Century Club Is Born

Centllry Club of the Omega Psi
Phi Fraternity is born . . . On the
opposite page appear pages of 22 of
the 24 ~ha.rter members. (Pictures of Broth~
ers Walter H. Riddick of Norfolk, Va., and
Herschel "Ripp" Day of New York City
were nor available at press time.)
The original members are not all na~
HOllal officers, or "20 Year Omega Men"
but just interested Omega men who love
the fraternity, have confidence in its pro~
gram and have proved it.
What is the Century Club? It is a pro~
gram conceived by our beloved Grand Basilells, Grant Reynolds, designed to do
something positive in the direction of fra
ternity housing for our undergraduate brothers. Its initial goal of 100 charter members, paying $100 each would result in a
beginning figure of $10,000, enough to at
least start the much needed and long overdue undergraduate housing program, It is
one of the principal programs of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity which like the weathel', "we've done a lot of talking about it,
but little, if anything, has been done about
We are far short of our initial objective,
but in just reading the statements from the
brethren accompanying their checks, we
know that thousands more of Omega men
thillk as they do, We know that there are
thousands more who are able and who feel
that they owe Omega another $100,
''This is just the beginning," said Brothel'
Reynolds at Oracle press time, "We feel
confident that we shall reach our goal prior
to the meeting of the Grand Conclave,"
Memberships are urgently needed now to
put our beginning over the "top," Send
your check today, along with yOllr photo
and biographical sketch, New members
will be listed in the December Oracle,
Here are the men who have joined up:
Ninth District Representative: embracing
Texas, Oklahoma and Louisiana, 1938-1952
jnclusive, Education at Lincoln University,
Pa., with B. A., S, T, B" and honorary
Doctor of Divinity. Married and children;
5 boys and 2 girls al1 of them educated at:
Fisk University, University of Michigan,
University of Illinois, Meharry Medical College, Prairie View and 'Wiley College,
Pioneered in Health Education in Texas;
Director of Health Education for Texas
Tuberculosis Association and directed the
Negro Health 'Week in cooperation with
United States PLlblic Health Service with
Volunteer Health Service, which he organiz~
ed among Negroes in Texas,
Pioneered in Humane Education in Texas
as Field 'Worker (or American Humane
Education Society, Doston, Mass, Retired
from Field Service in 1942 after 35 years
of public service,
He was elected as Ninth District Representative in 1938 and has been reelected
each year since with unanimous vote in
Annual Meeting, He is a member of Fort
Worth Urban League, YMCA, NAACP
Co~Chairman, Ft. Worth Interracial Com~
mission and Member of Executive Com~
mittee of Texas Commission on Interracial
Cooperation, Member of Southern Regional Council and Associate Pastor, Saint Andrew Methodist Church at Ft, Worth, Texas,
Grand Keepet of Finances of the Omega
Psi Phi Fraternity for 18 years; President
and owner of Radio Station WERD, Atlan~
ta, Ga,; Professor of Business Administration and Accounting at Morehouse College; Certified Public Accountant; Vice~
President, Citizens Trust Company; President, Brown Boy Bottling Company; President and Owner, Midway Television Institute of Georgia, Inc,; Co-Owner Blayton
School of Accounting and a host of other
business connections. He is a native of
Oklahoma and he and his wife have a son
and a daughter.
