Open fo r Bus i n e s s Yo ur Gu ide to g du cat ion Trai nin g,E an d Busin ess Services WHERE YOU DO BUSINESS, SO DO WE. Companies of all sizes depend on the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities system to prepare and maintain a qualified workforce, increase employee productivity and support new business growth. NE-Rainy River Community College International Falls Northland Community & Technical College Thief River Falls Northland Community & Technical College East Grand Forks NE-Hibbing Community College NE-Mesabi Range Community & Technical College Hibbing Bemidji Eveleth NE-Itasca Community College Minnesota State Community & Technical College Grand Rapids Lake Superior College Detroit Lakes Minnesota State Community & Technical College Ely Virginia Northwest Technical College Minnesota State University Moorhead The 32 public colleges and universities in the system offer an array of services to help employers, businesses and organizations with their education and training needs. NE-Vermilion Community College NE-Mesabi Range Community & Technical College Bemidji State University Fond du Lac Tribal & Community College Minnesota State Community & Technical College Duluth Minnesota State Universities Minnesota State Colleges Cloquet Wadena Moorhead Minnesota State Community & Technical College Central Lakes College Central Lakes College METRO AREA Brainerd Staples Pine Technical College Fergus Falls Anoka Technical College Pine City Alexandria Technical College Anoka-Ramsey Community College Coon Rapids Anoka St. Cloud Technical College St. Cloud State University Alexandria Anoka-Ramsey Community College St. Cloud Hennepin Technical College Cambridge Willmar Minnesota West Community & Technical Minnesota West College Community & Canby Technical College North Hennepin Community College Minneapolis Community & Technical College Ridgewater College Hutchinson Minneapolis St. Paul Hennepin Technical College Minneapolis Metropolitan State University Metropolitan State University Minneapolis St. Paul Saint Paul College Inver Hills Community College St. Paul Normandale Eden Prairie Community Granite Falls College Southwest Minnesota Bloomington Minnesota State State University College–Southeast South Dakota County Marshall Technical Central College Technical College Red Wing North Mankato Rosemount Minnesota West Minnesota Community & Minnesota State South State College– Technical College University, Mankato Central College Southeast Technical Pipestone Mankato Faribault Winona Minnesota West Winona Rochester Community Community & Minnesota West State & Technical College Technical College Community & University Rochester Riverland Jackson Technical Community Riverland College College Community College Worthington Albert Lea Century College White Bear Lake Brooklyn Park Brooklyn Park Ridgewater College With 53 campuses located in 46 Minnesota communities, the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities system—which includes all public colleges and universities except the University of Minnesota—is the state’s largest higher education provider. You can arrange training at your work site, on a campus or online. Inver Grove Heights Austin M in n es ot a S t at e C olle ges an d U n iver sit ies loca t ion s Even if you’re not in a community with a campus, we’ll come to you. How do I connect with training resources ? For information about business services offered by any of the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities, contact: Business Information Center 1-800-366-7380 Contents: What services are available? 1BHF How can I find training for my employees? 1BHF How can Centers of Excellence work for me? 1BHF Specialized centers offer services tailored to specific business needs 1BHF Colleges and universities directory 1BHF Looking for new employees? Start here 1BHF More resources and opportunities for businesses and organizations 1BHF | 1 W H AT S E R V IC E S A R E A V A IL A B L E ? Discover business solutions through training, research and innovation with a wide range of experts who offer a variety of unique services at the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities. Customized training/Continuing education Small Business Management Education Customized training is individually tailored to your company’s needs. Topics can range from general business skills, such as sales, cultural diversity, customer service and project management, to industry-specific training in computer and information technology, health care, manufacturing, trades and industry, transportation and more. Continuing education offers courses for employees to meet recertification requirements and to gain new skills for advancement. In Small Business Management Education programs, small business owners work with instructors to apply management, planning, marketing and financial skills to UIFJS DPNQBOJFT 1SPHSBNT BSF PòFSFE ZFBSSPVOE BOE NBZ be started at any time. Get small group or individual sessions at your workplace. Also, all of the state colleges and universities can arrange education to meet the needs of small business owners. Contact a college or university customized training or continuing education office for more information. Centers of Excellence Centers of Excellence in health care, manufacturing, engineering and information technology recruit students to these fields, equip them with skills to meet industry standards and provide customized training to businesses and organizations. Veterans Resource Centers Online professional development and employee training Hire a graduate: Career Service Centers Online professional development and employee training allow your employees to gain new knowledge and skills at their own convenience. Online professional development and training can be customized to your specific business needs. Small Business Development Centers Small Business Development Centers offer free on consultation management, marketing and financing for small businesses. Several campuses host these centers, operated by the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development. In addition, some colleges and universities offer small business development centers through customized training. Veterans Resource Centers serve military veterans with counseling, GI education benefits certification and tutorial assistance. Veterans can get help finding state and federal resources as they begin or continue higher education. Career Service Centers help companies find well-rounded and IJHIMZ TLJMMFE QPUFOUJBM FNQMPZFFT .PSF UIBO QFSDFOU PG UIF TZTUFNT HSBEVBUFT FBDI ZFBS öOE KPCT JO B öFME SFMBUFE UP UIFJS BSFB PG TUVEZ 1PTU KPC PQFOJOHT BOE öOE QSPTQFDUJWF employees through career service centers on every campus. Even before graduation, state college and university students are contributing to Minnesota’s economy, working as apprentices or interns at businesses across the state. Internships are a win-win for students and employers. Minnesota Workforce Centers Minnesota WorkForce Centers are where employers and job seekers find employment and training services. Tax credit information for employers, conferences and training services are available from the centers, operated by the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development. Specialized centers Specialized centers offer unique business services in a variety of areas. 2 | 1-800-366-7380 Ope n here to view busi ness services c hart | 3 Customized training/Continuing education Customized Training Center of Excellence: Health Care Center of Excellence Health Care Center of Excellence: Engineering and Manufacturing Center of Excellence Engineering & Manufacturing Center of Excellence: Manufacturing and Applied Engineering Center of Excellence Manufacturing & Applied Engineering Center of Excellence: Strategic Information Technology and Security Center of Excellence Strategic Information Tech & Security Online professional development and employee training Online Prof Dev & Training Small Business Development Centers Small Business Dev Center Small Business Management Education Small Business Management Ed Veterans Resource Centers Veterans Resource Center Hire a graduate: Career Service Centers Career Service Centers Minnesota Workforce Centers Minnesota Workforce Centers Specialized centers Specialized Centers an A n dria ok T a- ech An Ram nic ok s e al C a yC ol le Be Tec ge hn om m id ica mu ji S ni lC Ce t nt tate olle y C ra ol g U le lL e ni C ge ak ve nt es rs ur ity C y o ak ol lleg le e ot a C ge o un nd du ty T en Lac ech n ne Tr ib ical pi I al n Co Te & ll C c ex C Al BUS INE SS SER VIC ES CHA RT e D Fo H er nv er Te & l Hi chn Com lege lls i c m ak Co al Co uni e m Su t pe mu lleg y C M ol ni e et rio le t ro yC ge po r Co o M l l l l i l e t e in ge ne an S ge ap ta M te in olis Un ne Co ive s m o M rs m in ta S . & ity ne ta T ec M sota te C h. in ne Sta olle C ge olle so t e M t ge C a in ne Sta omm SE T te ec so h Un . & ta Te nic in S i v t ne ch a at er so .C l e si or ta W Uni ty, M olle m an ge es ver a ka No nda t Co sity m rth le M to m C o or .