MARTINIA © 2014, World of Researches Publication ISSN: Ac. J. Psy.0297-0902 Stud. Academic Journal of Psychological Studies Vol. 3, Issue 1, 80-86, 2014 VOL.6 NO.2 Page: 68-84 Impossible of Macroevolution of New Species via Changing of Chromosome Number Mutation and Structural Mutation (Invalid chromosomal speciation Theory): Darwin’s Theory and Neo- Darwinian Theory Oppose it Muhmmad Abdul Ahad and A.S.M. Anas Ferdous Faculty of Agriculture, Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science & Technology University, Dinajpur-5200, Bangladesh *Corresponding Author: Abdul A. Abstract One half of all known plant genera contain polyploidy species and about two-thirds of all grasses are polyploids. So, biologists assume that the existing numerous polyploid had macroevolved via the route of changing of chromosome number and structure (chromosomal speciation) and it is still occurring. However, macroevolution/ polyploidization/ chromosomal speciation/ chromosomal aberration/ chromosomal mutations are completed smoothly through hybridization. But diverse literatures demonstrate that hybridization between two plants genus/ species or two animal genus/species is not possible; if imposed the fertilization fails, if the fertilization is successful, the embryo may abort, or the young may suffers various abnormalities and at last it may die, if survives, suffer from various abnormalities, dangerous diseases and must be sterile. If the offspring is fertile, do not produce species but produce races /varieties. So, breeders have developed some plants and animals varieties through hybridization between two varieties. For instance, through hybridization between two rice varieties, breeders have developed some rice varieties such as IR-8, IR-28 etc. But acquiring of these races or varieties to a species is not possible due to segregation and failed to gain reproductive isolation. In addition, due to chromosomal structural change; living organisms suffer various abnormalities, even those die. There is no known example of macroevolution of a new plant or an animal species that produce either artificially or spontaneously via those processes in the present world. Consequently, Impossible of macroevolution of new species via changing of chromosome number mutation and structural mutation (invalid chromosomal speciation Theory), Darwin’s Theory and neoDarwinian Theory oppose it. Key words: large Change, Speciation, Chromosomal Mutations, Abnormal Syndrome 1. INTRODUCTION Of all the theories of biology, the theory of evolution is most important. It is so fundamental of biology that the biological science cannot be understood without it. Nearly all scientists support it. All living organisms have evolved from simpler organisms over the vast period of time. Human May, 2015 68 Impossible of Macroevolution of New Species via Changing … beings, like all other plants and animals, have evolved from simpler organisms through evolution. It is declared that life arose by a natural process from non-living originators and achieved its present diversity including man (1), (2), (3). However, Darwin defines evolution as descent with modification through natural selection from a few common ancestors (4). The evolutionary flowchart is as follows: Organic matter → unicellular organism (5) → invertebrate→ lung fish→ amphibian→ reptile→ placental mammal→ higher mammal→ human (3), (6). Chromosomal mutations play a vital role in macroevolution (7). Macroevolution occurs through changes of chromosomal number and structure (8). The rearrangements (such as inversions, fusions, and fissions) of chromosome may play significant roles in the speciation between parapatric (contiguous) or partly sympatric (geographically overlapping) populations (9). So, both chromosomal number and chromosomal structural changes play significant roles in the speciation. When an organism possessed more than two sets of chromosome, is called polyploid (10). It is confirmed that one half of all known plant genera contain polyploidy species and about two-thirds of all grasses are polyploids (11). It is drew attention that polyploidy refers collectively to all natural and induced change in chromosome numbers (12), (13). Major routes of polyploid formation are a meiotic failure of separation of sister chromosome and doubling of entire set of chromosomes (14). So, polyploidy/macroevolution developed through chromosomal mutations (15), (16). Polyploidy play a significant role in evolution especially evolution of all vascular plant both for wild and cultivate plants or angiosperms (12), (17), (18). Additionally, Polyploidization is now believed to have occurred at least once during the evolutionary history of all angiosperms (19). So, polyploidization is a major driving force of plant evolution (17), (20). Macroevolutionary studies focus on change that occurs at or above the level of species, in contrast with microevolution. The process of speciation may fall within the purview of either, depending on the forces thought to drive it. Paleontology, evolutionary developmental biology, comparative genomics and genomic phylostratigraphy (Genomic phylostratigraphy is a statistical approach for