408) $ - - $ - $ 35,832 364 1,015 $ 0 $ - - $ - $ - - $ $ 27,456 1,884 $ 15 $ 111,376 1,884 $ 59 $ 6,480 1,883 $ 3 $ 26 184 $ 135,542 1,105 $ 123 $ 131,161 1,106 $ 119 $ 101,246 1,180 $ 86 $ 109 $ 66 $ 11,625 996 $ 12 $ 1,378 996 $ 1 $ 630 996 $ 1 $ 5 $ 0 $ - - $ $ - - $ $ - - $ - - - $ July 31, 2013 - Page 57 of 66 - 2008 - 2012 ANNUAL RESEARCH EXPENDITURES - BY PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR Unit Code Unit Name BIO-PI1860015+ CHAMBERS Department 2008-2009 Annual Research Expenditures (ARE) 2008-2009 Assign. Square Feet (ASF) 2009-2010 Annual Research Expenditures (ARE) 2008-2009 ARE/ASF 2009-2010 Assign. Square Feet (ASF) 2009-2010 ARE/ASF 2010-2011 Annual Research Expenditures (ARE) 2010-2011 Assign. Square Feet (ASF) 2011-2012 Annual Research Expenditures (ARE) 2010-2011 ARE/ASF 2011-2012 Assign. Square Feet (ASF) 2011-2012 up to 3-Year Average ARE/ASF 2011-2012 ARE/ASF Biology $ 528,285 203 $ 2,602 $ 292,845 1,422 $ 206 $ 143,517 1,193 $ 120 $ 13,626 1,193 $ 11 $ 113 1860017+ BIO-PI-RENTHAL Biology $ 681,373 1,087 $ 627 $ 585,170 1,084 $ 540 $ 153,920 862 $ 179 $ 55,969 1,086 $ 52 $ 257 1860025+ BIO-PI-CASSILL Biology $ 731 1 $ 731 $ - - $ - $ 1,244 646 $ 2 $ 46,845 749 $ 63 $ 21 1860026_ BIO-PI-PHELIX Biology $ 5,717 1,109 $ 5 $ 13,491 1,110 $ 12 $ 11,509 1,109 $ 10 $ - - $ $ 8 1860028+ BIO-PI-LE BARON Biology $ 226,506 1,219 $ 186 $ 40,885 1,219 $ 34 $ 93,088 1,219 $ 76 $ 1,389 1,219 $ 1 $ 37 1860031_ BIO-PI-SPONSEL Biology $ 37,321 2,686 $ 14 $ 92,283 2,685 $ 34 $ 47,561 2,686 $ 18 $ 12,622 1,481 $ 9 $ 20 1860033+ BIO-PI-JAFFE Biology $ 19,471 777 $ 25 $ 8,880 776 $ 11 $ 73,141 777 $ 94 $ 2,897 777 $ 4 $ 36 BIO-PI1860041_ JMARTINEZ Biology $ 70,450 2,298 $ 31 $ 58,668 2,319 $ 25 $ 32,517 2,318 $ 14 $ 43,303 2,318 $ 19 $ 19 BIO-PI-BAREA1860043+ RODRIGUEZ Biology $ 25,500 1,062 $ 24 $ 19,962 1,063 $ 19 $ 35,784 1,062 $ 34 $ 2,979 2,599 $ 1 $ 18 1860044+ BIO-PI-DERRICK Biology $ 52,896 1,060 $ 50 $ 324,723 1,060 $ 306 $ 205,284 1,060 $ 194 $ 214,380 1,109 $ 193 $ 231 1860047+ BIO-PI-HEIDNER Biology $ 124,194 1,085 $ 114 $ 114,242 1,134 $ 101 $ 1,040 1,085 $ 1 $ 1,435 1,085 $ 1 $ 34 1860048+ BIO-PI-GDOVIN Biology $ 175,321 1,316 $ 133 $ 38,357 1,317 $ 29 $ 4,096 1,316 $ 3 $ 1,366 $ (1) $ 11 1860053+ BIO-PI-WILSON Biology $ 990,121 1,596 $ 620 $ 973,797 1,595 $ 611 $ 973,951 1,595 $ 611 $ 1,596 $ UTSA Research Expenditures and Space - FY 11-12 (913) 989,116 - 620 $ July 31, 2013 - Page 58 of 66 614 2008 - 2012 ANNUAL RESEARCH EXPENDITURES - BY PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR Unit Code Unit Name Department 2008-2009 Annual Research Expenditures (ARE) 2008-2009 Assign. Square Feet (ASF) 2009-2010 Annual Research Expenditures (ARE) 2008-2009 ARE/ASF 2009-2010 Assign. Square Feet (ASF) 2010-2011 Annual Research Expenditures (ARE) 2009-2010 ARE/ASF 2010-2011 Assign. Square Feet (ASF) 2011-2012 Annual Research Expenditures (ARE) 2010-2011 ARE/ASF 2011-2012 Assign. Square Feet (ASF) 2011-2012 up to 3-Year Average ARE/ASF 2011-2012 ARE/ASF BIO-PI1860057+ ARULANANDAM Biology $ 708,351 1,089 $ 650 $ 841,514 1,089 $ 773 $ 1,024,785 1,076 $ 952 $ 1,305,978 1,694 $ 771 $ 832 1860058+ BIO-PI-SUNTER Biology $ 181,983 1,087 $ 167 $ 125,104 1,087 $ 115 $ 241,844 1,087 $ 222 $ 250,709 1,835 $ 137 $ 158 BIO-PI1860059+ MCCARREY Biology $ 476,333 1,828 $ 261 $ 515,264 1,830 $ 282 $ 381,254 1,791 $ 213 $ 24,634 1,828 $ 13 $ 169 1860063+ BIO-PI-BOWER Biology $ 408,978 1,278 $ 320 $ 481,690 1,280 $ 376 $ 20,346 102 $ 199 $ 22,304 107 $ 208 $ 261 1860065+ BIO-PI-WANG Biology $ 212,084 910 $ 233 $ 192,421 909 $ 212 $ 245,270 911 $ 269 $ 291,676 950 $ 307 $ 263 BIO-PI-KLOSE, 1860066+ KARL Biology $ - $ - $ 1,147,704 2,626 $ 437 $ 888,847 2,695 $ 330 $ 4,559 66 $ 69 $ 279 1860071+ BIO-PI-PALADINI Biology $ 463,510 1,032 $ 449 $ 474,148 1,032 $ 459 $ 600,462 967 $ 621 $ 823,154 2,353 $ 350 $ 477 1860072+ BIO-PI-CHAUDRY Biology $ 318,729 1,076 $ 296 $ 301,787 1,075 $ 281 $ 248,402 1,076 $ 231 $ 177,886 1,123 $ 158 $ 223 1860073_ BIO-PI-MUELLER Biology $ 2,659 1,184 $ 2 $ 614 1,185 $ 1 $ 542 1,184 $ 0 $ 60 1,184 $ 0 $ 0 BIO-PI1860074+ FORSTHUBER Biology $ 509,201 2,380 $ 214 $ 531,455 2,380 $ 223 $ 591,051 2,379 $ 248 $ 435,088 2,443 $ 178 $ 217 BIO-PI-LOPEZ1860076+ RIBOT Biology $ 481,806 2,043 $ 236 $ 551,546 2,043 $ 270 $ 264,053 1,906 $ 139 $ 283,270 1,929 $ 147 $ 185 1860077+ BIO-PI-TEALE Biology $ 877,191 2,063 $ 425 $ 567,478 2,063 $ 275 $ 353,258 2,064 $ 171 $ 90,562 2,104 $ 43 $ 163 1860078+ BIO-PI-COLE Biology $ 693,496 4,921 $ 141 $ 705,131 4,921 $ 143 $ 545,406 4,921 $ 111 $ 503,868 4,961 $ 102 $ 119 1860080+ BIO-PI-WICHA Biology $ 278,695 1,298 $ 215 $ 341,479 1,297 $ 263 $ 329,223 1,298 $ 254 $ 288,207 1,341 $ 215 $ 244 - UTSA Research Expenditures and Space - FY 11-12 July 31, 2013 - Page 59 of 66 2008 - 2012 ANNUAL RESEARCH EXPENDITURES - BY PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR Unit Code Unit Name Department 2008-2009 Annual Research Expenditures (ARE) 2008-2009 Assign. Square Feet (ASF) 2009-2010 Annual Research Expenditures (ARE) 2008-2009 ARE/ASF 2009-2010 Assign. Square Feet (ASF) 2010-2011 Annual Research Expenditures (ARE) 2009-2010 ARE/ASF 2010-2011 Assign. Square Feet (ASF) 2011-2012 Annual Research Expenditures (ARE) 2010-2011 ARE/ASF 2011-2012 Assign. Square Feet (ASF) 2011-2012 up to 3-Year Average ARE/ASF 2011-2012 ARE/ASF 1860081+ BIO-PI-SUTER Biology $ 406,016 1,076 $ 377 $ 585,698 1,076 $ 544 $ 627,004 1,075 $ 583 $ 484,663 1,075 $ 451 $ 526 1860082+ BIO-PI-RATNAM Biology $ 187,515 1,202 $ 156 $ 124,015 1,202 $ 103 $ 190,092 1,200 $ 158 $ 30,395 1,252 $ 24 $ 95 1860083+ BIO-PI-GAUFO Biology $ 420,161 1,409 $ 298 $ 339,110 1,410 $ 241 $ 430,809 1,409 $ 306 $ 549,442 1,456 $ 377 $ 308 1860084+ BIO-PI-SAVILLE Biology $ 396,007 101 $ 3,921 $ 296,733 101 $ 