Page 1 SENATE CALENDAR Seventieth General Assembly STATE OF COLORADO Second Regular Session Monday, February 1, 2016 20th Legislative Day Hour of convening 10:00 A.M. THIRD READING OF BILLS - FINAL PASSAGE - CONSENT CALENDAR by Senator(s) Baumgardner; also Representative(s) Becker J.--Concerning the purchase of an off-highway vehicle by a dealer. SB16-010 GENERAL ORDERS - SECOND READING OF BILLS - CONSENT CALENDAR by Senator(s) Neville T. and Jahn; also Representative(s) Saine and Ryden--Concerning a hold harmless provision for retailers liable for any money payable as a result of an incorrect location code assigned by the department of revenue. (Business, Labor, & Technology recommends the bill be amended as printed in Senate Journal, January 28, 2016.) SB16-050 GENERAL ORDERS - SECOND READING OF BILLS SB16-011 by Senator(s) Neville T.; also Representative(s) Neville P.--Concerning the repeal of statutory requirements that a portion of the revenue from specified motor vehicle related fees imposed under the "Funding Advancements for Surface Transportation and Economic Recovery Act of 2009" be used for transit-related projects. (Laid Over from January 29, 2016.) CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTIONS HJR16-1003 by Representative(s) Lontine and Roupe; also Senator(s) Lambert and Carroll-Concerning recognition of Military, Veterans, and MIA/POW Appreciation Day. (Laid Over from January 29, 2016.) HJR16-1004 by Representative(s) Esgar and Navarro; also Senator(s) Crowder and Garcia--Concerning the U.S.S. Pueblo. (Laid Over from January 29, 2016.) HJR16-1005 by Representative(s) Williams and Humphrey; also Senator(s) Sonnenberg and Ulibarri-Concerning the U.S.S. Colorado. (Laid Over from January 29, 2016.) HJR16-1006 by Representative(s) Ryden and Thurlow; also Senator(s) Todd and Martinez Humenik-Concerning the designation of a portion of East Sixth Avenue in Aurora as the "Colorado Freedom Memorial Highway". (Laid Over from January 29, 2016.) HJR16-1007 by Representative(s) Melton and Landgraf; also Senator(s) Hill and Heath--Concerning recognition of military personnel from Colorado who have served in Operation Enduring Freedom, Operation Freedom's Sentinel, Operation New Dawn, Operation Inherent Resolve, and in the Global War on Terrorism and honoring those who have died while serving the cause of freedom around the world. (Laid Over from January 29, 2016.) Page 2 CONSIDERATION OF GOVERNOR'S APPOINTMENTS - CONSENT CALENDAR MEMBERS OF THE FIRE AND POLICE PENSION ASSOCIATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS for a term expiring September 1, 2017: Suzanne J. Morgan of Lone Tree, Colorado, to serve as a representative of Colorado municipal employers and occasioned by the resignation of Susan R. Eaton of Denver, Colorado, appointed; for terms expiring September 1, 2019: Manuel Albert Esquibel of Brighton, Colorado, to serve as a representative of Colorado municipal employers, reappointed; Pamela Marie Feely, CPA, MBA, of Lakewood, Colorado, to serve as a representative of a board of directors of a special district, reappointed; Todd A. Bower of Denver, Colorado, to serve as a full-time paid firefighter, reappointed. MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF VETERANS COMMUNITY LIVING CENTERS for terms expiring July 1, 2019: Ruth Eileen Minnema, RN, MA, NHA, RAC-CT, of Centennial, Colorado, to serve as a member with expertise in nursing home operations, who is a nursing home administrator at the time of appointment, who is experienced in the financial operations of a nursing home, and as an Unaffiliated, appointed; William Lewis Robinson of Castle Rock, Colorado, to serve as a veteran and the designee of the State Board of Veterans