The Paris Marines & the Dogs of the Devil

Official Publication of the Marine Embassy Guard Association
Mission of the
Marine Embassy
Guard Association
To inspire love of Corps and
To encourage Marines to
aspire to a career in the Marine
Security Guard program
To render aid to Marines and
others when in need
To promote camaraderie and
esprit de corps
To provide a forum in which to
assemble for social interaction
To serve as a catalyst for
communications on matters of
mutual interest
To revere the memory of our
departed shipmates
To assist in preserving the
historical records of Marine
Security Guards and their
To perform any other lawful
purpose or purposes
Fall 2010
The Paris Marines
& the
Dogs of the Devil
By Larry Martin (Paris, FR 65-67)
The success of former MSG Marines is largely due to
upholding the tenants of duty, honor, In the 1960s,
the Paris Embassy Marine Guard Detachment was
the second largest in the world. Only Saigon, South
Viet-Nam was larger. Of course there was a war
going on in South Viet-Nam. The Paris detachment
included a CO, a NCO and some 37 watch-standers.
The Paris Marines were responsible for security at five
embassy buildings and two buildings belonging to the
U. S. Political Delegation to NATO (North Atlantic
Treaty Organization). NATO was originally located
in Paris but moved to Brussels, Belgium in 1967.
The detachment also served as a sort of supernumerary
for Europe and Paris Marines were routinely sent on
temporary duty assignments to assist other posts that
were short handed.
Dr. Lawrence (Larry) Martin
is a professor of public
affairs at the University of
Central Florida in Orlando.
From August 1965 to
December 1967, Sergeant
Martin was an MSG
assigned to the American
Embassy Paris, France and
the U. S. Political Delegation
to NATO (North Atlantic
Treaty Organization) also
located in Paris.
From the perspective of a watch-stander, the Talleyrand
Building (constructed in 1769) was the most interesting building of all.
It was on the French registry of historic places, having once been the official
residency of Charles Maurice de Talleyrand, foreign minister to two French kings
as well as Napoleon. The Talleyrand building had also served as the headquarters of
the Marshall Plan created in the aftermath of World War II to help Europe rebuild.
Its architecture was like something out of a gothic horror novel; old, dark, musty,
cold and creepy. The main elevator would go up and down by itself at night when
no one was around. Motion sensors in secure rooms would go off for no apparent
reason. The building’s basement contained prison cells with graffiti dating back
200 years. Most unsettling were the old hardwood floors that had the habit of
compressing when you walked on it then decompressing later. So if you walked
down a hallway, about two minutes later you would hear your own footsteps as the
boards decompressed and popped back into place. Finally, there was the disconcerting number of mirrors placed here and there throughout the building, but in
particular at the end of all the hallways.
continued on page 4
Chairman’s Corner
hold elected, or appointed, office for a period of five (5) years
from the date of their resignation. However, the Board of
Directors by an affirmative vote of two-thirds (2/3) may
waive the five (5) year period, for good cause shown.
Greetings Fellow MEGA Members
I hope everyone enjoyed the summer with all the activities
and holidays that go along with it. As the weather cools we
move into new seasons, schedules and activities. The holidays
will be upon us and we’ll wonder where the year has gone.
621 were mailed out to the membership. 224 valid ballots
were returned reflecting a 37.3% of the membership. Of the
224 ballots returned, 205 (91.5%) reflected a YES vote (for
the change) and 19 (8.5%) reflected a NO vote.
Congratulations and well done, to Membership Chairman
Bill McClure and Secretary Kevin Hermening, as well as or
resident printer Chuck Moseman on the design and implementation of a new membership card. Distribution will
follow very soon.
MEGA 2011 Reunion Report
Chuck Norris, Reunion Chair
Next month as we all know is our beloved Corps’ birthday.
Two hundred and thirty-five years of defending our great
country against all who would do us harm. At the time of
my submission for the MEGA news letter the Commandants
message was not available, but I’m sure it will accessible on
the MEGA website immediately after its release.
Planning for the 2011 Reunion is well underway. We are
returning to the Town & Country Resort and Convention
Center, San Diego, CA; site of the 2008 Reunion. This was
one of the best locations and facilities that we’ve had for our
annual reunion. The Town & Country, is within walking
distance of the Red Line mass transit system, which runs
throughout the Greater San Diego area. It’s also an easy walk
to one of the finest shopping malls in Southern California.
There are excellent restaurants both on and off the property.
