Spring 2016 - Online Courses

 Spring 2016 - Online Courses
Textbook List
(Updated: January 04, 2016)
Course: HCE 5500 Ethics in Nursing and Health Care [J. Burkemper] Required:
American Nurses Association. (2015). ​
Code of ethics for nurses with interpretive statements. ​
DC: Author. [ISBN: ​
Post, L.F. (2015). ​
Handbook for health care ethics committees ​
(2nd ed.). Baltimore, MD: The Johns Hopkins
University Press, pp. 8-11. [ISBN: ​
Course: NURS 5040­20 Advance Practice Nursing: Role Acquisition [K. LoBello] Required:
Hamric, A.B., Spross, J.A., & Hanson, C.M. (2014). ​
Advanced practice nursing: an integrative approach ​
ed.). Saunders. [ISBN: ​
] Course: NURS 5080­20 Advanced Pharmacology [C. Kebodeaux] Required:
Major reference text for the course:
Woo, T.M. (2015). ​
Pharmacotherapeutics for Advanced Practice Nurse Prescribers​
(4th ed). Philadelphia:
F.A. Davis Company. [ISBN: ​
Formularies for the course:
For All Students
All students are required to have access to formulary information for the course. Often these are available on
smartphones and/or other mobile technology such as Epocrates®
http://www.epocrates.com/mobile/iphone/profession/ nurse-practitioner​
) or Lexi-Comp™
http://www.wolterskluwercdi.com/ markets/apn-and-physician-assistants/​
) or other approved software.
If students would prefer an offline or text formulary, the following can be used:
The 2016 Tarascon Deluxe Lab Coat Pharmacopoeia (2016). Loma Linda, CA: Tarascon Publishing. [ISBN:
PNP Students
Spring 2016 Textbook List ­ Online Courses Updated: January 04, 2016 PNP students also need the following to prescribe proficiently within the scope of practice. FNP students,
who plan on serving pediatric populations, will need this book also.
Taketomo, C.K., Hodding, J.H., Kraus, D.M. (2015-2016). ​
Pediatric Dosage Handbook​
(2nnd ed.). Hudson,
Ohio: Lexi-Comp, Inc. [ISBN: ​
Psych-Mental Health students, plus FNP, ANP or GNP who plan on managing patients on antidepressants or
other psychopharmacologic agents
Psych-MH students also need the following to prescribe proficiently within their scope of practice. FNP, ANP,
and GNP students, who plan on managing patients on antidepressants or other psychopharmacologic agents,
will also do well to add this book to their clinical library.
Stahl, S.M. (2014). ​
Stahl’s essential psychopharmacology: Prescriber’s guide.​
(5th ed.). New York, NY:
Cambridge University Press. [ISBN: ​
Pain Management (For NP students who plan to treat this population)
For those who want to grasp more deeply pain management practice/education, then do please consider
obtaining the following. It is a gold standard of pain management therapy for the nursing profession.
Pasero, C. and McCaffery, M (2011). ​
Pain Assessment and Pharmacologic Management.​
St. Louis: Mosby.