2,938 $ 117,383 101 $ 1,162 $ 94,507 101 $ 936 $ 1,679 1860085+ BIO-PI-SESHU Biology $ 409,121 1,287 $ 318 $ 378,771 1,186 $ 319 $ 309,919 1,286 $ 241 $ 113,011 1,294 $ 87 $ 216 1860087+ BIO-PI-WORMLEY Biology $ 449,601 1,047 $ 429 $ 349,350 1,048 $ 333 $ 544,555 1,048 $ 520 $ 398,260 1,088 $ 366 $ 406 1860089+ BIO-PI-HASKINS Biology $ 5,946 1,000 $ 6 $ - - $ - $ - - $ - $ 10,912 1,371 $ 8 $ 3 1860090_ BIO-PI-YBARRA Biology $ 36,140 1,000 $ 36 $ - - $ - $ - - $ - $ - - $ - $ - 1860091+ BIO-PI-HERMANN Biology $ - - $ $ - - $ - $ 171 1 $ 171 $ 1,138 $ 270 $ 221 BIO-PI-SHARMA1860092+ SRINIVAS Biology $ 1,058 76 $ 14 $ 11,556 126 $ 92 $ 79,931 126 $ 634 $ 721 $ (4) $ 241 1860093+ BIO-PI-WEI Biology $ 75,890 84 $ 903 $ 6,712 1,259 $ 5 $ 1,602 1,258 $ 1 $ 33 1,258 $ 0 $ 2 BIO-PI-SANTA 1860094+ MARIA Biology $ 2,831 493 $ 6 $ - - $ $ 9,476 493 $ 19 $ 51,861 1,654 $ 31 $ 17 1860095+ BIO-PI-TROYER Biology $ 2,523 1,047 $ 2 $ 14,503 1,047 $ 14 $ 52,438 1,047 $ 50 $ 78,862 1,044 $ 76 $ 46 1860096_ BIO-PI-NAVARA Biology $ 333,469 1,000 $ 333 $ 106,225 1,076 $ 99 $ 99,007 1,076 $ 92 $ 48,289 1,076 $ 45 $ 79 BIO-PI1860097_ ENGELBERTH Biology $ 10,266 100 $ 103 $ 55,539 119 $ 467 $ 140,791 119 $ 1,183 $ 137,250 1,698 $ 81 $ 577 UTSA Research Expenditures and Space - FY 11-12 - - 307,685 (2,845) July 31, 2013 - Page 60 of 66 2008 - 2012 ANNUAL RESEARCH EXPENDITURES - BY PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR Unit Code Unit Name Department 2008-2009 Annual Research Expenditures (ARE) 2008-2009 Assign. Square Feet (ASF) 2008-2009 ARE/ASF 2009-2010 Annual Research Expenditures (ARE) 1860098+ BIO-PI-CARDONA Biology $ - - $ - $ 1860099+ BIO-PI-HUNGC Biology $ - - $ - $ 1860100_ BIO-PI-LIN, A Biology $ - - $ - CS-PI-ROBBINS, 1870002+ K Computer Science $ 541 $ CS-PI-ROBBINS, 1870003_ S Computer Science $ - - 1870006+ CS-PI-BOPPANA Computer Science $ 28,453 $ 93,803 $ - Computer Science 1870015_ CS-PI-PSARRIS CS-PICHRONOPOULO Computer Science 1870021_ S 223,997 240,780 2009-2010 Assign. Square Feet (ASF) 2009-2010 ARE/ASF 2010-2011 Annual Research Expenditures (ARE) 1,055 $ 228 $ - - $ - $ $ - - $ - $ 414 $ 50,730 541 $ $ - $ - - $ 235 $ 121 $ 510 2 137 $ 685 $ 261,896 - $ - $ 4,586 - 94 223,088 2010-2011 Assign. Square Feet (ASF) 2010-2011 ARE/ASF 2011-2012 Annual Research Expenditures (ARE) 2011-2012 Assign. Square Feet (ASF) 2011-2012 up to 3-Year Average ARE/ASF 2011-2012 ARE/ASF 1,096 $ 204 $ 301,501 1,095 $ 275 $ 236 - - $ - $ 160 113 $ 1 $ 1 - - $ - $ 60,010 1,125 $ 53 $ 53 464,794 541 $ 859 $ 514 - $ 370 $ 231 (2) $ 648 18 $ 318,621 541 $ 589 $ - $ 1,110 1 $ 1,110 $ - - $ $ 255 $ 51,240 118 $ 434 $ 536 236 $ 137 $ 1,912 $ 9,671 286 $ 34 $ (588) 286 $ 101 $ 45 $ 1,000 101 $ 10 $ - - $ - $ - $ - $ - - $ - $ - - $ - $ - 2 1870027+ CS-PI-LO Computer Science $ 180 1 $ 129 $ 1870028+ CS-PI-KORKMAZ Computer Science $ 109,949 235 $ 468 $ 162,339 468 $ 347 $ 220,569 235 $ 939 $ 95,507 235 $ 406 $ 564 1870029+ CS-PI-TOSUN Computer Science $ 111,351 372 $ 299 $ 47,592 372 $ 128 $ 87,613 372 $ 236 $ 132,560 372 $ 356 $ 240 1870030+ CS-PI-TIAN Computer Science $ 60,386 319 $ 189 $ 20,718 319 $ 65 $ 79,475 319 $ 249 $ 125,871 319 $ 395 $ 236 1870031_ CS-PI-YUM Computer Science $ 4,144 1 $ 3,003 $ - - $ - $ - - $ - $ - $ - $ - 1870032+ CS-PI-XU Computer Science $ 110,506 241 $ 459 $ 141,254 482 $ 293 $ 121,531 482 $ 252 $ 381,396 325 $ 1,174 $ 573 1870034+ CS-PI-WHITE Computer Science $ 8,071 273 $ 30 $ 41,975 273 $ 154 $ 134,313 273 $ 492 $ 27,721 273 $ 102 $ 249 CS-PI1870035+ WINSBOROUGH Computer Science $ 178,384 448 $ 398 $ 165,743 352 $ 471 $ 312,603 448 $ 698 $ 614 448 $ 1 $ 390 UTSA Research Expenditures and Space - FY 11-12 - July 31, 2013 - Page 61 of 66 2008 - 2012 ANNUAL RESEARCH EXPENDITURES - BY PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR Unit Code Unit Name Department 2008-2009 Annual Research Expenditures (ARE) 2008-2009 Assign. Square Feet (ASF) 2008-2009 ARE/ASF 2009-2010 Annual Research Expenditures (ARE) 2009-2010 Assign. Square Feet (ASF) 2009-2010 ARE/ASF 2010-2011 Annual Research Expenditures (ARE) 2010-2011 Assign. Square Feet (ASF) 2011-2012 Annual Research Expenditures (ARE) 2010-2011 ARE/ASF 2011-2012 Assign. Square Feet (ASF) 2011-2012 up to 3-Year Average ARE/ASF 2011-2012 ARE/ASF 1870036_ CS-PI-YI Computer Science $ 121,096 264 $ 459 $ 256,953 296 $ 868 $ 258,723 264 $ 980 $ 277,351 241 $ 1,151 $ 1,000 1870037_ CS-PI-WHALEY Computer Science $ 187,879 264 $ 712 $ 200,912 233 $ 862 $ 214,383 264 $ 812 $ 202,555 529 $ 383 $ 686 1870038+ CS-PI-WENK Computer Science $ 71,380 221 $ 323 $ 75,248 133 $ 566 $ 466,616 221 $ 2,111 $ 438,128 221 $ 1,982 $ 1,553 1870039+ CS-PI-R. Sandhu Computer Science $ 7,117 2 $ 2,881 $ 10,954 100 $ 110 $ 33,857 66 $ 513 $ 61,453 265 $ 232 $ 285 1870040_ CS-PI-ZHU Computer Science $ 61,916 372 $ 166 $ 52,065 387 $ 135 $ 122,294 372 $ 329 $ 114,215 372 $ 307 $ 257 CS-PI-VON 1870041+ RONNE Computer Science $ 14,283 206 $ 69 $ 56,428 80 $ 705 $ 89,896 477 $ 188 $ 92,705 571 $ 162 $ 352 1870042+ CS-PI-NIU Computer Science $ 60,824 112 $ 543 $ 96,526 207 $ 466 $ 3,877 112 $ 35 $ 258,944 112 $ 2,312 $ 938 1870043_ CS-PI-JIMENEZ Computer Science $ 147,951 383 $ 386 $ 209,102 303 $ 690 $ 197,124 192 $ 1,027 $ 186,068 383 $ 486 $ 734 1870045_ CS-PI-SHONLE Computer Science $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - - $ - $ 75,484 300 $ 252 $ 252 $ 26,401 601 $ 44 $ 245,236 691 $ 355 $ 199 295,476 221 $ 1,337 $ 129,848 221 $ 588 $ 1,234 - $ - $ - - $ - $ 79 Computer 1870046_ CS-PI-QUARLES Science Computer Science 1870047+ CS-PI-RUAN Mathematical 1880001_ MATH-PI-AHMAD Sciences Mathematical 1880003_ MATH-PI-TRAVIS Sciences Mathematical MATH-PISciences 1880024_ NORMAN MATH-PIMathematical Sciences 1880035_ POPESCU Mathematical Sciences 1880044_ MATH-PI-CAO Mathematical 