MEMS Reference Oscillators EECS 242B Fall 2014 Prof. Ali M. Niknejad Why replace XTAL Resonators? • XTAL resonators have excellent performance in terms of quality factor (Q ~ 100,000), temperature stability (< 1 ppm/C), and good power handling capability (more on this later) • The only downside is that these devices are bulky and thick, and many emerging applications require much smaller form factors, especially in thickness (flexible electronics is a good example) • MEMS resonators have also demonstrated high Q and Si integration (very small size) ... are they the solution we seek? • Wireless communication specs are very difficult: • GSM requires -130 dBc/Hz at 1 kHz from a 13 MHz oscillator • -150 dBc/Hz for far away offsets Ali M. Niknejad University of California, Berkeley EECS 242B, Slide: 2 Business Opportunity • XTAL oscillators is a $4B market. Even capturing a small chunk of this pie is a lot of money. • This has propelled many start-ups into this arena (SiTime, SiClocks, Discera) as well as new approaches to the problem (compensated LC oscillators) by companies such as Mobius and Silicon Labs • Another observation is that many products in the market are programmable oscillators/timing chips that include the PLL in the package. • As we shall see, a MEMS resonator does not make sense in a stand-alone application (temp stability), but if an all Si MEMS based PLL chip can be realized, it can compete in this segment of the market Ali M. Niknejad University of California, Berkeley EECS 242B, Slide: 3 Series Resonant Oscillator 2478 • The motional resistance of MEMS resonators is quite large (typically koms compared to ohms for XTAL) and depends on the fourth power of gap spacing • This limits the power handling capability the 1. General topology for a series-resonant oscillator. • Also, in order not to de-Q Fig. tank, an amplifier with low Ramp Rx + Ri + Ro = Rtot a recently demonstrated 10-MHz oscilla input/output impedance is Unfortunately, using a variant of the above CC-beam resonator togeth required. A trans-resistancewith an off-the-shelf amplifier exhibits a phase noise of on 80 dBc/Hz at 1-kHz carrier offset, and 116 dBc/Hz amplifier is often used far-from-carrier offsets [10]—inadequate values caused main by the insufficient power-handling ability of the CC-bea LIN et al.: SERIES-RESONANT VHF MICROMECHANICAL RESONATOR REFERENCEmicromechanical OSCILLATORS, IEEE JOURNAL OF SOLID-STATE CIRCUITS, VOL. 39, NO. 12, DECEMBER 2004 ! resonator device used [22]. This Berkeley work demonstrates the impact of EECS micromechani Ali M. Niknejad University of California, 242B, Slide: 4 Zero’th Order Leeson Model 2kT (1 + FRamp ) L {fm } = · Po ⇥ ⇤ Rtot · 1+ Rx f0 2Ql · fm ⇥2 ⌅ Rx Rx Ql = Q= Q Rx + Ri + R o Rtot • Using a simple Leeson model, the above expression for phase noise is easily derived. • The insight is that while MEMS resonators have excellent Q’s, their power handling capability will ultimately limit the performance. • Typically MEMS resonators amp limit based on the nonlinearity of the resonator rather than the electronic nonlinearities, limiting the amplitude of the oscillator LIN et al.: SERIES-RESONANT VHF MICROMECHANICAL RESONATOR REFERENCE OSCILLATORS, IEEE JOURNAL OF SOLID-STATE CIRCUITS, VOL. 39, NO. 12, DECEMBER 2004 ! Ali M. Niknejad University of California, Berkeley EECS 242B, Slide: 5 IEEE JOURNAL OF SOLID-STATE CIRCUITS, VOL. 39, NO. 12, DECEMBER 2004 MEMS Resonator Designs TABLE I RESONATOR DESIGN EQUATION SUMMARY • Clampled-clamped beam and wine disk resonator are very populator. Equivalent circuits calculated from electromechanical properties. • Structures can be fabricated from polysilicon (typical dimensions are small ~ 10 um) • Electrostatic transduction is used (which requires large voltages > 10 V). LIN et al.: SERIES-RESONANT VHF MICROMECHANICAL RESONATOR REFERENCE OSCILLATORS, IEEE JOURNAL OF SOLID-STATE CIRCUITS, VOL. 39, NO. 12, DECEMBER 2004 ! Ali M. Niknejad University of California, Berkeley EECS 242B, Slide: 6 CC-Beam Resonator LIN et al.: SERIES-RESONANT VHF MICROMECHANICAL RESONATOR REFERENCE OSCILLATORS used (with the more accurate, but cumbersome, form given varies through the beam in Table I). As the frequency of resonance frequency, the output motional current magnitude traces out a bandpass biquad frequency spectrum identical to that exhibited by an LCR circuit, but with a much higher than normally achievable by room temperature electrical circuits. Fig. 3 presents the SEM and measured frequency characteristic (under vacuum) for an 8- m-wide, 20- m-wide-electrode, 10-MHz CC-beam, showing a measured of 3100. The values of the motional elements in the equivalent circuit of Fig. 2 are governed by the mass and stiffness of the resonator, and by the magnitude of electromechanical coupling at its transducer electrodes. Equations for the elements can be derived by determining the effective impedance seen looking into the resFig. 2. Perspective view schematic and equivalent circuit of a CC-beam (a) SEM and [5], (b) frequency (measured port and cancharacteristic be summarized asunder 20-mtorr micromechanical resonator under a one-port bias and excitation scheme. Fig. 3. onator vacuum) for a fabricated CC-beam micromechanical resonator with an 8- m-wide beamwidth and a 20- m-wide electrode. • This example uses an 8-μm wide beamwidth and a is the radian resonance frequency, all other variables are specwhere has been ified in Fig. 2, and an approximate form for Fig. 4. (a) SEM and (b) vacuum) for a fabricated featuring large beam a (6) power-handling ability. N Fig. 3 comes mainly fro dc-bias and a larger electr and are the effective stiffness and mass of the resonator beam, respectively, at its midpoint, both given in Table I, and is the electromechanical coupling factor. The represents the static overlap capacitance between capacitor the input electrode and the structure. Of the elements in the equivalent circuit, the series motional is 8.27 k , which is is perhaps the most important for oscillator mally exhibited by q resistance design of the sustain and design, since it governs the relationship between at resonance, and thereby directly influences the loop gain of the oscillator system. For the CC-beam resonator of Fig. 2, B. Wide-Width CC-B can be further specified approximately the expression for One convenient m (neglecting beam bending and distributed stiffness [5]) as handling LIN et al.: SERIES-RESONANT VHF MICROMECHANICAL RESONATOR REFERENCE OSCILLATORS, IEEE JOURNAL OF SOLID-STATE CIRCUITS, VOL. 39, NO. 12,power DECEMBER 2004 ! is to For example, the wi Ali M. Niknejad University of California, Berkeley 242B, Slide: increased from 87 to (7) EECS 20-μm wide electrode. • Measurements are performed in vacuum. • Q ~ 3000 for a frequency of 10 MHz CC-Beam with Better Power Handling ANICAL RESONATOR REFERENCE OSCILLATORS ic (measured under 20-mtorr chanical resonator with an ode. 2481 • To increase power handling of the resonator, a wider beam Fig. 4. (a) SEM and (b) frequency characteristic (measured under 20-mtorr vacuum) for a fabricated wide-width CC-beam micromechanical resonator, and higher featuring large beam and electrode widths for lower power-handling ability. Note that the difference in frequency from that of Fig. 3 comes mainly from the larger electrical stiffness caused by a higher dc-bias and a larger electrode-to-beam overlap. width is used [~10X in theory]. • The motional resistance is reduced to 340 ohms (Vp = 13V) ctive stiffness and mass ts midpoint, both given cal coupling factor. The ap capacitance between is 8.27 k , which is quite large compared with the 50 normally exhibited by quartz which complicates the University crystals, of California, and Berkeley LIN et al.: SERIES-RESONANT VHF MICROMECHANICAL RESONATOR REFERENCE OSCILLATORS, IEEE JOURNAL OF SOLID-STATE CIRCUITS, VOL. 39, NO. 12, DECEMBER 2004 ! cuit, the series motional Ali M. Niknejad mportant for oscillator EECS 242B, Slide: 8 tance , versus m, m, pite a decrease in Disk Wineglass Resonator LIN et al.: SERIES-RESONANT VHF MICROMECHANICAL RESONATOR REFERENCE OSCILLATORS IEEE JOURNAL OF SOLID-STATE CIRCUITS, VOL. 39, NO. 12, DECEMBER 2004 2483 (T 1.16) is positive), giving this device a pass-through nature at resonance with a 0 phase shift from the -axis (input) electrode to the -axis (output) electrode. The two-port nature of this device whereby the input and output electrodes are physically distinct from the resonator itself further allows a bias and excitation configuration devoid of the bias tee needed in Fig. 2, hence, much more amenable to on-chip integration. In particular, the applied voltages still conand an ac input signal , but now sist of a dc bias voltage can be directly applied to the resonator itself without the need for a bias tee to separate ac and dc components. Similar to the CC-beam, these voltages result in a force proportional to that drives the resonator into the wine glass vithe product bration mode shape when the frequency of matches the wine glass resonance frequency, given by [30] for more effier . o prevent (9) dth increases. nd versus in , the net where In particular, am resonator Fig. 6. (a) Perspective-view schematic of a micromechanical wine glass-mode disk resonator in a typical two-port bias and excitation configuration. Here, m-wide device