Affairs and as an Unaffiliated, appointed. Tuesday, February 2, 2016 GENERAL ORDERS - SECOND READING OF BILLS - CONSENT CALENDAR SB16-015 by Senator(s) Baumgardner; also Representative(s) Vigil--Concerning a requirement that a governor-designated state agency clarify which pesticides may be used in the marijuana industry. by Senator(s) Grantham; also Representative(s) Primavera--Concerning the sharing of professional dental fees. (Health & Human Services recommends the bill be amended as printed in Senate Journal, January 29, 2016.) SB16-009 GENERAL ORDERS - SECOND READING OF BILLS SB16-001 by Senator(s) Crowder; also Representative(s) (None)--Concerning the expansion of the state income tax deduction for military retirement benefits. (Finance recommends the bill be amended as printed in Senate Journal, January 29, 2016.) Page 3 CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTIONS SJR16-003 by Senator(s) Sonnenberg; also Representative(s) Vigil--Concerning approval of water project revolving fund eligibility lists administered by the Colorado water resources and power development authority. Monday, February 1, 2016 SENATE COMMITTEE MEETINGS Monday, February 1, 2016 JOINT BUDGET COMMITTEE Upon Adjournment JBC Hearing Room Legis. Serv. Bldg, 3rd Floor Consideration of Potential Legislation, Consideration of OSPB and Elected Official Supplemental Comebacks & JBC Staff Supplemental Comebacks JOINT BUDGET COMMITTEE 1:30 PM JBC Hearing Room Legis. Serv. Bldg, 3rd Floor Continuation of Consideration of Potential Legislation & Supplemental Recommendations as Needed PLEASE NOTE: Any agenda item not presented today may be considered tomorrow SENATE BUSINESS, LABOR, & TECHNOLOGY COMMITTEE 1:30 PM SCR 354 SB16-029 by Senator(s) Scheffel and Heath; also Representative(s) (None)--Insurance Comply With Model Acts SENATE STATE, VETERANS, & MILITARY AFFAIRS COMMITTEE 1:30 PM SCR 356 SB16-023 by Senator(s) Kerr; also Representative(s) (None)--Funding For Full-day Kindergarten (AVAILABLE FOR REMOTE TESTIMONY) SB16-018 by Senator(s) Merrifield; also Representative(s) (None)--Motor Vehicle Impede Traffic SB16-038 by Senator(s) Aguilar; also Representative(s) Young--Transparency Of Community-centered Boards Tuesday, February 2, 2016 SENATE COMMITTEE MEETINGS Tuesday, February 2, 2016 CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE 7:30 AM SCR 356 SB16-060 by Senator(s) Garcia; also Representative(s) Esgar--State Fiscal Responsibility For Providing Courts Potential Legislation: Higher Ed Cash-Funded Submission Threshold JOINT LOCAL GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE 8:00 AM Room 271 Joint Rule 25 Hearing with JBC concerning Department of Local Affairs FY 2016-17 Budget Request Update on the Commission on Uniform State Laws - Office of Legislative Legal Services Update on the Fiscal Note Process - Legislative Council Staff Page 4 JOINT BUSINESS AFFAIRS & LABOR COMMITTEE Upon Adjournment LSB-A Report of the Clean Claims Task Force JOINT JUDICIARY COMMITTEE Upon Adjournment Room 271 Joint Judiciary Committee briefing from Joint Budget Committee pursuant to Joint Rule 25 Update on the Commission on Uniform State Laws SENATE FINANCE COMMITTEE 2:00 PM LSB-B MEMBER OF THE COLORADO LOTTERY COMMISSION for a term expiring July 1, 2019: James Howard Davis of Westminster, Colorado, to serve as a representative of law enforcement and as a Republican, appointed SB16-059 by Senator(s) Ulibarri; also Representative(s) (None)--Authority Of Local Govs Promote Afford Housing SB16-017 by Senator(s) Neville T.; also Representative(s) Neville P.