& No Hen om he rth ne mu Tec ad h. ea pin nit C y st Hi Com Co olle lle No gh ge ge rth er mu n E la du ity N o nd C ca rth Co tio olle m w g n m e Pi Di e .& ne st T st ric Te Te ec h t Ri chn nic ch. C dg ica al o lle ew l C Co g l a ol Ri le lege e ve ter g Co rla e lle R o nd g e ch Co m es m t e u St . C r Co nit yC lo m ud m ol St . le & . C Sta ge T ec lo te h. Sa ud T Un Co i in lle t P ech vers ge n i a t ica ul y So Co lC ut ol h lle So Cen ge lege t ut hw ral C ol es W le t in on Min ge aS n ta . St a te Un te U ive niv e rs ity rsit y L M N (H ib bi , It ng as ca ,M a es bi Ra n ,R ge ai ny e r, V ve i R rm ilio n) ND HOW CAN I FIN M Customized training Effective training can turn a good employee into a great asset. Assess employee skills and identify and remedy gaps through customized training from the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities. Work with experts who share their real-world business experience with your employees. The Minnesota State Colleges and Universities system is the leading training provider in Minnesota; each ZFBSUIFDPMMFHFTBOEVOJWFSTJUJFTTFSWFBCPVU FNQMPZFSTBOEUSBJONPSFUIBOXPSLFST Training is individually tailored to your organization. Consult with a customized training representative to design a training program to meet your needs and those of your employees. Get customized training in your workplace, online or on campus so employees can master the skills required to keep your company growing. With customized training, you can: t*ODSFBTFQSPöUBCJMJUZ t#VJMEBNPSFQSPEVDUJWFBOE quality-oriented workforce t*ODSFBTFFóDJFODZ t&OIBODFFNQMPZFFMPZBMUZ and retention t3FNBJODPNQFUJUJWF t3FEVDFUVSOPWFS Gain access to the faculty expertise and knowledge available at all 32 institutions when you choose the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities system. Colleges and universities can work together to meet your needs or engage outside contractors to deliver specific training programs. 4 | 1-800-366-7380 How do I connect with training resources ? Contact the customized training or continuing education office at any of the .JOOFTPUB 4UBUF $PMMFHFT BOE 6OJWFSTJUJFT 4FF UIF EJSFDUPSZ CFHJOOJOH PO 1BHF or go to for links to each college and university customized training office. You can search for customized training by institution, city or region. Not sure where to start? Call the Business Information Center at 1-800-366-7380 to talk with someone who can answer your questions and help you find a college or university to meet your training needs, or send an e-mail to “With the help of Minnesota State Colleges and Universities, we’ve been happy to deliver Cisco Networking Academy training and increase access to vital 21st century job skills and competencies that will both drive and support the next generation of technological innovation. y These competencies will underpin not onl Minnesota’s continued growth, but also the global economy’s.” — Gene Longo, Senior Mana ger, North American Field Oper ations Cisco Networking Academy What types of training are available ? Topics can range from general business training to industry-specific training and programs specifically designed for your company. Here are some examples: General business training t #BTJD BOE BEWBODFE TBMFT t Business ethics t Communication/writing skills t Conflict resolution t Continuous improvement/quality/lean t Cultural diversity t Customer service t Entrepreneurial development t Ergonomics t International business t Leadership/team building t Management and supervision t Organizational development (consulting) t Project management t Real estate certifications Languages: t American Sign Language t English Language Learning t Occupational English/Spanish t World languages Industry-specific training Health care t Allied health continuing education t Infection control for home health care t Integrative health/healing t Lean health care t Medical terminology and coding t Nursing continuing education t Pharmacy technology t Quality and health care outcomes Health and safety t Emergency management/homeland security t Emergency medical services t Environmental health and safety t Fire safety t Law enforcement continuing education t Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) t Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) t Safety and health compliance management t Workplace security/consultation/planning Computer and information technology t Computer applications t Computer networking/security t Digital video editing t E-commerce t Geographic information systems (GIS) t Graphic design t Software training/data access t Web design and development Manufacturing t Advanced motion control t Biomedical device t Biotechnology/nanotechnology t Blueprint/CAD t Composite materials engineering t Industrial automation t Lean manufacturing principles t Machining and CNC t Manufacturing design t .BOVGBDUVSJOH 4LJMMT 4UBOEBSET Certification (MSSC) t Metal forming t Plastics t Prototype design t Quality tools t Quick Changeover/setup reduction Quality t Auditor certification t Engineer certification t ISO certification t Manager certification t Six Sigma t Statistical process control Trades and industry t Apparel technologies t Apprenticeships t Architectural design and drafting t Boiler operator t Building contractor continuing education t Construction management t Electrician t Food manager certification t Historic preservation t Heating, ventilating, air conditioning (HVAC) t Plumbing t Welding Transportation t Automotive mechanics t Aviation mechanics t Commercial driver’s license t Diesel t 'MFFU TBGFUZ EFGFOTJWF ESJWJOH t Forklift training t Hazardous material transportation t Mobile equipment t Motorcycle safety t Railroad conductor t Vehicle certification/recertification | 5 HOW CAN CENTERS OF EXCELLENCE F R ME? Universities d an s ge e l ol C e at t “M innesota S a difference in helping us are really making fronts. First and foremost on sever al different for entry-level men and would b e tr aining ting them into the women and attr ac or. The other area manufacturing sect a big help is with our where they’re suchyees. We have to b ecome incumb ent emplo roductive, do more with more and more pb e innovative, and the fewer people and een phenomenal with that.” system has just b etal and Sons Inc., a m ing President, E.J. Ajax — Erick Ajax, Vice ated in Fridley. The company gets tr ain loc . ge ny e pa oll stamping com noka Tec hnical C hnical College and A from Hennepin Tec Businesses and organizations in the fields of health care, manufacturing, engineering, and information technology and security can find state-of-the-art programs and practical research at a Center of Excellence. The centers also provide connections to K-12 schools, colleges and universities, and business and industry. 'PVS $FOUFST PG &YDFMMFODF XFSF FTUBCMJTIFE JO UP IFMQ local economies thrive and position Minnesota for a strong future. A state university leads each center in partnership with community and technical colleges and business and industry. The centers: t 1SPNPUFTUVEFOUJOUFSFTUJODBSFFSTJO health care, manufacturing, engineering, and information technology and security. t %FWFMPQTUVEFOUTXJUITLJMMTUIBUNFFU today’s industry standards. t )FMQ.JOOFTPUBJOEVTUSJFTSFNBJO globally competitive. t "TTJTUDPNQBOJFTUPNFFUDSJUJDBMOFFET through customized training. 