1880045_ MATH-PI-MITTAG Sciences Mathematical Sciences 1880046_ MATH-PI-WENE Mathematical Sciences 1880047_ MATH-PI-LE Mathematical 1880050_ MATH-PI-IOVINO Sciences - - $ - - $ - $ 163,365 301 $ 543 $ $ - - $ - $ 236 1 $ 236 $ - $ 676 $ 319 $ 117 2 $ 55 $ 1,176 2 $ 555 $ 4,026 82 $ 49 $ 220 $ 293 2 $ 147 $ 316 2 $ 158 $ 152 2 $ 27,971 84 $ 333 $ 29,035 84 $ 346 $ 34,989 84 $ 417 $ 37,700 84 $ 449 $ 404 $ 47,913 56 $ 856 $ 29,287 56 $ 523 $ 1,264 56 $ 23 $ 53,878 84 $ 641 $ 396 $ - $ - $ 5,505 112 $ 49 $ - 68 112 $ 1 $ 17 $ 1,298 59 $ 22 $ - - $ - $ 140 - $ $ 47 $ 24,800 83 $ 297 $ 33,059 83 $ 396 $ 549 (2) $ 134 $ 15,612 85 $ 183 $ 3,349 85 $ 39 $ - $ 13 - UTSA Research Expenditures and Space - FY 11-12 - $ - $ 1 $ 140 $ 83 $ 7 $ - $ - $ (196) - 84 - - $ $ - July 31, 2013 - Page 62 of 66 This page is intentionally left blank. UTSA Research Expenditures and Space - FY 11-12 July 31, 2013 - Page 63 of 66 COMPARABLE RESEARCH EXPENDITURES PER NET ASSIGNABLE SQUARE FOOT All Institutions Lab Based Non Lab Based Discipline All Engineering Medical Sciences Earth, Atmospheric and Ocean Sciences Physical Sciences Biological Sciences Agricultural Sciences Psychology Social Sciences Computer Sciences Mathematics $ $ $ Low 85 90 30 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 30 40 40 50 10 30 5 10 Median $ 175 $ 186 $ 185 Institutions with < $100 M Institutions with > $100 M Annual Expenditures Annual Expenditures High Low Median High Low Median High $ 300 $ 55 $ 131 $ 245 $ 240 $ 334 $ 435 $ 295 $ 60 $ 145 $ 270 $ 200 $ 258 $ 360 $ 430 $ 5 $ 77 $ 240 $ 260 $ 384 $ 550 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 115 100 99 95 82 169 127 102 260 170 210 180 220 490 410 400 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 10 30 25 20 5 20 5 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 75 73 72 79 44 110 56 33 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 210 145 155 160 145 310 245 180 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 100 140 180 80 140 180 270 220 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 218 174 255 119 216 410 538 434 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 340 280 380 200 340 790 810 890 This chart shows total research expenditures per NASF of Research Space by Broad Discipline, from a survey of 426 institutions, 18 public and 9 private, 90 institutions with expenditure > $100 million, 336 institutions with expenditures < $100 million. To be included, institutions must have > $1 million in annual research expenditures. This chart was extracted from a Custom Research Brief titled Allocating Laboratory Space to Maximize Research Productivity, dated June 23, 2008, as prepared by the University Leadership Council, The Advisory Board Company, Washington, D.C. UTSA Research Expenditures and Space - FY 11-12 July 31, 2013 - Page 64 of 66 COMPARABLE RESEARCH DISCIPLINES Discipline College Engineering