[ISBN: ​
Course: NURS 5110­20 Advanced Assessment & Clinical Decision Making [M. Benz] Required:
All students:
Ball, J.W., Dains, J.E., Flynn, J.A., Solomon, B.S., & Stewart, R.W. (2014). ​
Seidel’s guide to physical
examination. ​
(8th ed.) St. Louis: Mosby. [ISBN: ​
Ball, J.W., Dains, J.E., Flynn, J.A., Solomon, B.S., & Stewart, R.W. (2014). ​
Student laboratory manual to
accompany Seidel’s guide to physical examination​
. (8th ed.) St. Louis: Mosby. [ISBN:
Dains, J. E., Baumann, L. C., & Scheibel, P. (2015). ​
Advanced health assessment and clinical diagnosis in
primary care​
. (5th ed.). St. Louis: Mosby. [ISBN: ​
Dubin, Dale. (2000) ​
Rapid interpretation of EKG’s​
. (6th edition.). COVER Publishing Company. [ISBN:
Fadiman, A. (1998). ​
Spirit catches you and you fall down​
. Famar, Straus & Giroux. [ISBN:
*Kane, Ouslander, Abrass, Resnick (2013) ​
Essentials of clinical geriatrics​
. (7th ed). McGraw-Hill. [ISBN:
] ​
(*all students, except Pediatric students)
Spring 2016 Textbook List ­ Online Courses Updated: January 04, 2016 Pediatric and Family Students
Duderstadt, K.G. (2014). ​
Pediatric physical examination, illustrated handbook​
. St. Louis: Mosby. [ISBN:
Recommended Texts:
Habif, T. P. (2011). ​
Skin disease: Diagnosis and treatment​
. (3rd ed.). St. Louis, MO: Mosby. [ISBN:
Herring, W. (2015). ​
Learning radiology, recognizing the basics…​
, (3rd ed). St. Louis: Mosby/Elsevier.
[ISBN: ​
*Moore, K., Dalley, A. & Agur, A.. (2010).​
Clinically oriented anatomy​
. Lippincott Williams and Wilkin.
[ISBN: ​
] (​
*ACNP only​
*Reuben, D.R., Herr, K. A., Pacala, J.T., Pollock, B.G., Potter, J.E., Semla, T.P. (2014). ​
Geriatrics at your
(16th ed.). [ISBN:​
*For Adult, Gero, and Family students only​
Seidel, H.M., Ball, J.W., Dains, J.E., & Benedict, G.W. (2010). ​
Mosby’s physical examination handbook​
. (7th ed.).
St. Louis: Mosby-Year Book. [ISBN: ​
Course: NURS 5130­20 Clinical and Diagnostic Reasoning [M. Benz] Required:
All students:
Ball, J.W., Dains, J.E., Flynn, J.A., Solomon, B.S., & Stewart, R.W. (2014). ​
Seidel’s guide to physical
examination. ​
(8th ed.) St. Louis: Mosby. [ISBN: ​
Ball, J.W., Dains, J.E., Flynn, J.A., Solomon, B.S., & Stewart, R.W. (2014). ​
Student laboratory manual to
accompany Seidel’s guide to physical examination​
. (8th ed.) St. Louis: Mosby. [ISBN:
Dains, J. E., Baumann, L. C., & Scheibel, P. (2015). ​
Advanced health assessment and clinical diagnosis in
primary care​
. (5th ed.). St. Louis, Mosby. [ISBN: ​
Dubin, Dale. (2000) ​
Rapid interpretation of EKG’s​
. (6th edition.). COVER Publishing Company. [ISBN:
Fadiman, A. (1998). ​
Spirit catches you and you fall down​
. Famar, Straus & Giroux. [ISBN:
*Kane, Ouslander, Abrass, Resnick (2013) ​
Essentials of clinical geriatrics​
. (7th ed). McGraw-Hill. [ISBN:
] ​
(*all students, except Pediatric students)
Spring 2016 Textbook List ­ Online Courses Updated: January 04, 2016 Pediatric and Family Students
Duderstadt, K.G. (2014). ​
Pediatric physical examination, illustrated handbook​
. St. Louis: Mosby. [ISBN:
Recommended Texts:
Habif, T. P. (2011). ​
Skin disease: Diagnosis and treatment​
. (3rd ed.). St. Louis, MO: Mosby. [ISBN:
Herring, W. (2015). ​
Learning radiology, recognizing the basics…​
, (3rd ed). St. Louis: Mosby/Elsevier.
[ISBN: ​
*Moore, K., Dalley, A. & Agur, A.. (2010).​
Clinically oriented anatomy​
. Lippincott Williams and Wilkin.