electrodes labeled A are connected to one another, as are electrodes labeled V), B. (b) Wine-glass mode shape simulated via finite element analysis (using Fig. 7. (a) SEM and (b)–(c) frequency characteristics (measured under 20-mtorr vacuum with different dc bias voltages) of a fabricated 60-MHz wine quency spec- ANSYS). (c) Equivalent LCR circuit model. glass disk resonator with two support beams. that although 0 to 1036 as a a free–free mode shape. Free–free beam micromechanical resthan two or- onators have been successfully demonstrated, one with a fre- approximate expression for takes on a similar form to that on-chip spiral quency of 92 MHz and a of 7450 [29]. of (7), and can be written as pplications. Even better performance, however, can be obtained by (10) portantly, the abandoning the beam geometry and moving to a disk geom(11) nal advantage etry. In particular, radial-mode disk resonators have recently LIN et al.: SERIES-RESONANT VHF MICROMECHANICAL RESONATOR REFERENCE OSCILLATORS, IEEE JOURNAL OF SOLID-STATE CIRCUITS, VOL. 39, NO. 12, DECEMBER 2004 ! about due to been 10 000 of at frequencies and demonstrated where iswith Bessels function first kind of exceeding order , ofAli theM.40m- 1.5 GHz, even whenfrequency, operating inis air wine-glass-mode is the resonance the [18]. disk radius, and of, California, , where is now the effective stiffness of the disk. For a 3- mNiknejad University Berkeley EECS 242B, Slide: 9 • Intrinsically better power handling capability from a wine glass resonator. • The input/output ports are isolated (actuation versus sensing). Sustaining Amplifier Design IEEE JOURNAL OF SOLID-STATE CIRCUITS, VOL. 39, NO. 12, DECEMBER 2004 width has been reduced from 1.5 m y loss from the disk to the substrate us, maximize the device . Even he measured of 1.5 k for the ine glass disk with V and than the 50 normally exhibited nd thus, in an oscillator application er capable of supporting higher tank ons, the stiffness of this wine glass N/m, which is 71.5 the 0-MHz wide-width CC-beam. Ac, and , (8) predicts a power her for the wine glass disk. For the d result in a 10-dB lower far-from- • Use feedback amplifier to create positive feedback transFig. 8. Top-level circuit schematic of the micromechanical resonator oscillator of this work. Here, the (wine glass disk) micromechanical resonator is represented by its equivalent electrical circuit. resistance r circuit, a sustaining amplifier cirAutomatic omparatively large motional resis- gain control is used so that the oscillation self• esonators is needed. As mentioned limits the electronic non-linearity. This reduces a previous oscillator [21], athrough transreith the resonator is a logical choice, theandoscillator amplitude but also helps to reduce 1/f noise , respecput resistances impose relatively small loading on up-conversion of the system to be very oaded G AMPLIFIER DESIGN LIN et al.:sacrificing SERIES-RESONANT VHF MICROMECHANICAL RESONATOR REFERENCE OSCILLATORS, IEEE JOURNAL OF SOLID-STATE CIRCUITS, VOL. 39, NO. 12, DECEMBER 2004 ! , without power transfer mplifier would need to have suffiAli M. Niknejad University of California, Berkeley EECS 242B, Slide: 10 Fig. 8. Top-level circuit schematic of the micromechanical resonator oscillator of this work. Here, the (wine glass disk) micromechanical resonator is represented by its equivalent electrical circuit. Amplifier Details DESIGN aining amplifier cirarge motional resiseded. As mentioned llator [21], a transreor is a logical choice, and , respecely small loading on he system to be very ficing power transfer d need to have suffineed to provide a 0 circuit schematic of the single-stage sustaining transresistance e the 0 phaseSingle-stage shift Fig. 9. Detailed amplifier is used to maximize bandwidth. amplifier of this work, implemented by a fully differential amplifier in a sonance, per item 2) one-sided shunt-shunt feedbackshift configuration. Recall that any phase through the amplifier the above with min- • causes theand oscillation frequency to shift (and phase provide resistances and and of the oscillator cirnoise serve to degrade) as shunt-shunt feedback elements that allow control of mechanical resonator t (which in this case the transresistance gain via adjustment of their gate voltages. Common-mode feedback used to set output voltage. • The need for two of them will be covered later in Section V Fig. 6). As shown, on ALC. Feedback resistance and Amplitude Level Control used to best accomhe micromechanical (ALC) implemented with MOS resistors A. Transfer Function particular sustaining LIN et al.: SERIES-RESONANT VHF MICROMECHANICAL RESONATOR REFERENCE OSCILLATORS, IEEE JOURNAL OF SOLID-STATE CIRCUITS, VOL. 39, NO. 12, DECEMBER 2004 ! vious two-stage cirAli M. Niknejad one gain stage, but Expressions for the dc transresistance gain, input resistance, University of California, Berkeley and output resistance, of the sustaining amplifier are as follows: EECS 242B, Slide: 11 accomcy is minimal. In particular,impedance as detailed in [31], anloop. balance in the hanical ase shift close to 0 allows the micromechanical ress can impact the 3-dB bandtaining A. Transfer Function In addition, the use of larger where rate at the point of highest slope in its phase versus where represents the input-referred current noise width of the transresistance amplifier, which as a rule should be age cirExpressions for the dc transresistance gain, input resistance, urve, which it to more effectively oscillation that its phase shift at atofleast 10 the suppress and allows output resistance, the sustaining amplifier arefrequency as follows:so amplifier, ge, but , and is the sustaining thisphase frequency is minimal. particular,voltage as detailed in source [31], anof the differential op amp rviations oscil- caused by amplifier deviations. The In referred noise noise the micromechanical resamplifier close to 0byallows fs the transresistance amplifier of Fig.phase 9 is ashift function (12) cillator onator to operate at the point of highest slope in its phase versus where represents t apacitance in both the transistors and the micromef a fully frequency curve, which allows it to more effectively suppress sustaining amplifier, nator, and is best specified by the full transfer funct-shunt (13) phase deviations. The frequency deviations caused by amplifier referred voltage noise sou amplifier e other. erential p of the a total g a low t-shunt transisntial op edback esistors Design Equations bandwidth of the transresistance amplifier of Fig. 9 is a function by of parasitic capacitance in bothwhere the transistors and the microme(14)is 2/3 for long-channel devices, and from 2–3 chanical resonator, and is best specified by the full transfer funcfor short-channel devices. In (21), all common mode tion for the amplifier is the transconductance of , (15)and sources are theare nulled by the common-mode feedback where and , respectively, isInMOS reoutput resistance of addition, flicker noise is neglected osc 2/3 forthe long-ch where issince and , assumed to be is beyond the flicker noise sistor value implemented by for short-channel devices frequency corner, and (2) rep much smaller than the s, and the forms on the far rights asare nulled an approximate expression that accounts for by th (15) sources (16) .only (Note that sume a large amplifier loop gain flicker noise and white noise at large offsets.In(Ifaddition, (2) attempted to i this is amplifier loop where gain, not oscillator loop gain.) In practice, frequency beyond need the fl noise, then transistor flicker noiseiswould an approximate exp (16) only These equations are used to trade-off between power included.) oop transresistance gain of the base amplifier with and white noise at large (21) noise from this sustaining amplifier impro ding, where and noise in the oscillator. From The device size cannot be noise, then transis the size of the op amp input transistors and/or their dra included.) is the open loop gain ofneeds the base amplifier with too large since thetransresistance bandwidth to bedesign about 10X rents increase—the same changes needed to decre From (21) noise from feedback loading, where bandwidth-based the size of the op amp in the oscillation frequency. amplifier and , with the same tions on input transistor s. For given resonator rentsaincrease—the same d and , wit amplifier sustaining amplifier oscillation frequency , the optimal tions on input transistor that stillIEEE meets wireless handset for 2004 the! ref LIN et al.: SERIES-RESONANT VHF MICROMECHANICAL RESONATOR REFERENCE OSCILLATORS, JOURNAL OF SOLID-STATE CIRCUITS,specifications VOL. 39, NO. 12, DECEMBER (17) oscillator can be found by simultaneous ,t oscillationsolution frequencyof (2) Ali M. Niknejad University of California, Berkeley EECS 242B, Slide: 12 • that still meets wireless ha Amplitude Control Loop 2486 IEEE J • Precision peak- detector used to sense oscillation amplitude. This is done by putting a MOS diode in the feedback path of an inverting op-amp Fig. 11. (b) win tiny la mariz Fig. 10. (a) Top-level and (b) detailed circuit schematics of the ALC circuit. this w LIN et al.: SERIES-RESONANT VHF MICROMECHANICAL RESONATOR REFERENCE OSCILLATORS, IEEE JOURNAL OF SOLID-STATE CIRCUITS, VOL. 39, NO. 12, DECEMBER 2004 ! Fig power is applied. As the amplitude of oscillation