Brother Bond, of Madison, Arkansas, is
a successful planter, morgue chemical manufacturer and jobber of funeral supplies, He
and his wife, Mrs. Clime J. Bond, own
and operate The Funeral Directors Excharige, jobbing all types of funeral supplies for the funeral director. Brother Bond
is part owner and manager of Bondol Laboratories, the largest morgue chemical
manufacturer of his race, and is successfully
calTying on extensive land holdings and
farm operations which devolved upon him at
the death of his brother, Theo Bond, and
his father, the late Scott Bond,
The name of "Bond" has been a by-word
in Negro Agriculture and industry for the
last fifty years. At one time Scott Bond,
Thea Bond and U. S. Bond, a partnership
known as Scott Bond and Sons, operated
twenty-one separate farms comprising 12,000 acres of land. They are the only Negroes who perfected what is known in the
cotton world as Eastern connections. They
had connections with Cooper and Brush of
Boston, Massachusetts who, at that time,
were the largest cotton brokers in the East,
and they boasted of being the only one of
their race to sell cotton directly to the
Eastern mills and export Cotton to England,
Brother Bond hails the Century Club idea
as one of the most progressive being born
to Omega, He maintains that when the
Negro learns to give in the proportion to
which he has received in the past he will be
ready to take his place with man under the
sun. He feels that this young gesture will
grow from year to year and there will be
many Omegas who will be glad to make
their contribution to this effort and join
the worthwhile club which will live for eons.
Brother Branche was initiated into Beta
Chapter, Lincoln University, Penna, in 1915,
He was later affiliated with Gamma Chap~
ter, Boston, while attending medical school
at Boston University 1919 through 1923,
During this period he was manager of the
Frat House which was the first and only
frat house maintained in Boston, located at
22 Claremont Park,
Brother Branche is now connected with
the Iota Omega Chapter, Tuskegee, Ala~
barna, and has been af£i1iated with this
chapter since his appointment at the VeterEIns Administration Hospital, Tuskegee,
Alabama, in 1923, He holds an A. B. degree from Lincoln University, Pennsylvania,
and an M. D, degree from the Boston University School of Medicine,
He was a pioneer in neuropsychiatry
among colored physicians. Was chief, ncu-
• • •
ropsychiatric Service at the Veterans Admin~
istration Hospital, Tuskegee, Alabama, from
1927 through 1946, and has been head of
the entire medical program since that time,
with the designation of chief, Professional
Services, He has contdbuted many articles
of a scientific nature to various medical
journals, but is probably best known by his
early research work in the use of quartan
malaria in the treatment of neurosyphillis
among Negroes. His preliminary studies
were presented before the annual meeting
of the American Psychiatric Association at
the Waldorf Astoria Hotel in 1934, and
later, in 1939, he presented an extensive
follow-up report before the same body. He
was guest lecturer to the postgraduate class
in Dermatology and Syphilology at Harvard
Medical School on the subject of "The Use
of Therapeutic Malaria in the Treatment of
Neurosyphi11is," June 1948.
a fellow of the American psychiatric Association and the National Medical
Association; a member of the American
Medical Association and of the Association
for the Advancement of Sclence, Member
of the John A. Andrew Clinical Society, As~
sociation of American Military Surgeons and
the Alabama State Medical Association,
He was lieutenant colonel in Medical
Corps from 1944 to 1946, Was recipient
of the E, S, Jones Award in 1944 by the
J Ohl1 A, Andrew Clinical Society for research in Medical Science, He is certified
by the American Board of Neurology and
Brother Branche married LilIian Vesta
Davidson of Statesville, North Carolina, in
1924. They have three children-George
Clayion Branche, Jr., M, D" a graduate of
Boston UniverSity School of Medicine, cum
laude; and is now a senior resident in Internal Medicine at The Holy Ghost Hospital,
Cambridge, Massachusetts. He is likewise
an Omega man and is affiliated with the
Gamma Chapter in Boston, Massachusetts.
Their next son, Matthew D, Branche, is
junio!" at the Boston University School of
Medicine, and . their daughter, Martie E,
Branche, is junior at Sarah Lawrence College, Bronxville, New York,
Brother N athan1e1 Burrell is a native of
Philadelphia, Penn" and graduated from the
Asbury Park, N, J, High School; School
of Business, Columbia, University and the
New York School of Social Work,
He was initiated into Epsilon Chapter,
N, y, c., and served as basileus prior to
his transfer, as a charter member, to Xi
Phi Chapter where he has been affiliated
for over twenty-five years,
He was the national chairman of the 1948
Re-Organization Committee whose comprehensive report created the office of our
National Executive Secretary, Washington,
D. C. He became the first president of
the Second District Conference of N. J"
Pennsylvania and New York and is p-rcsent~
Jy serving the District Council as District
keeper of records and seal.
