Untitled - Focused Marketing

Why Most Marketing Doesn’t Work And How You Can FIX IT.................................................. 4
Who Will This Book Help Most? ................................................................................................5
Our Promises To You… ..............................................................................................................5
Your Promises To Us...................................................................................................................6
The 8 Key Marketing FIXES .......................................................................................................6
Think: “How Can This Be Applied To My Business?”...............................................................6
Let’s Get Started… ......................................................................................................................6
REASON #1 – Lack Of Time & Expertise Causes Most Marketing Efforts To Fail, Bringing
The Growth Of Most Small Businesses To A Grinding Halt.......................................................... 7
THE FIX – Use Other People’s Time & Proven Knowledge To Speed The Rate At Which Your
Business Grows.............................................................................................................................. 7
REASON #2 – Sharing Your Marketing Message With The Wrong People Kills Response ...... 9
THE FIX – Defining And Targeting The Right People Is THE Key To Any Marketing
Campaign’s Success....................................................................................................................... 9
Traditional Mass Marketing Versus Niche Marketing… ..........................................................10
The Mass Marketing Approach…..............................................................................................11
The Target or Niche Market Approach…..................................................................................12
Multiple Target Or Niche Markets….........................................................................................13
The Power Of Target Marketing................................................................................................14
Real Life Examples…................................................................................................................14
REASON #3 – Most Marketing Material Lacks The ‘POWER TO INFLUENCE’ Because It
Doesn’t Match The Conversation Going On In the Prospect’s Head .......................................... 19
THE FIX – You Have To Create & Match The Perfect Message To Your Market If You Want
Your Marketing To Sell ............................................................................................................... 19
Marketing Asset 1: Unique Perceived Benefit (UPB) ...............................................................20
Marketing Asset 2: The Headline ..............................................................................................23
Marketing Asset 3: Benefits (What You Get)............................................................................24
Marketing Asset 4: The Irresistible Offer ..................................................................................24
Marketing Asset 5: The Guarantee/Risk Reversal .....................................................................29
Marketing Asset 6: Reasons Why..............................................................................................31
Marketing Asset 7: Social Proof ................................................................................................32
Marketing Asset 8: Call To Action ............................................................................................34
Real Life Examples…................................................................................................................34
REASON #4 – Not Enough Routes To Market Massively Reduce The Effectiveness Of Any
Marketing Campaign........................................................................................................................ 40
THE FIX – You Have To Use A Multi-Media Strategy If You Want To Be Effective In
Delivering Your Message To Your Target Market...................................................................... 40
Real Life Examples…................................................................................................................40
-2Why Most Marketing Doesn’t Work And How You Can Fix It
Copyright  Freshwater Corporation
REASON #5 – Thinking “If They’re Not Interested Now They’re Never Gonna Be” Reduces
Sales .................................................................................................................................................... 45
THE FIX – People Will Buy When The MOMENT Is Right For Them… You Just Need To
Constantly Contact Them If You Want More Enquiries And Sales ........................................... 45
The Moving Parade – What It looks Like..................................................................................46
Real Life Examples…................................................................................................................47
REASON #6 – Short Sighted Customer Attitudes Cause Marketing To Be More Expensive
And Less Effective............................................................................................................................. 50
THE FIX – Focus On Adding Value To Your Customers And Your Marketing Costs Will Drop
And Your Profits Will Soar ......................................................................................................... 50
Real Life Examples…................................................................................................................52
REASON #7 – Most Marketing Materials Are Boring And Lack Personality ........................... 56
THE FIX – Produce Marketing Material That Uses A ‘Non-Traditional’ Approach.................. 56
Real Life Examples…................................................................................................................56
REASON #8 – Most Marketing Is An After Thought At Best And Is Carried Out On An ‘Ad
Hoc’ Basis........................................................................................................................................... 71
THE FIX – You Have To Be Systematic When Marketing Your Business: The Right Marketing
System Delivers Consistent Results And Includes All The Fixes ............................................... 71
Real Life Example… .................................................................................................................71
What Next? ........................................................................................................................................ 74
The Solution: FIX IT…................................................................................................................ 74
-3Why Most Marketing Doesn’t Work And How You Can Fix It
Copyright  Freshwater Corporation
Why Most Marketing Doesn’t Work
And How You Can FIX IT
Over the last 13 years or so of growing businesses (our own as well as our clients’) we’ve
learnt many things. But of all of the things we’ve learnt along the way, I think the following is the
most powerful of all – it’s not what you do, it’s ‘HOW YOU DO IT’ that makes the difference in
business and life.
That’s why we’ve created this very special book for you. Inside you’ll discover the 8 KEY
reasons that are killing the marketing of businesses all over the world. Plus, we give you proven,
real life examples of how to fix these mistakes. Furthermore, you can copy and use these examples
for you own benefit, FREE OF CHARGE. We guarantee the techniques demonstrated in this
document will multiply your sales and profits – if you take action and use them.
