July 16, 2008 Minutes - County of Santa Clara

County of Santa Clara
Health Advisory Commission
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Regular Meeting
1. Call to Order/ Roll Call.
The regular meeting of the County of Santa Clara Health Advisory Commission is called to
order by Chairperson Stetson at 6:39 p.m. in the Board of Supervisors' Chambers, County
Government Center, 70 West Hedding Street, San Jose. A quorum is present.
Members Present:
Members Absent:
Bob Applebaum
Berkley Driessel
Charles Browning
Diane Garibaldi
Michael Fischetti
Howard Michaels
Annette Glanckopf
Harry Hall
Halsted Holman
Kenneth Horowitz
Phu Le
Linda Lenoir
Jo Loomis
Elinor Stetson
(1 Vacancy)
2. Public Presentations:
There are no public presentations.
3. Approve Minutes of May 21, 2008.
Commissioner Glanckopf submits documentation to amend the May 21, 2008 Commission
minutes, page No. 7, Emergency Medical Services (EMSCo), as follows: "Commissioner
Glanckopf reports on recent EMSCo (Emergency Medical Services Committee) activities,
including a barbecue at the EMS Agency during EMS week. She advises the Commission
that the County EMS system is strong, health and does tremendous work each and every
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day. The system exceeds contract response times for transport. Our County is known as
being one of the most prepared for any medical disaster in the State. She comments on the
Board of Supervisors approval for the EMS Agency to implement a Comprehensive
Cardiac Care System that will include designation of ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial
Infarction (STEMI) receiving centers. Further, she informs the Commission that
Commissioner Hall will represent the Health Advisory Commission at the June 18, 2008
exemption review committee meeting."
On motion of Commissioner Glanckopf, seconded by Commissioner Horowitz, it is
unanimously ordered that the May 21, 2008 minutes be approved, as amended.
4. Consider verbal report regarding Proposition 3, the Children's Hospital Bond Act of
2008, authorizing $980,000,000 in bonds to fund the construction, expansion,
remodeling, renovation, furnishing and equipping of children's hospitals.
Sherri Sager, Chief Government and Community Relations Officer, Lucile Packard
Children's Hospital (LPCH), reminds that Commission that four years ago she provided
information to the Commission regarding Proposition 61, the Children's Hospital Bond Act
of 2004. She advises the Commission that LPCH received $74 million from the Bond, and
she details how the funding was allocated and the impact to the hospital. Continuing, she
explains that LPCH acts as a safety net for local hospitals. She states that the high Case Mix
Index (CMI), an average diagnosis-related group weight for all of hospital Medicare
volume, indicates that LPCH treats patients with very serious diagnoses, many of whom are
transferred from other facilities. She informs the Commission of efforts to pass legislation
on hospital funding in the State Legislature. Additionally, she speaks of hospitals that
received Proposition 61 funding that have or have not allocated these monies.
In response to an inquiry by Commissioner Fischetti, Ms Sager responds that it is difficult
to ascertain the annual number of Valley Medical Center (VMC) patients receiving
treatment through Stanford Hospital (Stanford) resources, because in addition to patients
that are transferred to Stanford for further treatment, many more are treated at VMC by
doctors affiliated with Stanford who are completing their residency. She adds that $130
million of care is donated by Stanford annually, with a direct cost to Stanford of $25
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million. Commissioner Lenoir provides an overview of her experience as a nurse with the
Palo Alto Unified School District, and she advises the Commission that Stanford has
received children who have chronic conditions, in addition to those who are in need of
acute care. In response to an inquiry by Ms Sager, Commissioner Glanckopf responds that
LPCH is slated to receive $98 million from Proposition 3, if passed.
On motion of Commissioner Glanckopf, seconded by Commissioner Lenoir, it is
unanimously ordered that a recommendation be forwarded to the Legislative Committee to
support Proposition 3.
In response to an inquiry by Commissioner Applebaum, Ms Sager replies that Proposition 3
funding could be used to retrofit hospitals.
5. Consider audio report of the June 24, 2008 Board of Supervisors consideration of
"...recommendations relating to grant funding from The Health Trust."