--Concealed Handgun Carry Without Permit SENATE LOCAL GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE 2:00 PM SCR 353 SB16-008 by Senator(s) Crowder; also Representative(s) (None)-- Municipal State Highway Off-highway Vehicles SB16-012 by Senator(s) Heath; also Representative(s) Singer--Time To Reconstruct Residential Improvements Updates from the Colorado Municipal League, Colorado Counties, Inc., and Special District Association of Colorado Wednesday, February 3, 2016 SENATE COMMITTEE MEETINGS Wednesday, February 3, 2016 SENATE HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES COMMITTEE Upon Adjournment SCR 352 SB16-006 by Senator(s) Martinez Humenik; also Representative(s) Sias--Health Insurance Exchange Insurance Brokers (FOR ACTION ONLY) SB16-027 by Senator(s) Martinez Humenik and Todd; also Representative(s) Primavera and Landgraf-Medicaid Option For Prescribed Drugs By Mail Page 5 JOINT EDUCATION COMMITTEE Upon Adjournment Room 271 Joint Education and Joint Budget Committee meeting regarding the future of school finance in Colorado JOINT BUDGET COMMITTEE Upon Adjournment of the Joint Education Meeting JBC Hearing Room Legis. Serv. Bldg, 3rd Floor Consideration of Figure Setting Recommendations for the Departments of Transportation, and Treasury JOINT BUDGET COMMITTEE 1:30 PM JBC Hearing Room Legis. Serv. Bldg, 3rd Floor Continuation of Consideration of Figure Setting Recommendations as Needed PLEASE NOTE: Any Figure Setting not presented today may be considered tomorrow SENATE JUDICIARY COMMITTEE 1:30 PM LSB-B SB16-056 by Senator(s) Lambert; also Representative(s) (None)--Enhanced Whistleblower Protections SB16-041 by Senator(s) Baumgardner; also Representative(s) Pabon--CDPS Data On Law Enforcement Marijuana Activities SB16-034 by Senator(s) Sonnenberg; also Representative(s) (None)--Tampering With A Deceased Human Body SENATE STATE, VETERANS, & MILITARY AFFAIRS COMMITTEE 1:30 PM SCR 356 MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF VETERANS COMMUNITY LIVING CENTERS for a term expiring July 1, 2017: Cheryl Ann Kruschke, Ed.D, MS, RN, CNE, of Wheat Ridge, Colorado, who has expertise in nursing home operations and who has experience in multi-facility management of nursing homes, and occasioned by the resignation of Mary Ann Terry, RN, BSN, of Aurora, Colorado, appointed for a term expiring July 1, 2019: Anne Kerr Meier of Evergreen, Colorado, the state long-term care ombudsman and occasioned by the resignation of Nancy Lee Ferrier of Wheat Ridge, Colorado, appointed SB16-033 by Senator(s) Ulibarri; also Representative(s) Salazar--Public Health Notice Sick Leave SB16-025 by Senator(s) Merrifield; also Representative(s) Court and Ginal--End-of-life Options For Terminally Ill Individuals Thursday, February 4, 2016 SENATE COMMITTEE MEETINGS Thursday, February 4, 2016 JOINT BUDGET COMMITTEE 7:30 AM JBC Hearing Room Legis. Serv. Bldg, 3rd Floor Meet with the Capital Development Committee Regarding Potential Legislation Page 6 JOINT BUDGET COMMITTEE Upon Adjournment JBC Hearing Room Legis. Serv. Bldg, 3rd Floor Consideration of Figure Setting Recommendations for the Department of Local Affairs, and the Tobacco Master Settlement SENATE FINANCE COMMITTEE Upon Adjournment LSB-B SB16-069 by Senator(s) Garcia; also Representative(s) Pabon--Community Paramedicine Regulation SB16-060 by Senator(s) Garcia; also Representative(s) Esgar--State Fiscal Responsibility For Providing Courts JOINT BUDGET COMMITTEE 1:30 PM JBC Hearing Room Legis. Serv. Bldg, 3rd Floor Continuation of Consideration of Figure Setting Recommendations as Needed PLEASE NOTE: Any Figure Setting not presented today may be considered tomorrow SENATE AGRICULTURE, NATURAL RESOURCES, & ENERGY COMMITTEE 1:30 PM SCR 354 SB16-055 by Senator(s) Grantham; also Representative(s) Moreno--Rural Electric Cooperative Election Procedures SB16-068 by