reconstruction of macroevolutionary trends based on the principle of founder gene formation and punctuated emergence of protein families. The method allows the point of origin for any existing gene to be determined by tracing the last common ancestor in which this gene existed. Based on this information, it is then possible to determine the minimal age for any given gene) contribute most of the evidence for the patterns and processes that can be classified as macroevolution. An example of macroevolution is the appearance of feathers during the evolution of birds from theropod dinosaurs. The evolutionary course of Equidae (wide family including all horses and related animals) is often viewed as a typical example of macroevolution (21). Other examples of 69 Abdul and Ferdous , 2015 this would be fish descending from an invertebrate animal, or whales descending from a land mammal. The evolutionary concept demands these bizarre changes (22). In opposition, there has been a long-standing debate over the evolutionary implications of chromosomal mutations or genome doubling (17), (23), which span the spectrum from polyploidy being an evolutionary dead end (24). It is informed that macroevolution through chromosomal mutations remains unproved because no one has observed it (25). In fact, macroevolution is a principle only but unobservable and consequently non-scientific. It has also been reported that there is no evidence for macroevolution (26). In addition, macromutations normally do not contribute any evolution (27). Macroevolution is not possible. So, it is not took place (28). Nonetheless, these disagreements are scattered; not so organized, less evidences and do not serve the actual purpose. So, it is necessary to aggregate as well as organized those disagreements and necessary to add new information. Moreover, review of literature reveals that there is no research article like “impossible of macroevolution of new species (polyploidy) via changing of chromosome number (chromosomal aberration) and structure and Darwinian theory and neoDarwinian theory of gradual evolution oppose it”.So, to work on the above objectives are essential for the benefit of modern biology. This paper would be helpful to the geneticists, breeders, botanists, zoologists, anthropologists and who think about evolution. 2. Impossibility of macroevolution of new species via natural mutations (natural hybridization) Most often a polyploid (allopolyploids) species arises from hybridization between two species through doubling of diploid chromosomes (29). Additionally, a rapid emergence of a new species can be brought about by a change in chromosome numbers/ chromosomal aberration and polyploidy (30), (31), (32). However, macroevolution is not possible through natural and induced change in chromosome numbers / hybridization and it is described here in different headingi) Impossibility of macroevolution of plants via natural mutations By observing numerous natural polyploid plants biologists assume that animals and plants have evolved through chromosomal mutations via hybridization. However, if existing plants and animals or some of them have evolved spontaneously through chromosomal mutations via hybridization or other process, then newer species of plants and animal could be found now and then. Nonetheless, only de Varies observed such type of spontaneously arising of new species through chromosomal mutations (in 1905) in Oenothera and formulated his mutation theory. But B.A. Davis, Jeffreys and Gates proved that the mutations which observed by de Vries in Oenothera as a new species, actually it was a hybrid of old species and it could be produced by crossing between two American wild species (33). May, 2015 70 Impossible of Macroevolution of New Species via Changing … ii) Impossibility of macroevolution of animals via natural mutations There are about 1.2 million animal species in the biological World (34). One may assume these existing 1.2 million animal species may evolve through natural and spontaneous chromosome number mutations (natural macroevolution). But it is pointed out that polyploidy animals are very few(8), (16) such as brine shrimp Artemia salina (Fig.), Jefferson salamander Amsystoma jeffersonianum (Fig.), (16), European Hamstar Cricetus cricetus (Fig.) and Chinese Hamstar Cricetulus griseus (Fig.) (35). So, it is declared that individuals with altered numbers of chromosomes may be unviable or sterile (36). European hamstar Chinese hamstar Jefferson salamander Brine shrimp iii) Impossibility of macroevolution of new species through aneuploidy Aneuploidy (segmental allopolyploids) is undoubtedly very important in the evolution of new species (37). Nonetheless, aneuploidy has no important in the evolution of new species; instead aneoploids organisms suffer from various diseases and a specific genetics imbalance. Consequently, it has been drew attention that the most commonly observed anomaly of genome mutation in higher animals is aneuploidy. But recent investigation of chromosome number (karyotype) in somatic cells of pigs and dogs revealed that anomalies are generally represented by monosomy (2n-1) or trisomy (2n+1), and both types of mutations