The hotel also provides excellent security, which is important
for our families.
So wherever you are, find a Marine or a vet and hoist a toast
to those still in active serving. Here’s to those Marines at our
old detachments, and to all the Marines faithful to “In every
clime and place”. Happy Birthday Marines and God speed
into the holidays with family and friends.
On to San Diego in 2011
Semper Fidelis
We were able to negotiate the same price that we had in
2008, at $119.00 per night and onsite secure parking for
$1.00 per day. You can also reserve rooms at the same price
for three days before the reunion and three days after. For
reservations, call: (800) 772-8527 and mention Marine Embassy Guard Reunion. Please make your reservations as soon
as possible so we can plan for additional rooms, if required.
Hotel website is:
Ike, Chairman/Director
Special Election Held
Virgil M. Johnson, Election Committee Chairman
The official Schedule of Events will be published when
Military Reunion Planners sends out the Reunion Reservation Forms in January 2011. As we firm up the schedule,
that information will also be on the website and in the next
newsletter. Two things we are looking at, is a recruit graduation ceremony and/or a tour of Marine Corps Air Station,
Miramar. The Marine House will open Wednesday afternoon. Registration and Board of Directors meeting will be
on Thursday, TBD event on Friday, with a casual Mexican
Fiesta that evening. The Annual Membership Meeting will
be Saturday morning and the annual banquet that evening.
Check out on Sunday. Actual times of all events will be published with the reservation forms.
A special election was held during the month of August
regarding a change in one of our by-laws. Section 6-21 of
the MEGA By-Laws, Resignation of Officers and Directors,
currently reads:
Officers/Directors who resign from elected office prior to
fulfillment of their elected term of office shall not be eligible
to hold elected, or appointed, office for a period of five (5)
years from the date of their resignation.
At its quarterly telecom, the MEGA Board of Directors voted
to submit to the membership a change to the above by-law.
The change in 6-21, (as indicated below in bold letters) if
approved by the membership, would read:
Please feel free to contact Chuck Norris at or by phone at 520 575-6449 with any questions.
Officers/Directors who resign from elected office prior to fulfillment of their elected term of office shall not be eligible to
MEGA Board Approves New
Membership ID Cards
MEGA Scholarship Fund
Bill McClure, Membership Chairman
Thanks to the generous contributions by MEGA members,
especially at the reunion each year, the MEGA Scholarship
Fund has a balance which now tops $30,000. In order to
attract corporate contributions, The Board of Directors will
concentrate on raising at least $100,000 before it begins to
support scholarships.
These past two years have resulted in several outstanding
efforts by our all-volunteer team. Vast improvements
have taken place in all areas of our Association. In order
to celebrate these noteworthy accomplishments, a
Proof has
and faxed )
new Membership ID card is (being
membership in a top-shelf military organization and to
4CP has been emailed and faxed )
( Proof
thank our membership forFront:
patience and loyalty during
a necessary re-balancing of job responsibilities.
Serving America’s Ambassadors in Blue
During this important period, the Board has begun
discussing issues related to the scholarship application and
qualification process.
Front: 4CP
The new cards
Serving America’s Ambassadors in Blue
(pictured right) will be
issued to all MEGA
Members of good
standing. Cards will
no longer be issued
to annual dues payBack: 4CP
ing members upon
Marine Embassy Guard Association
renewal. Instead, this is
Membership is conferred upon the person to whom this is
a one-time issue to all
issued, is not transferrable, and is valid until revoked.
Marine Embassy Guard Association
The MEGA Secretary’s
official membership
CARDrecords shall serve
membership categories.
to validate current membership status.
Membership is conferred upon the person to whom this is
If lost or stolen, reissued, is not transferrable, and is valid until revoked.
MEGA official membership records shall serve
The MEGA Secretary’s
placement cards can be
Box membership
to validatePO
Wausau, WI 54402-6226
obtained for a nominal
fee. New members will
PO Box 6226
Wausau, WI 54402-6226
receive their single-issue
upon joining MEGA.
If you would like to volunteer your time to provide input to
the Committee, please contact any member of the Board of
To contribute to the fund, checks should be made payable
to MEGA Scholarship Fund, and sent to PO Box 6226,
Wausau, WI, 54402. The fund now also has the ability to
receive credit card donations. Contact Treasurer Kevin
Hermening at to request
more information. Some members contribute automatically
to the fund via credit card.
Please consider helping our fund grow today and make
a difference in the lives of an MSG family tomorrow.