After serving in World War I as first
lieutenant 368th Infantry, Brother Burrell
began his career as social worker with the
Parole Department of the N, J, State School
for Boys at Jamesburg, N. J" and 1atel'
went to Harlem where he became the Busi~
(Contiuued on Page 6)
Century Club Is Born
(Continued from Page 4)
Secretary of the Harlem
YMCA, for over ten years.
Presently, he is a probation consultant
for the N, Y. C. Domestic Relations Court
and received an appointment by the late
Mayor F. H. LaGuardia as executive di~
rector of the Juvenile Welfare Council of
Harlem, Bureau for the Prevention of Ju~
venile Delinquency and during which time
I]e founded the First Junior Guardsman
Regiment of the 369th Infantry and the
Harlem Big Brother Association.
In Harlem and Brooklyn he has had an
outstanding record of community activities
with the Abyssinian Baptist Church, American Legion, Knights Round Table Literary
Society and the N. Y. Probation Association.
Brother Burrell is married and has one
daughter, Nancy Rosabelle Mason, student
at the Lincoln Hospital for Nurses, Bronx,
N. Y. His wife, Nancy Dickerson Burrell
is a graduate of Freedman's Hospital, Wash~
ington, D. C, and is a registered lltlrse
with the Health Department of Brooklyn,
New York.
One of the founders of the Omega Psi
Phi Fraternity; practicing physician in Philadelphia, Pa.; Graduate of Howard University of its School of Medicine; Active attendant of the Grand Conclaves and still an
enthusiastic proponent of its growth and development.
Editor of the ORACLE, official publication of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity for
past folll' years; former Third District Representative for three years; former National
Director of Public Relations of the fraternity; FOl,lIlder of Omega Psi Phi State Conference of Virginia, one of the beginnings
of the fraternity's district organization program; circulation manager of the JOURNAL AND GUIDE newspaper 1931 to
1951; Director of public relations, A. & T.
College at present; Married and one daugh~
Second District Representative; former
basjJeus of Kappa Omicron Chapter and
under whose leadership its present progres~
sive program was adopted; Instructor in
the public schools of New York City; Has
served as chairman of the famed, "Omega
Showboflt." His wife, Dorothy, takes time
to attend Grand Conclaves with the popular
Initiated in to the Alpha Chapter in 1915,
noW a member of the Xi Phi Chapter.
Graduated from Howard University Academy in 1912, Arts and Science 1916, Medicine 1920. Interned at Freedman's HospiH
tal, Washington, D. C., from 1920 to 1921.
Practiced medicine in New York City from
1921 to the present time. Now Associate
Visiting Hematologist of Harlem Hospital
in New York City.
Jnitiated: December 10, 1949, Zeta EpsiJon Chapter, Indiana University. Held varied offices in chapter from keeper of peace
to basileus. Served as assistant District
Representative of Tenth District, 1950~1951.
Played with fraternity basketball and touchfootball team at Indiana University.
Chairman of Committee on Undergraduate Activities in Tenth District, 1950-1951.
Brother Hendricks was born February 3,
1898, at Whistler, Alabama. A.B. from
Fisk University 1920, M.D. Meharry Medical College 1924. General practice of Medicine in Cleveland, Ohio since 1925. Married to Belle Spaulding, has two children,
Frank H., Jr. and Janice M.
A member oL the trustee board of Mt.
Zion Congregational Church. Active in
Civic Affairs.
Was initiated in Omega while a student
at Fisk University 1919, and has been active
ever since.
Member of the Cleveland Academy of
Medicine, American Medical Association,
National Medical Association, and the Academy of General Practice, Vice-President
and Medical Director of the Dunbar Life
lnsurance Company.
Prominent dentist and business man of
Denver, Colorado: An outstanding civic
leHder, Brothel' Holmes recently sued a
restaurant operator ill his home state and
collected damages for refusal of service.