[ISBN: ​
] (​
*ACNP only​
*Reuben, D.R., Herr, K. A., Pacala, J.T., Pollock, B.G., Potter, J.E., Semla, T.P. (2014). ​
Geriatrics at your
(16th ed.). [ISBN:​
*For Adult, Gero, and Family students only​
Seidel, H.M., Ball, J.W., Dains, J.E., & Benedict, G.W. (2010). ​
Mosby’s physical examination handbook​
. (7th ed.).
St. Louis: Mosby-Year Book. [ISBN: ​
Course: NURS 5140­20 Health Promotion [M. Papachrisanthou] Required:
Pender, N.J., Murdaugh, C.L., Parsons, M.A. (2015). ​
Health promotion in nursing practice.​
(7th ed.). Upper
Saddle River, NJ. [ISBN: ​
Course: NURS 5160­20 Principles of Practice Management [M. Benz] Required:
Buppert, C. (2014). ​
Nurse practitioner: Business practice and legal guide​
. (5th ed). Jones & Bartlett Learning.
[ISBN: ​
Hamric, A.B., Spross, J.A., & Hanson, C.M. (2014). ​
Advanced practice nursing: An integrative approach​
. (5th
ed.). Saunders. [ISBN: ​
Course: NURS 5170­20 Advanced Pathophysiology [K. LoBello] Required:
Copstead, L. & Banasik, J. (2013). ​
Pathophysiology ​
(5th ed.). Elsevier Saunders. [ISBN: ​
Spring 2016 Textbook List ­ Online Courses Updated: January 04, 2016 Copstead, L. & Banasik, J. (2013). ​
Pathophysiology study guide ​
(5th ed.). St. Louis: Elsevier. [ISBN:
Course: NURS 5200­20 General Research Methods [R. Lorenz] TBD
Course: NURS 5250­22 Advanced Clinical Studies II: Adult & Older Adult [K. Moore] Required:
Buttaro, T.M., Trybulski, J., Bailey, P.P. and Sanderberg-Cook, (2012). ​
Primary care: a collaborative practice​
(4th ed.) Mosby. [ISBN: ​
Ferri, F.F., (2014). ​
Ferri’s best test: a practical guide to clinical laboratory medicine and diagnostic imaging​
(3rd ed.) Mosby. [ISBN: ​
Kane, R.L., Ouslander, J.G., Abrass, I.B., and Resnick, B (2013). ​
Essentials of clinical geriatrics​
. McGraw-Hill.
[ISBN: ​
Optional Textbooks:
Seller, R. & Symons, A. (2012). ​
Differential diagnosis of common complaints​
. (6th ed.) Saunders. [ISBN:
Geriatrics at your fingertips (online)​
Course: NURS 5270­22 Advanced Clinical Studies II: The Acute Care Setting [G. Ochs] Required:
Marino, P. (2014). ​
The ICU book​
(4th ed.). Wolters Kluwer. [ISBN: ​
Recommended ​
(not required)​
Ferri, F. (2015). ​
Ferri’s best test: A practical guide to clinical laboratory medicine and diagnostic imaging​
Elsevier. [ISBN: ​
Fillit, H., et al. (2010). ​
Bocklehurst textbook of geriatric medicine and gerontology ​
(7th ed). Saunders. [ISBN:
Gilbert D.N., et al. (2014). ​
The Sandford guide to Antimicrobial therapy​
(43rd ed). Hyde Park, VT.
[ISBN: ​
Spring 2016 Textbook List ­ Online Courses Updated: January 04, 2016 Herring, W. (2012). ​
Learning Radiology recognizing the basics.​
Mosby. [ISBN: ​
McPhee, S. & Papadakis, M. (2015). ​
Current medical diagnosis and treatment​
(52nd ed). McGraw-Hill [ISBN:
Roberts, J. (2013). ​
Robert’s and Hedges clinical procedures in emergency medicine ​
(6th ed). [ISBN:
Optional Texts:
Bolognia, J., et al. (2014). ​
Dermatology essentials.​
Elsevier. [ISBN: ​
Cline, E., et al. (2010). ​
Current Diagnosis and treatment in surgery ​
(13th ed.). McGraw Hill.
