7th Grade Final Exam Information Newsletter May/June 2014 Language Arts: Mrs. Tata tataj@brentw oodpgh.k12.pa.us In preparation for the Final in Language Arts all students will be given a review packet. Students are responsible for knowing the parts of speech and their function in a sentence. The four types of sentences will be included on the final as well. There is an essay component which we will start to work on two weeks before final exams. This is a five paragraph essay on The Outsiders . Students are expected to utilize their knowledge of grammar, sentence patterns, and literature analysis. We will have one day to type the final copy in the library on June 2. The last day to turn in the essay is June 4; students may turn them in earlier if they choose to. The end of the year is a busy time of the year for everyone. I gave the students a calendar of our activities for the month of May and we will be sticking to it closely with a few minor adjustments. A final reminder is that the next thirteen journal entries are due by June 2. It has been a pleasure teaching my students this year but I am sure we are all looking forward to summer vacation! We need to stay focused for a few more weeks and then the pleasures of summer will ours--we can do this! Social Studies: Mrs. Davies daviesc@brentw oodpgh.k12.pa.us The final exam for Social Studies will cover what we have studied this year. Emphasis will be placed on second semester work, but concepts learned early in the year will be included. Students will be given a Final Exam Study Guide and will be given class time to complete the review. One of my requirements this year has been to keep a binder with all papers completed in class. This binder is an excellent source of review especially for the vocabulary portions of the exam. The end of the year is only a few weeks away, so right now would be a good time to begin reviewing the vocabulary in preparation for the exam. Students will also be completing an essay question that they have been working on all year: How did the physical geography affect the development and growth of the civilization? They will be able to choose any civilization we have studied this year – Mesopotamia, Egypt, India, China, Greece, or Rome. As always, I am available to help students who are concerned about the test. 7th Grade Final Exam Information Newsletter May/June 2014 Science: Mrs. Belczyk belczyk p@brentw oodpgh.k12.pa.us The Science final exam will be given on June 6th and June 9th during the regular class period. It will cover important concepts from the entire year of Science class. The final exam study guide will be given on Monday, June 2, 2014. We will be reviewing the study guide each day in class for that week. Mathematics: Mrs. Davis davisni@brentw oodpgh.k12.pa.us The Pre-Algebra final exam will be 2 parts over the second half of the school year. Students will be given a study guide on Monday, June 2, 2014 and will have all week to work on and review the study guide in class. This study guide will be a 20 point 4th nine-week grade and will be graded on the day of their final. Throughout this school year the students have been required to keep a binder with all notes, homework, tests, quizzes, and projects. This is a fantastic tool, along with their study guides to prepare for the exam. The Final Exam will have 2 parts. Part One will be taken during their regular class period on Thursday, June 5, 2014 and Part Two will be taken during the final exam slotted time. Calculators will be permitted for Part 2 of the exam only. Grading Policy/Schedule: According to school policy final grades will be calculated by the following method: Mid-term exam 10% + Final exam 10% + Nine week grades 80% (each nine week period counts for 20%) ** If a student will be absent on the date of a scheduled final exam, a note from the parent/guardian is required at least a week in advance, and the student will take the test prior to exam date. Friday, June 6, 2014: Periods 1, 2, 3, and 4 Final Exams. Monday, June 9, 2014: Periods 5, 6, 7, and 8 Final Exams. *Note those are half-days in the school calendar. Students will take the above listed final exams during the mornings of the half-days.