Sixth Grade Summer Reading 2014

Sixth Grade Summer Reading 2014-15
All incoming 6th grade students are asked to complete the summer reading activity. Reading over the summer is
a great way to maintain and strengthen reading abilities. Middle school summer reading is incorporated into
lessons during the first few weeks in August, so it is very important that everyone reads one of the summer
Step 1: Choose one book from the book list below that you have NOT read.
 The Raft by S. A. Bodeen
 Call it Courage by Armstrong Sperry
 Brian’s Winter by Gary Paulsen
 Island of the Blue Dolphins by Scott O’Dell
Step 2 (Format Your Double-Entry Journal and Read!): Divide the novel into 3 equal sections. (I suggest putting
a small post-it at each division.) For each section create 3 journal entries. (All total you will have 9 journal
entries.) *Be sure to include your name and the title and author of the book you read on the first page or
create a cover with this information.
Tip! Read and react with post-it notes (just like Ms. Snyder taught you) and for every section choose the best
three to include in your double entry journal.
The format of a double-entry journal is below. It has 2 columns. In the left-hand column (labeled Passage)
record a passage, quote, situation, or line from the novel that invokes opinions, feelings, connections, questions,
or an analysis of author’s style. In the right-hand column (labeled Reaction) record your reaction to the text.
Be sure that each passage lines up with each reaction (note the formatting on the example).
A sample from a double-entry journal is on the back. Your entries should be reflective of the bulleted reactions
below. Entries must be neatly written, typed, or sketched. No torn pages or messy work will be accepted.
Remember this is your first impression, so make it a great one! If you keep an electronic journal, you must
come to class with a hard copy of your double-entry journal. Computers are available during homeroom for
printing purposes; no printing will be allowed during class time.
Suggestions for the reaction column:
 Comments
 Questions
 Connections (Text to text, text to self, text to world)
 Analysis of author’s style (sentence structure, word choice, sentence length, figurative language)
 New or interesting words (be sure to include why you included the word, what it means, what it
made you think of, how you will use it, etc.)
 A poem (original or copyrighted) that connects to the text
 Art work (original or copyrighted) with a caption connecting it to the text
Template for Double-Entry Journal:
Section 1: (page XX –XX)
Passage & Page No.
Sample Double Entry Journal
Sally Sample
Holes By Louis Sachar
Passage and Pg. No.
p. 3 “The campers are forbidden to lie in
the hammock. It belongs to the Warden.
The warden owns the shade.”
p. 7 “He didn’t have any friends at home.
He was overweight and the kids at his
middle school often teased him about his
size. Even his teachers made cruel
comments without realizing it.”
Stanley must be lonely. He reminds me of a
friend I had in middle school. She was also
overweight and used to get teased all the
time by other classmates, especially the
boys. Because of this, she didn’t feel good
about herself. She had low self-esteem. As a
mother today, I always tell my children to
be kind to kids who are bullied.
p. 8 “Stanley’s father was smart and had a
lot of perseverance. Once he started a
project he would work on it for years,
often going for days without sleep.”
I think that in order to be successful in
anything, you have to have perseverance.
People who give up easily cannot
accomplish anything. It also helps to have a
passion for what you are doing. People
who have this passion can spend hours
working without even realizing it. Stanley’s
father not only had perseverance, but also
passion for his work.
p. 10 “Stanley looked out the dirty
window. He couldn’t see a lake. And
hardly anything was green.”
I think that Camp Green Lake is going to be
a depressing place. I don’t think Stanley is
going to like it. I wonder if he will get
bullied like he did at his school? Will there
be any nice boys there?
The warden doesn’t seem like a nice
person. How can someone “own” the
shade? It seems like s/he is the only person
who can relax at Camp Green Lake.