6 | 1-800-366-7380 Center of Excellence: Health Care HealthForce Minnesota seeks to increase the number of and the diversity of health care workers, integrate health science education practice and research, and build capacity for education and industry to enhance patient care. Lead Institution: Winona State University Center of Excellence: Engineering and Manufacturing The Center for Engineering and Manufacturing Excellence engages students in science, technology, engineering and math and provides research experts, workforce education, internships, teaching institutes and long-range recruitment strategies. By strengthening the competitive edge of Minnesota’s workforce, the center helps ensure the future strength and vitality of Minnesota’s economy. Lead Institution: Minnesota State University, Mankato Center of Excellence: Manufacturing BOE"QQMJFE&OHJOFFSJOH 5IF¡.BOVGBDUVSJOHBOE"QQMJFE&OHJOFFSJOH Center of Excellence serves manufacturing and engineering industry needs by cultivating a talented workforce through flexible education BOEDBSFFSPQQPSUVOJUJFT1SPHSBNTGPDVTPO applied engineering, engineering technology and precision manufacturing, including automation and robotics, machining and welding. Lead Institution: Bemidji State University Center of Excellence: Strategic Information Technology and Security The Center for Strategic Information Technology and Security creates and delivers information technology expertise for business and offers resources for student networking, internships and career enhancement through collaborative efforts with businesses and other organizations. Lead Institution: Metropolitan State University | 7 SPECIALIZED CENTERS OFFER D SERVICES TAILORE TO SPECIFIC BUSINESS NEEDS A number of colleges and universities have centers that work with businesses in certain specialty areas. A selection of specialized centers is listed at right. “Knowledge mana gement is the onainly s. competitive advanta ge that remtr ained, For us, that means having well-omated empowered employees. The aut echnical tr aining progr am that Anoka Tibuted College helped us create has controductivity to higher quality and greater pr ofitability from employees and increased pr for the company.” all Inc., a Coon Rapids — Maureen Steinwall, CEO of Steinw injection molding company. 8 | 1-800-366-7380 Center for Applied Mechatronics Johnson Center for Virtual Reality Alexandria Technical College Pine Technical College Offers degree programs and customized training in advanced manufacturing technology for companies, primarily in the packaging industry. Its Manufacturing Automation Research Laboratory is the most technologically advanced automation classroom and laboratory in Minnesota, with sophisticated manufacturing hardware, software and networking capacity. Enables and supports the use of computer simulation to improve education and training, promotes economic development and FOIBODFT EFDJTJPO NBLJOH 1SPWJEFT TFSWJDFT BOE QSPEVDUT UIBU develop skills, information and knowledge through immersive virtual reality simulation and serious games. M-Powered Manufacturing Center for Sales Excellence Minnesota State University, Mankato Hennepin Technical College 1SPNPUFT SFDPHOJUJPO BOE BQQSFDJBUJPO PG FYDFMMFODF JO TBMFT and sales management and builds partnerships between the university and the business community. Offers specialized seminars and customized training for sales professionals. Offers a three-phase training program to prepare workers for careers in metal-stamping and sheet metal fabrication, welding and machining/CNC (Computer Numerical Control) operation. Focuses on lower-income job seekers as well as men and women already working in manufacturing who seek advancement. Center for Research and Innovation Marketing Assistance and Research Solutions Bemidji State University/Northwest Technical College Bemidji State University Works to increase collaboration among the university, technical college, business, industry and other sectors of the region by identifying and linking resources to cultivate business opportunities. Serves the northwest Minnesota business community while providing marketing students with hands-on learning. Services include feasibility studies, Internet and exploratory research, focus groups, group interviews, telephone surveys, mail surveys and strategic management analysis. Center for Women Entrepreneurs and Entrepreneurship Education Minnesota Center for Automotive Research Metropolitan State University Minnesota State University, Mankato Offers entrepreneurship education to aspiring and existing CVTJOFTT PXOFST 1SPWJEFT XPNFOT CVTJOFTT FOUFSQSJTF DFSUJöDBUJPO UP female-owned businesses in Minnesota and western Wisconsin. 1SPWJEFT UIF BVUPNPUJWF JOEVTUSZ BOE HPWFSONFOU BHFODJFT XJUI direct assistance in automotive research and product development. Works with manufacturers and others interested in addressing fuel economy and emissions issues. Composite Materials Technology Center Winona State University Southwest Marketing Advisory Center Southwest Minnesota State University Fosters interaction with industry and enhances engineering education through industry-university partnerships. Engineering students work under the direction of faculty and staff. Undertakes projects for companies in composite materials and other industries. XXXTPVUIXFTUNTVFEV4."$ Serves the marketing and research needs of southwest Minnesota while giving students real-world experience in conducting surveys and market research. | 9 10 | 1-800-366-7380 Anoka Technical College 1355 W. Highway 10 Anoka, MN 55303 Business contact: Anoka Technical College Corporate Center COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES DIRECTORY Customized Training Center of Excellence Engineering & Manufacturing Online Prof Dev & Training Bemidji State University 1601 Jefferson St. Alexandria, MN 56308 Business contact: Customized Training Center 1500 Birchmont Drive N.E. Bemidji, MN 56601 Center of Excellence Engineering & Manufacturing Online Prof Dev & Training Veterans Resource Center Career Service Centers The college’s Corporate Center provides customized training in business leadership, manufacturing and building trades, information technology and computer applications, human resources, health care and emergency medical services, and occupational health and safety. Technical career programs include health information technology, surgical technology, manufacturing and construction, automotive technician, business, information technology and horticulture. Entrepreneur courses are available for those who want to start a business. Member of the Minnesota Center for Engineering and Manufacturing Excellence. Alexandria Technical College Customized Training Small Business Dev Center Career Service Centers Business contact: Center for Research and Innovation Specialized Centers Customized Training Center of Excellence Manufacturing & Applied Engineering Online Prof Dev & Training Small Business Dev Center Veterans Resource Center Career Service Centers Specialized Centers The Customized Training Center provides training and education for the incumbent workforce in the areas of manufacturing technology, industrial automation, computer technology, health care, organizational and business development, and continuing education. The college offers more than 50 technical programs in such areas as business technology, computer science, health service, law enforcement, business management, marketing and manufacturing. Member of the Minnesota Center for Engineering and Manufacturing Excellence. Business services include customized training and consulting services in human resources, safety, natural resources, entrepreneurship and marketing assistance; and research, focus groups and surveys. Business and technology majors include accounting, applied engineering, design technology, construction technology, business administration, marketing communication and international studies. An online degree in business administration features emphases in management, marketing or entrepreneurship. Member of the 360° Manufacturing and Applied Engineering Center of Excellence. Anoka-Ramsey Community College Central Lakes College Cambridge, Coon Rapids 11200 Mississippi Blvd. Coon Rapids, MN 55433 Brainerd, Staples 501 W. College Drive Brainerd, MN 56401 Business contact: Continuing Education and Customized Training Business contact: Business and Industry Center XXXDMDNOFEV#64*/% Customized Training Online Prof Dev & Training Small Business Dev Center Veterans Resource Center Career Service Centers