Journal of Ecology 1993, 81, 465-476 - relativeimportance Comparativeplantdemography of life-cycle components to thefiniterateof increasein woodyand herbaceousperennials JONATHAN SILVERTOWN, MIGUEL FRANCO,* IRENE PISANTYt & ANA MENDOZA* Departmentof Biology, Open University, Milton Keynes MK7 6AA, UK, *Centrode Ecologia, UniversidadNacional Autonomade Me'xico,04510 Me'xicoDF, Me'xicoand tFacultad de Ciencias, UniversidadNacional Autonomade Me'xico,04510 Me'xicoDF, Me'xico Summary 1 Stage projection(Lefkovitch)matricesfor 21 species of woody plants and 45 or comherbaceousperennialswere extractedfromthe plantdemographicliterature piled frompublisheddata. 1, recruitment of seeds to the 2 Each matrixwas dividedintosix regionsrepresenting: of seedlingsor juveniles fromcurrentseed production;3, seed pool; 2, recruitment in stage; due to plantsdecreasingin size or reverting clonal growth;4, retrogression, 5, stasis,(survivalfromone yearto thenextin the same stageclass); 6, progression to laterstageclasses. 3 Matrixanalysiswas used to calculatethefiniterateof increaseX foreach population in thematrices.Elasticities and to calculatetheelasticitiesof each transition coefficient were summedwithineach of the six regionsof thematrixto give measures(E1 - E69 of each componentof the lifecycle to X and fitness. respectively)of the importance 4 Herbs as a group differedsignificantly from woody plants in most of these was more important in herbsthanwoody plants. components.Seedling recruitment occurredonlyin herbs,particularly thosewitha tuber.Stasis occurred Retrogression in woodyplants.Progressionwas more in nearlyall species,butwas mostimportant in almostall species. thanfecundity important matrices fromcorrelation 5 Trade-offs amonglifecycle componentsweredetermined of r (= ln X) and elasticitiesE1 - E6 forthe whole sample and forherbsand woody withelasticitiesforfecundity plantsseparately. As a whole,r was positivelycorrelated (E1 + E2) and growth(E3 + E6) and negativelycorrelatedwithsurvival(E4 + E15).In and clonal growthwere negativelycorrelated. clonal herbs,fecundity 6 The divisionof elasticitiesinto threemajor components(growth,G = E3 + E6; F = E1 + E2; and survival,L = E4 + E5) allowed us to constructtriangular fecundity, plots in G-L-F space. This was done separatelyfor iteroparousforestherbs, iteroparousherbsfromopen habitats,semelparousherbsand woody plants.Each of thesefourgroupsoccupieda distinctpositionin G-L-F space. Withinwoodyplants, with the lowest habitatsoccupied the end of the distribution shrubsof fire-prone survivalelasticity. of distinctecological 7 It is arguedthatthedemographic approachto theclassification betweenlife historyand habitat. groupsoffersnew insightsintotherelationship evoluKeywords:clonal growth,elasticityanalysis,Lefkovitchmatrix,life-history retrogression, stasis,trade-off recruitment, tion,matrixanalysis,progression, Journalof Ecology 1993, 81, 465-476 Introduction The comparativemethodhas a long traditionin biology, particularlyin evolutionarystudies (Harvey & Pagel 1991), and is the modus operandi of a significant contemporaryschool of plant ecology (Grime et al. 1988). The methodis foundedon the principle that similar environmentsexert similar This content downloaded on Wed, 6 Mar 2013 15:13:19 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 466 Comparative plant demography selectiveforceson different species, leadingto convergentevolution and adaptive patternsthat transcend taxonomic boundaries. Dissimilar environmentsexertdifferent selectiveforcesthatmay lead to the evolutionarydivergenceof relatedtaxa. Since the pioneeringstudyof threeRanunculus species by Sarukhain& Harper (1973), the demographyof wild plants has oftenbeen analysed on a comparativebasis, albeit usually forsmall numbers of related taxa (e.g. Schaffer & Schaffer 1977; Newell, Solbrig & Kincaid 1981; Angevine 1983; Kawano et al 1987; Fone 1989; Young 1990; Boutin & Harper 1991). Wider comparisons between largernumbersof unrelatedtaxa should allow greatergeneralizationabout the evolutionary forces that shape plant life history.However, before any such exercise can be tackled we must establish a meaningfulmethod of comparison for species with life cycles as differentas, for example, Linum catharticum,a short-livedsemelparous herb and Sequoia sempervirens,a clonal tree of renownedsize and longevity. The life cycle of a plant can be described by a life-cycle graph (Hubbell & Werner 1979), from which a population projectionmatrixmay be derived (Caswell 1989). The projectionmatrixallows the quantitativedemographicdata thatdescribe the life cycle of a population with age or stage structure to be representedin a standardformat.The contributionthat an average individual belonging to an age, size or stage class (say j), makes in a predefinedtime interval(t to t+]) to anotherclass (say i; where i takes the values 1, 2, ..., j, ..., k) is expressed as a coefficient(aij) of a square matrix (A) whose numberof rows and columns is equal to the number of classes chosen (k). Populations where the individuals are grouped in age classes are describedby a Leslie matrix(afterLeslie 1945, 1948), wherethe only non-zeroelementsare on the first row (fecundities = alj) and on the first subdiagonal (survivorship= aij,-1). When individuals are classified in size or stage classes, any elementof thematrixmay be positivebecause each class may potentially(if not biologically) contribute to any other. This is known as a Lefkovitch