Commissioner Horowitz narrates a presentation on a grant process to receive funding for
the showing of a segment of a documentary entitled "Unnatural Causes: Is Inequality
Making Us Sick?" He states that he was advised that he was allowed to apply, that the
Fiscal Agent was listed as the County Executive, and that the award was granted to the
Commission by The Health Trust. He adds that the total grant award was reduced as grant
funding cannot be used to provide honoraria to County employees, and he advises that the
Commission recommendation on grant funding acceptance was considered by the Board on
June 24, 2008. Continuing, he remarks that the County Executive authored a memorandum
recommending that the Board not accept the grant funding. Commissioner Horowitz
summarizes that his comments before the Board conveyed his consternation that
Commission business requires lengthy and overly bureaucratic processes. Additionally, he
reports on the responses of Supervisors, and he communicates that the Board made a
referral to the Administration to further investigate conditions associated with grant
Commissioner Horowitz cites persons with whom he has been in contact regarding the
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Board referral, and he informs the Commission that Dolores Alvarado, Division Director,
Health Promotion, Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)/Acquired Immunodeficiency
Syndrome (AIDS) Prevention and Control Program (HAP), Public Health Department
(DPH), Health and Hospital System (HHS), may accept the grant through the DPH to show
an episode of "Unnatural Causes: Is Inequality Making Us Sick?" entitled "Becoming
American" during Binational Health Week. He adds that the monies would also be used for
publicity and a reception, and he describes the plot of "Becoming American," which
focuses on the decline of immigrant health as generations become assimilated into
American culture. He announces that the event is planned for October 15, 2008 at 4:00 p.m.
and will showcase the Commission. Commissioners specify various organization that
typically sponsor or co-sponsor Binational Health Week and a forum with a diverse panel
of speakers. Commissioner Glanckopf thanks Commissioner Horowitz for his role in
arranging the proposed event.
In response to inquiry by Commissioners Le and Fischetti, Chairperson Stetson responds
that the proposed event would be open to the public, and that the Commission does not have
an independent funding mechanism. Commissioner Lenoir expresses the opinion that the
Commission should play a prominent role in the event as it initiated the grant process, and
Chairperson Stetson and Commissioners Loomis, Lenoir, and Horowitz recommend various
groups to invite to the event. Commissioner Horowitz clarifies that he will meet the
following week with Ms Alvarado to finalize various event details. Commissioner
Glanckopf initiates brief discussion concerning the development of the panel, and
Commissioners discuss completing event preparations and anticipated attendance at
upcoming Commission meetings. In response to an inquiry by Commissioner Fischetti,
Chairperson Stetson responds that over the past nine years four forums have been hosted by
the Commission. Commissioners Lenior and Le emphasize that the immigrant Latino and
Asian communities should also be invited to the event. Commissioner Horowitz voices
support for advising the Board of the proposed event, and the Deputy Clerk clarifies that
Commissioner Horowitz advised of his intention to do so through an informational
memorandum to the Board.
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July 16, 2008
On motion of Commissioner Horowitz, seconded by Commissioner Le, it is unanimously
ordered that Commissioner Horowitz be authorized to forward an off-agenda memorandum
to the Board regarding the showing on a segment of "Unnatural Causes: Is Inequality
Making Us Sick?" with an associated forum, to be held in conjunction with the DPH, during
Binational Health Week on October 15, 2008.
6. Consider a 30 minute video presentation of an episode of the documentary series
"Unnatural Causes: Is Inequality Making Us Sick?"
There is no report.
7. Consider verbal reports from:
a. Standing Committees:
I. Acute and Chronic Diseases and Related Issues
Commissioner Holman provides a verbal update on efforts to expand the
Chronic Care Model (CCM), California HealthCare Foundation funding of
regional healthcare efforts, inviting participants to the CCM Coalition
meetings, and interaction with Patrick Kearns, Director, Chronic Care
Management, HHS. Continuing, he reports on a program entitled "Solutions,"
utilized by the Palo Alto Medical Foundation, which serves as an electronic
medical record system and allows users to tap into a network of records to
review system or patient data. He announces that the program is free for use by
community health organizations. Additionally, he reports on a program
entitled "How's Your Health," developed for patients to track their health and
receive healthcare information.
i. Health Solutions Task Force
Chairperson Stetson reminds the commission of the history of the
development of the Task Force, and she notes that Task Force
membership may increase as Commission membership and attendance
improve. She directs attention to community organizations interested in
working with the Task Force, and she solicits Commissioners to aid in
developing the Task Force mission statement and goals.