grows and ricated Ali M. Niknejad University of California, Berkeley EECS 242B, Slide: 13 ’s channel resistance to below that the ALC reduces Measured Spectra and Time-Domain Fig. 14. Extracted from the peaks shown in Fig. 13 versus their is also derived from corresponding input power. The the curve and compared with for a typical case to illustrate graphical determination of the steady-state oscillation amplitude. • These are the measurements without using the ALC • The oscillation self-limits due to the resonator nonlinearity • Notice the extremely small oscillation amplitudes • With the ALC, the oscillation amplitude drops to 10mV Fig. 10-M CCosci Syst CC 8.4 T han noi the CC The 1 the 1 the Fig. 15. Measured steady-state Fourier spectra and oscilloscope waveforms 1 for (a) the 10-MHz 8- m-wide CC-beam resonator oscillator; (b) the 10-MHz (if 40- m-wide CC-beam resonator oscillator; and (c) the 60-MHz wine glass disk resonator oscillator. All data in this figure are for the oscillators with ALC T LIN et al.: SERIES-RESONANT VHF MICROMECHANICAL RESONATOR REFERENCE OSCILLATORS, IEEE JOURNAL OF SOLID-STATE CIRCUITS, VOL. 39, NO. 12, DECEMBER 2004 ! disengaged. not Ali M. Niknejad University of California, Berkeley EECS 242B, Slide: 14 the LIN et al.: SERIES-RESONANT VHF MICROMECHANICAL RESONATOR REFERENCE OSCILLATORS 2487 Experimental Results TABLE II RESONATOR DATA SUMMARY TABLE III OSCILLATOR DATA SUMMARY Fig. 12. Photo of the sustaining transresistance amplifier IC fabricated in TSMCs 0.35- m CMOS process. • Performance close to Fig. 13. Measured open-loop gain of the 10-MHz wide-width CC-beam oscillator circuit under increasing input signal amplitudes. These curves were taken via a network analyzer sweeping down in frequency (i.e., from higher to lower frequency along the -axis). of the three resonator designs summarized in Table I. GSM specs. DC power each Fig. 16 presents plots of phase-noise density versus offset from carrier frequency for each oscillator, measured by directing and area are compelling the the output signal of the oscillator into an HP E5500 Phase Noise Measurement System. quick comparison of the oscilloscope waveforms of • The measured 1/f noise Fig.A 15(a)–(c), which shows steady-state oscillation amplimuch larger than tudes of 42 mV, 90 mV, and 200 mV, for the 8- m-wide 10-MHz CC-beam, the 40- m-wide 10-MHz CC-beam, and expected the 60-MHz wine glass disk, respectively, clearly verifies the which point the loop gain of an oscillator would drop to 0 dB, the oscillation amplitude would stop growing, and steady-state oscillation would ensue. Although the plot of Fig. 13 seems to imply that Duffing nonlinearity might be behind motional resistance increases with amplitude, it is more likely that deor with amplitude are more responsible creases in [21], since Duffing is a stiffness nonlinearity, and stiffness (like inductance or capacitance) is a nondissipative property. Oscillators with the ALC loop of Fig. 10 disengaged were tested first. Fig. 15 presents spectrum analyzer plots and oscilloscope waveforms for oscillators with ALC disengaged using utility of wide-CC-beam design and the superiority of the LIN et al.: SERIES-RESONANT VHF MICROMECHANICAL RESONATOR REFERENCE OSCILLATORS, IEEE JOURNAL OF SOLID-STATE CIRCUITS, VOL. 39, NO. 12, DECEMBER 2004 ! Ali M. Niknejad University of California, Berkeley EECS 242B, Slide: 15 Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-2122, USA EL: 734-764-5411, FAX: 734-647-1781, email: Array-Composite MEMS Wine-Glass Osc ACT by 13 dB has been obtained ce-micromachined micromereplacing the single resonator with a mechanically-coupled the power handling ability of Specifically, a mechanicallywine-glass disk resonators emoop with a custom-designed, staining amplifier achieves a kHz offset and -136 dBc/Hz n divided down to 10 MHz, -138 dBc/Hz at 1 kHz offset rier offset, which represent 13 r recently published work on or oscillators, and also now requirements by 8 dB and 1 Support Beam Anchor Coupling Beam Output Electrode io WGDisk WGDisk vo WGDisk RL vi Input Electrode VP Rx Lx Cx io z ! r vi Co Co vo RL Fig. 1: Perspective-view schematic of a multi (three) wine-glass disk micromechanical resonator array. The electrical equivalent circuit for the resonator is shown to the bottom right. • Increase power handling capability by coupling multiple (N) resonators together. 1 Mode UCTION Amplitude This increases power handling capability by N. • in a wireless communication st Voltage Supply # 1.65 V ) in the reference oscillator is 2nd Mode niaturize, since Q’s > 10,000 Y.-W. Lin, S.-S. Li, Z. Ren, and C. T.-C. Nguyen, “Low phase noise array-composite micromechanical wine-glass disk oscillator,” Technical n 35 ppm uncompensated over Digest, IEEE Int. Electron Devices Mtg., Washington, DC, Dec. 5-7, 2005, pp. 287-290. e on-chip. Recently, however, nical resonators basedTable on 1. Oscillator Data Summary 9 Res. 5 Res. 3 Res. 3rd Mode increasingly attractive as on- Oscillator Design Summary Q = 118,900 Q = 119,500 Q = 122,500 -30 nts for communication-grade Process TSMC 0.35 "m CMOS Freq. by demonstrations of Q’s > -40 Ali M. Niknejad University of California, Berkeley EECS 242B, Slide: 16 1 Res. n $ 105 "m $ 105 "m Y.-W. Lin, S.-S. Li, Z. Ren, and C. T.-C. Nguyen, “Low phase noise array-composite micromechanical wine-glass disk oscillator,” Technical 3 WGDisk 1 WGDisk Digest, IEEE Int. Electron Devices Mtg., Washington, DC, Dec. 5-7, 2005, pp. 287-290. Design Summary Table Data “Low Summary Y.-W. Lin, S.-S. Li, Z. Ren, and1.C.Oscillator T.-C. Nguyen, phase noise array-composite micromechanical disk oscillator,” Technical 5 WGDisk 9 Res. wine-glass 5 Res. 3 Res. Digest, IEEE Int. Electron Devices Mtg., Washington, DC, Dec. 5-7, 2005, pp. 287-290. Q = 118,900 Q = 119,500 Q = 122,500 Oscillator Design Summary -30 9 WGDisk -40 Transmission (dB) 9 Res. -50 Q = 118,900 -30 Zoom-in View Transmission (dB) Process TSMC 0.35 "m CMOS Table 1. Oscillator Data Summary Voltage Supply # 1.65 V Integrated Cons. 350 "W OscillatorPower Design Summary Circuit Amplifier Gain 8 k! ProcessAmplifier BWTSMC 0.35 "m CMOS 200 MHz Voltage Supply # 1.65 V $ 50 "m Layout Area 50 "m Integrated Power Cons. 350 "W Polysilicon-Based Process Surface Circuit Amplifier Gain 8 k!Micromachining Radius, R 32 "m Amplifier BW 200 MHz MEMS Thickness, h "m Layout Area 50 "m $ 503"m Wine-Glass Gap, do 80 nm Polysilicon-Based Disk Process Voltage Supply 10 V Resonator Surface Micromachining ArrayRadius, RPower Cons. 32 "m ~ 0 W Motional 5.75 k!, 3.11 k!, 1.98 k!, MEMS Thickness,Resistance, h 3 "m Rx 1.25 k! for n = 1, 3, 5, 9 Wine-Glass Gap, do Layout Area n80 $ nm 105 "m $ 105 "m -60 -40 -70 -80 -50 Support Beams Transmission (dB) Layout Area 5 Res. 3 Res. 1 Res. Q = 119,500 Q =Q161,000 = 122,500 Input Wine-Glass Electrode Disk 1 Res. Q = 161,000 Data R = 32 "m h = 3 "m do = 80 nm VP = 7 V Fig. 7: M the desire tion and h Transmission (dB) Transmission (dB) nators i somewh R=32"m -100 -70 here is -110 order to Data -80 (c.f., Fig 61.73 61.78 61.83 61.88 61.93 R = 32 "m points, -90 Frequency (MHz) Outputh = 3 "m Anchor Coupling Beam Electrode removed Fig. 6: Measured frequency characteristic for a fabricated wine-glass disk do = 80 nm -100 resonator-array. erwise h V P = 7 Fig. 5: SEM’s of fabricated wine-glass disk resonator-arraysVwith varying -110-40 contribu numbers of mechanically-coupled wine-glass disks. Disk factor b 5-Res. 61.73 61.78Array 61.83 61.88 61.93 -45 Voltage Supply 10 V Resonator 1 WGDisk detailed No Spurious VP = 7Frequency V 3 WGDisk (MHz) RESULTS -50 IV. EXPERIMENTAL Power Cons. ~0W Array each ele Modes Fig. 6: Measured frequency characteristic for a fabricated wine-glass disk Motional 5.75 k!, 3.11 k!, 1.98 k!, Wine-glass disk array resonators were fabricated via a -55 1.84, 2. resonator-array. Selected Resistance, 1.25 k! for n = 1, 3, 5, 9 three-polysilicon self-aligned stem process used previously to spective -60 5 WGDiskRx Mode achieve -40disk resonators [9]. Fig. 5 presents SEM’s of fabriNote Layout Area n $ 105 "m $ 105 "m -65 cated 60-MHz wine-glass disk arrays with varying numbers of the abo 9 WGDisk 5-Res. Array -45 -70 coupled resonators, supported by only support beams. fere wit Notwo Spurious VPeach =7V 3 WGDisk 1 WGDisk 52 measured 57 frequency 62 spectra 67for a stand-alone Fig. 6-50 presents resonato Modes 72 wine-glass together (MHz) with resonator arrays using Frequency which w -55 disk resonator Zoom-in View Selected 3, 9 resonators coupled withmodes one another. but at th Input Wine-Glass Fig.5,7: and Measured frequency mechanically spectrum verifying no spurious around -60 5 WGDisk Support Beams Electrode Disk Mode Although theofsingle resonator achieves the electrode highestexcitaQ of To a the desired mode the resonator array, achieved via proper tion and half-wavelength coupling beamall design. 161,000, the array Q’s are still greater than 115,000. chanica -65 9 WGDisk From the peak heights, R (with V = 7 V) can be extracted the freq x P nators-70 in the array). Although differences in Q contribute wide fre to be 11.73to k!, 6.34 k!, 4.04 k!, and 2.56the k!, for culprit 1, 3, 5, somewhat the lower multiplication factor, main R=32"m 57respectively. 