matrix(Lefkovitch1965). In mostplantsfecundity, growthand survivorshipare closely relatedto individual size or stage of growthand are only loosely related to chronological age, so Lefkovitchmatrices tendto be moreappropriate,and are moreoften used, than Leslie matrices. Dual classificationby age and stage is possible using a Goodman matrix (Goodman 1969), but is rarelyused (but see van Groenendael & Slim 1989, Law 1983). Analysis of populationprojectionmatricesprovides a range of measures of population structure and behaviourthataffordcomparisonbetweenspecies (Caswell 1989). First,analysis of a population projectionmatrixyields the finiterate of increase X, which may be used as a measure of fitnessfor organismspossessing a particularset of traitsin a particularenvironment.Secondly, matrix analysis yields the stable age or stage distributionand a vector of reproductivevalues. These are of interest in themselves(J. Silvertown& M. Franco, unpublished), and may also be used to calculate the elasiticity eij of each element aij in the matrix. Elasticity is a measure of the sensitivityof X to small changes in aij, standardizedto allow for the fact that elements aij representingsurvival probabilities can only range between zero and one, wheras an ai1 representingfecunditycan have any value at all. If sij is the sensitivityof element aij, then the elasticityof the elementis: e.. = (a./X) x si. Elasticityis a measure of the relative change in the value of X in response to small changes in the value of a matrixelement,and it is also a measure of an element's contributionto fitness(de Kroon, van Groenendael& Caswell 1986). Elasticities sum to unity,and may be summed across selected regions of a matrixin order to compare the relative importanceof, say, fecunditywith the importance of growth.Caswell (1986) made such a comparison for Lefkovitch matrices of five tree species and found that the probabilityof remainingin a size class was generally more importantthan that of growinga size class or of fecundity.This was not so forDipsacus sylvestris(a semelparousherb),and he concluded that 'These patternsdeserve further study'. In a recent comparative sttudy,Silvertown, Franco & McConway (1992) used elasticityanalysis of matricesfor 18 herb species to test for a correspondence between demographic measures of growth, survival and fecundityand measures of and Ruderal (CSR) staCompetitive,Stress-tolerant tus accordingto Grime's classification(Grime et al. 1988). No correspondencewas found. Enright & Watson (1992) made a similarcomparisonforseven trees and a herb,but theirsample was too small to permitany firmconclusions. It is an axiom of life-historytheorythat tradeoffs between differentlife historyparameters,in particular between reproduction,growth and survival, constrainlife-historyevolution. The evolutionaryconstraintscreatedby such trade-offsshould lead to negative correlationsamong the elasticity values representingdifferent componentsof the life cycle. In particular,one would expect a trade-off between fecundity and survival, with fecundity more importantto short-livedherbs and survival more importantto long-lived trees. Among clonal plants one might expect a trade-offbetween the importanceof vegetativereproductionand the importanceof sexual reproduction. In this studywe use elasticityanalysis of matrix projectionmodels for a sample of 45 herbs and 21 woody species to determinethe contributionof dif- This content downloaded on Wed, 6 Mar 2013 15:13:19 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 467 J. Silvertown et al. ferentcomponentsof the life cycle to X in plantsof widely contrastinglife history.This sample is large and ecologically diverse enough for us to test for correlationbetween the importance(elasticity) of life historycomponents and habitat. This is the ultimatetest of utilityin any comparativestudyof life historyand has not been applied to the results of elasticity analysis before. If this approach to comparative plant demography is successful it should help us understandthe relationshipbetween life history and the habitat templet (Southwood 1977, 1988). Methods A comprehensivesurveyof the literatureon plant demography(Franco & Silvertown1990) was used to identifystudiesof perennialsthatpresenteddata in the formof a populationprojectionmatrix(43 cases), or which supplied enough informationto permitus to constructa projectionmatrixfor the population(s)ourselves(23 cases). Matricesforspecies studiedat more than one site or in more than one year were averagedto give one matrixper species per study.In one case (Araucaria hunsteinii) matricesfordifferent populationscould not be averaged because stage classificationsdifferedbetween sites. In this case the populationparameterswere calculatedseparatelyforeach matrixand theparameters averaged, using the geometricmean of X, to obtaina single species' estimate.Most authorsgave annual estimatesof the coefficientsa... When this was notthecase we standardizedthematrixto apply to a projectionintervalof one year. Caswell (1989, p. 49) identified an error in population projection matrices for plants that we foundto be frequentin the literature.A proportion of the seeds of manyplantspass fromproductionto germinationin underone year, so seeds should not appear as a separate stage in matrixmodels that have a projectionintervalof one year unless there is a long-term(supra-annual)seed pool. Even when a supra-annual seed pool exists, a proportionof recruitsfromseed will enterthe