The full amount was turned over to city
officials with instructions that it should be
spent to cllrb racial discrimination. An enthusiastic Omega man, he works hard for
the development of the fraternity's program
in his chapter and district.
dent of the Interdenominational Ministers'
Alliance of Washington, D. C.
Dr. Love is actively identified with a
lIumber of educational and civic interests.
He was on the faculty of Morgan College,
Baltimore, Md., and principal of Morgan
Academy. He served as a member of the
Maryland Interracial Commission. Au
army chaplain during the first world war,
he attended the first convention of the
American Legion as a delegate from Maryland. Founder of the Omega Psi Phi Fra~
te-rnity, Dr. Love is also a Mason and an
Dr. :Love, a native of Harrisonburg, Va.,
was graduated from the Academy of .Morgan College and received hiS Bachelor of
Arts degree with honor from Howard University, Washington, D. C. He holds his
Bachelor of Divinity degree from the School
of Religion of this University and for three
years was president of its Alumni Association. His Bachelor of Sacred Theology degree is from Boston University. Morgan
State College and Gammon Theological
Seminary have conferred upon him the degree of Docte.':' of Divinity. He has done
graduate work at the University of Chicago.
Brother Love now resides in Baltimore,
Brother Massey was born in Summervil1e,
South Carolina and received the greater part
of his formul education in the state, hav~
ing attended the Parochial Schools of SumBorn at Dudley, N. C., in 1901; A. B.
from Shaw University: LL.B. from Fordham merville, Avery Institute of Charleston and
University Law School; Practices in Indi- Schofield Institute of Aiken. He received
anapolis, Ind.: Initiated anti Delta Psi Chap~ his pre-medical training at Hampton Institel' in J925. presently a member of Zeta tute.
Brother Massey matriculated in the Col..
Phi Chapter; Served as Basilcus of both
chapters and keeper of finances of the Jege of Dentistry at Meharry Medical Collatter; Fonner Tenth District Representa- lege in 1926 and received the degree of
tive and now serves as member of Omega Doctor of Dental Surgery with honors 'in
Psi Phi Housing Authority.
Brothel' Massey opened his present office
in 1931 and has enjoyed a very lucrative
Born AprilS, 1899, Antigua, British West
practice ever since. He pioneered in X~ray
Jlidies. Son of John and (hace Looby. service and was the first Negro, phYSician
Married Grafta Mosby. Graduate- of How- or del1tist to be employed in the city' -and
ard University, Washington, D. c., A.ll.; county school system. Combined with this
Columbia University, New York, LL.B.;
practice has been Dr. Massey's active pili'·
New York University, New York, S. J. D.
ticipation in the affairs of a number of
Lay Reader. Holy Trinity Episcopal Church,
tocal, state and national organizations.
Nashville, Tennessee. Grand Basileus OmeBrother Massey is married to the former
ga Psi Phi Fraternity, 1940-45. Affiliated
Mayme A. Burroughs and is the father of one
with Masons; Elks; N ationa! Legal COnl H son who is a recent graduate of Xavier
mittee; N.A.A.C.P,; Chairman of Legal University, College of Pharmacy,
Redress Committee, State of Tennessee;
He was initiated into Delta Chapter in
Lecturer, Fisk University, Nashville, Ten1927, and is one of the founders of Mu
nessee; Professor, Medical Jurisprudence, Alpha Chapter.
Meharry Medical College, Nashville, Tel1H. CARL MOULTRffi, I
nessee. In Law Practice since 1928; memNational
Executive Secretary of the Omeber, Nashville City CounciL Address, 419
Fourth Avenue, North, Nashville, Teunes· ga Psi Phi Fraternity; gt'aduate of Lincoln
University (Pa.); Has done social work as
director of Boys Club in Wilmington and
later became Project Manager for the WilThe Rev. Edgar A. Love, D.D., a well- mington (N.C.) Housing Authority; former
known church leader and former secretary 6th District Representative; Assumed presof the Department of Negro Work in the ent position in July, 1949. He is married
Board of Missions and Church ExtenSion
to the former Miss Sarah Avant of WiJw
of the Methodist Church, was recently elect·
mington and the couple has one son, H.
ed bishop of his church.