Customized business services include training needs assessment, strategic planning, market research, business situation analysis, technology assessment and planning, e-learning design and development, and sales support and training. Degrees and certificates in medical devices and biomedical technology; accounting, management and marketing; computer science, networking and telecommunications; and nursing, physical therapist assistant and charge nurse leadership. Training and programs in lean manufacturing, geographic information systems, biomedical device manufacturing, information technology, Web design, small business development and manufacturing technology. Customized Training Center of Excellence Manufacturing & Applied Engineering Online Prof Dev & Training Small Business Dev Center Small Business Management Ed Veterans Career Service Resource Center Centers Customized training and continuing education programs emphasize lean manufacturing, business leadership and management, and retraining or cross-training tailored to meet business and industry needs. The college’s majors include robotics and automated systems, nursing, business, marketing, welding, horticulture, marine and small engine technology, automotive technology, heavy equipment, photo imaging technology, communication art and design, machine trades and drafting. Small Business Development Center on campus. Member of the 360° Manufacturing and Applied Engineering Center of Excellence. | 1 1 Century College Hennepin Technical College 3300 Century Ave. N. White Bear Lake, MN 55110 Brooklyn Park, Eden Prairie 9000 Brooklyn Blvd. Brooklyn Park, MN 55445 Business contact: Continuing Education and Customized Training Customized Training Online Prof Dev & Training Career Service Centers Business services include professional development and workforce training in business skills, health care, leadership and ethics, language and culture, information technologies and trades. Other services include designing and developing e-learning programs and producing multimedia presentations for training and promotions. Also available are short-term, entry-level training for nursing assistants and other allied health workers; apprenticeship training in the building trades; and cross-cultural training in supervision and customer service. Dakota County Technical College 1300 145th St. E. Rosemount, MN 55068 Online Prof Dev & Training Small Business Dev Center Veterans Resource Center Career Service Centers Fond du Lac Tribal & Community College 2101 14th St. Cloquet, MN 55720 Veterans Resource Center | Online Prof Dev & Training Veterans Resource Center Career Service Centers Specialized Centers Business services encompass customized training in computer applications and information technology, construction and building trades, audio records, environmental health and safety, food service, manufacturing and professional development. Manufacturing and engineering technology majors include automated robotics engineering, electronics, machine tools, engineering computer-assisted design, plastics manufacturing, welding and metal fabrication. Training also offered in industrial and occupational safety, emergency medical services, fire protection and emergency management. Member of the Minnesota Center for Engineering and Manufacturing Excellence. Business contact: $FOUFSGPS1SPGFTTJPOBMBOE8PSLGPSDF%FWFMPQNFOU Customized Training Center of Excellence Strategic Information Tech & Security Online Prof Dev & Training Veterans Resource Center Career Service Centers Business services include customized training and courses in health care, medical office services, information technology, computer network technology, IP telephony, information technology instruction, business communication, supervision and management, Six Sigma and quality management. The network technology and security degree program is accredited by the National Security Agency. One of only seven Cisco network security training centers in the United States and Canada. Member of the Center of Excellence for Strategic Information Technology and Security. 1-800-366-7380 2101 Trinity Road Duluth, MN 55811 Business contact: Workforce and Community Development Career Service Centers Leadership and workforce development training is offered in partnership with Developmental Dimensions International, a private human resources consulting company. The college has unique technical programs in geographic information systems and visualization and clean energy technology. Associate-level business degrees include certificate programs in finance, entrepreneurship and management. Online bachelor’s degree in business, offered with Bemidji State University, gives students one-onone support from college faculty. Small business incubator provides space for student and community entrepreneurs. 12 Engineering & Manufacturing Lake Superior College Business contact: Customized Training and Continuing Education Online Prof Dev & Training Center of Excellence 2500 E. 80th St. Inver Grove Heights, MN 55076 Business and management training is offered in topics such as leadership, customer service, conflict resolution, and occupational Spanish and multicultural supervision. Transportation training on a state-of-the-art 2.8-mile driving course builds comprehensive skills that reduce liability and increase safety. Public safety instructors provide emergency response driving and other training to law enforcement, fire service and emergency response agencies. Information technology offers classes and training in applications ranging from CCNA and Java to Microsoft certification. Automated manufacturing skills training prepares individuals for work in the medical, industrial, energy and mechatronic fields. Customized Training Customized Training Inver Hills Community College Business contact: Customized Training Customized Training Business contact: Customized Training Services Customized Training Online Prof Dev & Training Veterans Resource Center Career Service Centers Business services range from customized training in lean health care, lean manufacturing, and leadership and performance management to continuing education programs in customer service and other professional development subjects. One-year certification programs are offered in electronics, integrated manufacturing, computer program and Web development, health insurance billing and medical office careers. Shorterterm certificates in computer and health care programs also are offered. Metropolitan State University Minnesota State Community & Technical College St. Paul, Minneapolis 700 Seventh St. E. St. Paul, MN 55106-5000 Detroit Lakes, Fergus Falls, Moorhead, Wadena 1900 28th Ave. S. Moorhead, MN 56560 Business contact: College of Management Training and Development Center Business contact: Custom Training Services Customized Training Center of Excellence Online Prof Dev & Training Strategic Information Tech & Security Veterans Resource Center Career Service Centers Customized Training Specialized Centers Business services include customized continuing education workshops in human resources, finance, international business, marketing and information technology. Business owners can take courses in entrepreneurship and marketing, technology, and risk management and insurance. College of Management undergraduate majors include business administration, human resource management, international business, accounting, finance, economics, management and marketing. Certifications include diversity, financial planning and project management. Graduate programs include business administration, public and nonprofit management, and management information systems. Member of the Center for Strategic Information Technology and Security. 