62 The 67resonators 72 respond and 9is resonator arrays, measured Rx reduchere the52 need to split the electrodes between in the utili tion factors ofcoupling 1.85, 2.90, and located 4.58,(MHz) actually shortpoints of the Frequency order to avoid beams at high fall velocity Zoom-in View trode pl expected and 9, (i.e., attach the number ofvelocity the resoFig. 3, 1).5,Since therespectively coupling at high Input Wine-Glass Fig.(c.f., 7: Measured frequency spectrum beams verifying no spurious modes around Support the electrodes between resonators must be electrode split and Electrode DiskOutput Y.-W. Lin, S.-S. Li, Z. Ren,Beams and C. T.-C. phase noise array-composite micromechanical wine-glass oscillator,” Technical the points, desired mode of the resonator array, achieved disk via proper excitaAnchor“Low Coupling BeamNguyen, Electrode removed at high velocity points where the current would othhalf-wavelength coupling beam design. Digest, IEEE Int. Electron Devices Mtg., Washington, DC, Dec. 5-7, 2005,tion pp.and287-290. erwise have been the largest. This greatly reduces the current Fig. 5: SEM’s of fabricated wine-glass disk resonator-arrays with varying contribution suchAlthough inner electrodes, thereby in reducing the nators in the from array). differences Q contribute numbers mechanically-coupled disks. Table 1.ofOscillator Datawine-glass Summary factor bytowhich the motional resistance is lowered. A more somewhat the lower multiplication factor, theEECS main Ali M. Niknejad University of California, Berkeley 242B, Slide: 17 9 Res. 5 Res. 3culprit Res. R=32"m -90 -60 • Prototype resonator implemented in a 0.35μm CMOS process shows no spurious modes • Area is still quite resonable compared to a bulky XTAL Measured Phase Noise Fig. 8: Measured steady-state oscilloscope waveform for the 60-MHz wineglass disk resonator-array oscillator. Fig. 8: Measured steady-state oscilloscope waveform for the 60-MHz wineFig. 8: Measured steady-state oscilloscope waveform for the 60-MHz wineglass disk resonator-array oscillator. 0 glass disk resonator-array oscillator. 0 -10 0 Power (dB) Power (dB) Power (dB) -10 -20 -10-30 -20 -20-40 -30 -30-50 -40 -60 -40 -50 -70 -60 -50 -80 -70 -60 -90 -80 -70 61.5 61.7 61.9 -90 -80 Frequency (MHz) 61.5 61.7 61.9 Fig. 9: Measured steady-state Fourier spectrum for the 60-MHz wine-glass -90 Frequency (MHz) disk resonator-array oscillator. -20 -20 -40 -40 -60 -60 -80 -80 -100 Phase Noise (dBc/Hz) 230 mV 230 230 mVmV Phase Noise (dBc/Hz) Phase Noise (dBc/Hz) Y.-W. Lin, S.-S. Li, Z. Ren, and C. T.-C. Nguyen, “Low phase noise array-composite micromechanical wine-glass disk oscillator,” Technical Y.-W. Lin, S.-S. Li, Z. Ren, and C. T.-C. Nguyen, “Low phase noise array-composite micromechanical wine-glass disk oscillator,” Technical Y.-W. Lin, S.-S. Ren, and C. T.-C. Nguyen, “Low phase noise array-composite micromechanical wine-glass disk oscillator,” Technical Digest, IEEE Li, Int.Z. Electron Devices Mtg., Washington, DC, Dec. 5-7, 2005, pp. 287-290. Digest, IEEE Int. Electron Devices Mtg., Washington, DC, Dec. 5-7, 2005, pp. 287-290. Digest, IEEE Int. Electron Devices Mtg., Washington, DC, Dec. 5-7, 2005, pp. 287-290. -20 Single Resonator Single Single Resonator Resonator 9-Resonator Array 9-Resonator 9-Resonator 3 1/f Noise Array Array 3 3 1/f Noise 1/f NoiseFrequency Divided Down Frequency to 10 MHz Frequency Divided Down Divided Down to 10 MHz -40 -60 -80 -100 -120 -100 -120 -140 -120 -140 -160 -140 -1601.E+01 -160 1.E+01 to 10 MHz 1/f 2 Noise 2 1/f Noise 1.E+02 1.E+03 1.E+04 1/f 2 Noise Offset Frequency 1.E+02 1.E+03 (Hz) 1.E+04 1.E+05 1.E+05 1.E+01 1.E+02 1.E+03 1.E+04 1.E+05 Fig. 10: Phase noise densityOffset versus carrier offset frequency Frequency (Hz) plots for the 60MHz wine-glass disk resonator-array oscillator, measured using an HP Offset Frequency (Hz)for Fig. 10: Phase Phase Noise noise density versusSystem. carrier offset frequency plots thethe 60E5500 Measurement The two star symbols show MHz disk resonator-array oscillator, using anplots HP for the 60GSM wine-glass specification for close-to-carrier far-from-carrier offsets. Fig. 10: Phase noise density and versus carriermeasured offset frequency E5500 MHz Phase wine-glass Noise Measurement System. The two star symbols show disk resonator-array oscillator, measured the using an HP GSM specification for close-to-carrier and far-from-carrier offsets. circuitE5500 and MEMS device onto a single silicon chip, the show the Phase Noise Measurement System. The twomakes star symbols micromechanical resonator-array oscillator of this workoffsets. an GSM specification for close-to-carrier and far-from-carrier circuit and MEMS device onto a single silicon chip, makes the attractive on-chip replacement for quartz crystal reference micromechanical resonator-array oscillator of this circuitinand MEMS deviceapplications. onto a single oscillators communications Andsilicon all work ofchip, thisanmakes the attractive on-chip replacement for quartz crystal reference mademicromechanical possible by effectively harnessing the oscillator integration advanresonator-array of this work an oscillators in communications applications. And all of the this reference tage of micromechanics, allows a designer to break attractive on-chipwhich replacement for quartz crystal made possibleparadigm by effectively harnessing advan“minimalist” that dictates the the use integration of one andAnd only all of this oscillators in communications applications. 61.5 61.7 61.9 tage of micromechanics, which allows a designer to break the one quartz crystal in an oscillator, andharnessing instead, permits the use Fig. 9: Measured steady-state Fourier spectrum for the 60-MHz wine-glass made possible by effectively the integration Frequency (MHz) For oscillator testing, the IC and MEMS chips were inter“minimalist” paradigm that dictates the asuse of onewith andlittle only advandisk resonator-array oscillator. of as many micromechanical resonators needed, tage ofpenalty. micromechanics, allowspermits a designer to break the viasteady-state wire-bonding, and testing for wasthedone underwine-glass vacFig.connected 9: Measured Fourier spectrum 60-MHz one in an oscillator,which and instead, the use sizequartz or costcrystal paradigmresonators that dictates the use of little one and only oscillator testing, theQIC MEMS chips were interdiskFor resonator-array oscillator. uum to preserve the high of and the micromechanical resonators of as “minimalist” many micromechanical as needed, with Acknowledgments. This in work supported DARPA connected viaFigs. wire-bonding, testingperformance was done under crystal an was oscillator, andunder instead, permits the use or arrays. 8-10 presentand oscillator data, vacstartsize orone costquartz penalty. Grant No. F30602-01-1-0573. For oscillator testing, ICmicromechanical and MEMS chips were interuuming to with preserve high Q the of the resonators the the obligatory oscilloscope and spectrum analyzer of as many micromechanical resonators as needed, with little Acknowledgments. This work was supported under DARPA Y.-W. Lin, S.-S. Li, Z. Ren, and C. T.-C. Nguyen, “Low phase micromechanical connected via wire-bonding, and testing was done under vac-noise array-composite waveforms, and culminating in a plot of phase noise density or arrays. Figs. 8-10 present oscillator performance data, startREFERENCESwine-glass disk oscillator,” Technical size or cost penalty. No. F30602-01-1-0573. IEEE Int.high Electron Mtg., Washington, DC, Dec.Grant 5-7, 2005, pp. 287-290. versus offset from the carrier frequency. The lastanalyzer ofresonators these ing with the obligatory oscilloscope and spectrum uum toDigest, preserve the Q ofDevices the micromechanical [1] Y.-W. Lin, S. Lee, S.-S. Li, Y. This Xie, Z. work Ren, andwas C. T.-C. Nguyen, “SeriesAcknowledgments. supported under DARPA shows a Figs. phase noisepresent of -123inoscillator dBc/Hz at performance 1phase kHz offset waveforms, and culminating a plot of noise from density or arrays. 8-10 data,thestartREFERENCES resonant VHF micromechanical resonator reference oscillators,” IEEE J. Table 1.atOscillator Summary Grant No. F30602-01-1-0573. and -136 dBc/Hz far-from-carrier farversus offset the carrier frequency.Data Theoffsets. lastUniversity ofThis these Solid-State Circuits, vol. 39, no.912, pp. 2477-2491, Dec. 2004. ingcarrier, with the from obligatory oscilloscope and spectrum analyzer Res. 5 Res. Ali M. Niknejad of California, Berkeley EECS 242B, Slide: 18 3 Res. [1] Y.-W. Lin, S. Lee, S.-S. Li, Y. Xie, Z. Ren, and C. T.-C. Nguyen, “Seriesfrom-carrier noise of floor is dBc/Hz about 4 at dB1 better than that [2] W.-T. Hsu and C. T.