populationwithout passing throughit. The many studies which have not allowed for this give an underestimateof X because an artificialseed pool delays recruitment. We correctedfor this error,which in some cases meant the disappearance altogetherof a seed categoryappearingin thepublishedmatrixfora population. Matrices were analysed by the power method (Caswell 1989, p. 79). Here we report only the resultsconcerningthe finiterate of increase of the population(X) or its naturallogarithm,the intrinsic rate of population increase (r), and the elasticity (ei]) of the differentelementsof the matrix.Each of the 66 matrices(Table 1) was divided into six regions, each representinga differentpart of the life cycle. The regions,shown in Fig. 1, were: 1 recruitment of seeds to the seed pool; 2 recruitment of seedlingsor juveniles fromcurrent seed production; 3 clonal growth; 4 retrogression due to plantsdecreasingin size during the year or revertingfroma floweringstateto a vegetativeone or becomingdormant; 5 stasis, or survivalfromone yearto thenextin the same stage class; 6 progressionto later stage classes. Elasticities e.. were summed withineach of the six regionsto give totals foreach life-history process that are termed E1-E6, respectively.For the purpose of the presentanalysis E1+E2 collectively representfecundity(F), E4+E5 collectively represent survival (L), and E3+E6 collectively represent growth(G). Not all matricescontainedall six components and the relevantmatrixelements in published matrices were not always in the positions shown in Fig. 1. Care was taken to assign each elasticitycoefficientto its biologicallycorrectcomponent,regardlessof its actual position in the matrix. Trade-offs between the differentlife history componentswere soughtby compilinga Spearman rank correlationmatrix for r, E1 - E6, F, L, G. Variables E1 - E6, F, L, G are directlyor indirectly dependenton each otherbecause elasticitiessum to unity. Some negative correlations among these variables are thereforeto be expected. However, which variables are negatively and which positivelycorrelated,and to some extentthe strengthof negative correlations,is determinedby biological trade-offs.The significanceof correlationsbetween elasticities was determinedusing a randomization test (Manly 1991) thatallowed for the mathematical constraintsthatcould produce spuriouscorrelation. For the whole sample and forherbs and woody plants separately,each observed correlationcoeffiYear t seed Stage seedling iii iv seed 1 seedling 2 +a iii ___ ivI v I I~~~ v 3 iv----r - - v----r ---r-- -X 6 Fig. 1 The six regions of the stage projectionmatrix: 1, seed production;2, seedlingrecruitment; 3 clonal growth;4, retrogressionto a previous stage or size; 5, stasissurvivorship withinthe same class; 6, Pprogressionto later stages. This content downloaded on Wed, 6 Mar 2013 15:13:19 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions Table 1 Finite rate of increase X and summed elasticity values in six components E, - E6 of the stage projection matrices for 66 species of herbs, shrubs and trees. n = dimension of the matrix. Species El E2 E3 E4 E E6 n Herbs 1. Agropyronrepens' 2. Allium monanthum' 3. Anthyllisvulneraria2 4. Arisaema serratum 5. Arisaema triphyllum3 6. Armeria maritima2 2.963 1.588 1.416 0.991 1.073 1.458 0.0001 0 0.1306 0 0.0122 0 0.0003 0.0003 0.2347 0.0680 0.0691 0.1225 0.2302 0.2395 0 0.1050 0.0661 0 0 0.0613 0 0 0 0 0.4910 0.4416 0.0727 0.2640 0.6533 0.2258 0.2773 0.2572 0.5621 0.5630 0.1995 0.6517 6 7 4 19 7 11 7. Calathea ovandensis' 8. Calochortus albus 9. Calochortus obispoensis 10. Calochortus pulchellus 11. Calochortus tiburonensis 12. Chamaelirium luteum3 13. Cleome droserifolia2 14. Clintonia borealis' 15. Cynoglossum officinale2 16. Danthonia sericea3 17. Daucus carota2 18. Digitalis purpurea2 1.550 1.542 1.023 1.115 1.156 1.004 1.118 1.128 1.064 1.196 1.367 11.815 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0358 0 0 0 0 0.0397 0.2659 0.1875 0.0411 0.0859 0.0811 0.0279 0.0333 0 0.3148 0.1087 0.2736 0.4375 0 0.0067 0.0253 0.0288 0.0040 0 0 0.1754 0 0 0 0 0.0353 0 0 0 0 0.2801 0 0 0 0.0456 0 0 0.2677 0.4048 0.8314 0.6629 0.7570 0.2958 0.5753 0.6459 0.0557 0.4260 0.1791 0.0059 0.4312 0.4011 0.1022 0.2224 0.1579 0.3961 0.3557 0.1787 0.6295 0.4197 0.5473 0.5169 4 4 3 4 3 24 15 3 3 6 3 4 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 2.322 0.936 1.427 1.548 1.001 1.018 1.335 1.012 1.270 1.237 2.159 0.976 1.038 0.996 1.035 0.767 1.142 1.158 0.0659 0 0 0 0 0 0.0934 0.0014 0 0 0 0 0 0.0750 0 0 0 0 0.0015 0.0224 0.0054 0.2761 0.0437 0.0220 0.1147 0.0015 0.2840 0.3238 0.9417 0.0176 0.3204 0 0.0778 0.2678 0.4055 0.0045 0 0.2478 0.1929 0 0.1742 0.0770 0 0.0716 0.1900 0 0 0.0844 0 0 0.1346 0 0.0116 0.1891 0.2773 0.0560 0.1070 0 0 0.1051 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0369 0 0.0152 0 0 0 0.0506 0.2089 0.3761 0 0.3547 0.5145 0.3156 0.8498 0.1640 0.0285 0 0.7853 0.3865 0.5606 0.3565 0 0.1659 0.5831 0.6047 0.4649 0.3186 0.7239 0.4274 0.2814 0.4763 0.0758 0.3620 0.6477 0.0584 0.1127 0.2561 0.3644 0.4159 0.7322 0.4171 0.2232 6 13 8 4 13 8 4 4 3 3 3 3 7 6 6 4 3 4 37. Potentilla anserina3 38. Ranunculus acris' 0.883 1.206 0 0.0767 0.0022 0.2097 0.1902 0.0217 0 0 0.5166 0.3073 0.2910 0.3847 6 4 39. Ranunculus bulbosus' 1.345 0.2219 0.0481 0 0 0.2383 0.4918 3 40. Ranunculus repens' 0.498 0.0586 0.0025 0.0169 0 0.7853 0.1367 4 1.030 0 0.1482 0 0.0228 0.3192 3 0.803 0.997 1.484 0 0 0.0854 0.2012 0.0330 0.0947 0.971 1.009 0 0 1.014 1.246 