are decidedly harmful to the organisms (35). Moreover, most of the heteroploid of birds (or poultries) are lethal during their early embryonic development and cause early abortion. However, in mice, a variety of chromosomal aberrant survives at embryonic stage, resulting in abnormal individual or individual with reduced fertility (38). It has been reported that in human most chromosomal aberration are frequent in spontaneous abortion (39). Although, a minority aneuploidy survives up to birth but affected patients suffer from severe malformations (40). In addition, human pregnancies are selfterminated during the first 2 months largely because of such trisomics and monosomics. Trisomics with respect to chromosomes 4, 13, or 18-all lead to death before the age of 1 year. Recent data indicate that about 50% of all spontaneous abortions occur in human within 3 months of pregnancy bear identifiable chromosomal defects due to euploid only in the United States (16). In addition, irregularities in number of human chromosomes such as a loss of one or the gain of one or more chromosomes have been associated with abnormal syndrome, which have no medical treatment. Among the irregularities are: Cri-du-chat (Cat cry, Fig. 1), Down syndrome (severe mental retardation and severe heart defects, Fig. 2), Turner syndrome (45,X, sterile female, Fig. 71 Abdul and Ferdous , 2015 3), Klinefelter syndrome (sterile male and mentally retarded), Patau syndrome (Trisomy-13, mental deficiency and deafness), Trisomy X and Trisomic No.18 (48, XXX,+18, Fig. 4), Edward syndrome (multiple congenital malformation,), Trisomy (47, XX, Fig. 5), Triplex female (substerile and mentally retarded), chromosome 3 duplication deletion syndrome (Fig. 6), XYY condition (mild mental retardation) (16), (41). It has been declared that chromosome number cannot be changed without producing any harmful effect (34), (37), (34). It has also been affirmed that aneoploid organisms suffers from a specific genetics imbalance (42), even are sterile (12). Fig 1. Cri-du-chat Syndrome Fig2.Down’s Syndrome Fig 6. Chromosome 3 Fig 5. Trisomy (47, XY?) Fig 4. Trisomy X and duplication deletion syndrome trisomic No. 48, XXX,+1818(48,XX?18 Fig 1, 3 and 6 adapted from Gardner et al., 2001; Fig 2, 4 and 5 adapted from ) Gardner, 1972 3. Impossibility of macroevolution of new animal and plant species via artificial mutations Fig 3. Tuner Syndrome (45,X) a) Impossibility of macroevolution of new animal species (artificial hybridization) Most often a polyploid (allopolyploids) species arises from hybridization between two species through doubling of diploid chromosomes (29). However, macroevolution of new animal species is not possible of through artificial chromosomal mutations (hybridization): May, 2015 72 Impossible of Macroevolution of New Species via Changing … Hybridization between two animal genera is quite impossible. Even, hybridization between two species is also impossible, if possible do not form zygote, if form zygote dies before birth, if live, the hybrid suffers various abnormalities and are essentially sterile, if fertile, fail to gain reproduction isolation; even it loses its originality due to segregation and back to original parental type. Hence, and Ritchie and Carola (32) drew attention that structural changes of two different animal species may make copulation physically impossible. In many cases, gametes may be incapable of fusion, or the female reproductive tract may not allow survival of sperm cells. Even successful fertilization of an egg does not ensure successful reproduction. The embryo may abort, or the young animal may be ill suited to the environment. Finally, even if the hybrid survives to maturity, it may not produce viable gametes. Starr and Taggart (44) forward about similar opinion and reported that if hybrids that do live at first are commonly weak in structure, physiology or in behavior and their chances of surviving are not good and unable to reproduce; the offspring are typically not vigorous and susceptible to diseases. Moreover, Ward and Hetzel (45) declared that the eggs of many species produce chemical substances which attract or direct the swimming movements of sperm to eggs. The substances helping in fertilization are species–specific and the sperm of one species are not attracted to the egg cells of different species and thus isolating mechanism the origin of new species is nearly impossible. It is pointed out that when two different species are crossed, the F1 offspring are usually sterile. Because, the unlike chromosome (nonhomologous chromosome) cannot pair properly (cannot undergo synapses) during meiosis (10), (46). So, macroevolution of new animal species through induced hybridization is not possible. Fertile Hybrids of Different Animal Species Produce Variety Only Sometimes, crossing between two animal species produced fertile offspring but do not produce new species. Some examples are shown herei) The red wolf Canis rufus Coyote C. latrans hybrids (fertile) are common in nature (47). ii) The gray wolf C. lupus Coyote C. latrans hybrids (fertile) are common in nature (47). ii) Mallard duck Anas platyrynchos Pain tail duck A. acuta (in custody) fertile (48). iii) Polar bear Thalarctos sp. Kodiak bear Ursus sp. fertile (34). iv) The black moth Biston carbonaria White moth B. betularia fertile, but not new species yet variety (49),(43) v) American bison Bison bison beef cattle Bos indicus male sterile. Backcross hybrids are fertile and produce variety ‘beefloes’ (45), (50). 