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II. Emergency Medical Services
Commissioner Glanckopf welcomes new Commissioners and invites them to
the subsequent meeting of the Committee. Further, she advises the
Commission of progress in Comprehensive Cardiac Care System
III. Maternal, Child, and Adolescent Health Issues
Commissioner Horowitz advises the Commission that the dental center for
children discussed at the May 21, 2008 Commission meeting has opened and
treats children under the age of 13 regardless of whether they have insurance.
He notes that a 10 percent reduction to Denta-Cal has been proposed to help
balance the State budget. Continuing, he informs the Commission that The
Health Trust is involved in a grant process to aid in the fluoridation of the
public drinking water of the City of San Jose and that a new law may mandate
that cities with a population greater than 15,000 residents must fluoridate their
public drinking water. He reports that, according to the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention, California has the third lowest rate of water
fluoridation in the nation, and that the City of San Jose is the largest city
without fluoridated water in the country.
b. Commissioners who attended recent Health and Hospital Committee meetings
and Mental Health Board meetings
There is no report.
8. Announcements/ Correspondence:
a. Chairperson's announcements
There is no report.
b. Welcome new Commissioner Michael Fischetti
Chairperson Stetson welcomes new Commissioners Fischetti and Lenoir.
Commissioner Lenoir thanks the Commission for the welcome and details her
professional experience in the healthcare field, including 30 years spent as a pediatric
nurse and her volunteer work and activism. Commissioner Fischetti advises the
Commission that he is an oncologist and relates details of his areas of interest in the
healthcare field.
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July 16, 2008
c. The Commission Workplan for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 was approved on consent
at the June 24, 2008 Board meeting
Chairperson Stetson states that the Commission Workplan has been approved by the
d. Please remember that the Handbook for Advisory Boards and Commissions
stipulates that Commissions do not make policy decisions, manage or direct
programs, commit County resources, or take an official position that has not
been approved by the Board of Supervisors
Chairperson Stetson reminds Commissioners of various stipulations in the Handbook
for Advisory Boards and Commissions, and Commissioners discuss the genesis of the
announcement on the Commission agenda. In response to an inquiry by Chairperson
Stetson, the Deputy Clerk confirms that the item has been added to agendas of all
e. There is currently one vacancy on the Health Advisory Commission. For
Internet access to the vacancies list and applications please visit www.sccgov.org
Commissioner Glanckopf points out that various applicants have applied for
appointment and not yet been appointed, and she notes that not all appointed
Commissioners attend. Chairperson Stetson responds that she has been in contact
with Board Offices regarding both issues and that she will continue to follow-up to
ensure adequate Commissioner attendance. Commissioner Horowitz indicates that 11
Commissioners are in attendance, and he thanks Commissioners for attending.
f. Boards and Commissions agendas and minutes are available on the County of
Santa Clara website at http://www.sccgov.org/portal/site/bnc
Chairperson Stetson advises the Commission that agendas and minutes are available
9. Propose and discuss agenda items for the next Commission meeting.
Chairperson Stetson reminds the Commission that the August 20, 2008 meeting will include
an informational presentation from Anna Hughes, Compliance Officer, VMC, HHS, on the
development of a conflict of interest policy (COI). Commissioners discuss planned
attendance at the meeting and the possible cancellation of the subsequent Commission
meeting. Commissioner Horowitz expresses interest in future Commission items on the
topics of limiting trans-fats, and chloramine and other trace water-bourne substances in
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drinking water.
10. Accept nominations and elect Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson for Fiscal Year
Commissioner Horowitz speaks in support of re-electing Chairperson Stetson as
Chairperson and himself as Vice-Chairperson. He thanks Chairperson Stetson for her
efforts as Chairperson.
On motion of Commissioner Applebaum, seconded by Commissioner Hall, it is ordered on
a 10-1 vote, with Commissioner Horowitz abstaining, that Chairperson Stetson be
re-elected Chairperson and Commissioner Horowitz be re-elected Vice-Chairperson for
Fiscal Year 2009.
11. Adjournment.
On motion of Commissioner Horowitz, seconded by Chairperson Stetson, it is unanimously
ordered that the meeting be adjourned at 8:05 p.m. to a workshop meeting on Wednesday,
August 20, 2008 at 6:30 p.m. in the Board of Supervisors' Chambers, County Government
Center, 70 West Hedding Street, San Jose.
Respectfully submitted,
Roy Stone
Deputy Clerk