1 vk7 regional news broadcast for sunday 26th october 2008

--------------------------------------------------------------------224KM CLOUDBOUNCE TESTS
Well last week it a 165km cloudbounce contact between Rex VK7MO
and David VK3HZ in VK3, this week it’s a 224km test across the top of
On the night of the 22nd of October Rex VK7MO and Joe VK7JG went
portable in Northern Tasmania from one side of the island to the other
using Bass Strait as a 224km path.
Joe was transmitting a 627nm (red light) signal from at Cape Portland in
the North East and Rex was receiving using the 10mm square Avalanche
Diode receiver at Stanley in the North West.
The transmitter was driven by a VC-TCXO stable oscillator which
enabled Rex who was using the Spectrum Lab software to monitor for a
signal at a 1milliHertz bandwidth.
The signal peaked at 18dB using the very narrow bandwidth however this
was not enough to use WSJT to complete a contact.
There was very little cloud and it is hoped that in future better cloud
cover will provide an increase in signal strength to enable a WSJT contact
to be completed.
The report complete with pictures and greater detail can be found at the
address on the email and internet editions of this broadcast.
Congratulations to Rex and Joe and all involved.
(Justin, VK7TW)
--------------------------------------------------------------------JOTA REPORTS
Our first JOTA report comes from the North and the NTARC crew and
Tony VK7YBG.
JOTA 2008 started out much like any other with a heavy day of setting up
tents, food and camping facilities, antennas and radios – Ann and myself I
completed all this on the Friday though and it made for a much easier
event with radio operation and enjoying the weekend being the prime
concerns. All went well for the whole weekend with SSTV, IRLP and FM
simplex being the preferred modes with the crew on "Barnards Peak" (In
truth known as the Fingerpost Hill on the other side of town) keeping all
manner of conversations and SSTV pictures ready for the scouts at a
moments notice.
Phil's idea (VK7JJ) of running a show and guess game using SSTV and
the many and varied pictures of his Australia wide travels proved to be
something everyone enjoyed including myself as it was my first time
operating this mode.
Special thanks go to all volunteers involved, especially Phil (JJ), Lyn
(FLYN) and the crew on "Barnards Peak" running the remote station,
Ann (FYBG) for all her hard work during the whole exercise providing
food, drinks and all her work setting up and packing up and to Peter
(KPC) for liaising with the scouts, providing great ideas and equipment
for the event and his hard work over the course of the weekend.
(Regards, Tony, VK7YBG)
-------------------------------The next JOTA report comes from the New Norfolk Scout Group and
from Ray VK7VKV and Brian VK7BDW:
18 members of the New Norfolk Scout Group attended a camp at
Curringa Farm at Hamilton. Apart from the usual JOTA activities, the
scouts were given plenty of practice at lashing and guying as all of the
masts used were constructed by the youth members. A Moxon rectangle
on 20m was erected on 4 lashed poles in the paddock.
Contact were made with many other JOTA stations with the highlight
being a contact with HB9S the station at the International Scouting
Bureau in Switzerland.
Looking forward to next year with plans already being made of a series of
long wires across the paddocks.
Brian VK7BDW takes up the story…Curringa Farm in Hamilton is a
working sheep farm and scouts were given a demonstration of sheep
shearing. I was really impressed that the previous week was spent in
designing antenna's and the supports for the JOTA weekend. With Grou
leader Ray VK7VKV supervising and giving technical advice ably
supported by son Ben who is VK7FGBS. Operators on the Sat and
Sunday were Ray and Ben and Brian set up his Icom 706 as another
station VK7BDW.
We operated on 20,40 and 80 meters and some interesting contacts
resulted from NZ, Switzerland and USA plus local Scouts were heard.
One of interest was a group in Canberra who were operating from
Honeysuckle Creek where their Scouts talked with Astronauts in the ISS.
Although all the bands were not too kind it was a great weekend. Scout
Leader Gerald Parsons thanked all involved and it is hoped an even better
JOTA will happen next year.
(73 Brian VK7BDW)
-------------------------------Our next JOTA report is from The Lea Scout Camp overlooking Hobart
and is from Gavin VK7HGO:
Gavin was the sole operator at The Lea and reports it went very well with
VHF contact via IRLP and repeaters from VK2,VK7GGA,VK7HDM.