1.609 0.992 2.995 Dipsacus sylvestris Disporum sessile' Disporum smilacinuml Echium vulgare2 Erythronium japonicum' Fritillaria meleagris2 Gentiana pneumonanthe2 Hieraciumfloribundum2 Hypochoeris radicata Isatis tinctoria2 Linum catharticum2 Narcissus pseudonarcissus3 Ophrys sphegodes' Panax quinquefolium3 Pedicularis furbishiae Picris hieracoides2'3 Plantago coronopus2'3 PodophyllumpeltatuM2'3 41. Scabiosa columbaria2'3 42. Seneciointegrifolius2'3 43. Senecio jacobaea2 44. Swallenia alexandrae2 45. Viola fimbriatula' Trees and shrubs 46. Alnus incana3 47. Araucaria cunninghamii 48. Araucariahunsteinii"3 49. Astrocaryummexicanum3 50. Avicennia marina' 51. Banksia ericifolia2 52. Betula nana 53. Calluna vulgaris' 54. Carnegiea gigantea2 55. Cassia nemophila' 56. Fagus grandifolia' 57. Iriartea deltoidea3 58. Nothofagus fusca3 59. Pentaclethra macroloba' 60. Petrophile pulchella2 61. Pinuspalustris' 62. Podococcusbarteri' 63. Psidiumguajava' 64. Rhopalostylis sapida 65. Sequoia sempervirens' 66. Vaticahainanensis' 1.446 1.020 0.540 1.207 0.939 1.081 1.006 1.002 1.643 0.998 1.013 0.994 1.007 0.992 1.000 0.5098 3 Mortimer(1984) Kawano et al (1987) Sterk (1975), Sterk et al. (1982) Kinoshita (1987) Bierzychudeck (1982) Lefebvre & Chandler-Mortimer(1984) Horvitz & Schemske (1986) Fiedler (1987) Fiedler (1987) Fiedler (1987) Fiedler (1987) Meagher (1982) Hegazy (1990) Pitelka et al. (1985) Boorman & Fuller (1984) Moloney (1988) Verkaar & Schenkeveld (1984) van Baalen (1982), van Baalen & Prins (1983) Caswell (1989) Kawano et al. (1987) Kawano et al. (1987) Klemow & Raynal (1985) Kawano et al. (1987) Zhang (1983) Chapman et al. (1989) Thomas & Dale (1975) de Kroon et al. (1987) Farah et al. (1988) Verkaar & Schenkeveld (1984) Barkham (1980) Waite & Hutchings (1991) Charron & Gagnon (1991) Menges (1990) Klemow & Raynal (1985) Waite (1984) Sohn & Polikansky (1977), Rust & Roth (1981) Eriksson (1987, 1988) Sarukhan & Harper (1973), Sarukhan (1974), Harper (1977) Sarukhan & Harper (1973), Sarukhan (1974), Harper (1977) Sarukhan & Harper (1973), Sarukhan (1974), Harper (1977) Verkaar & Schenkeveld (1984) Widen(1987) 0.0775 0 0.0457 0 0 0 0 0.3941 0.3999 0.6770 0.0991 0.5223 4 4 14 Forbes (1977) Pavlik & Barbour (1988) Solbrig et al. (1988) 0 0.0078 0.0615 0 0 0 0.7411 0.9412 0.1974 0.0510 5 10 Huenneke & Marks (1987) Enright& Watson (1991) 0.0081 0 0.0755 0 0.0853 0 0.0974 0.0728 0 0.2021 0 0 0 0.1421 0.0008 0 0 0 0 0 0.9031 0.6350 0.3875 0.6740 0.2029 0.0889 0.2676 0.4642 0.1840 0.5089 14 6 9 4 6 0 0.0479 0 0 0.0006 0.0439 0.0078 0.0324 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0024 0.3707 0.0235 0.1275 15 12 4 6 0 0 0 0 0.0600 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.1940 0.0116 0.0084 0.0091 0.0985 0.0057 0.0081 0.0020 0.0081 0 0.0219 0.0119 Source 0 0 0 0 0 0.0404 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0444 0.8679 0.2519 0.9281 0.9969 0.5375 0.9687 0.8402 0.9696 0.8946 0.3645 0.9649 0.8191 0.9767 0.9440 1 0.7885 0.0603 0.0221 0.0963 0.4770 0.0294 0.1325 0.0213 0.0478 0 0.1896 7 4 14 9 8 6 12 8 5 12 Enright(1982) Pinieroet al. (1984) Burns & Ogden (1985) Bradstock & O'Connell (1989) Ebert & Ebert (1989) Barclay-Estrup& Gimingham (1975), Mallik et al. (1984), Scandrett& Gimingham (1989) Steenbergh & Lowe (1977, 1983) Silander (1983) Harcombe (1987) Pinard (1992) Enright& Ogden(1979) Hartshorn (1975) Bradstock& O'Connell(1989) Plattet al. (1988) Bullock(1980) Somarriba(1988) Enright& Watson(1992) Namkoong& Roberds(1974) Hu (1988) 'Matrixgivenby thesource,butmodifiedor corrected forthisstudy.2Matrixcompiledforthisstudyfromdata in thesource.3Matrix used in this studywas obtainedby averagingmatricesgivenin thesource. This content downloaded on Wed, 6 Mar 2013 15:13:19 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 469 J. Silvertown et al. cient was tested against a distributionof expected values of the statisticgeneratedfroma null model. The null models contained the same number of species as each sample (66, 45, 21, respectively) and were based on the observedelasticitiesof each sample in order to preservebiological realism. In each null model, observed values of the six elasticitieswere independenetlypermutatedamong species and then standardizedto sum to unityfor each species. A correlationmatrixwas thencalculated forthe model. This was repeated5000 times for each sample to generatea frequencydistribution of correlationcoefficientsagainst which observed values were tested. The test was conservative (i.e. prone to type II error)because null models were generatedfromthe observed data. Because some species lack certain elasticities (e.g. non-clonal species lack E3 and species with no seed dormancylack El), spurious correlations could be created by including all species in all correlations.To avoid this,cases of zero values in El - E6 were treated as missing obervations, so sample sizes (and degrees of freedom)were determined pairwise withinthe correlationmatrix. Because F + L + G = 1 thereis a mathematical constraintamong these variables, but biological constraintsdeterminewhichspecies occur wherein the space definedby them. The 66 species in the study were plotted in a triangularordinationfor each of fourgroups: iteroparousherbs fromclosed habitats (forest herbs), iteroparousherbs of open habitats,semelparousherbs and woody species. Results COMPARISON OF WOODY PLANTS AND HERBS The parameterscalculated for each populationare shown in Table 1. Althoughthe intrinsicrate of increase (r) varied greatlywithineach sample it differed at the 5% level between woody plants and herbs (Table 2). Table 2 A comparisonof themean values of r, elasticities E6 and G, L, F forherbsand woodyplants.Differences between the two groups were tested by Mann-Whitney U-test E- Herbs r El E2 E3 E4 Es E6 G L F Woody plants n mean (SD) 45 13 43 25 11 42 45 45 45 45 0.225 0.069 0.149 0.105 0.095 0.402 0.381 0.439 0.398 0.163 (0.451) (0.060) (0.175) (0.083) (0.096) (0.246) (0.184) (0.183) (0.256) (0.175) n 21 5 17 4 0 21 20 21 21 21 mean (SD) P < 0.090 0.055 0.038 0.061 0.785 0.168 0.172 0.785 0.044 0.05 0.81 0.01 0.29 (0.315) (0.030) (0.053) (0.060) (0.235) (0.165) (0.170) (0.235) (0.074) - 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 El. A supra-annualseed pool existed in 13/45herb populationsand 5/21woodyplants.In onlytwo cases did theseed pool contribute above 10% to changesin X (Anthyllisvulneraria and Ranunculus bulbosus; Table 1) and thedifference betweenherbsand woody plants was not significant(Table 2). E2. Seedlingrecruitment occurredin all buttwo herb populationsand in 17/21woodyplants(Table 1). The importance of seedlings varied greatly between herbs, reaching over 40% in the facultatively semelparousperennialDigitalis purpureaand 94% in the semelparousbiennial Linum catharticum.Digitalis purpureaalso had by farthe largestvalue of X in the data set (11.815) whileLinumcatharticumoccupied fifthplace (k = 2.159). The importanceof seedlingrecruitment among woody plantswas highest in the heathlandshrubCalluna vulgaris (20%), but 12 herbshad highervalues of E2 and the difference betweenthe two life formswas significant (P < 0.01, Table 2). Calluna vulgarisalso had the highest k among woody plants (2.995). E3. Clonal growth was recorded in 25/45 herb populationsand in 4/21woodyplants(Table 1, Table 2). Values were highestin Disporumsessile (0.2478) and Allium monanthum(0.2395), two bulbiferous woodland herbs,and Agropyronrepens (0.2302), a persistentrhizomatousweed. The two woody plants with the highestvalues of E3 were the dwarfarctic shrubBetula nana and the shrubAlnus incana. No seed or seedling recruitment was recordedin either species, but theirclonal growthelastictieswere only 0.1421 and 0.0615, respectively.Nine of the 25 clonal herbshad values of E3 > 0.14. Clonal growth was not significantlydifferentbetween herbs and woody plants (Table 2). was sometimesdifficult E4. Retrogression to separate from clonal growthin published matrices. It was absentfromwoody plants,but definitely occurredin eleven herbs, including an orchid (Ophrys sphegodes) and five species in the Liliaceae (Allium Chamaeliriumluteum,Disporumsessile, monanthum, D. smilacinum,Fritillaria meleagris). E5. Stasis occurred in all species except Echium vulgare, Linum catharticumand Picris hieracoides which are all short-livedsemelparous perennials. Values of E5 were particularly high in woody plants, reachinga value of one in the very long-livedtree Sequoia sempervirens(Table 1). The differencebetweenherbsand woody plantswas highlysignificant (Table 2). E6. Progressionwas more importantthan seed or in all species, with only two seedling recruitment exceptions:the short-lived,semelparous,biennial to perennial herb Linum catharticum,and the orchid Ophryssphegodes.In general,progressionwas more importantin herbsthan woody plants (Table 2). This content downloaded on Wed, 6 Mar 2013 15:13:19 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 470 Comparative plant demography Overall, growth(G) and fecundity(F) were significantlymore importantin herbs than woody plants and the reversewas truefor survival(L) (Table 2). 1.51.0 a$ CORRELATION BETWEEN ELASTICITIES OF .~0.5 0 PARAMETERS LIFE-CYCLE Spearmanrank correlationswere calculated for the whole data set (Table 3) and for herbs and woody plants separately (Tables 4 and 5, respectively). positivecorrelationbetween There was a significant the intrinsicrate of increase r and the elasticityof fecundity(F, Table 3). This was especially strongin woody plants(Table 5, Fig. 2), butthecorrelationin herbs (Table 4) depended entirelyupon a single outlierwitha high value of r. Seedling recruitment fromthe seed pool (El) (E2) ratherthanrecruitment was responsible for this relationship.Significant negative correlationsof similar strengthoccurred between survival(L) and r and between stasis (E.) and r for all threedata sets. Growthelasticity(G) and r were positivelycorrelatedin woody plants (r = 0.66, P < 0.0001, n =21), and in the sample as a whole. Progression(E6) ratherthan clonal growth (E3) was responsiblefor the correlationbetween r and G, which was weaker than the correlationbetween r and E6 alone. * 0.0 ** -0.5 - -1.00.