73 Abdul and Ferdous , 2015 vi) American bison Bison bison European cattle Bos taurus sterile male. Backcross hybrids are fertile and produce a variety named ‘beefloes’ (45), (50). vii) European cattle Bos taurrus American bison Bison bison sterile males and fertile females. By backcrossing the female bison and cattle attempts are being made to form a new variety of cattle called ‘cattalo’ (50). b) Impossibility of macroevolution of new plants species Like animal, hybridization between two plant genuses is quite impossible. Even, hybridization between two species is also impossible, if possible the hybrid suffers various abnormalities and are essentially sterile, if fertile, fail to gain reproduction isolation; even it loses its originality due to segregation and back to original parental type. For example, there are no new plant species in the present world that evolve through induced chromosomal mutations/hybridization. There are two man-made plant hybrids (alloploid) such as Rabbage Raphanobrassica and Triticale wheat. Some scientists claimed that these two plant hybrids are new species. But these two hybrids have felt acquiring the status of species due to not gaining of reproductive isolation, which described here. Karpechenko (1928), a Russian cytologist is able to cross between radish (Brassica sativus) and Cabbage (Brassica oleracea). But the hybrid Rabbage (Raphanobrassica) is completely sterile. Nevertheless, various shock and severe treatment with colchicines, it became to the semifertile allotetraploid Raphanobrassica. But unfortunately it had roots like of cabbage and leaves like radish! Though Raphanobrassica is produced with a view to combine the root of radish and the leaf of cabbage with the hybrid Rabbage but not so happen. Yet, it is not species, as it breeds with their parents-radish and cabbage (31). What’s more, Triticale is the only successful allopolyploid, which arise through hybridization between wheat (Triticum turgidium) and rye (Secale cereale). Howevever, the F1 hybrid was highly sterile but using colchicine it becomes fertile and Tirticale is synthesized. It can be cited that about 50 years of intensive research works improved the characteristics of Triticale considerably and is cultivated (36), (51). It could be recognized that the backcross of Triticale is possible with both its parents Triticum turgidium and Scale cereale. So, Triticale is not a reproductively isolated. Therefore, it is not a species. As a result, Raven et al. (10) declared that Triticale is not a species; it is a variety only. Fertile Hybrids of Different Species of Plant Produce Variety Only Rarely crossing between two plant species produce fertile offspring but do not produce new species but instead produce new varieties. A number of examples are shown here according to May, 2015 74 Impossible of Macroevolution of New Species via Changing … Singh (52). i) Avena sativa Avena byzantina Clinton oat varieties, ii) Oryza indica wild rice, Oryza perenensis CO31 rice varieties, iii) Saccharum officinarum wild sugarcane, S. spontaneum Sugarcane variety, iv) S. officinarum S. barbari Sugarcane variety, v) American cotton, G. hirsutumx G. barbadense Vara lakshmi variety, vi) Indian lemon grass, Cymbopogon khansianus C. pendulus CKP-25 variety, viii) C. confertiflorus C. jwarancusa Jamrosa/RRL-82 variety, Oryza japonica O. indica Adt. 27 variety It can be acknowledged that hybridization is quite impossible in any asexual propagated organisms. So, it is confirmed that numerous asexual organisms have not been evolved through selection. c) Animals and plants those produce fertile offspring will belong to same species It is noteworthy that the most modern and universally accepted definition of species is that a group of individual or natural population actually interbreeds among themselves and produces fertile offspring or at least produce sterile or partially sterile offspring when crossed to other such group (43), (53). As a result, coyote Canis latrans Alaskan husky dog Canis familaris produce fertile offspring (Pawnee). Since coyote and dog interbreed, even while differing greatly in behaviour and appearance. Therefore, scientists treated them as single species (46). Consequently, in this way those animals and plants that produce fertile offspring; would belong to the same species. 