MEGA Membership Report
Our hope is Jeff
the@ RSI
new cards will be mailed to you in early
November. Samples
Bill McClure, Membership Chairman
Jeff @ RSI
MEGA has a membership of 648. Please welcome aboard
15 new MEGA members:
Thank you for
your patience and continued support.
3 - 4 are durable, attractive, and allow you to
The new cards
show them with
pride in your MSG service and MEGA
John J. Burton RM-1577 - Paris 63-66
David L. Compton RM-1568 - Manila 66 TAD/Seoul 66
TAD/Colombo 66-67/Rabat 67-68
Steven A. Denhup LM-1575 - Lima 70-74
Arthur G. Goldman AM-1576 - MSG Bn Staff 85-88
Mark M. Griggs RM-1570 - Managua 73/Lima 73-75
Patrick J. Hinds RM-1571 - Belgrade 76-77/Paris 77-78
Jim McCluckie RM-1580 - Guatemala City 64-66
Frank C. Meeuwisse RM-1573 - Brussels 69-72
Michael Plante RM-1574 - Beirut 72-73/Ankara 73-74
Steven J. Snead RM-1567 - Tel Aviv 71-74
Mark L. Stailey RM-1569 - Mexico City 77-79/Havana 79-80
Harry Taylor RM-1579 - Cairo 04-05/Bujumbura 05-06/
Nassau 06-07
Victor A. Van Horne RM-1572 - Bucharest 81-82/Rome 82-83
Lyle B. Williams RM-1578 - Lima 66-72
Richard C. Williams RM-1566 - Paris 96-97/Kathmandu 97-99
To ensure that members receive the new ID card, please
review the mailing address we currently have on you in the
MEGA Membership database. You can update your contact
information by logging into the MEGA website at www. Click on “Members Area” and then
“Change Your Details.” You may also email Director &
Membership Chairman Bill McClure: or 352-746-5184 to confirm your information.
This is very important to ensure you receive your new card in
a timely manner.
To the handful of MEGA’s newest members who still are
awaiting their new Membership Cards, we thank them and
are grateful for their patience during this transition time
in MEGA.
My Role as Executive Liaison
Commandant of the Marine Corps. Please note the previous
MEGA newsletter articles on the NMCC which included
reports from Senior HQMC Officers in the April and
October issues.
Gene Frantz, MEGA Executive Liaison Chairman
Finally, but equally important, I serve as your initial point of
contact should you wish to communicate with our MEGA
partners or other associated Marine Corps organizations. I
can potentially point you in the right direction to the most
appropriate contacts or organizations.
The position of Executive Liaison is exciting and challenging.
I have been privileged to act as your representative to several
external organizations to promote MEGA and to keep you
informed on events of interest. My role is to reach out and
initiate contact with organizations that share a history or
common objective and build a relationship that benefits all.
In closing, I would like to say, one reoccurring theme I always
try to bring to the forefront of my interactions is the mission
of MEGA and the value of working with our organization,
our devotion to the MSG Program as well as the undying
support for our Marine Corps.
As has been previously reported, a significant amount of
communication and joint activities have occurred primarily
with the MSG school and the operations command at Quantico’s Marine Corps Embassy Security Group (MCESG).
These activities include including attending MSG graduation
ceremonies and formally acknowledging the achievements of
honor graduates. I also provide a briefing on MEGA prior to
the graduation as an effort toward increasing membership and
organizational participation.
Paris Marines, continued from page 1
Many times a Paris Marine on the Midnight to 9:00 shift
would round the corner of a hallway and come face-to-face
with an intruder. The intruder was, of course, the Marine’s
image reflected in a mirror. This knowledge didn’t make the
incidents any less startling, particularly late at night when
you knew no one else was supposed to be in the building and
you just heard footsteps coming from the hallway. This brings
us to the unfortunate situation that a Paris Marine found
himself in while standing duty one night at the Talleyrand
Building. As he later explained, “It had been one of those
nights. The elevator kept going up and down by itself. The
motion sensors kept going off. And the wood floors popping
back into place sounded like a convention of French ghosts
were walking the hallways.”
As you know, we’ve lost some former MSGs over the last few
years during deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan. The liaison allows MEGA to participate with MCESG in honoring
these deceased Marines with appropriate memorials displayed
at Marshall Hall or in the soon to be completed new training
facility located adjacent to Quantico’s FBI Training Academy.