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 Fecundity elasticity Fig. 2 Relationshipbetweenthe intrinsicrate of population increase (r) and the elasticityof fecundity(F) in woody plants. Seed recruitment(E1) was positively correlated with seedling recruitment(E2), progression (E6), and growth(G) and negativelycorrelatedwith survival (L) in the whole sample (Table 3). These correlationswere weaker or not significantfor the subsamples (Tables 4 and 5). Despite an overall positive correlationbetweenE2 and G, the elasticity of seedling recruitment was significantly negatively correlatedwith the elasticityof the clonal compo- Table 3 Spearmanrankordercorrelationmatrixforr (= In X), elasticitycomponentsEl - E6, fecundity(F = El + E2)9 survival(L = E4+ E5) and growth(G = E3+ E6) for66 species of herbsand woody plants.Values in italics are signifiP < 0.01. Except forcorrelationsinvolvingr, significancelevels were cant P < 0.05, values in bold are significant determinedby a randomizationtest.Pairwise sample sizes are shownin parentheses r 0.22 El E2 0.41 E3- 0.14 E 4 0.06 Es5- 0.55 ES6 0.43 F 0.51 L -0.53 G 0.39 El (18) (60) (29) (11) (63) (65) (66) (66) (66) E3 E2 0.55 (16) - 0.75 (7) (1) - 0.63 (18) 0.70 (18) 0.72 (18) -0.70 (18) 0.53 (18) - 0.55 (26) - 0.68 (11) - 0.67 (57) 0.60 (60) 0.95 (60) -0.76 (60) 0.45 (60) Es E4 - 0.20 (5) - 0.15 (29) 0.07 (29) -0.60 (29) -0.12 (29) 0.46 (29) - 0.21 0.02 -0.63 0.32 0.17 (11) (11) (11) (11) (11) -0.95 -0.73 0.98 -0.94 E6 (62) (63) (63) (63) 0.66 (65) -0.89 (65) 0.94 (65) F L -0.79 (66) 0.51 (66) -0.88 (66) Table 4 Spearmanrankordercorrelationmatrixforr (= ln X), elasticitycomponentsE1- ES6,fecundity(F=E=+E2)9 P < 0.05, values in survival(L = E4+E5) and growth(G = E3+E6) forherbsin the sample. Values in italics are significant P < 0.01. Except forcorrelationsinvolvingr, significancelevels were determined bold are significant by a randomization test.Pairwise sample sizes are shown in parentheses r 0.11 (13) El ES2 0.26 (43) ES3 - 0.03 (25) E4 0.06 (11) Es5 - 0.38 (42) ES6 0.19 (45) F 0.33 (45) L - 0.38 (45) 0.16 (45) G E2 El 0.55 (12) - 0.77 (6) - - 0.54 0.66 0.66 - 0.65 0.43 (1) (13) (13) (13) (13) (13) E3 - 0.55 (24) -0.68 - 0.58 0.44 0.95 - 0.72 0.22 (11) (40) (43) (43) (43) (43) -0.20 - 0.22 0.12 -0.64 -0.18 0.54 (5) (25) (25) (25) (25) (25) - 0.21 0.02 -0.63 0.32 0.17 E6 Es5 E4 (11) (11) (11) (11) (11) -0.91 -0.63 0.96 -0.85 This content downloaded on Wed, 6 Mar 2013 15:13:19 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions (42) (42) (42) (42) 0.49 (45) - 0.79 (45) 0.89 (45) F L - 0.74 (45) 0.24 (45)-0.75 (45) 471 J. Silvertown et al. (F = El + E2), survival Table 5 Spearmanrankordercorrelationmatrixforr (= In X), elasticitycomponentsE, - E6, fecundity P < 0.05, values in (L = E4+ E5) and growth(G = E3+ E6) forwoodyplantsin the sample. Values in italics are significant P < 0.01. Exceptforcorrelations involvingr, significancelevels weredetermined bold are significant by a randomization test. Pairwise sample sizes are shownin parentheses r 0.90 El E2 0.88 E3 -0.80 Es5 -0.67 ES6 0.68 F 0.88 L - 0.67 G 0.66 El (5) (17) (4) (21) (20) (21) (21) (21) E2 0.80 (4) -(1) -0.90 (5) 0.90 (5) 0.90 (5) - 0.90 (5) 0.90 (5) E3 -(2) -0.90 (17) 0.90 (17) 1.00 (17) - 0.90 (17) 0.90 (17) 0.20 (4) - 0.40 (4) - 0.95 (4) 0.20 (4) - 0.20 (4) - 1.00 (20) (21) 1.00 (21) 1.00 (21) - w17 17 bt 19 9 1 17 X 0i4 0.6 0.4~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~4 0.8 0.2 1.0 0.8 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 L. F .0 G 10 0.4 1.0 1.0 0.8 20 1.0 / 04 3 0.4 - 0 0.2 L 0 0.22 0.8 0 0.6 0.4 0.6 (d) .06 0.8 0.8 G 0 0.2 1.0 : .4 0 0.2 _ 04 .-F 0.8 / 33\ 31 4-F (c) 6 27 0.2 1L0 0 3 38 428 1?47~~~~~~~~~~~35 % \ - 1.00 (21) 0.2 0.8 0.2 0.6 - 0.66 (21) 0.64 (21) G 1.0 0 (b) 0.8 F E6 0.64 (20) - 1.00 (20) 0.99 (20) -0.66 G 1.0 0 (a) F Es E4 0.2 0. 0.4 0.8 2504 0 0.6 1.5. 0.4 0.6 4 .6 4 F 62 04 F 02 5 36 of 66 perennialspecies in G-L-F space: (a) semelparousherbs,(b) iteroparousherbsof open habitats,(c) Fig. 3 Distribution iteroparousforestherbs,(d) woody plants.Species numberscorrespondto those in Table 1. nentof growth(E3) in herbs (r = - 0.55, P < 0.05, n = 24) and in the whole sample. The positive relation between E2 and G was due to a strong positive correlationbetween E2 and E6. E2 was also negativelycorrelatedwith L and its componentsE4 and E5 althoughin herbsthe latterdid not show significance. The negative relationship between the elasticities of sexual and clonal reproductionwas manifestin a strong(P < 0.01) negativecorrelation betweenfecundity(F = E1 + E2) and clonal growth (E3) in both the whole sample and herbs,although sample size was too small for woody plants (P= 0.10, n= 4). Retrogressionto previous stages (E4 ) had a poor, non-significantcorrelationwith other variables. Woody plants did not have retrogression. Stasis (E5) and progression (E6) were very stronglynegativelycorrelatedwitheach other.Correlations between G, L and F are to be expected because of the mathematicalconstraintreferredto, but it is notable thatthe correlationbetweenfecundity and survival is a negative one while that betweenfecundityand growthis positive (Table 3). It is evident from the G-L-F triangularplots thatmost populations had low fecundityelasticity (Fig. 3). Nevertheless,the distributionof the 66 species is more or less continuous. Short-lived, This content downloaded on Wed, 6 Mar 2013 15:13:19 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 472 Comparative plant demography semelparous herbs were distributedalong the G axis (Fig. 3a). Although F varied from 0.07 for Dipsacus sylvestristo 0.94 forLinum catharticum, survivalelasticity(L) was always lower than0.33. The high mortalityof seedlings and the absence of a seed bank in Linum catharticummade it dependent on a high recruitmentrate. This species was incorrectlyplaced along the L axis in a previous paper (Silvertown,Franco & McConway 1992). Iteroparous herbs of open habitats showed a greatdeal more variationin the variables G, L and F (Fig. 3b) but tendedto occupy the middleportion of the trianglewith low to intermediatevalues for F and L and intermediateG values. Five of them (nos 9, 11, 26, 40 and 44), however, occurred clumped near the L axis next to long lived trees (see below). In