[ISBN: ​
Hertzberg, B., & Middleton, W. (2016). ​
(3rd. ed.). Elsevier. [ISBN: ​
Longo D.L., Fauci A.S., Kasper D.L., Hauser S.L., Jameson J.L., Loscalzo J., eds. (2011). ​
Harrison’s Principles of
Internal Medicine​
(18th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. [ISBN: ​
McDermott, M. (2013). ​
Endocrine secrets​
(6th ed.). Elsevier. [ISBN: ​
McPhee, S. & Hammer, G. (2014). ​
Pathophysiology of disease, an introduction to clinical medicine​
. McGraw
Hill Lange. [ISBN: ​
Miller, M., Thompson, S. & Hart, J. (2012). ​
Review of orthopedics​
(6th ed.). Saunders. [ISBN:
Moore, K., Dalley, A., & Agur, A. (2010) ​
Clinically Oriented Anatomy​
(6th ed.). Wolters Kluwer/Lippincott.
[ISBN: ​
Phalen, T. & Aehlert, B. (2011). ​
The 12 lead ECG in acute coronary syndromes: Text and pocket reference
(3rd ed.). [ISBN: ​
Course: NURS 5290­22 Advanced Clinical Studies II: Women & Children [O. Fyle­Thorpe] Required:
American Academy of Pediatrics (2015). ​
Red book 2015​
. Elk Grove Village, IL. (Available online at the AAP
website: ​
Burns, C. E., Dunn, A. M., Brady, M. A., Starr, N.B., & Blosser, C. (2013). ​
Pediatric primary care ​
(5th ed.). St.
Louis: Elsevier: [ISBN: ​
Cibulka, N & Barron, M. L. (2013). ​
Guidelines for nurse practitioners in ambulatory obstetric settings​
. New
York: Springer Publishing Company. [ISBN: ​
Spring 2016 Textbook List ­ Online Courses Updated: January 04, 2016 Duderstadt, K. (2014). ​
Pediatric physical examination: an illustrated handbook. ​
(2nd ed.)​
Louis: Mosby. [ISBN: ​
Green, M. (2008). ​
Bright futures: guidelines for health supervision of infants, children and adolescents –
pocket guide. ​
(3rd ed.). Arlington, VA: National Center for Education in Maternal and Child Health.
[ISBN: ​
] or can be downloaded
Hawkins, J.E., Roberto-Nichols, D.M., & Hawkins, J.W. (2015). ​
Guidelines for nurse practitioners in
gynecologic settings. ​
​ed.). New York: Springer [ISBN: ​
Course: NURS 5310­20 Advanced Assessment and Technology in Acute Care [M. Cunningham] TBD
Course: NURS 5330­20 Advanced Clinical Studies II: Nursing of Children [D. Loman] Required :
Burns, C.E., Dunn, A.M., Brady, M.A., Starr, N.B., & Blosser, C.G. (2013). Pediatric primary care (5th ed). St.