1501 Hennepin Ave. Minneapolis, MN 55403 Business contact: Education and Customized Training Center of Excellence Health Care Center of Excellence Center of Excellence Manufacturing & Applied Engineering Strategic Information Tech & Security Online Prof Dev & Training Veterans Career Service Resource Center Centers Red Wing, Winona 1250 Homer Road Winona, MN 55987 Business contact: Center for Custom Training and Education Health Care Online Prof Dev & Training Small Business Dev Center Veterans Resource Center Minnesota State University, Mankato 315 Wigley Administration Center Mankato, MN 56001 Career Service Centers Center of Excellence Online Prof Dev & Training Engineering & Manufacturing Veterans Career Service Resource Center Centers Specialized Centers Continuing education and professional development are offered online and at several sites, including full undergraduate and graduate programs at 7700 France in Edina. Strategic Business Partnerships Office develops and enhances partnerships that allow students and faculty to counsel, train and solve problems for businesses and other organizations. Organizational Effectiveness Research Group offers resources and consulting in employee selection, training and development. Minnesota Center for Automotive Research helps manufacturers address alternative fuels, fuel economy and emissions. Member of the Minnesota Center for Engineering and Manufacturing Excellence. Minnesota State University Moorhead 1104 7th Ave. S. Moorhead, MN 56563 Business contact: Continuing Studies/Customized Education & Training Minnesota State College-Southeast Technical Center of Excellence Career Service Centers Customized training specializes in workforce development for northwest region industries and, via online services, throughout Minnesota. Services include marketing and sales management; computer skills; continuing education in health care; fire training; industrial maintenance; lean processes in health, educational services and manufacturing; marine engine technology and boat rigging; and welding. The college delivers corporate college degrees and certificates in supervision, maintenance and product design to employees at BTD Manufacturing, Marvin Windows and Doors, and the Schwan Food Company. Customized Training Business services in manufacturing and trades, information technology and computer applications, business, health and human services, and service careers. Provides curriculum design, e-learning development and learning management systems integration services. Low-income worker initiatives, created by public and private partnerships, provide entry-level manufacturing and career training in construction trades. State-of-theart training and conference center in downtown Minneapolis. Member of three Centers of Excellence: HealthForce Minnesota, the Center for Strategic Information Technology and Security, and the 360° Center for Manufacturing and Applied Engineering. Customized Training Veterans Resource Center Business contact: Extended Learning Minneapolis Community & Technical College Customized Training Online Prof Dev & Training Customized Training Minnesota Workforce Centers Business services encompass customized training and continuing education courses in human resource management, computer applications, nursing and health care, building trades, industrial operations and safety. Trade and industrial majors include automotive; carpentry; machine tool and die; welding; truck driving; and heating, air conditioning and ventilation. Among technical majors are drafting, electronics, computer programming and networking with Cisco and Microsoft certification. The college is an accredited distance learning institution offering online classes, certificates, diplomas and degrees. Member of the HealthForce Minnesota Center of Excellence. Online Prof Dev & Training Small Business Dev Center Career Service Veterans Centers Resource Center Business services include customized education and training in supply chain management, organization and leadership development, conference services, Franklin Covey workshops, real estate training and nonprofit organization training. Dale Carnegie leadership training is offered for professional growth and academic credit. Advanced training is offered in biochemistry and biotechnology industries, developed with local companies and other partners. Majors include biochemistry and biotechnology, construction and operations management, business management, marketing, accounting, mass communications and computer science. | 13 Minnesota West Community & Technical College Northeast Higher Education District: Canby, Granite Falls, Jackson, Pipestone, Worthington Central Information Center P.O. Box 250, 1314 N. Hiawatha Ave. Pipestone, MN 56164 Business contact: Customized Training Services Hibbing Community College 1515 E. 25th St. Hibbing, MN 55746 Customized Online Prof Dev & Training Training Itasca Community College Small Business Veterans Career Service Centers Management Ed Resource Center Businesses services through customized training and continuing education include computer technology, fire and rescue, health, management and leadership, manufacturing and applied technology. Unique programs in renewable energy, biofuel and wind energy technology are designed to meet emerging industry demand. Majors include business, management, computer engineering and networking, information security and building trades. Robotics program prepares technicians for work in automated manufacturing. Personalized training for small businesses and farm businesses. 1851 E. Highway 169 Grand Rapids, MN 55744 Eveleth, Virginia 1001 Chestnut St. W. Virginia, MN 55792 Business contact: Continuing Education and Customized Training Center for Applied Learning Customized Training Center of Excellence Health Care Center of Excellence Engineering & Manufacturing Online Prof Dev & Training Career Service Veterans Centers Resource Center Business services include continuing education and customized training in quality and process improvement, supervision and management, information technology, computer applications, leadership and organizational development, health care and workplace wellness, and languages including occupational and conversational Spanish language training. Certifications are offered in human resource management, information technology, health care, and quality and process improvement. College programs include business marketing and management, bioscience, engineering, nanotechnology, hospitality management and dietetic technology. Member of two Centers of Excellence: HealthForce Minnesota and the Minnesota Center for Engineering and Manufacturing Excellence. North Hennepin Community College FYU Business contact: Continuing Education and Customized Training Center FYU Mesabi Range Community & Technical College Normandale Community College 9700 France Ave. S. Bloomington, MN 55431 Business contact: Continuing Education and Customized Training Center Business contact: Continuing Education and Customized Training Center Rainy River Community College 1501 Highway 71 International Falls, MN 56649 Business contact: Continuing Education and Customized Training Center Vermilion Community College 1900 E. Camp St. Ely, MN 55731 Business contact: Ely Economic and Technology Center XXXWDDFEVEFQBSUNFOUTDFDU1"(&4DTUNUSOHIUNM 7411 85th Ave. N. Brooklyn Park, MN 55445 Business contact: Adult Education and Training – Continuing Education and Customized Training Customized Training Online Prof Dev & Training Career Service Veterans Centers Resource Center Business services include credit and noncredit classes, certificates and degree programs designed for business. Noncredit continuing education options include business management and supervision, accounting, leadership development, human resources, project management and business communication, computer applications, Web design and development, bioscience and communications. Credit options include business management, business computer systems and management, computer science, accounting, marketing and sales, e-commerce, construction management, operations management, public works, building inspection technology, nursing, noninvasive cardiology technology, chemical technology, medical laboratory technology and histotechnology. 