particular,the high L value for Ranunculus repens was due to seeds remainingin the seed bank with a 'decay rate ... too slow to detect...' (Sarukhan 1974). The otherfourplantsin this group are characterisedby a bulbous (nos 9 and 11), stoloniferous(nos 26 and 40) or hummock-forming (no. 44) habit. Iteroparousforestherbswere scatteredalong the survivorshipaxis fromL= 0.25 for Viola fimbriatula to L= 0.785 for Narcissus pseudonarcissus (Fig. 3c). Plants in this group were characterized by low-fecundityelasticity,the highestvalue being F= 0.266 for Calathea ovandensis. Woody plants tended to occupy the L cornerof the triangle(Fig. 3d). Their population growthrate depends heavily on the survival of established adult individuals. The four species in the lower range of survival elasticityfor this group and which had highervalues of G and F (nos 51, 53, 55 and 60) are all small shrubsof open, sometimesfire-pronehabitats. Discussion However ingeniouslydevised, a studythatattempts to compare species thatrange fromSenecio to Sequoia is in danger of being somethingof a procrusteanexercise.How mightthishave affectedour results? The dimensionalityof a matrix, or the numberof stages into which a life cycle is divided, will affectvalues of a,, and e... Althoughstatistical rules of thumbhave been proposedto determinethe appropriatedimensionalityof a projection matrix (Vandermeer 1978; Moloney 1986), in practice it has been a decisionbased on thebiologyof a species (Caswell 1989). Even where we compiled matrices ourselves, matrixdimensionalityin this studywas largelydecided by the authorsof our data sources. However,by aggregatingvalues of eJinto six components,each with a clear biological meaning,we attemptedto iron out inaccuraciescaused by differing dimensionality. Dimensionalityis importantin determiningthe relativevalues of stasis and-progression.There was a very strongnegative correlationbetween E5 and E6, which is to be expected if these have a relativelyfixedsum. However, withinthe sum E5 + E6 the relative value of these variables in different species may varyeitherforbiological reasons or as an artifactof differingdimensionality.The more dimensions in a matrix,the narrowerwill be the limits which define each size class and the more likely it is thatthe annual growthincrementof an individual in a particularclass will take it out of that size class at the next census. With increasing dimensionalitythe diagonal matrixelementsaii will become smaller and the subdiagonal elements larger,causing an associated decrease in E5 and an increase in E6. This artifactwill move individual points in the G-L-F space to varyingdegrees. To investigateits effectit is necessary to modifythe dimensionalityof individual matrices and this in turnrequires raw data on individual growthor at least informationon the number of individual in each stage class (stage distribution).This information was not usually available. Preliminaryanalyses made by Enrightand Franco (unpublished) have, however, shown thatfor long-lived woody species dimensionalityeffectsare small withinthe range of dimensionscommonlyused. An indicative test for the occurrenceof this problemin our database may be made. If the negativecorrelationbetweenE5 and E6 is artifactualwe would expect a negative correlation betweenmatrixdimensionality(n) and E5. If there is no such correlation,one can tentatively attributesome biological significanceto the partitioning E5:E6. When treated separately, woody plantsand herbsdid not show significantcorrelation (Spearman) between E5 and n (herbs, S= - 0.06, P = 0.720; woody plants, S = 0.02, P = 0.937). However, when all species were lumped together, the correlation was significant but positive (S = 0.25, P < 0.05), i.e. given the range of values for n in the dataset, long-lived woody plants have high values of stasis. There may be a simple biological explantionof variationin E5 and E6. High values of E5 are characteristicof woody plants and high values of E6 are characteristicof herbs (Table 2). This makes intuitivesense and is confirmation that our partitioningof elasticities has biological meaningacross the fullrangeof plantlife historyin our sample. The distinctseparationof species into ecologically different groups in G-L-F space (Fig. 3) provides a startingpoint to categorize patternsof demographyand life-historyin plants. Forest herbs fall along the L-G axis; semelparous plants along the F-G axis. Species lying along the L-G axis, near the L = 1 vertex of the triangle,are mostly (although not exclusively) woody plants of forest habitats.Woody plants of open habitatslie towards the centreof the trianglein the directionof the G corner.Iteroparousherbs of open habitatare more This content downloaded on Wed, 6 Mar 2013 15:13:19 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 473 J. Silvertown et al. broadly scatteredbut this is to be expected given the wide range of habitatstheyoccupy. Except for the presenceof Linumcatharticum,the distribution of our 66 perennialspecies in G-L-F space leaves the region of the trianglewithF = 1 at its vertex conspicuouslyempty.We would expect this region to be occupied by annual species. With some exceptionsthen,ordinationin G-L-F space produces a clear correspondencebetweenthe relativeimportance of the threemajor demographicparametersto X and life formand habitat. This is an important step towards linking a quantitativedescriptionof life historywith the habitat templet (Southwood 1977, 1988). The species