Louis: Saunders. [ISBN: ​
Melnyk, B.M., & Jensen, P.S. (eds). (2013). ​
A practical guide to child and adolescent mental health screening,
early intervention, and health promotion​
(2nd ed). ​
National Association of Pediatric Nurse
Practitioners: New York, NY. [ISBN: ​
]. [Available at:​
or go to
Pickering, L.K. (Ed.). (2015). ​
Red Book: Report of the Committee on Infectious Diseases ​
(30th ed.). Elk Grove
Village, IL. American Academy of Pediatrics. [ISBN: ​
Engorn, B., & Flerlage, J. (Ed.) (2015). ​
The Harriet Lane handbook. ​
Philadelphia: Elsevier. [ISBN:
Course: NURS 5350­22 Advanced Clinical Studies II: Psychiatric Mental Health [R. Tadych] TBD
Spring 2016 Textbook List ­ Online Courses Updated: January 04, 2016 Course: NURS 5400­20 Ecological Approach to Human Behavior [R. Tadych] Required:
Corey, G. (2016). ​
Theory and practice of counseling and psychotherapy ​
(10th ed.). [ISBN:
*Loose Leaf + Student Manual Loose Leaf Edition + MindTap Access card
American Psychological Association. (210). ​
Publication manual of the American Psychological Association
(6th ed.). Washington, DC: Author. [ISBN: ​
Course: NURS 5510­20 Mental Health Care Family [C. Rariden] Required:
Humphreys, J. & Campbell, J.C. (2011). ​
Family violence and nursing practice ​
(2nd ed.). Springer Publishing
Company: New York. [ISBN: ​
Patel, S.C. & Jakopac, K.A. (2012). ​
Manual of psychiatric nursing kills.​
Jones and Bartlett Learning:
Massachusetts. [ISBN: ​
Course: NURS 5570­20 Curriculum Development in Nursing Education [P. Freed] Required:
Billings, D. M., & Halstead, J. A. (2012). ​
Teaching in nursing: A guide for faculty. ​
(5th ed.). St. Louis:
Elsevier Saunders. [ISBN: ​
]; ebook [ISBN: ​
Course: NURS 5590­020 Practicum in Nursing Education [P. Freed] Required:
Hunt, D. (2013) ​
The new nurse educator. Mastering academe. ​
Springer Publishing Company: New York, NY.
[ISBN: ​
Course: NURS 5750­20 Care of the Elderly: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Health [H. Lach] Required:
Hooyman, N.R. & Kiyak, H.A. (2011). ​
Social gerontology: a multidisciplinary perspective​
(9th ed.). Boston,
MA: Pearson - Allyn & Bacon.. [ISBN: ​
Spring 2016 Textbook List ­ Online Courses Updated: January 04, 2016 Course: NURS 6100­20 Health Care Policy and Advanced Practice Nursing [D. Loman] Required:
Mason, D.J., Gardner, D.B., Outlaw, F.H., & O’Grady, E.T. (2016). ​
Policy & politics in nursing and
health care​
(7th ed). Elsevier. [ISBN: ​
] Course: NURS 6140­20 Leadership in Health Care [R. Lorenz] TBD
Course: NURS 6160­20 Evidence Based Practice [J. Thanavaro] Required:
Melnyk, B., M., & Fineout-Overholt, E. (2015). ​
Evidence-based practice in nursing & healthcare: a guide to
best practice.​
(3rd ed.). Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer. [ISBN: ​
Riegelman, R. R. (2012). ​
Studying a study & testing a test: reading evidence-based health research. ​
(6 ed.).
Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. [ISBN: ​
Course: NURS 6802 Measurement of Nursing Variables [L. McLaughlin] Required:
Schultz, K.S., Whitney, D.J., & Zickar, M.J. (2014). ​
Measurement theory in action: case studies and exercises
(2nd ed.). New York, NY: Routledge. [ISBN: ​
Course: NURS 6804 Care Acute/Chronically Ill Population [R. Lorenz] TBD
Course: NURS 6806 Multivariate/Multivariable Statistics in Nursing Research [J. Taylor] Required:
Warner, R.M. (2013). ​
Applied Statistics: Bivariate through Multivariate​
(2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks,
CA: Sage. [ISBN: ​
Spring 2016 Textbook List ­ Online Courses Updated: January 04, 2016 American Psychological Association. (2010). ​
Publication manual of the American Psychological
Association ​
(6th ed.). Washington, DC: Author. [ISBN: ​
Course: NURS 6809 Quantitative Methods in Nursing Research [J. Schneider] TBD
Spring 2016 Textbook List ­ Online Courses Updated: January 04, 2016 Course: NURS 6810 Qualitative Methods in Nursing Research [L. Smith] TBD
Spring 2016 Textbook List ­ Online Courses Updated: January 04, 2016 