We know that’s a big guarantee – a really big guarantee, but during the next forty minutes or
so, as you read this book, we’re going to explain in simple terms something that has never been
done before. We’re going to reveal why most marketing doesn’t work and how you can fix it – even
in tough economic conditions. PARTICULARLY in tough economic conditions.
We guarantee you’ve never seen anything like this before. How do we know? Three
1. There are just a small handful of people in the world who know this stuff and
have spent their entire lives testing and searching for the answers to what
works and what doesn’t. For example, over the last 13 years we’ve spent
£millions testing and in the process our findings have made hundreds of
millions for our clients and our businesses.
2. The few who do know this stuff keep everything a closely guarded secret.
After all that’s how they make their money.
3. We have personally spent tens of thousands of pounds investing in our trade
and have built one of the largest sales and marketing libraries in the world.
We’ve attended seminars all over the world and we’ve collected marketing
information products. But let me tell you, none of the information you’re
about to discover is revealed anywhere by anyone else.
You see, getting the kind of results you’ve heard about but never achieved in your own
business – is almost like a secret underground organisation, where only a select few have broken the
marketing code. Long story short – some of those secrets are revealed in the following 70 pages or
So why have we decided to reveal all?
-4Why Most Marketing Doesn’t Work And How You Can Fix It
Copyright  Freshwater Corporation
Here’s the plain truth. Rapid Results Marketing is a leading player in growing all kinds of
businesses. Our network of experienced marketing professionals offer highly specialised, proven
and affordable coaching and marketing services working with business owners just like you. What
we know to be true is this – if we give business owners fabulous and easy-to-apply business
building information then some are going to call and ask us to see if we can work together. That’s
it, plain and simple. We know that when we provide ‘RESULTS IN ADVANCE’ through
strategies that you can apply today, your motivation to work with people like us is much higher than
the guy that talks in riddles and holds stuff back.
One more thing…
This document lays to rest all the myths and BS that many business owners follow with
regards to marketing their small and medium sized businesses. It’s about time the truth was told.
What really works at the ‘coal face’. And there couldn’t be a better time as the world markets are
starting to slow down, competition is fierce and the banks and other financial institutions are
reluctant to help most small and medium sized businesses. Now is the time for YOU to take control
and create your own destiny by using a set of proven marketing strategies that have stood the test of
As you discover some of our most cherished and guarded secrets (secrets we have never
openly and publicly revealed before – only to our clients) the haze that hangs over the subject of
marketing and business growth will be lifted once and for all.
Who Will This Book Help Most?
In truth this document will help anyone running a small or medium sized business. It doesn’t
matter if you sell products, services or professional services. It doesn’t matter if you charge £1 or
£100,000 for your product or service. It doesn’t matter if you’re struggling or doing exceptionally
well. What you’re about to discover will have an immediate positive impact on your business as
soon as you apply it. We guarantee it.
Our Promises To You…
Before we go any further we have a couple of promises we’re going to make to you (and we
want you to make some in return)…
First, we promise that everything you’re about to read is based on years of testing to produce
proven results. Second, we are only revealing the strategies that have universal application. In other
words, strategies that work for every type of small and medium sized organisation – no matter what
industry you’re in. And finally, we promise to show you step-by-step why most marketing doesn’t
work and how you yourself can fix and improve it.
-5Why Most Marketing Doesn’t Work And How You Can Fix It
Copyright  Freshwater Corporation
Your Promises To Us
So what do we want in return from you? Three things…
We want you to apply your new found knowledge to your business and record the results.
Then we’d like you to tell us about your results – good or bad (but as long as you apply what we say
your results will be good – if not better).
Once you’ve read the book you’ll know the value of what you’ve got and you’ll know it will
be a huge help to others.
The 8 Key Marketing FIX
To make it as easy as possible for you to benefit from this book we’ve broken successful
marketing down into just 8 simple ‘FIXES’. That’s right – just 8 fixes is all it will take to transform
your business and your results. Each FIX is based around a prime reason why marketing doesn’t
work. And each FIX includes diagrams and real-life examples to demonstrate the FIX in action.
Think: “How Can This Be Applied To My Business?”
We’ve purposely tried to give you a good selection of examples across several different
industries. However EVERY example is relevant to your business. Don’t think – ‘this will never
work for my business’. As we’ve already said these lessons have universal application. Instead you
must think ‘how can I apply this to my business?’ It’s absolutely critical you have this mind-set.
Don’t be blinkered. You have to accept that what we’re about to reveal works fantastically well –
you just have to apply it to your own business.
Let’s Get Started…
Okay are you ready? So without further ado… Welcome to our world! – A place where
marketing works and where business owners (our clients) across the world are generating millions
of pounds using these very same strategies…
-6Why Most Marketing Doesn’t Work And How You Can Fix It
Copyright  Freshwater Corporation