in our study comprise both genet populations(e.g. most of the trees) and rametpopulations (the clonal species). We have treatedthe two kinds of population equivalently,although it has been argued thata distinctionshould be made between them because fitnessshould be measured only at the level of the genet (Harper 1977). The alternativeview is that ramet dynamics may be used as an indirect measure of genet fitness (Caswell 1985; de Kroon & van Groenendael1990; Eriksson & Jerling1990), in which case the dominant eigenvalue, X, of a projectionmatrixmay be used to measure fitnessin ramet as well as genet populations. The validityof this approach is confirmedby our findingthat there is a correlation between the elasticity of clonal growth and the elasticity of fecundity in the demography of ramets. A negative correlationbetween elasticities implies a trade-offbetween the contributionsto fitnessof the correspondingcomponentsof the life cycle. However, it is importantto recognize that this need not imply a precisely parallel trade-off between the phenotypicvalues of two traits.It is easiest to see the reason for this with an example. Digitalis purpurea is a species thatproduces large numbersof small seeds which can lie dormantfor a long time in the seed pool. Only a small proportion of these seeds ever become seedlings (0.15% per year), so one mightconclude, on the basis of the numericalallocation of seeds betweendormant/ nondormantphenotypes,thatseed dormancymakes a largercontributionto fitness(or is 'more important') in D. purpurea than in a species such as as Ranunculus bulbosus with a smaller fractionof dormantseed (45% germinationper year). In fact this is incorrectand the elasticityforthe seed pool (E1) is much greaterin R. bulbosus (0.2219) than in D. purpurea (0.0397) (Table 1). The reason for thisis simplythatdormantseeds make no contribution to fitnessunless they germinate,so the value of a seed in the seed pool cannot be evaluated withouttaking into account the germinationrate and the restof the life cycle as well. In fact,this is exactly what elasticitydoes (de Kroon, Plaiser & van Groenendael 1987). It might be argued that trade-offsbetween life-historytraits are better measured by correlationsbetween elasticityvalues than by correlations between trait values themselves, because the consequences for fitnesscan be more directlyinterpretedin the former. The literatureon the functionand evolutionary significanceof clonal growthin plants has concentratedon its advantages,and on the costs and benefitsof clonal integrationwithlittleattentionto the potential costs of clonality itself. It has been assumed thatthe evolutionof clonal growthis limited by the long-termdisadvantagesthatare assumed to operateagainst asexual reproductionin general,but a short-termtrade-offbetween clonal growthand sexual reproductionmust also occur. The negative correlationbetween clonal growth elasticity (E3) and fecundityelasticity (F) within the group of clonal plants (Table 3) stronglysuggeststhatthere is a trade-offbetweenthe contributions to fitnessof these two modes of reproduction.Furthermore, therewas no correlationwhatsoeverbetween r and E3, so thereis no evidence here eitherthat clonal growthconfersan absolute fitnessadvantage. The relativeimportanceof life-cycleparameters to X is expected to vary with the value of X (e.g.Caswell 1982), and the correlationswe found between r (= ln X) and various elasticities confirm this (Tables 3 and 4). The strongestcorrelationwas between X and the value of F among woody plants (Fig. 2). Using sensitivity analysis of model populations Caswell (1982) found thatthe relative importanceof fecundityincreased as X decreased, whereas we found the reverse patternfor actual populations. The matricesused in this studywere stationary ones, and thereforethe elasticities derived from them project the relative contributionsof life historycomponentsto fitnessin an environmentthat does not vary withtime and in which X is constant. This may have a variety of effects. For species which recruitonly infrequently, our matricesmay not portraythe full importanceof fecundityor a seed pool to population dynamics.The importance of a seed pool to fitness(E1) is very likely to be because selection operates strongly underestimated, in favour of this characterwhen X varies (Cohen 1966; Silvertown1988; Venable 1990). The effects of environmentalvariationcan be incorporatedin a matrix approach to life history evolution (e.g. Tuljapurkar1990). This paper is only the firststep towardsa comparative demographyof plants. We have demonstrated that the approach can reveal meaningful relationships between life history variables, between life historyand life form and between life historyand habitat,but there is still much to do. With a sample containingmore species it would be possible to look for the influence of taxonomic This content downloaded on Wed, 6 Mar 2013 15:13:19 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 474 Comparative plant demography constraintson demographicpatterns.We are also acutely aware that demographic parameters for most species varygreatlyin timeand in space, and future studies should attemptto compare intraspecific patterns with interspecificones. Future papers will look at this and othertopics in comparative plant demographyusing our dataset. Acknowledgements We are grateful to the British Council and CONACyT, Mexico, for financial support. 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