On HF there were many contacts which included: VK3s, VK7GGA,
VK5s, VK7ABB, VK2s and VK7ZJJ.
Unfortunately, Murphy struck and when the kids were not around the
band was open, ie. Saturday on 7MHz was there all the time, but on
Sunday it was in and out. Gavin reports he heard all states on 7MHz.
(Cheers, Gavin, VK7HGO)
-------------------------------Thomas VK7NML manned the station out at the Brighton Girl Guides
and reports:
The Girl Guides were very excited to get on air, having never used a
transceiver before.
They made many contacts with scouts and guides in Snug via VK7GGA
and a couple with VK3SBG.
The station was based at the Brighton Primary School, and even attracted
the interest of other passing locals too.
Thomas took some pictures of the station that are available at the address
that appears in the email and internet editions of the broadcast.
(73, Thomas, VK7NML)
-------------------------------Our final JOTA report today is from DannyVK7HDM from the
Glenorchy Scout Hall Camp Out:
Saturday afternoon saw Mark, VK7FMAC, Graham, VK7ZGK and
Danny, VK7HDM Danny turn up at the Glenorchy Scout hall to set up a
radio station that would be run from 5pm Saturday till 1pm Sunday.
With a lot of work from Graham, Mark and Noel and Danny we set up a
2MHz to 30MHz Dipole for all HF work and a ½ wave vertical for 2m.
Radios on hand were a Kenwood TS 430, Kenwood TS-2000X and for
VHF and Icom IC-910H.
With Graham departing late afternoon to spend some time with his family
it was Mark and Danny who camped with the Glenorchy Group.
Saturday afternoon saw 7MHz wide open and we worked many stations
well into the night stations from VK3 and VK4.
80m was not good from the location however, 40mtrs was very good till
we gave up and went to bed Saturday night.
We also worked VK7FGGT Greg on 146.500 for about an hour Saturday
afternoon talking to lots of the kids.
Most of the other VHF time was spent talking with VK7SAA at The Lea.
The Glenorchy Group Looked after us very well, supplied food and
drinks all night.
Sunday Morning was a late rise out of bed for everybody but we soon got
into the activities again.
All VHF work was between us and VK7SAA stationed at The Lea.
HF was very quiet and we had a chat with VK3SAW for about an hour
also worked ZL2AMI Bob from Wellington New Zealand for half an
Bob used to do JOTA in NZ for many years so was glad to chat with the
Bob also used to build electronics equipment and some has ended up on
our Mt Wellington so all the group thought that was cool.
1pm came around very quick and VK7ZGK arrived to help us pack up so
with the help of Mark, Noel, Graham and myself we had our station
packed up in no time.
The highlight was working Bob ZL2AMI who new a lot about Hobart
and Mt Wellington.
Another highlight was having most of the Scout Group wanting to talk on
the radio.
Danny would like to thank Mark VK7FMAC, Graham VK7ZGK and
Noel Gadd for their efforts this weekend to make it all happen.
Looking forward to next year
(Best Regards, Danny, VK7HDM)
--------------------------------------------------------------------VK7 EVENTS CALENDAR
And a quick reminder of the events and broadcasts across VK7:
REAST – November 1st – First Saturday Afternoon - Aviation Theme
meet at Reg VK7KK’s QTH for BBQ at 12 Noon.
REAST – November 5th –Special General Meeting – Queens Domain
Clubrooms – 8pm
NTARC – November 12th David Murray from Centrelink at Alanvale
TAFE at 7:30pm
REAST – November 12th – Tour of Heart 107.3 Radio Station – 7pm at
Radio Station – No ATV Night.
VK7 HAMFEST – December 6th – Central Highlands of Tasmania
Hamfest – Miena – starts 10am.
--------------------------------------------------------------------NON-COMMERCIAL FOR SALES & WANTED
For Sale
Tony VK7DXX has for sale an Icom IC-701 with 20 amp power supply
needs band selector switch cleaned for $250, a PRM80 programmed for
70cm for $50.00 and a Yaesu FT-530 dual band Handheld for $150.
If you are interested in any of these then please call Tony on phone 6339
--------------------------------------------------------------------SOUTHERN NEWS
Radio and Electronics Association of Southern Tasmania
Saturday Afternoons at the Domain
As heard on the WIA National News….