The Chair of the Historical Archives Committee, Stewart
Grant, and I have established a collaborative historical
archives program with the MCESG Regional Commanders.
This gives our Historical Archives Committee the ability to
solicit, collect and post on MEGA’s website detachment
specific documents, photos and video.
The Paris Marine was convinced that a real intruder had
penetrated the Talleyrand Building. He had drawn his
weapon (.38 S&W) and was making his way down one of the
hallways on the second floor when he came face-to-face with
the intruder. The intruder also had a gun in his hand. A shot
rang out and the intruder, or more correctly the mirror, was
killed. The story of this unfortunate Paris Marine has become
part of the legend of the Talleyrand Building and is recounted
in detail to every new Paris Marine.
I am in the beginning of discussions with the Diplomatic
Security Special Agents Association (DSSAA) that we hope
will explore areas of interest and activities each of our organizations can utilize. DSSAA includes Regional Security Officers (RSO) and Personal Protection Officers, an obvious tie-in
with MEGA based upon our shared history and experiences.
There will be more information on this at another time.
MEGA has been a National Marine Corps Council (NMCC)
participant/member since 2008 and I also represent our interests at bi-annual council member meetings or at other events.
NMCC is a national organization consisting of representatives
from participating Marine Corps Associations. NMCC is a
non-political association exchanging information of common
interest to its members. It serves to distribute Marine Corps
information for the purpose of assisting in the preservation
of a strong Marine Corps and in support of the aims of the
For a pictorial view of the 2010
reunion please go to
Former MSG wins Bronze Star
I’m a former Sergeant in the United States Marine Corps. I joined the Marines shortly
after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. In 2003, I was recommended for Marine
Embassy Guard Duty and accepted for training at the Marine Embassy Guard School in
Quantico, Virginia. I successfully completed that program and was assigned to the U.S.
Embassy Ankara, Turkey. During my tour in Turkey, I served on President Bush’s Protective
Detail for the G8 Summit in 2004. I also served on Secretary of State Colin Powell’s
Protective Detail during Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili’s inauguration.
Later in 2004, I was stationed at the U.S. Consulate in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. On December 6, 2004 the consulate came under attack from Al-Qaeda members while I was on duty
overseeing security.
“Under direct hostile fire he prevented them
from entering the consulate…and was directly
responsible for saving the lives of Americans and
other employees assigned to the consulate”
(Bronze Star Citation, 2004).
The actions we took that day resulted in me receiving the Bronze Star with
Combat Valor and the Department of State’s Award for Heroism.
After the attack, I finished Embassy Guard duty at the U.S. Embassy in New Delhi, India
and was honorably discharged from active duty in 2006. On September 1, 2010, I was
commissioned as an officer in the U.S. Navy after being accepted into the Navy’s Health
Professions Scholarship Program (Clinical Psychology). Soon, I will return to active duty
as a Navy Lieutenant (O-3) to serve as a military psychologist with my fellow Marines
and sailors.
Greg Matos is the son of a
Portuguese immigrant and
1st generation PortugueseAmerican. His primary focus
is on raising awareness and
support for the mental
health needs of our veterans.
He advocates for increased
support for training mental health professionals.
He served as Past-Chair of
the Advocacy Coordinating
Team(ACT) of the American
Psychological Association of
Graduate Students (APAGS)
and has worked with the
Human Rights Campaign,
MassEquality, and the
Massachusetts Immigrant &
Refugee Advocacy Coalition
(MIRA). For more information
about Greg, please go to
…Going Once! …Going Twice! Sold!
An Ad Hoc Committee has been formed for the next MEGA
Reunion. First, we’re looking for a few more members to join
our group. We meet via teleconference and make plans for the
forth-coming auction event. Consider this an invitation to get
involved with MEGA and make new fiends.
Ad Hoc Committee members you may contact for further
information are:
There’s another way of getting involved. Perhaps you’d like to
make a donation by ridding yourself from an exotic thinga-ma-jig or a once treasured item of art, or an avant guarde
collection of worthy memorabilia? Please no cars, buildings,
or promissory notes. The items accepted are tax-deductible
and will be a donation for our annual auction held during the
San Diego MEGA Reunion.
William and Ellie Moran:
Marty Desmond:
Clark Mayer:
John Andersen:
Juan and Zelda Rocha:
Ed Vasgerdsian:
The Eagle, Globe and Anchor
The Eagle, Globe and Anchor emblem is the sign or totem of
our Corps. It has almost a religious effect on Marines. God,
Country, Corps, the Band of Brothers attains strength to the
words they live by: Honor, Integrity, Loyalty, Bravery, Tradition and Commitment. These aren’t mere words. They are the
essence of what each graduate has earned—Espirit de Corps.