-C. Nguyen, “Stiffness-compensated temperatureshows a phase noise -123 kHz offset fromofthean • Meets GSM specs with comfortable margin F ω≈ ηu spring constant. We also define the natural frequency = , e 0 ac Fe ! (1) is: 2. Mechanical for the resonator. Fig. 3. The electrical equivalent circuit for MEMS-based oscillator. nical lumpedlumped modelmodel for the resonator. and the quality Q= ω The resonator 0 m/γ. The observation xfactor = H(ω)F (2) is that, to Fig.k/m 3. The electrical equivalent circuit for MEMS-based oscillator. e ,important Fig. 1. Schematic representation of noise aliasing in micro-oscillator. where the displacement xlarge is assume k −1 displacement x due to the force F is given by: motional resistance R , a electrom e m where C0 is the capacitance at zero displacement. In (6), H(ω) . (3) A linear resonator would filter out the= amplifier low-frequency 1/f where the displacement x 2 /ω 2 where the force-displacement transfer function H(ω) from pared to the gap d. By substituting (8 1 − ω + iω/Qω duction factor is needed requiring either noise present at the resonator input, but nonlinear filtering element the 0 first term is due to the capacitance variations (mo0 ere m is the lumped mass, γ is the damping coefficient, frinoise aliasing in micro-oscillator. in noise et will al.: result analysis of aliasing. phase noise and micromechanical the second the normal AC(1) oscillators is: tional current im ),xand =cal H(ω)F , isto (2) pared the gap By sub a equivalent large DC-bias voltage U2323 . In practice, eterm circuit shown in Fig. 3 dcd. where C is the capacitance at zero displacement. In (6), 0 the lumped mass, γ is the damping coefficient, is the electrostatic forcing term, and k is the mechanical t the amplifier low-frequency 1/factuating current is: through the capacitance. The electromechanical The electrostatic force the resonator Thea ally is limited by system considerations −1 transduction factor iscomponent identified as equivalent [12]:values are: ut, but nonlinear filtering element cal circuit showU the first term is due to the capacitance variations (mok ing constant. We also define the natural frequency ω = 0 motion where the force-displacement transfer function H(ω) from ctrostatic forcing term,1 ∂C and k is the mechanical gap, typically less than 1 µm, is needed. H(ω) = . (3) 2 2 + iω/Qω 2 √ ∂C C tional current i ), and the second term is the normal ACFe = Q = (U + u ) , (4) 0 1 − ω /ω /m and the quality factor ω m/γ. The resonator duction m 0 following (1) 0dc is: ac will be seen in the sections, the 0 Udc component values are: 2 η = U ≈ . (7) dc 2 ∂x ant. We also define the natural frequency ω = R = km/Qη = k/ω ∂x d 0capacitance. m large T through the The electromechanical placement x due to the force Fe current is given by: sult in unwanted nonlinear effects athat lim The electrostatic force actuating the resonator is: −1 2 The resulting relation between motional currentnoise im , aliasing. √ where Ufactor (DC)-bias voltage over the k the allymot is l dc is the direct the quality Q =current ω0transduction m/γ. The resonator amplitude andCcause = η /k, factor is identified as [12]: m H(ω) = . (3) the mechanical transducer velocity ẋ, theequivalent excitation voltFig. 3. The electrical circuit for MEMS-b gap, uac is thexalternating current (AC)-excitation voltage, 2 2 gap, ty R = km/ = H(ω)F , (2) 1 ∂C m 1 − ω /ω + iω/Qω duct e 2 0 age u , and the force F at the excitation frequency are: 2 ac e 0 nt x dueand:to the force Fe is given by: Fe = (Udc + uac ) ,L ,(4) andwill m = m/η Spring be B. Nonlinear Electrostatic Force 2 ∂xi∂C a la C 0 2 ≈ η ẋ, m 1. Schematic representation of noise aliasing in micro-oscillator. sult in electrostatic force actuating C = η /k, η=U ≈the Udcresonator . 0 = ϵis: (7) ere the force-displacement transferThe H(ω) from dc (8) m C A /d . Afunction 0 el 0 el ally where is(DC)-bias capacitance at zero displace FC , 0 ηu ∂x d near resonator would filter out the amplifier low-frequency - direct e ≈ acthe where U the current voltage over the C = ϵ , (5) dc is 1/f 0 amplitu Fig. 2. Mechanical lumped model for the resonator. Due to the inverse relationship betwe x = H(ω)F , (2) is: d − x e gap, 2 present at the resonator input, but nonlinear filtering element the first term is due to the capacitance va 1 ∂C gap, uFig. is thethe alternating current (AC)-excitation voltage, 2 ac where 3. The electrical equivalent circuit for MEMS-based oscillator. displacement x is assumed to be small comLcurrent m/η displacement and the parallel plate capa m = The important observation is tha F = (U + u ) , (4) e dc ac The resulting relation between the motional i , result in noise aliasing. will m tional current i ), and the second term is ths pared to the gap d. By substituting (8) into (1), an electriand: is isthe capacitance that depends on 2 the∂x trostatic m −1 where m the transducer lumped mass, working γ is thekdamping coefficient, B. Non coupling introduces nonlinear RThe , a= large elect calH(ω) equivalent circuit shown in Fig. 3resistance can bethe derived. mC hematic in micro-oscillator. sult the mechanical velocity ẋ, excitation voltFe isrepresentation the electrostatic forcing term, and k isϵ0the mechanical orce-displacement transfer from permittivity of aliasing free space , function the electrode areatransducer Ael ,current andmotional through the capacitance. The elect ϵ A / H(ω)of=noise . (3) ditionally, nonlinear effects of mechanica 0 0 el A 2 component values are: where C is the capacitance at zero displacement. In (6), 2 el 0 resonator would filter out the amplifier low-frequency 1/f spring constant. We alsoelectrode natural frequency ω00U =dc through where is the direct current (DC)-bias over the 1define − ωthe/ω + iω/Qω duction factor isvoltage needed requiring eitn ! C = ϵ , (5) amp the nominal gap d. The current the elec0 0 transduction factor is identified as [12]: age u , and the force F at the excitation frequency are: sible, and most fundamentally material Due ac e sent at the input, but nonlinear element the first term is due√to the capacitance variations (mok/mresonator and the quality factor Q = ω0filtering m/γ. The resonator d 2− x 2 gap, u is the alternating current (AC)-excitation voltage, R = km/Qη = k/ω Qη , a large DC-bias Udc . Indisplac pract trodexis: actional current i ), m 0for thevoltage t in noise aliasing. the limit [4] [13 displacement due to the force Fe is given by: second term is theminiaturization normal ACm and the e electrostatic force actuating theand: resonator is: 2 The important observa Cmthe = ηcapacitance. /k, ∂C Ctrostat is the transducer working capacitance that depends on the ally is limited by system consideration 0 and current through The electromechanical however, the gap is assumed small, t B. N i ≈ η ẋ, ∂CU ∂C ∂u (9) m ac x = H(ω)Fe−1 , (2) η = U ≈ U . 2 dc dc isig = k ≈ Udc + Ctransduction , of free (6) Lm =ism/η factor identified as [12]: less permittivity space ϵpacitive the electrode area Ael1, µm, and is 0 (8) 0, , and nonlinearity dominates. Thus, aa l ∂x d gap, typically than neede ditiona motional resistance R , m 1 ∂C ∂t ∂t ∂t A el 2 ≈ where the = force-displacement transfer function H(ω) from H(ω) . (3) C0C = ϵF /d ed. ac,, 0A el 0 .ηucurrent the nominal electrode gap The through the elec-sections, = ϵ (5) sible, D F = (U + u ) , (4) 0 at e dc ac 2 2 will be seen in the following for the resonator. ∂C C (1) is: 0 d − x 1 − ω2 ∂x /ω0 + iω/Qω duction factor is(7)needed r The between the motion 0 is: The importantη observation = Udcresulting ≈ U . obtain trode dc relation the lim is that, to a small disp ∂x d sult in unwanted nonlinear effects tha k −1 the mechanical transducer velocity ẋ, the ex where the displacement x is assumed to be small commotional resistance R , a large electromechanical transm a large DC-bias voltage U howeve H(ω) = . (3) is the transducer working capacitance that depends on the ∂CU ∂C ∂ucause ere Udc is the direct (DC)-bias voltage over the ac gap trosfr amplitude and aliasing. 1 −current ω 2 /ω02 + iω/Qω duction factor is needed requiring either a small dnoise or The resulting relation between the motional current i , 0 m i = ≈ U + C , (6) age u , and the force F at the excitation sig dc electrode 0 pared to the gap d. By substituting (8) into electriac e (1),Aan static force actuating the resonator is: permittivity of free space ϵ , the area , and pacitive a large DC-bias voltage U . In practice, the voltage usuγuis the damping coefficient, 0 el ∂t ∂t ∂t p, is the alternating current (AC)-excitation voltage, dc ditio the mechanical transducer velocity ẋ, the excitation voltally is limited by system c ac The electrostatic force actuating the resonator is: Phase Noise: Model for Resonator • The system is non-linear due to the electrostatic mechanism andcalthe mechanical non-linearities ally is limited by system considerations thus,be a small equivalent circuit shown in Fig. 3and,can derived. The the nominal gap Fd.e at The age uacelectrode , and the force the current excitationthrough frequencythe are:elec- sible term, and k is the 1mechanical d: i ≈ η ẋ, B. Nonlinear Electrostatic Spring For gap, typically less than 1 µm, is needed. Unfortunately, as m ∂Cal.: analysis of gap, typically less than 1µ 2 phase noise and micromechanical oscillators: ieee kaajakari et transactions on ultrasonics, 1 ∂C component values are: F = (U + u ) , (4) trode is: e dc ac 2 will be seen in the following sections, the small gap will rethe ne the natural frequency =u control, 2 ∂x and ω 0+ i ≈ η ẋ, ferroelectrics, frequency vol. 52, no. 12, december 2005 m F ≈ ηu , F = (U ) , (4) A ein the ac followin el ac sult in unwanted nonlinear effects that limit the vibration e lumped model dc will be seen (8) 2. Mechanical for the resonator. how √ C = ϵ , (5) r Q where = ωU0dcm/γ. The resonator is the direct current (DC)-bias voltage over the amplitude and 0 ∂CU 2 ∂x F∂C ≈ ηu , the ∂u cause noise aliasing. ac2 to inverse relationship be eDue ac 2 d − x echanical lumped model for the resonator. i = ≈ U + C , (6) RmBerkeley = where km/Qη = k/ω uac is the alternating current (AC)-excitation voltage, sig dc Ali, University of California, EECS 242B, Slide:paci 0 Qη ,x is assumed in 0unwanted nonlinea the displacement to19b rce FNiknejad is given by: ∂t ∂tsult ∂t 24 2 frequency control, vol. 52, no. 12, dec ieee transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and dc U ∂C . dc carrier F = (10) signa The nonlinear electrostatic spring constants are ob- Fshown = . dominate [1]. (10) second-order correction k can be to 2 ∂x 2e 2 ∂x tained expansion of the electrostatic force: side-bands at odel is used, andby thea series accurate nonlinear model is used The electrostatic nonlinearity limits thesecond resonator drive Including terms up to the second order gives for the Including terms up to the order gives for the 2 in the resona the electromechanical transductionU[14]. ∂C dc electrostatic spring: level as at high-vibration amplitudes; the amplitudeF =electrostatic . (10) spring: The nonlinear electrostatic spring constants are obcarrier side-b 2 ∂x frequency is not force: akesingle ned by a series expansion of thecurve electrostatic (x) = k0evalued (1 + k1e xfunction + k2e x22) and oscillaFig. 