14 | 1-800-366-7380 Customized Training Center of Excellence Engineering & Manufacturing Online Prof Dev & Training Career Service Veterans Centers Resource Center Minnesota Workforce Centers Business services at this consortium of five state colleges include customized training in lean manufacturing and lean health care, management and leadership development, industrial maintenance, information technology, health care, computer training, mine safety and health, emergency medical services, occupational and environmental safety and health, customer services, organizational development, computer and business productivity, and starting a business. Majors include industrial technology-mining, electrical maintenance and construction, nursing, culinary arts, multimedia specialist, pulp and paper technology, industrial technology, and electrical and industrial automation technology. Member of the Minnesota Center for Engineering and Manufacturing Excellence. Northland Community & Technical College Ridgewater College East Grand Forks, Thief River Falls 1101 Highway 1 E. Thief River Falls, MN 56701 Hutchinson, Willmar 2102 15th Ave. N.W., P.O. Box 1097 Willmar, MN 56201 Business contact: Center for Outreach and Innovation Business contact: Center for Customized and Continuing Education Customized Training Center of Excellence Manufacturing & Applied Engineering Online Prof Dev & Training Small Business Management Ed Minnesota Career Service Veterans Workforce Centers Centers Resource Center Customized Center of Excellence Health Care Training Online Prof Dev & Training Small Business Management Ed Veterans Career Service Minnesota Resource Center Centers Workforce Centers Business and workforce development services include lean manufacturing training and lean health training to ensure a lean transition, eliminate waste and carry out strategic plans; strength-based leadership training to expand talents while enhancing team effectiveness; safety training related to mines, first aid, CPR, fire and EMT; computer training; complementary and alternative medicine; nursing assistant; and welding certifications. Corporate programs include robotics, electronics and manufacturing. Member of the 360° Manufacturing and Applied Engineering Center of Excellence. Business services range from business and professional development to computer training and workplace safety training. Trade, manufacturing and industry training encompasses instruction in areas such as manufacturing, welding, nondestructive testing, stationary steam boiler operations, occupational safety and health, and drafting and design. Mobile simulation lab enhances workplace safety and emergency medical services training with instruction in ambulance emergency room bays. Emergency medical services program can train employees to serve as first responders. Member of the HealthForce Minnesota Center of Excellence. Northwest Technical College Riverland Community College 905 Grant Ave. S.E. Bemidji, MN 56601 Business contact: Center for Research and Innovation-Custom College Customized Training Center of Excellence Manufacturing & Applied Engineering Online Prof Dev & Training Career Service Veterans Centers Resource Center Specialized Centers Albert Lea, Austin 1900 8th Ave. N.W. Austin, MN 55912 Business contact: Training and Development FYU Customized Center of Excellence Center of Excellence Manufacturing & Health Care Training Applied Engineering Business services range from customized training in lean manufacturing, project management, and leadership and management training to welding, computer-aided design and technical writing. A registered nursing program is offered through distance education. Other programs include medical practices, office management, and residential plumbing, heating, ventilating and air conditioning. A state-of-the-art modular training lab develops skills in industrial technologies. Unique programs in high-performance engine machining and industrial model making. Member of the 360° Manufacturing and Applied Engineering Center of Excellence. Pine Technical College 900 4th St. S.E. Pine City, MN 55063 Center of Excellence Health Care Small Business Career Service Centers Management Ed Minnesota Workforce Centers Business services include continuing education courses in computer applications, health, leadership and management, industrial safety, and trade and industry. Training is offered in automated manufacturing and lean health care in collaboration with other institutions. The college operates a state-of-the-art health science simulation lab for instructing nurses, radiographers and pharmacy technicians. Career programs include accounting, business, business and office technology, construction, computer technology, manufacturing and transportation. Some training is also available at Owatonna College and University Center. Member of two Centers of Excellence: HealthForce Minnesota and 360° Manufacturing and Applied Engineering. Rochester Community & Technical College Business contact: Customized Training and Continuing Education Customized Training Online Prof Dev & Training Center of Excellence Manufacturing & Applied Engineering Online Prof Dev & Training Veterans Resource Center Career Service Centers Specialized Centers Business services include training in industrial technology, information technology and management education. The virtual reality center provides training in virtual reality simulations and serious games. The college offers certified composite technician training as the only Midwest academic partner for the American Composites Manufacturers Association. Technical programs include automotive technology, administrative careers, accounting, computer and information sciences, nursing and human services. Member of two Centers of Excellence: HealthForce Minnesota and 360° Manufacturing and Applied Engineering. 851 30th Ave. S.E. Rochester, MN 55904 Business contact: Business and Workforce Education ( Customized Center of Excellence Health Care Training Online Prof Dev & Training Small Business Dev Center Veterans Career Service Resource Center Centers The Business and Workforce Education division supports the workforce of the greater Rochester area with programs designed to meet employer and incumbent worker training and retraining needs. Diverse training is provided in open enrollment, customized and distance-learning classes in computer training, nursing, professional development, entrepreneurship, and career and technical areas. The college is a leader in Internet-based training for the home health care and hospice industry through an academic based e-learning system known as RCTCLEARN.NET. Member of the HealthForce Minnesota Center of Excellence. | 15 St. Cloud State University 720 4th Ave. S. St. Cloud, MN 56301 South Central College Faribault, North Mankato 1920 Lee Blvd. North Mankato, MN 56003 Business contact: Center for Continuing Studies Customized Training Online Prof Dev & Training Small Business Dev Center Veterans Resource Center Business contact: Center for Business, *OEVTUSZBOE1VCMJD4FSWJDF Career Service Centers Business services feature customized training through the Center for Continuing Studies. Certificates in management, supervision and leadership are available. Other training that can be tailored to business needs includes information assurance and security, strategic planning for managers, computer programming, information technology, mechanical and manufacturing engineering, mediation and dispute resolution, assessment and appraisal, and aviation instrumentation training. Programs include marketing, mass communications, management and finance, small business management, statistics, nuclear medical technology and radiologic technology. St. Cloud Technical College 1540 Northway Drive St. Cloud, MN 56303 Business contact: Customized Training and Education Center Customized Training Center of Excellence Manufacturing & Applied Engineering Online Prof Dev & Training Veterans Resource Center Career Service Centers Minnesota Workforce Centers Business services include customized training in trade and industry, transportation, health and career development. Courses range from sales skills, supervisory management training and organizational management training to basic manufacturing and safety regulations. Health training covers long-term-care nursing, certified nursing associate programs and home health care training. Programs include architectural construction technology, electrical construction technology and unique programs in sonography, cardiovascular technology, land surveying and civil engineering. Member of the 360° Manufacturing and Applied Engineering Center of Excellence. Saint Paul College 235 Marshall Ave. St. Paul, MN 55102 Business contact: Customized Training and Consulting Customized Training Center of Excellence Manufacturing & Applied Engineering Online Prof Dev & Training Career Service Centers Business services include customized training in lean-flow processes for manufacturing, health care and office administration; Web development; technical writing; and Minnesota Job Skills Partnership grant development. Training programs address management leadership, customer service, manufacturing technology processes including CNC and welding, entrepreneurial development and software training. Consulting services available in customized job profiles, training needs assessment, employee evaluation and succession planning. Leading-edge programs in “Green Manufacturing” and “Green Construction” using LEED standards are available through the college’s Integrated Green certification program. Member of the 360° Manufacturing and Applied Engineering Center of Excellence. 