Architecture Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Department Architecture Biomedical Engineering Civil & Environmental Engineering Electrical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Medical Sciences Earth, Atmospheric & Ocean Sciences Sciences Geological Science Physical Sciences Sciences Sciences Chemistry Physics & Astronomy Biological Sciences Sciences VP Research Biology Laboratory Animal Resource Center Agricultural Sciences Psychology Liberal & Fine Arts Liberal & Fine Arts Mathematics Business Sciences Anthropology Psychology Accounting Mathematical Science UTSA Research Expenditures and Space - FY 11-12 Discipline College Social Sciences Liberal & Fine Arts Liberal & Fine Arts Education & Human Development Liberal & Fine Arts Education & Human Development Public Policy Public Policy Education & Human Development Liberal & Fine Arts Education & Human Development Liberal & Fine Arts VP-Community Services VP-Community Services Education & Human Development Business Business Business Liberal & Fine Arts VP-Community Services Public Policy Public Policy Liberal & Fine Arts VP-Community Services Archaeology Art & Art History Bilingual-Bicultural Studies Communications Counseling Criminal Justice Demography Educational Leadership English, Classics & Philosophy Health & Kinesiology History Institute for Economic Development Institute for Texan Cultures Interdisciplinary Learning & Teaching Management Management Technology Marketing Music P-20 Initiatives Public Administration Social Work Sociology Women's Studies Center Computer Sciences Sciences Business Business Business Business Computer Science Economics Finance Information Systems Management Science & Statistics Department July 31, 2013 - Page 65 of 66 AVAILABILITY AND DISTRIBUTION This document is available online at: DISTRIBUTION - hard copies will be provided to the following: Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs - John Frederick Vice President for Research - Mauli Agrawal Vice President for Community Services - Jude Valdez Executive Vice Provost - Julius Gribou Dean, College of Architecture - John Murphy, Jr. Dean, College of Business - Gerry Sanders Dean, College of Education and Human Development - Betty Merchant Dean, College of Engineering - Mehdi Shadaram Dean, College of Liberal and Fine Arts - Daniel Gelo Dean, College of Public Policy - Rogelio Saenz Dean, College of Sciences - George Perry Assistant Vice President of Financial Affairs and Controller - Lenora Chapman All others will be referred to the Office of Space Management website where they can download and/or print portions or the complete document. For more detailed information, contact: Daniel Sibley Director, UTSA Office of Space Management One UTSA Circle San Antonio, Texas 78249 Phone: (210) 458-6074 Internet: UTSA Research Expenditures and Space - FY 11-12 July 31, 2013 - Page 66 of 66