No longer a youth, the new Marine gazes at the small metal
piece in the palm of his hand. He will never be alone again;
will never fear the darkness, for he is part of a larger spirit
held close, warming and giving life to his heart and soul.
The Eagle Globe and Anchor shows the world a Marine is a
warrior and peacekeeper, a defender of his country and flag.
By Bob Manion, Athens GR 61-63, CWO4 USMC (Ret)
The sun reaches it’s zenith beating down on the formations
of men in forest green. Standing at attention, tension and
excitement fills the air, the expectation of the eminent Rite
of Passage, the presentation of the EGA and welcome to the
Brotherhood of the United States Marine Corps.
Each recruit stands ramrod straight, scarcely an acorn at the
beginning of a new life. Faces look straight ahead, at the edge
of vision an older Marine approaches. He stops at each young
man and presents him a small metal device, blackened as if by
soot, burned powder from a musket. Unbreakable, bonded,
forged in the fires of battle. It is the symbol of the Band of
Brothers, a family of warriors.
Our Nation’s flag will one day drape across the Marine’s casket
and while Taps are played a volley of rifle fire, the final salute,
will summon the angels to carry the Marine’s spirit home. At
the anniversary of our Corps, we will celebrate with former
comrades and with good cheer remember all who proudly
wore the uniform of a United States Marine.
The Drill Instructor for the past twelve weeks has been a
father, mentor and disciplinarian. The DI has tested the limits
of physical ability, skill, tenacity and courage of each recruit
standing. The DI, now plays the role of Master of Ceremony
and presses the symbol of a new life into the recruit’s left
hand, firmly shaking the right hand in welcome.
Semper Fidelis.
Happy Birthday
to all Marines
photo by Ed Vasgerdsian
MEGA Marine House
the charge in February 2008.” Former London Detachment
Marines are invited to participate in a fund-raising barbecue
at a location to be named later, or send a check to me and I
will forward your contribution.
By Ed Vasgerdsian, Newsletter Editor
MEGA Marine House is dedicated to bringing you bits of info
about the past, present and future. After all, if there was anything
happening, it happened at the Marine House.
People love to be loved, respected, adored, recognized, cherished, etc., etc. No greater affirmation of this can be shown
than by the presentation of a plaque, certificate, or in some
cases, a tombstone. Yes, there are meaningful awards; the
Nobel Peace Prize and military awards come to mind…
although it is difficult to believe that staff officers with six
rows of ribbons are meaningful. I also believe entertainment
shows seem to be pushing their inflated egos a wee bit too
much for my money with the Golden Globes, Oscars, Tony,
Grammy, Independent Spirit, MTV, Emmys, SAG, Critics
Choice, People’s Choice, American Music, and Country Music. The people at FOX feel we need another “award” show
and have come up with the “American Country Awards”… as
opposed to the British Country Awards, or the Iraqi Country
Awards, I guess. My favorite award, although not currently
made available on television is the Charles Darwin Awards.
The Charles Darwin Awards commemorate those who improve our gene pool by (accidentally) removing themselves
from it. (13 January 2008 –Florida) “Wearing only swim
trunks and sneakers, a 37-year-old man raced his motorcycle
toward the Manasota Key drawbridge. As the bridge began to
open, it was clear that he intended to “shoot the gap.” Bridge
designers had anticipated such lunacy and invented the crossing guard. The closing gates swept him off his Suzuki, over
the side of the bridge, into the water, and out of the gene
pool. By a twist of fate the motorcycle continued up the ramp
and made it across to the other side”.
MCESG needs a few good Marines so, why don’t the powers
to-be use Reserves? That’s right, the same Marine Reservists
who have been deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan return home
to their jobs, and continue to attend Reserve meetings. If
these Marines meet all other requirements, why not give them
an opportunity to serve as a MSG?
Marine Corps History: What are the odds of two guys from
the same unit getting the Medal of Honor? Well it happened
on Iwo Jima in 1945. Medal of Honor recipient Corpsman
George E. Wahlen was killed March 3, 1945 and US Marine
Franklin Earl Sigler was killed March 14, 1945. Both served
on Iwo Jima during WWII in F” Company, 2nd Bn. 26th
Marines, Fifth Marine Division.