Senator(s) Donovan; also Representative(s) Esgar and Willett--Hunter Safety Pink SENATE EDUCATION COMMITTEE 1:30 PM SCR 356 MEMBERS OF THE COLORADO COMMISSION ON HIGHER EDUCATION effective July 1, 2015, for terms expiring July 1, 2019: Jeanette Autobee Garcia of Pueblo, Colorado, to serve as a representative of the Third Congressional District and as a Democrat, reappointed Monte Moses, Ph.D., of Englewood, Colorado, to serve as a representative of the Sixth Congressional District and as a Republican, reappointed Maia A. Babbs, CFA, of Golden, Colorado, to serve as a representative of the Second Congressional District and as an Unaffiliated, appointed SB16-079 by Senator(s) Todd; also Representative(s) Young--Align Secondary and Postsecondary CTE Initiatives Page 7 Friday, February 5, 2016 SENATE COMMITTEE MEETINGS Friday, February 5, 2016 JOINT COMMITTEE ON LEGAL SERVICES 12:00 PM HCR 0112 Update and Discussion of COLS-Sponsored Bill, SB16-049, concerning the administrative duty of the office of legislative legal services to maintain files relating to bill drafts as the official custodian of those files, and, in connection therewith, permitting the transfer of those files for purposes of storage Consideration of Draft Bill authorizing the study of a recodification of Title 12 of the Colorado Revised Statutes Update on the status of rulemaking by the Secretary of State, Department of State, of Rule 7.2.6, concerning third party delivery of mail ballots, and a recommendation by staff that the Committee approve the Rule Review Bill for introduction Presentation of Year Two Report from the Legislative Digital Policy Ad-visory Committee. Approval of the OLLS Budget for FY 2016-17 Appointment of a legislator to fill a vacancy on the Colorado Commission on Uniform State Laws. JOINT TECHNOLOGY COMMITTEE 1:30 PM HCR 0107 Discussion with the Joint Budget Committee Prioritization of FY 2016-17 IT Capital Budget Requests Monday, February 8, 2016 SENATE COMMITTEE MEETINGS Monday, February 8, 2016 SENATE BUSINESS, LABOR, & TECHNOLOGY COMMITTEE 1:30 PM SCR 354 SB16-071 by Senator(s) Todd; also Representative(s) Thurlow--Revised Uniform Athlete Agents Act 2015 SB16-076 by Senator(s) Ulibarri; also Representative(s) DelGrosso--Repeal Employment Verification Standards SENATE JUDICIARY COMMITTEE 1:30 PM LSB-B SB16-003 by Senator(s) Roberts and Jones; also Representative(s) Becker K.--Broadcast Burns Wildfire Risk Reduction Funding (AVAILABLE FOR REMOTE TESTIMONY) SB16-065 by Senator(s) Steadman; also Representative(s) (None)--Restitution In Criminal Cases SB16-051 by Senator(s) Johnston and Lundberg; also Representative(s) (None)--Judge's Discretion Regarding Consecutive Sentences SB16-013 by Senator(s) Newell; also Representative(s) Singer--Clean-up Office Of The Child Protection Ombudsman Page 8 Tuesday, February 9, 2016 SENATE COMMITTEE MEETINGS Tuesday, February 9, 2016 CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE 7:30 AM SCR 356 Project Prioritization LEGISLATIVE AUDIT COMMITTEE 8:00 AM LSB-B JOINT JUDICIARY COMMITTEE Upon Adjournment Room 271 Presentation by the Sex Offender Management Board Pursuant to Section 16-11.7-109, C.R.S. SENATE FINANCE COMMITTEE 2:00 PM LSB-B SB16-036 by Senator(s) Neville T. and Jahn; also Representative(s) Kraft-Tharp and Keyser--Surety Reqmnt For Appealing Tax Bills Claimed Due SB16-044 by Senator(s) Sonnenberg; also Representative(s) (None)--Contested Conservation Easement Tax Credit Claims Wednesday, February 10, 2016 SENATE COMMITTEE MEETINGS Wednesday, February 10, 2016 SENATE AGRICULTURE, NATURAL RESOURCES, & ENERGY COMMITTEE Upon Adjournment SCR 354 SB16-062 by Senator(s) Marble; also Representative(s) Becker J. and Humphrey--Veterinary