Next Saturday the 1st November, the Saturday afternoon group is holding
their first monthly activity meeting.
The theme for November's meet is aviation. The group will meet at Reg
VK7KK's QTH at 725 Acton Rd Acton (PLEASE NOTE CHANGE OF
LOCATION from last week’s broadcast). If you have trouble finding the
group, give us a yell on 147.425 simplex and we will direct you to us.
We will meet up at 12 noon at VK7KKs for a BBQ lunch (BBQ and meat
supplied - couple of bucks donation if partaking).
We will have a general discussion about aviation and listen to some
comms from Hobart Airport before heading to the airport just before 1pm
where we will visit the Rotor Lift complex and have a tour through this
area, the Bureau Of Meteorology facility for a guided tour and the Fire
fighting and Marine Rescue section where the Commander of the day will
explain their role in ensuring they are ready for any emergency whether
on land or at sea involving an aircraft in the area.
The trip will finish up by the tower where plans are still being made as to
whether a trip inside of the tower will be permissible or a talk from an Air
Traffic Controller on the outside of the tower will occur. Obviously all of
the plans are subject to change depending on whether a search and rescue
mission is on or severe weather etc. which may tie up the resources of the
organizations that we are visiting.
We must know numbers as we are restricted to around a dozen visitors.
Of course if the day is over subscribed we will simply duplicate the event
in a couple weeks time so no one misses out. To lock in your spot please
email Tony, vk7ftcl at the email address toneman@bigpond.com.
(Tony, VK7FTCL)
--------------------------------------------------------------------November Meeting - Special General Meeting
In two week’s time on Wednesday November 5th @ 8pm there will be a
Special General Meeting.
The purpose for the SGM is to change the rules of REAST to create a
new Membership Category of "Life Membership" and the procedure as to
how a life membership is granted.
The proposed rule change is available on the REAST website for
member’s perusal. Please take a look and all financial members of
REAST are encouraged to attend this meeting to make their vote count.
See you there from the….
(REAST Committee)
--------------------------------------------------------------------Education and Training
Last Tuesday night started the first night of the next Foundation Licence
training course with six eager participants. The course will probably run
over three nights with the third night being a recap and practical night
with the assessment night on the 11th of November.
If you are interested in attending the course and/or the assessment and it
could be an assessment for other than just the Foundation licence then
please let Reg VK7KK know ASAP and he can be contacted by ringing
mobile: 0417 391 607 or email: regemm@ozemail.com.au ASAP.
(Reg, VK7KK, REAST Education Officer and Assessor)
--------------------------------------------------------------------ATV Experimenters Night
Last Wednesday night was a mixed bag of ATV programs being
broadcast including a live patch from the digital set top box from
Thanks to Ken VK7DY and Ian VK7ZIF for realigning the satellite dish
and LNB to receive NASATV.
For those who don’t know, NASA have a free to air satellite channel that
broadcasts continuously a feed from their facilities around the world. The
programs include live feeds, set pieces on different missions and the
research they are undertaking.
We were fortunate enough to see an interview with the current ISS crew
and Richard Garriott along with many other interesting programs.
We also dismounted the omnidirectional ATV antenna that we were
having trouble with and Ian VK7ZIF is taking a look at this for us.
Thanks Ian. This antenna will enable a more even signal spread around
Hobart and hopefully enable more ATV viewers in the near future.
There will be another ATV night presentation this week starting around
How do you receive ATV on an ATV night well, ATV goes out on
444.25MHz – just below SBS on the UHF TV Band.
If you have an antenna pointed somewhere toward the Domain why not
try tuning down the low end of the UHF TV band and give us a call on
what you are seeing and hearing.
See you there.
(Justin, VK7TW)
ISS SSTV Pictures Abound
Over the last week whilst Richard Garriott W5KWO has been on the
International Space Station there has been much activity with Richard
sending down SSTV pictures on most passes and even talking with
amateurs and schools on the ground.
Steve VK7OO and Justin VK7TW have been receiving many SSTV
pictures that has traced Richard’s time on the ISS even down to his
saying goodbye on the last day.
Justin has been posting some of these to the ISS Fan Club website along
with many other hams around the world.