4. Literatures those advocate breeders are still unable to produce a new species There are a large number of literature literatures, which strongly support that no new species start via artificial and sexual selection but a few writing mentioned at this juncturei) Gerking (54) stated that occasionally natural hybrid is found in nature. This hybrid represents a breakdown of the isolating barriers but usually temporary, and does not alter the taxonomic status of the two groups of organisms. ii) Ranganathan (55) reported that due to breeding there is plenty evidences of changes within kinds such as the various races of dogs, cats, horses, cows, etc., whereas there has never been observed any changes across kinds. All the different races of dogs are simply variations and changes within the genetic limits of the dog kind. Through breeding, a dog is not becoming a 75 Abdul and Ferdous , 2015 cat, or a horse is not becoming a cow; such changes are not possible, as a dog lacks the information in its genes to become a cat. iii) Morris (56) acknowledged that by hybridization though a number of new varieties that may be established from an original kind. But it is not speciation and has no true evolutionary significance, as it backs to the parental form within a short span of time. iv) Rastogi(33) noticed that Darwin proposed ‘artificial selection’ for improving race of domestic plants and animals but these could never lead to permanent specific variations. v) Singh (52) noticed that distant hybridization has been employed for the development of new varieties, but such examples are limited to a few crop species. The most distant hybrids are of no agricultural value. They suffer from high sterility; poor seed set and produced a wide range of segregate. The segregate plants are much weaker and less adapted than the parent crop. vii) Moreover, polyploids come from hybridization of two species or genera. But polyploid in animals are rare as well as sterile (12), (16), (41). These literatures support the above discussion. 5. Impossibility o f evolution of new species through mutation in chromosome structure The changes in the arrangement of chromosome structure such as inversion, translocation, deletion and duplication are known as chromosomal structural mutations (8), (35),(15). The chromosomal rearrangements play a vital role in speciation. Chromosomal rearrangements include the genome duplication (e.g. polyploidy), unequal crossing over, inversions, translocations, chromosome duplications and chromosome deletions (57). Recently, large amounts of data have become available and new theoretical models have been developed explaining how rearrangements facilitate speciation in the face of gene flow (58). The human and chimpanzee karyotypes are distinguishable in terms of nine pericentric inversions. According to the recombination suppression model of speciation, these inversions could have promoted the process of parapatric (contagious) speciation between hominoid populations ancestral to chimpanzees and humans (59). So, chromosomal structural mutations are very importance for evolution of new species. In opposition, like chromosomal number mutations, chromosomal structural mutations are always very harmful to living organisms. It is declared that individuals heterozygous for chromosome with different structure often have lowered fertility and when deletion are May, 2015 76 Impossible of Macroevolution of New Species via Changing … homozygous, they are often lethal, because essential genes are missing even when heterozygous, lethal can cause abnormal development (36). In this respect some evidences are given belowi) Harmful effect of chromosomal structural mutations on humanIn human the chromosomal deficiencies known so far usually have identifiable and have deleterious effect (16). It is pointed out that translocation cause several human diseases (36). Nonetheless, chromosomal duplication and deletion in the heterozygote might cause an imbalanced condition of man but homozygous situation for a deletion usually results the death of human (15). A few specific changes in chromosomal structure have been found to be linked to certain type of cancer such as a translocation to chromosome 9 related to the cancer chronic myeloid leukemia. Hereditary renal cell carcinoma involves a translocation between chromosomes 3 and 8. Brukitt lymphoma is associated with a translocation of chromosome 8 and 14. A deletion in chromosome 11 is related to the development of Wilm’s tumer. Retinoblastoma is another form of cancer linked to a deletion in chromosome 13 (60). It is also reported that most cancers are associated with structural chromosome mutations. Furthermore, inversion rarely suppresses crossing over and reciprocal translocation result semi-sterility (31). ii) Harmful effect of chromosomal structural mutations on other animals In animals when translocation occurs in gametes, they are non-viable and the organisms with heterozygous translocation become semi-sterile. Viability in Drosophila may be as low as 15% with very weakness and abnormal in appearance of the surviving flies (13). It is also pointed out that in animals chromosome deletion has a marked effect on development as duplication reduces the viability of an organism, inversion produces abnormal and nonviable gametes, translocation produces both balanced and unbalanced gamete; if this unbalance gamete fertilized a balanced gamete the fertilized egg is also non-viable (8). Furthermore, deletion has also been recorded in Waltzing mice in the region of gene “v” inducing neuron abnormalities. Duplication in the region of x-chromosome of Drosophila produces bar eye (narrow eye) and duplication in the chromosome- 4 causes an eyeless dominant condition (38). iii) Harmful effect of chromosomal structural mutations on plant Chromosomal deficiencies have been observed in corn and other seed plants, and causes pollen sterility (16). It is also noted that plants with chromosomal translocation and inversion (heterozygous) also suffer from pollen and ovule sterility (38). In addition, as a general rule in most plants; pollen grains containing deficiencies or duplication are nonviable and aborted. 