4. aliasi Schema The Including terms up to the second order gives for the = k0e (1 [1] + + k2e x ) the maxke (x)chaotic 1e x Therefore, 2 k[4]. noise unFig. (∆ω)4p tions may even become U C 3 2 0 DC 2 to t electrostatic spring: due to ω0 ± ∆ω k0e = −2 , k1e = , and k2e = 2 . (11)mental Udc ∂C noise u 2 UDC C 3 imum estimated from d 0 can be 2d d 2 F = usable . vibration amplitude (10) ω0 ± ∆ , k1e = , and k2e = 2 . low-frequenc 2(1 + ∂xk x + k x2 )k0e = − (11) 2 = k ke (x) 0e 1e 2e The d beforespring 2d the largest vibration amplitude aFig. bifurcation. This representation linear electrostatic k4.0e Schematic is negative, andd thus of noise aliasi the low-frequ the thermal 2second order noise u (∆ω) present at filter input is aliased to Including terms upcritical to the gives for the n lowers the resonance frequency. Of the nonlinear terms, the UDC C0 3 2 be written as [4], [15]: vibration amplitude can carrier signal linear spring is negative, thus ±k ∆ω to mixing inand resonator. ω0 be k0e = − , k1e The = second-order , and kelectrostatic = 2 . (11) 0e due 2e correction sources prese k can shown to dominate [1]. ctrostatic spring: 2 2e the lo The second-order correction d 2d d in the spring constant side-bands at lowers the frequency. the the nonlinear the eleme Theresonance electrostatic nonlinearityOf limits resonatorterms, drive taining 2 in the carrie resona springlevel k0exisas negative, and thus at high-vibration amplitudes; the amplitude+ k1eelectrostatic x + k2e x2 ) second-order ke (x) = kThe dominates correction k can be shown to dominate [1]. 0e (1linear 4. representation noisecarrier aliasing. Lo , Schematic (12) c = ! √ Fig. 2e the low-frequency noiseofsignal at ∆ω mu side-b may have a s side-b lowers 2the resonance frequency. Offrequency the nonlinear curve terms, isnonlinearity not athe single valued function andinput oscillanoise u (∆ω) present at filter is aliased to carrie n The electrostatic limits the resonator drive UDC C0 3 2 The aliasin carrier signal at ω0 results in additional 3 3Q|κ| in the tions may even become chaotic [1] [4]. Therefore, the maxsecond-order k,non-linearity cankbe shown to (11) dominate [1]. biasing also ∆ω due to mixing in resonator. ω0 ± k0e = −Electrostatic , correction k1e = = . 2eand 2e limits the drive level at high 2 2 mental to level imum as at high-vibration amplitudes; amplitudeAs illustrated in Fit side-bands atestimated ωthe 0 ±∆ω. d 2d d usable vibration amplitude can be from The electrostatic nonlinearity limits the resonator drive carrie with a charg low-frequenc in the resonator causes aliasing of low-fre frequency curve is amplitudenot aamplitude single valued function andThis oscillathe largest vibration before a bifurcation. vibration amplitudes. where: level as at high-vibration amplitudes; the Th The linear electrostatic spring k0e is negative, and thus thebe thermal carrier side-bands. may sign the low-frequency noise signal at ∆ω multiplie tions may even become chaotic [1] [4]. Therefore, the maxcritical vibration amplitude can be written as [4], [15]: frequencyfrequency. curve is not single valued function and oscillasources prese wers the resonance Ofathe nonlinear terms, the menta The aliasing of low-frequency noise ca 2 2 carrier signal at ω results in additional near-ca ter scale [18] 3k k 5k k 0 imum usable vibration amplitude can be estimated from The system can become chaotic at high drive tions may even become chaotic [1] [4]. Therefore, the max2e 0e 1e 0e mental tainingnoise eleme 2 cond-order correction k2e can be shown to dominate [1].− low-fr to the oscillator phase κ = . (13) xcfrom =! (12)sented As illustrated in Fig. 5, t side-bands at ω,0 ±∆ω. imum usable vibration amplitude can be estimated 2 the largest vibration amplitude before a bifurcation. This √ here i may have a si 8k 12k before The electrostatic nonlinearity limits the resonator drive low-frequency 1/f -noise can be considera amplitudes. The critical amplitude a bifurcation is the th 3 3Q|κ| in the resonator causes aliasing of low-frequen the largest vibration amplitude before a bifurcation. This biasing also critical amplitude can written as floor. [4], [15]: the typical magnitud el as at high-vibration amplitudes; thevibration amplitudethe be thermal noise The low sourc carrier side-bands. with a charg critical vibration amplitude can be written as [4], [15]: Defining the drive leveloscillaas the motional current through by where: quency curve given is not a single valued function and sources present at the resonator input ar predict noise tainin maycan be signi The aliasing of low-frequency noise be 2 resonator, the drive level istaining given and in the oscill ns may even becomethe chaotic [1] [4]. Therefore, the max2 maximum 2 elements 2, by (8) (transistors) ! x = (12) c ter scale [18] 3k k 5k k In this seh 2e 0e √ may mental to the oscillator phase noise perfo 1e 0e x , (12) c = ! √ κ = − . (13) may have of 1/fhere -noise um usable vibration(12) amplitude canbe bewritten estimated from and can as: 2 a significant amountsented is 3 3Q|κ| 8k 12k low-frequency 1/f -noise can be considerably l 3 3Q|κ| trostatic cou biasin biasing also may be noisy, especially if it e largest vibration amplitude before a bifurcation. This the magnitud the thermal noise floor. The typical low-frequ Defining the drive level as the motional current through with static transd with a charge pump. Notably mechanica max predict noise tical vibration amplitude can be written as [4], [15]: i = ηω x . (14) where: where: 0 c m the resonator, the maximum is the givenresonator by if(8)the andresonator sources drive present inputInare may may level be at significant isthe sca this se spring effects kaajakari et al.: analysis phase noise oscillators: ieee 2transactions on ultrasonics, (12) and can be written as: elements 2and 2 micromechanical taining (transistors) inthethe oscillator c 2 2 3kof ter scale [18]. However, noise up-mixi trostatic cou k 5k k ter sc 2e 0e 3k k 5k k 1e 0e 2e 0e 1e 0e !andκ√ tion is an o xc = As (12) ferroelectrics, frequency control, vol.Section 52, .no. 12, december 2005 = be, seen − in (13) will IV, the maximum drive level may have a significant amount of 1/f -noise [17]. κ = − . (13) static transdu 2 max sented nois 8k 12k 2 is not limited sented i8k = ηω . here (14)to a specific 0 xc12k m 3 3Q|κ| Ali M. Niknejad of California, Berkeley EECSspring 242B, m biasing also may be noisy, if Slide: it effects is20im sets the noise floorUniversity obtainable with microresonator-based the magnitude of theespecially noiseup-mixing at resonator in Non-Linear Spring Constant • • • Noise Aliasing in Resonators tions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control, vol. 52, no. 12, december 2005 te nonlinear model is used duction [14]. spring constants are obthe electrostatic force: ∂C . ∂x (10) second order gives for the 2 2e x ) = Fig. 4. Schematic representation of noise aliasing. Low-frequency noise un (∆ω) present at filter input is aliased to carrier side-bands ω0 ± ∆ω due to mixing in resonator. • As we(11)have learned in our phase noise lectures, 1/f 3 2 , and k2e = 2 . 2d d noise can alias to the carrier through time-varying ng k0e is negative, and thus the low-frequency noise signal Since at ∆ω multiplied with the and non-linear mechanisms. 