16 | 1-800-366-7380 Customized Training Center of Excellence Engineering & Manufacturing Online Prof Dev & Training Small Business Management Ed Career Service Centers Veterans Resource Center Customized training covers production and inventory control; quality and performance improvement; emergency medical service; business development and technology; motorcycle safety, transport and fleet defensive driving and public safety; construction safety and OSHA safety and health; food safety management; employee growth and management development; industry and manufacturing training; and nursing and prenursing education including health care simulation. The college also provides mobile unit training: trench rescue, confined space, ventilation, rapid intervention team and grain bin rescue. Member of the Minnesota Center for Engineering and Manufacturing Excellence. Southwest Minnesota State University 1501 State St. Marshall, MN 56258 Business contact: Customized Training and Education Solutions Customized Training Online Prof Dev & Training Small Business Dev Center Small Business Management Ed Career Service Veterans Centers Resource Center Specialized Centers Southwest Minnesota State University is a partner in the Customized Training and Education Solutions, or CTES, regional alliance with Minnesota West Community and Technical College and Ridgewater College. The alliance offers a full line of customized training and education services. The university contributes expertise in its areas of academic focus. Bachelor’s degrees in business administration and management are available through distance learning. Campus bachelor’s degree programs include culinology, which combines culinary arts and food science; agronomy; and professional writing and communication in areas including manufacturing, advertising and technical writing. Winona State University P.O. Box 5838 Winona, MN 55987 Business contact: Outreach and Continuing Education Customized Training Center of Excellence Health Care Online Prof Dev & Training Veterans Resource Center Career Service Centers Specialized Centers Customized training covers manufacturing, business services and health care. Manufacturing training encompasses composite materials engineering, lean manufacturing and manufacturing design. The business curriculum focuses on leadership, customer service and sales training. Health care training includes lean thinking and project management. The university’s programs include computer science, business administration and mass communication. The unique undergraduate program in composite materials engineering produces graduates for manufacturers in southeast Minnesota and across the United States. Member of the HealthForce Minnesota Center of Excellence. | 1 7 Metro Southwest Southeast LOOKING FOR EES? NEW EMPLOY STA RT HERE. Agricultural & Food Industries Agricultural Business & Production Agricultural Science & Technology Culinary Arts & Food Service Farm Business Management Food Processing Safety Food Sciences Horticulture, Landscaping & Greenhouse Veterinary Technology Alternative Energy & Natural Resources Alternative/Renewable Energy Technologies Water Quality Technologies Wind Energy Mechanics Architecture & Construction The program grids on these pages indicate which colleges and universities offer academic programs in areas related to business. Use these grids to find colleges and universities that produce graduates in the fields related to your business or industry. Your current employees also might want to enroll in a program to gain new skills or advance their careers. A program is a set of credit courses leading to a certificate, diploma or degree. Many certificate programs can be completed in less than a year; an associate degree usually takes two or more years to complete, and a bachelor’s degree generally takes four or more years. Some business-related programs are available entirely or largely online. To learn more about online programs, go to or call the Business Information Center, 1-800-366-7380, to talk with someone who can answer your questions. /PU BMM PG UIF TZTUFNT NPSF UIBO QSPHSBNT BSF MJTUFE here. To find more go to and click on “programs.” To learn more about a college or university, see college BOE VOJWFSTJUZ QSPöMFT CFHJOOJOH PO 1BHF 18 | 1-800-366-7380 Building Inspection Cabinetmaking & Finishing Trades Carpentry & Building Trades Concrete/Masonry/Bricklaying Construction Management Electric Utility Technology Electrical Lineworker Electrician & Electrical Maintenance Heating, Ventilating, Air Conditioning & Refrigeration Heavy Equipment Operation Interior Design Ironworker Plumbing/Pipe Fitting Power Generation & Distribution Business & Management Accounting Administrative Assistant & Support Business Administration & Management Cosmetology, Manicurist & Barbering Customer Service/Call Center Entrepreneurship Finance Hotel, Restaurant & Casino Operations Human Resources Management Insurance International Business Marketing & Sales Quality Improvement Real Estate/Property Management Restaurant & Food Services Management Small Business Management Metro Area St. Cloud State Univ. St. Cloud Technical Central Central Lakes, Brainerd Central Lakes, Staples Pine, Pine City Northeast Alexandria Anoka-Ramsey, Cambridge Northwest Central Anoka-Ramsey, Coon Rapids Anoka Technical, Anoka Century, White Bear Lake Dakota County, Rosemount Regions Map Online Southwest Minnesota West, Pipestone Minnesota West, Worthington Ridgewater, Hutchinson Ridgewater, Willmar Southwest Minn. State Univ. Southeast Minnesota West, Canby Minnesota West, Granite Falls Minnesota West, Jackson Northwest Minnesota State Univ., Mankato MSC-SE Technical, Red Wing MSC-SE Technical, Winona Riverland, Albert Lea Riverland, Austin Rochester South Central, Faribault South Central, North Mankato Winona State Univ. Northland, East Grand Forks Northland, Thief River Falls Northwest, Bemidji Bemidji State Univ. Minnesota State CTC, Detroit Lakes Minnesota State CTC, Fergus Falls Minnesota State CTC, Moorhead Minnesota State CTC, Wadena Minnesota State Univ. Moorhead NE - Vermilion, Ely Fond du Lac, Cloquet Lake Superior, Duluth NE - Hibbing NE - Itasca, Grand Rapids NE - Mesabi Range, Eveleth NE - Mesabi Range, Virginia NE - Rainy River, International Falls Hennepin, Brooklyn Park Hennepin, Eden Prairie Inver Hills, Inver Grove Heights Metropolitan State Univ. Minneapolis Normandale, Bloomington North Hennepin, Brooklyn Park Saint Paul Northeast | 1 9 Metro Southwest Southeast Engineering & Engineering Technology Biomedical Equipment Technology Communication System Installation/Repair Drafting - Architectural, Electrical & Mechanical Engineering - Civil & Surveying Engineering - Composite Materials Engineering - Computer Engineering - Electrical Engineering - General Engineering - Manufacturing Engineering - Mechanical Engineering Management Engineering Technology - Electronic Fluid Power (Hydraulic/Pneumatics) Geographical Information Systems (GIS) Nanotechnology Nondestructive Testing Robotics/Instrumentation Technology Telecommunications/Wireless Technology Health Care Biomedical Technology/Clinical Research Biotechnology/Biochemistry Cardiovascular Technology Cytotechnology Dental Assistant Dental Hygienist Dental Office Support EMT - Basic or First Responder EMT - Paramedic Health Information Technology Health Services Administration Health Unit Coordinator Hemodialysis Histotechnology Medical Administrative Assistant Medical Assistant Medical Coding Specialist Medical Technology/Clinical Lab Science