Carl, II.
Dr. Love has served the Methodist
Church in a number of capacities. He
Former Grand Basileus (1950-51); Former
has held pastorates ill Maryland, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia. As an instructor Tenth District Representative; prominent
in schools of practical methods for Negro Indiana attorney, practicing in Gary; First
town and rural pastors and in Young Peo- Vice Grand BasUeus, 1949; Is married and
the cOllple has a son and daughter.
ple's Institutes for a number of years, Dr.
Love has travelled widely.
JOHN F. pons
He is a member' of the executive comFirst Vice Grand Basileus of the Framittee of the Methodist Board of Tem- ternity; Principal of Avery Institute, Charlesperance, and of the Methodist Commission ton, S. C.; Has served the fraternity in
on ChapJains, the General Commission on many capacities. As sixth district repreChaplains, and several commissions of the sentative from 1944 to 1947, he won the
National Council of the Churches of Christ national a ward to DR's in 1945 for hay"
in America. For three years he was presiing done the most able district job. He
served as director of the National Achievement Program from 1949 through 1951 and
has served on numerous committees for the
fraternity. Brother Potts is president of the
Association of Colleges and Secondary
Schools for Negroes.
Grand Basileus and founder of Omega's
Century Clu b; Lawyer: General Counsel
Negro Labor Committee, U. S. A.; General Counsel Grace Congregational Church;
Co~CIJajrmall of Committee Against Jim
Crow in Military Service and Training,
which spearheaded the sllccessful fight in
eliminating segregation from our armed
forces. Education: Hampton Institute; Ob~
erlin; New York University; Fenn College;
Eden Theological Seminary; and Columbia
University Law School.
Prominent mortician of Norfolk, Va., and
operates real estate business; Grand Keeper
(If Records and Seal of Omega Psi Phi;
former Third District Representative of the
fraternity; member of Lambda Omega
Chapter; Initiated into Mu Psi Chapter;
graduate of Morehouse College; Hobbies,
horses and fishing.
Asa Timothy Spaulding, ViceHPresident,
Actuary and Controller, North Carolina
Mutual Life Insurance Company, Durham,
N. C., and a member of its Executive Committee, Investment Committee, Field ComH
mittee and other standing committees. Residence, Durham. Born 1l11y 22, 1902 in
Columbus County, and educated at National Training School, Durham; Howard University; Scbool of Commerce, Accounts and
Finance, New York University; and University of Michigan. B. S. in Accounting,
Magna Cum Lallde, New York University;
M. A. in Mathematics, University of Mic11igan, and recipient of several scholarships
and prizes. Member of the Institute of
Mathematical Statistics, American Statistical Association and American Association
for the Advancement of Science; Charter
member, F. S. N. Scholastic Societv; Mem H
bel', Student Council, Howard University,
1924; Member Beta Gamma Sigma (N.Y.U.),
National Honorary Commerce Scholastic
Society (member Executive Committee
1930); National Committee, Boy Scouts of
America. Director, North Carolina Mutual
Life Insurance Company, Mutual Building
and Loan Association, Mechanics and FarmH
ers Bank, and John Avery Boys' Club.
Trustee, White Rock Baptist Church; Chairman, Housing Authority, Omega Psi Phi
Fraternity; Past President, North Carolina
College Alumni Association; Trcasmer,
James E. Shepard Memodal Foundation,
Received Presidential Citation in
1946. Has served as debit man, various
departments in home office including auditor, department head, assistant to cashier,
claims supervisor, actuary since 1933, as~
sistant secfetary, 1935-1948; director since
1938; actuary. N.N.I.A., 1934·36 and 193840; first vice president, 1940-41; president,
1941-43; chairman, executive committee,
1943-44; consulting actuary Winston Mutual
Life Insurance Company, 1934-48, and
Dunbar Life Insurance Company 1938-1945;
controller North Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Company since 1945; vice-president
since 1948. Ejected "Alumnus of the Year"
in 1950 by the North Carolina ColJege
Alumni Association.