1/f noise is high for Of the nonlinear terms, the carrier signal at ω0 results in additional near-carrier noise be shown to dominate [1]. As illustrated in Fig. 5, this mixing side-bands at ω0 ±∆ω. CMOS, this is a major limitation y limits the resonator drive in the resonator causes aliasing of low-frequency noise to mplitudes; the amplitudecarrier side-bands. valued function and oscillaThe aliasing of low-frequency noise can be very detri[1] [4]. Therefore, the maxmental to the oscillator phase noise performance as ude can be estimated from kaajakari et al.: analysis of phase noise micromechanical oscillators: ieee transactions low-frequency 1/fand -noise can be considerably larger than on ultrasonics, before a bifurcation. Thisand frequency control, vol. 52, no. 12, december 2005 ferroelectrics, the thermal noise floor. The typical low-frequency noise n be written as [4], [15]: sources present at the resonator input are the active susAli M. Niknejad University of California, Berkeley EECS 242B, Slide: 21 taining elements (transistors) in the oscillator circuit that to Capacitive Current mixed Due to a higher frequency due to Nonlinearity the time varying gap nical nonlinearities springs and the max- A.isMixing law results inB. mixing noise and signal voltages, un and u (c) MixingofDue to Capacitive Force Nonlinearity capacitance. The capacitance drivefrom actuated restively. (c) Nonlinearis:spring force results in mixing of low ated mechanical Fig. 5.5(a) Different mixing mechanism for"second the noise voltage un atu∆ω to is∆ω Fig. illustrates how low-frequency noise He # and signal frequency vibrations. The main up-conversion avenue illustra n at rly on displacement x 0 the high-frequency noise current. (a) Time-varying capacitor (plate disFig. 5(b). Due to square force law, the gap low-freq force C(x) ≈ C 1 + , (16) is mixed to a higher frequency due to the time varying 0 ings and the maxnoise voltage undat ∆ω(b) is mixed with the high freq placement x) results in up-converted noise current. Square force in br capacitance. The capacitance is: signal voltage u at ω . The capacitive force is give ac 0 law results in mixing of noise and signal voltages, u and u , respecn ac d from mechanical ing the relation between the signal voltage uct andx tively. (c) spring force results in mixing ofat low-frequency where x0Nonlinear is thedisplacement resonator displacement the excitation " # 2 ! " given (2) and (8), the U 2by ∂C (U + u + u x icroresonator x dc ac n ) Cup-conve 0 0 0 the and signal frequency vibrations. Fn1=+ the ≈ 1+ 2 p C(x) ≈ C , (16) frequency. The current current through resonator due to the 2 ∂x current 2 mixingd can bed w due 0to capacitive tance d would ng effects, the capaci- voltage un is then: c where the first ithree terms of power series expansion = 2Γ unexcitation , where is the resonator displacement at the cu ac ing x the relation between the signal voltage and resonator n been 0 capacitance have kept. The products uac un an roresonatorof noise. wn-conversion ∂(C(x)u C ) nresult(8), 0the resonator displacement given by (2) and up-converted in up-converted noise at ω ± ∆ω. Thus, the 0 noise frequency. The current through the due to the = ≈ ẋ u + C u̇ . (17) i n 0 n 0 n ntity: where∂t wecurrent have defined current aliasing facto at ω0 ± ∆ω is: the d current due to capacitive mixing can be written as: voltage u is then: n effects, the capaciC0 C0 x0 2 Qω η c F (ω ± ∆ω) ≈ u u + 2 Udc un . n 0 n 0ac The first term inin(17) isresponsible for the noise up) t + cos (ω0of− noise. ∆ω) t, = 2Γ u u , (18) d d d conversion which c ac n Γc = . ∂(C(x)un ) C0 2kU conversion and results in noise current at Us= ≈ ẋ u + C . ± ∆ω.(17) i (15) 0 n 0 n 0 u̇ω ndc by (1 y: (a) (b) ∂t the This d aliasing noise where we have defined current factor: high-frequency force near the resonator Mixing: Capacitive Current Non-Linearity c Itis As (15) nance shows, thethecurrent by (18) excites resonator, iand the displacement n given 2 (25). first term in (17) isresponsible for the upby (3). Close to the resonance, thenoise noise-induced dis + cos (ω0 − This ∆ω) t,term isThe Qω η amplitudes at frequencies ω ± ∆ω. 0 0 usually much smaller (by 10X ~ 100X) ment is: . Γ = (19) Usc ble I) conversion and results in noise current at ω ± ∆ω. (15) 0 2kUdc than mixing due to the force non-linearity xF ≈ −jQ Fn , brack n c As (15) shows, the current in given by (18) haskequal ing c resulting noise current is: amplitudes at frequencies ωand ∆ω. capac 0 ±the • iF n = η ẋn = −jηω0 xn . kaajakari et al.: analysis of phase noise and micromechanical oscillators: ieee transactions on ultrasonics, Substituting (21) and (22) to (23) and using ferroelectrics, and frequency control, vol. 52, no. 12, december 2005 −jQηu /k leads to: ac Ali M. Niknejad University of California, Berkeley iF n , 242B, Slide: 22 n = 2ΓF uac uEECS 2 !the low-frequency " F n F Fig. 5(b). Due square force law, U 2to ∂Cthe (U + u + u ) C x dc ac F n , 0 0 (22) n Fn = ≈xnxF≈≈ −jQ 1 + 2 , (22) 2 n∂x 2 kk,with d the high d frequency noise voltage u at ∆ωn is −jQ mixed (20) nalysis of phase noise and micromechanical oscillators 2325 force is given by: signal voltage uac at ω0 . The capacitive Mixing: Capacitive Force Non-Linearity and the the resulting noise current is: and the resulting noise current is: series expansion of the where three terms of power B. Mixing Due tofirst Capacitive Force Nonlinearity (b) 2 uac! capacitance have Fbeen kept. The+ products un and x xun" U 2 ∂C (U + u u ) C dc ac n 0 0 i = η ẋ = −jηω x . (23) F n 0 n The second main up-conversion avenue is illustrated in n at ω0 ±0∆ω. Thus,1 the Fresult ≈= η ẋnoise + 2force ,(23) n = in up-converted i = −jηω x . n n n Fig. 5(b). Due2to ∂x the square force law, the low-frequency d 2 d at ω ± ∆ω is: 0 (20) noise Substituting voltage un at ∆ω (21) is mixed with(22) the high and to frequency (23) and using x0 = signal voltage uac at ω0 . The capacitive force is given by: −jQηuac /k leads C0 x0 and using x0 = Substituting (21)to:and C(22) to (23) 0 F (ω(U ∆ω) ≈ 2 of u0ac!power un +x02" series Udc un . 0± where theU 2first expansion of the ∂Cn three dc + uterms ac + un )d C d d −jQηuac Fn /k = leads ≈ to: 1+2 , (21) F 2 ∂x 2 d d in kept. = 2ΓF The uac unproducts , (20) capacitance have been uac un(24) and xun result in first up-converted noise at near ω0 ± ∆ω. Thus,resothe force This high-frequency noise force the resonator where the three terms i ofFpower series expansion of the 2Γ uand (24) where we have defined the force aliasing Fu ac n , xufactor: nThe= capacitance have been kept. products u u n n at ω0nance ± ∆ω is: the resonator, andac the excites displacement is given result in up-converted noise at ω0 ± # ∆ω. Thus, the force$ (3). Close to theQω resonance, theQηU noise-induced 2 at ωby 0 ± ∆ω is: 0η dc displacewhere we have ΓF ≈ theCforce 1 − j2aliasing .factor: (25) C x ment is: defined 0 0 0 kd2 C0 2kU xac dc C0u 0 un + F (ω ± ∆ω) ≈ Udc un . (c) n 0 Fn (ω0 ± ∆ω) ≈ uac un + 2 Udc un . d# d $ d d 2 d d Fn (21) F (21) Qω η QηU x ≈ −jQ , (22) 0 dc ism for the noise voltage un at ∆ω to Here the first term in n brackets is due to the square (b) k Γ ≈ 1 − j2 . (25) F a) Time-varying capacitor (plate disThis high-frequency noise force near the resonator resolawas[product uacdc un in (20)],non-linearity, andkdthe second term (b) The form is the force same the capacitance 2kU nancehigh-frequency excites the resonator, and the displacement is giventhe resonator reso verted noise current. (b) Square force This noise force near and the resulting noise current is: in brackets is due to the nonlinear capacitance [prodby (3). Close to the resonance, the noise-induced displacebutunthe magnitude is much higher and dominates for d signal voltages, and uac , respecnance excites the resonator, is given uctis: xun in (20)]. If we had and kept the only displacement the first term of ment ce voltage results in umixing of low-frequency F se at ∆ω to Here the first term inηẋbrackets isn . has due to capacithe(23)square n i = = −jηω x most resonators. A linear coupling capacitor much n 0 the power series expansion of capacitance [linear n s. by (3). Close to xthe resonance, the noise-induced displace Fn F g capacitor (plate dis- force ≈ −jQ , in (20)], and (22) the second term n (1 law [product u u ac n tance, C(x) = C + x/d)], then the force aliasing factor k 0 reduced noise up-conversion ment is: rent. (b) Square force Substituting (21) and (22) to (23) capacitance and using x0 =[prodwould be: in brackets is due to the nonlinear and the resulting noise current is: es, uac , respeche usignal and resonator /k leads to:oscillators: ieee transactions on ultrasonics, n andvoltage kaajakari et al.: analysis of phase−jQηu noise andac micromechanical uct xu (20)]. If we had only the first term of 2 keptFn F n in ferroelectrics, and frequency control, vol. 52, no.iF 12, december 2005 = η ẋ = −jηω x . (23) and the up-converted noise Qω η xing(8), of low-frequency n 0 n 0 −jQ n x ≈ , (22) n Γ ≈ (linear C), (26) F Ali M. Niknejad of California, Berkeley EECS 242B, Slide: 23 the series expansion ofF ucapacitance [linear capaciiFn2kU = 2Γ (24) urrent mixing can be written as: powerUniversity ac uk n, • at ω= ± ∆ω is:+ xn , the up-converted noise for substituting x x 0 k noise force is substituting x = x + x , the up-converted 0 (a) is illustrated in Fig.0 5(c).n The forceCdue to the noise voltag C0 0 x0 Fn (ω0 ± ∆ω) ≈ uac un + 2 Udc un . k d d d F = ηu results in low-frequency resonator vibration k n n (21) FFnn==spring 2k x . Due to the nonlinear these low-fr 2k00 kk11xx0effects, x . (28 0 nn (b) Because these vibrations are far from the resonance, th This high-frequency noise force nearthe the resonator resovibrations are multiplied with vibrations at th amplitude is given by: nance excites the resonator, and the displacement is given The resulting currentcan can be be evaluated as as in Section II The resulting current evaluated in Sectio by (3). Close to the resonance, theforce noise-induced displacefrequency. Assuming spring F = k x(1 + k 0 B. Assuming that the nonlinear spring is dominated b ment is: ηu n B.substituting Assuming that nonlinear spring is dominat x0n + = ≈ . (27 x= xthe xH(ω)F , the up-converted noise n the capacitive effects given by (11), the up-converted nois n F n kthe up-converted xF −jQ(11), , (22) n ≈by the capacitive effects given k current due to nonlinear spring mixing is given by: kspring thethe nonlinear these low-frequenc and resulting F noise current is:effects, currentDue duetoto nonlinear spring mixing is given by: = 2k k x x . 