Pharmaceuticals SENATE JUDICIARY COMMITTEE 1:30 PM LSB-B SB16-064 by Senator(s) Lundberg; also Representative(s) (None)--Death Penalty Jury Decision SENATE STATE, VETERANS, & MILITARY AFFAIRS COMMITTEE 1:30 PM SCR 356 SB16-024 by Senator(s) Jones; also Representative(s) Moreno--Private Student Loan Cap Act SB16-074 by Senator(s) Crowder; also Representative(s) Dore--Mail Ballots Opt-out & Provide 24-hour Drop Boxes SB16-057 by Senator(s) Kefalas; also Representative(s) Ginal and Tyler--Mobile Home Owners Leasing Space Mobile Home Parks SENATE BUSINESS, LABOR, & TECHNOLOGY COMMITTEE 2:00 PM SCR 354 SB16-082 by Senator(s) Carroll; also Representative(s) Ryden--HOA Whisteblower Protection SB16-078 by Senator(s) Martinez Humenik; also Representative(s) Primavera--Assisted Living Facilitator Competency Requirement Page 9 Thursday, February 11, 2016 SENATE COMMITTEE MEETINGS Thursday, February 11, 2016 CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE 7:30 AM SCR 356 Project Prioritization SENATE FINANCE COMMITTEE Upon Adjournment LSB-B by Senator(s) Grantham; also Representative(s) Lawrence--State Auditor Auth Audit State Hist Fund Distrib SB16-073 SENATE AGRICULTURE, NATURAL RESOURCES, & ENERGY COMMITTEE 1:30 PM SCR 354 SB16-007 by Senator(s) Roberts; also Representative(s) (None)--Biomass Renewable Energy Wildfire High Risk Areas SJM16-001 by Senator(s) Roberts; also Representative(s) Coram and Mitsch Bush--Good Samaritan Remediation Abandoned Mines SB16-046 by Senator(s) Cooke; also Representative(s) (None)--Preserve Options Respond EPA Clean Power Plan Rule SB16-061 by Senator(s) Cooke and Sonnenberg; also Representative(s) (None)--Ratepayer Protection Carbon Dioxide Increased Cost SENATE EDUCATION COMMITTEE 1:30 PM SCR 356 MEMBERS OF THE COLORADO COMMISSION ON HIGHER EDUCATION effective July 1, 2015, for a term expiring July 1, 2019: John Louis Anderson of Durango, Colorado, to serve as a member west of the Continental Divide, as a representative of the Third Congressional District, and as a Republican, reappointed for a term expiring July 1, 2017: Thomas Oliver McGimpsey of Louisville, Colorado, a resident of the Second Congressional District and a Republican, and occasioned by the resignation of Regina M. Rodriguez of Denver, Colorado, appointed for a term expiring July 1, 2019: Terence Philip Fagan of Golden, Colorado, a resident of the Seventh Congressional District and a Democrat, appointed MEMBERS OF THE STATE BOARD FOR COMMUNITY COLLEGES AND OCCUPATIONAL EDUCATION effective December 31, 2015, for terms expiring December 31, 2019: Theresa Kathleen Pena of Denver, Colorado, to serve as a resident of the First Congressional District and as a Democrat, reappointed Byron Nelson McClenney, Ph.D., of Evergreen, Colorado, to serve as a resident of the Second Congressional District and as a Democrat, reappointed Page 10 MEMBERS OF THE COLLEGEINVEST BOARD OF DIRECTORS for terms expiring July 31, 2019: Martha “Marti” J. Awad, CFP®, CFA, of Denver, Colorado, appointed Douglas W. Lyon of Durango, Colorado, reappointed for a term expiring July 31, 2016: Jason B. Maples, CLU, ChFC, CFP, of Greenwood Village, Colorado, reappointed for a term expiring July 31, 2018: Sarah R. Williamson, CFP, CIMA, CDFA, of Aurora, Colorado, appointed SB16-052 by Senator(s) Kerr; also Representative(s) (None)--Cert Authorizers Of Multi-district Online Schools ____________________________ Individuals with disabilities needing auxiliary aids may request assistance by contacting Mr. Robin Jones at Legislative Council, Room 029 Capitol. Call 303-866-3521. The TDD number is 303-866-3472. I certify that the above calendar was posted on Friday, January 29, 2016, at 4:00 p.m. Morgan Speer Senate Calendar Clerk