Brother W. Kenneth Williams was born
in Goldsboro, North Carolina.
Attended Johnson C. Smith University
where he received the Bachelor of Arts degree. Graduated from Howard University,
Washington, D. C. with the degree of Doctor of Dental Surgery.
Brother Williams is a successful New
York dental practitioner and a good Omega
man. Serves his chapter (Kappa Omicron)
as Housing Treasurer aJld member of its
famous SHOW BOAT Committee. He is
a member of the Board of Managers of the
Harlem Branch Y.M.C.A., The Grand Street
Boys Association of New York and The St.
Martin Episcopal Church.
Brother Yarbrough is: Sixth District Representative of the Omega Psi Pbi Fraternity;
Area Sales Supervisor, Metal Arts Compa;nY,
lnc., official jewelers of the fratermty;
Graduate of Fisk University. He is a
native of Kentucky.
Patriarch of Omega
(Continned front Page 3)
him the honorary degree of Doctor of Divinity.
The career of our esteemed founder has
been most interesting. He has served pas~
forates in Annapolis and Baltimore, Maryland; Wheeling, West Virginia and Washington, Pennsylvania.
He served as a chaplain in the First
World War for two years and three months,
with fourteen months overseas participating
in two major engagements. He was wounded with mustard gas in Argonne Forest,
September 1918.
After leaving the army, he taught for two
years at Morgan College, Baltimore, before
returning to the pulpit. He served for 8
years as the District Superintendent of the
Washington District of the Washington AnDllal Conference of the Methodist Church
which is the largest district in the Central
Jurisdiction of the Methodist Church. From
that office he was elected Superintendent of
the Department of Negro Work with the Division of Home Missions and Church Extension of the Methodist Church, with office at
150 Fifth Avenue, New York, where he
served for 12 years.
In this office he was instrumental in
establishing more than 30 new churches,
nine of them on the West Coast in the States
of Arizona, California and Oregon. Most
of these churches are self-supporting. Also
during this peflod he traveled extensively for
the Division of Home Missions particularly
in Puerto Rico, San Domingo and the Virgin
Brother Love represented the Board of
Missions and Church Extension in all the
conferences of the Central Jurisdiction and
in the two California Conferences of the
Western Jurisdiction and the Wyoming,
Montana and Colorado Conferences in the
Denver Area of the Westem Jurisdiction.
He has taught in many of the larger institutions throughout the Methodist Church
and has been instrumental in placing many
YOllng people in lucrative positions over the
At the Central Jurisdictional Conference
in Philadelphia, June 18-22, he was elected
a bishop of the Methodist Church on the
third ballot and assigned to the Baltimore
Area of the Central Jurisdiction of the
Methodist Church. He goes to serve an
area within whose bounds he was born and
lived and in which his roots are deep.
He has been well received by his brothers.
Since his consecration as a Bishop June
22nd, he has held the Louisiana Conference
of the New Orleans Area, Bishop R. N.
Brooks, resident bishop. He will be resident
in Baltimore, with office at 1206 Etting
Brother Edward A. Dawley, Jr •• received his
Bachelor of Laws degree from the Universily
of Michigan in June of this year. A World
War II veteran and a graduale 01 Lincoln
University where he was active with Beta
Chapler. Brother Dawley is a native 01 Nor·
folk. Va .. where he now resides with his
wife, Mrs. Eleanor Green Dawley, at 863
Dillon Street.
Willard L. Brown
Is Elected New
4th District "Rep."
HE Fourth District of Omega, comprising seventeen chapters in Ohio and
West Virginia elected a new District
Representative at the Regional Conclave
here in May.
Willard 1.. Brown, an attorney and :mem~
bel' of the City Council of Charleston, West
Virginia, was elected to succeed Leonard
L. Holland of Columbus, Ohio, who bad
served in the office for three years.