Take a look at the web address on the email and internet editions of this
--------------------------------------------------------------------TECHNOLOGY NEWS
Creating Wireless Network Using Visible Light
As reported in ScienceDaily on Oct. 16, 2008 — Boston University's
College of Engineering is a partner launching a major program, under a
National Science Foundation grant, to develop the next generation of
wireless communications technology based on visible light instead of
radio waves.
"Imagine if your computer, iPhone, TV, radio and thermostat could all
communicate with you when you walked in a room just by flipping the
wall light switch and without the usual cluster of wires," said BU
Engineering Professor Thomas Little. "This could be done with an LEDbased communications network that also provides light – all over existing
power lines with low power consumption, high reliability and no
electromagnetic interference. Ultimately, the system is expected to be
applicable from existing illumination devices, like swapping light bulbs
for LEDs."
Little envisions indoor optical wireless communications systems that use
white LED lighting within a room – akin to the television remote control
device – to provide Internet connections to computers, personal digital
assistants, television and radio reception, telephone connections and
thermostat temperature control.
Moreover, since this white light does not penetrate opaque surfaces such
as walls, there is a higher level of security, as eavesdropping is not
possible. LED lights also consume far less energy than RF technology,
offering the opportunity to build a communication network without added
energy costs and reducing carbon emissions over the long term.
"This technology has many implications for automobile safety," Little
said. "Brake lights already use LEDs, so it's not a stretch to outfit an
automobile with a sensor that detects the brake lights of the car in front of
it and either alerts an inattentive driver or actively slows the car."
(Sourced from the ScienceDaily website)
--------------------------------------------------------------------BPL NEWS
2008: The Year Broadband Over Powerline Died
Karl Bode on the 16th of October on the DSL Report Website reports….
Manassas, Virginia was the first US city to see a real, non-trial launch of
broadband over powerline (BPL) technology. However, BPL has
floundered the last few years because of its inherent potential for
interference with amateur and emergency radio, its irrelevance in the face
of next-generation speeds, and the unavoidable fact that many utilities
simply didn't want to be broadband providers. Manassas was a particular
hotbed of interference debate, with enthusiasts complaining the FCC
(who for years cheerleaded the technology a little too enthusiastically)
didn't properly test the network and used bogus data to make the case for
The FCC's dream technology, embraced in the hopes it would help them
obfuscate the fact their policies have created an uncompetitive duopoly,
hasn't been faring well. Last May, a flagship BPL trial in Dallas operated
by DirecTV and Current Communications was sold to the local utility.
In other words, another network that was supposed to be a shining
example of broadband over powerline's promise is likely going to be
shelved. The city may potentially keep the network operational to
monitor the city's electric grid, but says the technology simply isn't viable
as a major broadband option. That's something we've been saying for
going on half a decade, though many didn't want to hear it.
(Karl Bode and the DSL Report Website via BPL & Ham Radio Mailing
--------------------------------------------------------------------WEB & EMAIL EDITION EXTRA BITS!!
Darcy Hancock is still going strong at 97 in VK5:
NASA Satellite Tracking:
The Knack:
Wireless Set No. 122:
Some interest in the Optical Experiments:
Lasers, LEDs, Tin-foil Hats, and QRP
Tower Site Calendar 2009
Scary Facts
Do you have some interesting amateur related sites you have some across
in the last week – send them in to justingc@ozemail.com.au
VK7 Virtual BPL Tours Update
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pdcY0Eetvsw - Mt Nelson
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1gsxpya3CnQ - North Hobart
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G7DfdxjRkpU - RU ready for BPL?
--------------------------------------------------------------------If you are interested in becoming an amateur radio operator or upgrading
your licence then we suggest you contact your local club for details
and/or take a look at what the Radio and Electronics School has to offer.
They have a range of courses that can be delivered through a variety of
They can be found at: www.radioelectronicschool.com
--------------------------------------------------------------------Finally today, a reminder to those people rostered for next week’s
Newsreader: VK7FB
160m: VK7DM
80m: VK7EM
40m: VK7TW
20m: VK7AR
10m: VK7ZGK
Thanks to all people and organisations who assisted with this broadcast.
--------------------------------------------------------------------THAT CONCLUDES OUR VK7 REGIONAL NEWS BROADCAST