77 Abdul and Ferdous , 2015 Embryo sacs with deficiencies and duplication may also abort (39). It can be acknowledged that chromosomal mutations are quite impossible in any asexual propagated organisms. The above statement make clear that chromosomal structural mutations have no importance for evolution of new species; instead living organism suffer various abnormality even those may die. 6. DISCUSSION It has been noticed that chromosome number cannot be changed without producing any harmful effects (25),(37). As a result, Ritchie and Carola (32) drew attention that when a new organism arises as the result of polyploidy of any kind, no new genetic material has been added as there are no mutations, no new nucleotide, rather there is only a recombination of preexisting genes. Even it is reported that synthetic varieties of different crops lost their qualities over time span. As a result, seed of hybrid of rice, hybrid corn, hybrid seedless water melon etc. are supplied in every crop season to the farmers. Consequently, Darwin, pointed out that “the fourth difficulty on the theory of descend with modification (natural selection), how can we account for species, when crossed, being sterile and produced sterile offspring, whereas when varieties are crossed, their fertility is unimpaired” (4). It has been confirmed that all the natural polyploid plants and animals are sterile (12),(54). Even autopolyploids are sterile (41). Hence, evolution of new species through interspecies crossing is merely a dream. Moreover, hybridization and artificial selection was practiced by human at least during seven thousands years (61). Save for still breeders are unable to produce any new species; they produce some varieties only. So, Sinnott and Wilson (43) testimonies that objection however have been persistently raised against evolution that why breeders are unable to produce a group of individuals by artificial selection, which could clearly be regarded as a new species. New and distinct races of corn, apple or other plants, which have been developed by breeders, are not regarded as new species. Ranganathan (55) reported that due to hybridization or breeding there is plenty evidence of changes within kinds such as the various races of dogs, cats, horses, cows, etc., there has never been observed any changes across kinds. All the different races of dogs are simply variations and changes within the genetic limits of the dog kind. Through this process a dog is not becoming a cat, or a horse is not becoming a cow; such changes are not possible, as a dog has not the information in its genes to become a cat. May, 2015 78 Impossible of Macroevolution of New Species via Changing … Observing numerous natural polyploid plants, biologists assume that animals and plants have evolved through chromosomal mutations, but this is not so correct. Evolutionary change through chromosome mutations is impossible (if it is either naturally or artificially); but possible within the species and may form race or variety. But acquiring status of this species to a race is not possible due to segregation and failure of acquired reproduction isolation. It is declared that despite its widespread occurrence, the direct effect of polyploidy on evolutionary success of a species is still largely unknown (18). Polyploidy occurs frequently and accidentally but does not generally lead to further speciation events after polyploidization. The extinction of recently formed species occurs more frequently in polyploids than in diploid relatives (24). Polyploidy interferes the sex-determination mechanism (11). Castro and Hubner (62) confirmed that any theory might overturn at any time by new evidence. 7. Darwin theory oppose any macroevolution concept and still biologists are accepted Darwin’s theory blindly As no new species arise via the route of chromosomal speciation/ polyploidization / hybridization /chromosomal. Consequently, Darwin himself and most of his followers believed that evolution proceeded in a more gradual evolution and preservative fashions over millions of years than macroevolution in large sudden steps. In Darwin’s word: natural selection acts solely by accumulating slight, successive favorable variation; it can produce no great or sudden modification (4). Consequently, it is declare that Darwin’s theory of natural selection still stands as a good expression of evolution (63). it provides the best and satisfactory explanation for the evolution of plants and animals; this is the belief of most biologists (43). Many biologists accepted the Darwinian theory of natural selection without any thinking (64). The same statement is used by Ahad (3). 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