Brother Brown has been an outstanding
attorney in the City of Charleston for the
past 17 years, and is a graduate of West
Virginia State College, Institute, West VirH
ginia, and the Boston University School of
Law, L.L.B., 1935, and L.L.M .• 1936. He
is now serving his second consecutive four
year term as a member of the City Council
of Charleston.
He is the president of the Charleston
Branch of the NAACP, Past Potentate of
the Shriners in Charleston, and is active in
social, political and fraternal circles throughout the State of West Virginia. He was
also a charter member of Xi Alpha Cha]Jter.
The Fourth District is composed of chapters located at Charleston Institute, Beckley,
Bluefield, West Virginia; Youngstown, Warren, Cincinnati, Toledo, Dayton, Columbus,
Cleveland and Wilberforce, Ohio.
The Regional Conclave has set Cleveland,
Ohio as the scene of its annual Conclave to
be held in May, 1953.
Other officers elected were: Cleophas H.
Nelson, Youngstown, Ohio, keeper of rec~
ords; Charlie Pieters of Columbus, keeper
of finance; Brother Brown appointed Nathaniel Lee of Youngstown as Deputy District Representative.
The members oj this committee are made up of brothers Irom Mu an:!. Mu Omega chapters oj Philadelphia, Pa.. Bela Chapler of Lincoln
University, Pa .. and Beta Gamma Chapter of Cheyney Siale Teachers' College, Pa. Seated Irom left to righl: Brothers Desmond, Fel'l'ell,
Gaskins, Brooks, Matthews, Thomas, Amos, and Sullivan. Second row, from left to right: Brothers Lee, Chase, Winborne, Caning-Ion. Jef
farson and Carler. Third row, Brothers Davis, Reid, Todd. Taylor, Hill, Younq, Cain. Calhoun. Keene, Tyree, Ballard. Powell. Brooks.
Gibbs, Bass and Simpson.
Cit';! 0/ Brotherl,;! clove Set
:lor (lala ::December Conclave
HE 39th Grand Conclave of the Omega
Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc,. will be held
in Philadelphia. Pennsylvania on December 27. 28, 29 and 30, 1952, Hosts for
this conclave arc: Mu Chapter, Philadelphia;
Mu Omega Chapter, Philadelphia; Beta
Chapter, Lincoln University, and Bcta Gamma Chapter, Cheyney State Teachers' College.
The schedule of Conclave events is as
Friday. December 26: as a special feature
for all delegates and visiting brothers, the
Philadelphia Cotillion Society hm; extended
an invitation to their Annual Cotl11ion. At
tbis affair Mrs. Roosevelt will be honored
and the members of the Fraternity have
been requested to serve as her guard of honor. The affair will be formal and will attract some 6,000 people.
Satllrday, Decembel' 27: registration:
12:00-6:00 P. lvI., University of Pennsylvania (Houston Hall); Meet-yom-date: 7:0010:00 P. M" Philographic Art Studio; and
Smoker: 10:00 to 2:00 A. M" Philo graphic
Art Studio.
Sunday, December 28: Church of your
choice~ Public meeting: 3:00 to 5:00 P. M.,
Irvine Auditorium, University of Pennsylvania; Founder's Banquet: 7:00-12 midnight,
Broadwood Hotel, Broad and Wood Street.
Monday, December 29: Business Sessions:
Irvine Auditorium and Houston Hall, University of Pennsylvania; Special Conclave
Mardi Gras: 10:00-2;00 A, M., Convention
Tuesday, December 30: Business Sessions:
(Continued on Page 26)
To give us an idea 01 what a Philadelphia Mardi Gras is lilee and whal is in store for those
who attend Ihe Conclave in that city come Christmas. the brothers from Ihe "City of Brotherly Love" senl us this photo of the queen and her court from the lasl event. The charminq
ladies are from leU to riqht: Misses Peqgy Valentine. Jane Asbury, Doris Spivey, Preciour
Skinner (the queen), Fay Peamond. Shirley Wallace and Marie Carter.