Medical Transcription Neurophysiology Technology Nuclear Medical Technology Nursing Nursing - Administration Nursing - Advanced Practice Nursing - Assistant/Home Health Aide Nursing - Practical Nutrition & Dietetic Technology Occupational Safety Occupational Therapy Assistant Phlebotomy Physical Therapy Assistant Radiologic Technology Respiratory Therapy Sonography Surgical Technology 20 | 1-800-366-7380 Metro Area St. Cloud State Univ. St. Cloud Technical Central Central Lakes, Brainerd Central Lakes, Staples Pine, Pine City Northeast Alexandria Anoka-Ramsey, Cambridge Northwest Central Anoka-Ramsey, Coon Rapids Anoka Technical, Anoka Century, White Bear Lake Dakota County, Rosemount Regions Map Online Southwest Southwest Minn. State Univ. Southeast Minnesota West, Canby Minnesota West, Granite Falls Minnesota West, Jackson Minnesota West, Pipestone Minnesota West, Worthington Ridgewater, Hutchinson Ridgewater, Willmar Northwest Minnesota State Univ., Mankato MSC-SE Technical, Red Wing MSC-SE Technical, Winona Riverland, Albert Lea Riverland, Austin Rochester South Central, Faribault South Central, North Mankato Winona State Univ. Northland, East Grand Forks Northland, Thief River Falls Northwest, Bemidji Minnesota State CTC, Detroit Lakes Minnesota State CTC, Fergus Falls Minnesota State CTC, Moorhead Minnesota State CTC, Wadena Minnesota State Univ. Moorhead Bemidji State Univ. NE - Vermilion, Ely Fond du Lac, Cloquet Lake Superior, Duluth NE - Hibbing NE - Itasca, Grand Rapids NE - Mesabi Range, Eveleth NE - Mesabi Range, Virginia NE - Rainy River, International Falls Hennepin, Brooklyn Park Hennepin, Eden Prairie Inver Hills, Inver Grove Heights Metropolitan State Univ. Minneapolis Normandale, Bloomington North Hennepin, Brooklyn Park Saint Paul Northeast | 2 1 Metro Southwest Southeast Information Technology Computer Engineering Technology Computer Networking Computer Programming Computer Science & Information Systems Computer Security & Forensics/IT Auditing Computer Software Applications Computer Technology & Support Services Database Technologies & Administration Management Information Systems Web Design, Development & Visualization Webmaster & Web Administration Manufacturing, Maintenance & Repair Apparel & Textile Manufacturing Heavy Equipment Maintenance Heavy Equipment Maintenance - Mining Industrial Maintenance Machining Major Appliance Repair Manufacturing & Industrial Technology Plastics Technology Sheet Metal Welding Media & Communications Advertising Digital Arts, Computer Animation & Multimedia Graphic Design & Visual Communications Printing & Prepress Transportation & Distribution Auto Body Repair Aviation Maintenance/Avionics Aviation Management & Airway Science Mechanic - Auto Technician Mechanic - Diesel Engine/Truck Mechanic - Marine, Motor Sports & Small Engine Truck Driving 22 | 1-800-366-7380 Metro Area St. Cloud State Univ. St. Cloud Technical Central Central Lakes, Brainerd Central Lakes, Staples Pine, Pine City Northeast Alexandria Anoka-Ramsey, Cambridge Northwest Central Anoka-Ramsey, Coon Rapids Anoka Technical, Anoka Century, White Bear Lake Dakota County, Rosemount Regions Map Online Southwest Southwest Minn. State Univ. Southeast Minnesota West, Canby Minnesota West, Granite Falls Minnesota West, Jackson Minnesota West, Pipestone Minnesota West, Worthington Ridgewater, Hutchinson Ridgewater, Willmar Northwest Minnesota State Univ., Mankato MSC-SE Technical, Red Wing MSC-SE Technical, Winona Riverland, Albert Lea Riverland, Austin Rochester South Central, Faribault South Central, North Mankato Winona State Univ. Northland, East Grand Forks Northland, Thief River Falls Northwest, Bemidji Minnesota State CTC, Detroit Lakes Minnesota State CTC, Fergus Falls Minnesota State CTC, Moorhead Minnesota State CTC, Wadena Minnesota State Univ. Moorhead Bemidji State Univ. NE - Vermilion, Ely Fond du Lac, Cloquet Lake Superior, Duluth NE - Hibbing NE - Itasca, Grand Rapids NE - Mesabi Range, Eveleth NE - Mesabi Range, Virginia NE - Rainy River, International Falls Hennepin, Brooklyn Park Hennepin, Eden Prairie Inver Hills, Inver Grove Heights Metropolitan State Univ. Minneapolis Normandale, Bloomington North Hennepin, Brooklyn Park Saint Paul Northeast | 2 3 MORE RESOURCES AND OPPORTUNITIES FOR BUSINESSES AND ORGANIZATIONS at our “The Lean Flow tr aining thtremely valuable employees got has beeen exin health care a e for helping us see wast inate it. Saint and ways to reduce or elithme Lean Flow Paul College customized actly what we curriculum to provide eexhave gone through needed. Employees who ry excited about the tr aining have been ve n more.” it, and they want to lear Director, Business Process — Cara Hull, Administrative re System, St. Paul Improvement, HealthEast Ca Grants for employee training *O .JOOFTPUB FNQMPZFST JO QBSUOFSTIJQ XJUI UIF Minnesota State Colleges and Universities, were awarded 35 HSBOUT UPUBMJOH NJMMJPO UP USBJO NPSF UIBO XPSLFST UISPVHI UIF .JOOFTPUB +PC 4LJMMT 1BSUOFSTIJQ QSPHSBN The program, operated by the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development, pairs at least one Minnesota educational institution and one business. A cash or in-kind contribution from the contributing business must match program funds on at least a 1-to-1 basis . 5P öOE PVU XIFUIFS UIF .JOOFTPUB +PC 4LJMMT 1BSUOFSTIJQ program meets your needs, contact the customized training or continuing education office of any of the Minnesota State $PMMFHFT BOE 6OJWFSTJUJFT TFF EJSFDUPSZ CFHJOOJOH PO 1BHF or call 1-800-366-7380. “M idwave’s involvement the Center of Excellence forr Strategicwith In Tec hnology and Security gives formation opppportunityy to have a direct us an students. Our employees ar impact on students, and we have been e mentoring supporting a collegeg Cyyber Defense compe participate on the Center pof tition. We A dvisoryy Board, and we have Excellence sc holarships to 10 sttuuddeennttss ea begun awardid ng We’re passionate about gettin ch semester. increasing opportunities for stg involved and udents.” - Jim Leslie, CEO, M 24 | idwave Corp., Eden Pr 1-800-366-7380 air ie Conference and meeting space Need space for a meeting? Some colleges and universities offer classroom and meeting spaces with built-in technologies that make an ideal setting for your next business meeting, seminar or group gathering. Contact a college or university EJSFDUMZ TFF EJSFDUPSZ CFHJOOJOH PO 1BHF UP öOE PVU BCPVU space availability. How can I get involved? Business and industry representatives play important roles in helping the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities shape training and education programs. Here are some ways to get involved: Serve on an advisory committee. Many business- and industry-related programs at the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities have advisory committees of business and industry representatives. These volunteers help shape the programs to meet the needs of employers. Advisory committees generally meet one to four times a year. Share your expertise. Do you have expertise that you would like to share with others? The Minnesota State Colleges and Universities continually seek guest speakers and customized training instructors in a variety of areas. Donate funds or equipment. The colleges and universities are happy to accept donations of money or equipment that can be used to train students and employees on industry-specific technologies. Provide scholarships. Help a student attend college by giving to a scholarship fund or establishing a scholarship in a particular field of study. Even a few hundred dollars can make a difference to a student. Scholarship donations are tax deductible. To get involved, contact the college or university directly. 8FMMT'BSHP1MBDF UI4U&4VJUF 4U1BVM./ Upon request, this document is available in alternative formats by calling one of these numbers: 1IPOF 5PMMGSFF 55: The Minnesota State Colleges and Universities system is an Equal Opportunity employer and educator. #PBSEPG5SVTUFFT David Olson, chair Ruth Grendahl, vice chair Scott Thiss, treasurer Duane Benson Cheryl Dickson Jacob Englund Clarence Hightower Allyson Lueneburg Dan McElroy %BWJE1BTLBDI Thomas Renier Christine Rice Louise Sundin Terri Thomas James Van Houten Chancellor: James McCormick 9/2008 | 25 ww w.b usin ess. mn scu. edu 1-800-366-7380