A U.S. Military team discovered, in late September, the
remains of what are thought to be two U.S. servicemen who
died in the battle of Tarawa. Discovery’s Military Channel
produced “Return to Tarawa” the story focused on Leon Cooper,
Naval Ensign who was in charge of getting the Marines safely
ashore. In three days 1,113 Marine were killed. The ratings
generated a lot of interest from viewers at home, as well as
from Congress. According to an article in the Hollywood
Reporter July 1, 2010, the 2008 “Return to Tarawa” revealed
Tarawa still held the remains of Marines never repatriated.
Producer Steven Barber is in progress to revisit Tarawa on a
forensic recovery mission and will be a featured documentary
on the Military Channel- “Tarawa: The UnRecovered.”
There’s a vague line between what the public has to know
about how war is conducted, with what can be told. Is it a
form of censorship? Yes, you say? Well how far can a journalist go before he endangers the lives of others? I don’t know
how much damage, if any, Wiki Leaks has caused and as for
General Stanley McChrystal, well he got sucker punched by
Rolling Stone and the interview caused him his career.
I know its Show Biz but what is a Lady Gaga? How do you
go from Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta to Lady GaGa?
Now that I have your attention, let me ask you a more serious
question. How do you explain the Arab Emirates of Dubai,
Qatar, Bahrain, etc., and their ability to conduct business
with the non-Moslem world, making gazillions but not suffer
the wrath of the Taliban or Al-Qaeda for doing so? Something
smells! Words like blackmail, payola, collusion come to mind.
There are cases where publishers have withheld information
realizing the potential harm a story may have on the troops.
It was well documented that General Patton slapped a
hospitalized G.I. The little known fact is that Old Blood N’
Guts had his butt saved on two other occasions for doing
the same thing. Eisenhower got hold of the information from
the Press Corps and got a promise from them not print the
previous incidents.
Aw-right you London Marines, listen up! According to the
Associated Press, the U. S. embassy in London, among all
diplomatic missions, has the worst record of unpaid traffic
fines. “The U.S. owes $5.75 million after declining to pay a
London traffic levy 35,602 times since the introduction of
Marine Embassy Guard Association
P.O. Box 6226
Wausau, WI 54402
We’re on the web!
MEGA Board of Directors 2010
Committee Chairs:
Ike Inacker, Chairman, Director
Stewart Grant, Director
Warsaw, Pl 1982-83; Hamburg, DE 83-84,
Vienna, AT 84-85
Term of Office April 2008- 2011
Ankara, TR 61-62; Abidjan, CI 62-63
Term of Office 2009-12
Ed Vasgerdsian, Vice-Chairman, Director
Calcutta, IN 61-63
Term of Office 2009-12
Cairo, EG 56-59
Term of Office 2009-12
Kevin J. Hermening, Treasurer/Secretary,
Tehran, IR 79-81
Term of Office April 2007-10
Eugene (Gene) W. Frantz, Jr., Director
Moscow, RU 76-77; Dublin, IE 77-79
Term of Office April 2007-10
Joe Mitchell, Director
Ankara, Turkey 62-65
Term of Office April 2008-11
Charles (Chuck) L. Norris, Director
Paris, FR 58; Warsaw, PL 58-60,
Brussels, BE 60
Term of Office May 2009-11
William McClure, Director
Thomas Butler, Legal Advisor
Eugene (Gene) W. Frantz, Jr.,
MCESG Liaison
Moscow, RU 76-77, Dublin, IE 77-79
Stewart Grant, Archivist/Historian
Ankara TR 61-62, Abidjan CI 62-63
Virgil M. Johnson, Elections Committee
Taipei 57-59
Cairo, EG 54-56
Serves at the pleasure of the
MEGA Board of Directors
William McClure, Membership Chairman
Timothy J. Wood, Director
Charles (Chuck) Moseman, Newsletter Printer
New Delhi, IN 84-85, Santiago, CL 85-86
Term of Office 2007-10
Terry D. Adams
Bamako, ML 80-81; Sofia, BG 84-85
Term of Office 2010-13
Calcutta, IN 61-63
Joe Mitchell, Ship’s Store
Ankara TR 62-65
Singapore 58-60
Juan Rocha, Group Chaplain
Kabul 64-65, Leopoldville 65-66
Fred Samarelli, Web Administrator
Karachi & Manila 77-79
Ed Vasgerdsian, Newsletter Editor
Cairo 56-59