0 1 0 n n iiFkn== 2Γ uthe , (29 vibrations are multiplied with at the sign k acxuvibrations n η ẋ = −jηω . (23) n 0 n n frequency. Assumingikspring force F ,= k0 x(1 + k1 x) an = 2Γ u u k ac n Substituting (21) andcan (22) to (23) and usingfactor: x0 =as in Sec The resulting current be evaluated n the where we have defined spring aliasing substituting x = x + x , the up-converted noise force is 0 to: n −jQηuac /k leads Mixing: Non-Linear Spring Force B. Assuming that the nonlinear spring is domin 2 4 i =3Q 2Γ uωu (24) η, xUaliasing where we have definedF kthe spring factor: (28 0x dc = 2k k . 0 1 0 n Γk n= j . the up-convert (30 the capacitive effects given by2 (11), 3 2daliasing k factor: where we have defined the force 2 4mixing current due to nonlinear spring is Section given by # $ 3Q ω η U The resulting current can be evaluated as in II 0 dc Qω η QηU ≈ 1 − j2 . . (25) D. Comparison ofΓΓkMixing Mechanisms = j 2kU kd B. Assuming that the nonlinear spring is dominated b 2 k3 (c) 2d k very small due Amplitude of noise at low-frequency is • i 2Γ(11), utonup-converted ,the square the given by the nois ku Fig. 5. Different mixing mechanism for the noise voltage u atcapacitive ∆ω to Here effects the first term is ac due n in=brackets Thedis-ratio ofnonlinear aliasing factors due the up high-frequency noise current. (a) Time-varying capacitor (plate forceto law [product u uspring in (20)],mixing and the to second termcurrent current due is given by: to resonator Q. The noise is up-converted through placement x) results in up-converted noise current. (b) Square force D. Comparison ofnonlinear Mixing Mechanisms in and brackets is due to the nonlinear capacitance [prod-by (19) an conversion spring mixing given law results in mixing of noise and signal voltages, u and u , respecuct xu defined in (20)]. If wethe had kept only thealiasing first term of factor: where we have spring tively. (c) Nonlinear spring force non-linearity. results in mixing of low-frequency the spring k (30), respectively, is: F n F 0 F 2 ac n dc dc n ac n n ac n and signal frequency vibrations. the power series expansion ofkcapacitance in = 2Γ uac un , [linear capacitance, C(x) = C0 (1 + x/d)], then the force aliasing factor ! "2 #2 4 would be: ! (29 The ratio of aliasing factors due to the curren of the three, about 500X • This term is the smallest 3Q ω η U ! Γc ! the1springdkaliasing 0 dc factor: where we have defined ! ! ing the relation between the signal voltage and resonator displacement given by (2) and (8), the up-converted noise current due to capacitive current mixing can be written as: =Qωspring jη . (26) by (19 and non-linearity. nonlinear mixing . given (31 k= ! ΓΓ smaller than theconversion capacitance 2 3 Γ! ≈ 3Q (linear C), 2d4DCk k 2kU 2 ηU (30), respectively, is: kaajakari et al.: analysis of phase noise and micromechanical oscillators: ieee transactions 3Q ω0 η Uondcultrasonics, i and = 2Γ u u , control, vol. 52,(18) is the2005 same the current aliasing .factor given Γk =as jmicroresonator (30 ferroelectrics, frequency no. 12,which december 2 3 Substituting typical parameters (Ta 2d k by (19). Ali M. Niknejad University of California, Berkeley D. Comparison of Mixing Mechanisms ! ! " #2 EECS 242B, Slide: 24 where we have defined the current aliasing factor: c n c ac n F 0 2 dc supported by a micro-machined silicon substrate as shown in Fig. 2.10. The metal/air FBAR Resonator interfaces serve as excellent reflectors, forming a high Q acoustic resonator. The FBAR has a small form factor and occupies only about 100!m x 100!m. Drive Electrode Electrodes Air 100 !m AlN Si Air Si Sense Electrode Fig. 2.10: (Left) structure (right) photograph of a FBAR resonator. “MEMS” technology is the Thin Film Bulk • Another The FBAR resonator can be modeled using the Modified Butterworth Van Dyke circuit Wave Acoustic Resonators (FBAR) as shown in Fig. 2.11 [Larson00]. Lm, Cm and Rm are its motional inductance, It uses a thin layer of Aluminum-Nitride piezoelectric •capacitance and resistance respectively. Co models the parasitic parallel plate capacitance material sandwiched between two metal electrodes between the two electrodes and Cp1 and Cp2 accounts for the electrode to ground • The FBAR has a small form factor and occupies only capacitances. Losses inxthe100µm. electrode are given by R0, Rp1 and Rp2. about 100µm Ali M. Niknejad Lm Cm University of California, Berkeley Rm EECS 242B, Slide: 25 capacitance and resistance respectively. Co models the parasitic parallel plate capacitance The frequency response of the FBAR resonator is shown in Fig. 2.12. The FBAR FBAR Resonance between the two electrodes and Cp1 and Cp2 accounts for thebehaves electrode liketoa ground capacitor except at its series and parallel resonance. It achieves an capacitances. Losses in the electrode are given by R0, Rp1 and Rp2. unloaded Q of more than a 1000. Lm Cm Rm Parallel resonance C0 R0 Cp1 Cp2 Rp Rp Fig. 2.11 Circuit model of the FBAR resonator. Impedance (!) 1000 100 10 1 100M 37 • Very similar to a XTAL resonator. Series resonance 1G 10G Frequency (Hz) Has two modes: Fig. 2.12 Frequency response of the FBAR resonator. series and parallel 2.4.2 Advantages of FBAR Resonator • Unloaded Q ~ 1000 1. High Q factor Q factor of the FBAR resonatordirectly is more than 1000, which is much higher than the integrated with • This technology will notThe be Q-factor of an on-chip LC resonator. The high Q packaging factor allows implementation of low CMOS, but there is a potential for advanced loss filters and duplexers to attenuate the out of band blockers and reject the image or procesing. signals. In some applications, the bandwidth of these FBAR filters is sufficiently small Ali M. Niknejad for channel filtering, relaxing the linearity requirement of mixers and removing the need University of California, Berkeley EECS 242B, Slide: 26 the FBAR. Transistors M1 and M2 share the same current but their transc and gm2 sum, reducing the current needed for oscillation by half. The tra Capacitors 1 and C2 transform the amplifier’s transco FBAR COscillator designed to operate in the sub-threshold regime to obtain higher current e Vdd negative resistance • Rm ~ 1 ohm • gm ~ 7.8 mS used (3X) • C1=C2=.7pF • gm/Id ~ 19, Id ~ 205μA • Start-up behavior shown $ g m1 ! g m 2 # C1 C 2 2 at frequency #. Th M2 Rb 44 M1 FBAR R0 C0 below: C1 Gain compression Oscillator transient response Ali M. Niknejad L m Cm Rm Y C2 Fig. 3.3: Schematic of an ultra low power FBAR oscillato Oscillator turns on VDD gating signal X Exponential growth Steady state Capacitors oscillation C1 and C2 transform the amplifier’s transconductance g m " negative resistance $ Fig. 3.6: Measured startup transients of an FBAR oscillator.Berkeley University of California, g m1 ! g m 2 # C1 C 2 2 at frequency #. Thus, a higher ne 44 EECS 242B, Slide: 27 The measured phase noise performance is shown in Fig. 3.9. The oscillator achieves a phase noise of -98dBc/Hz and -120dBc/Hz at 10kHz and 100kHz offsets respectively. Measured Results on FBAR Osc 800µm The good phase noise performance is mainly attributed to the high Q FBAR resonator.Fig. 3.7: Die photo of the FBAR oscillator -90 Phase Noise (dBc/Hz) -98 dBc/Hz 3.2.4 Measured Results FBAR -100 Sense electrode Force electrode The oscillator is self-biased with a 430mV supply and dissipates 89µ -110 Bond wires -120 dBc/Hz oscillation at 1.882 GHz. The measured zero to peak output voltage s -120 CMOS Die Instrument’s The output noise floor spectrum of the oscillator is shown in Fig. 3.8. A clean -130 -140 10k obtained and no close-in spurs are observed. Second, third, fourth and fif 100k 1M Frequency offset (Hz) 800µm measured to be -43.8 dBc, -45.5 dBc, -68.8 dBc and -69.7 dBc respective 10M Fig. 3.7: Die photo of the FBAR oscillator Fig. 3.9: Measured phase noise performance of FBAR oscillator. Operate oscillator in “current • A better phase noise performance is obtained by operating the oscillator at the edge of 3.2.4 Measured Results limited” regime swing ~ 167 mV, Pdc measured ~at 1.882 GHz. measured phase noise at various power consumptions. The oscillation optimal phaseThe measured zero to peak output voltage swing i • Voltage The output spectrum of the oscillator is shown in Fig. 3.8. A clean output noise is -100 dBc/Hz 10kHz offset and -122 dBc/Hz at 100kHz offset and it occurs 104atμW The oscillator is self-biased the current limited regime [Ham01]. Fig. 3.10 shows the output voltage swing and with a 430mV supply and dissipates 89µW for obtained and no close-in spurs are observed. Second, third, fourth and fifth harm when the output voltage swing is 167mV with the oscillator consuming 104µW. Beyond this operating Ali M. Niknejad measured to be -43.8 dBc, -45.5 dBc, -68.8 dBc and -69.7 dBc respectively. point, the oscillator transits into theUniversity voltageof California, limited Berkeley regime Fig. which 3.8:the Output frequency spectrum ofEECS FBAR 242B,oscillator Slide: 28