QATs Quality Assessment Tasks UNIT 1 N OUTCOME 1 VCE Physical Education SCHOOL-ASSESSED COURSEWORK Introduction OUTCOME 1 Collect and analyse information from, and participate in, a variety of practical activities to explain how the musculoskeletal, cardiovascular and respiratory systems function, and how the aerobic and anaerobic pathways interact with the systems to enable human movement. Task A practical laboratory report Your teacher will advise you of the contribution of this task to the assessment of this outcome. This task involves two parts: PART A: Completion of a heart dissection (Section 1) and participation in a range of practical, physical activities (Section 2) PART B: Development of a report (two sections) based on PART A (60 marks) Your teacher will advise you of any variations to these conditions. The following key knowledge is the focus of this task: t UIFDBSEJPWBTDVMBSBOESFTQJSBUPSZTZTUFNTJODMVEJOHUIFTUSVDUVSFBOEGVODUJPO of the heart and lungs, mechanics of breathing, gaseous exchange, blood vessels, blood flow around the body at rest and during exercise The following key skills are the focus of this task: t QFSGPSNNFBTVSFBOESFQPSUPODIBOHFTUPUIFDBSEJPWBTDVMBSSFTQJSBUPSZBOE muscular systems at rest compared to exercise NAME: Page 1 of 14 © 2011 Published by QATS. Permission for copying in purchasing school only. Ser1PEU1O1B QATs N VCE Physical Education N SCHOOL-ASSESSED COURSEWORK, UNIT 1 – OUTCOME 1 Task PART A: SECTION 1 – HEART DISSECTION Equipment and Materials You will require: t BTIFFQTIFBSU t BEJTTFDUJPOCPBSE t EJTTFDUJOHUPPMT t MBUFYHMPWFT t EJHJUBMDBNFSBPSNPCJMFQIPOFDBQBCMFPGUBLJOHQIPUPHSBQIT t EJTJOGFDUBOU t OFXTQBQFS t HBSCBHFCBH Method 1 Make observations 1 First, work out which is the anterior (front) and posterior (back) sides of the heart. The anterior or ventral side is the most convex (rounded). 2 Locate the tip of the heart or the apex. Only the left ventricle extends all the way to the apex. 3 Hold and feel the heart. Observe and record comments about how the heart feels in terms of its firmness and texture. Also comment on its size, colour, weight and features such as blood vessels and fat tissue. 4 Place the heart on the dissecting board so that the front or ventral side is towards you. The front of the heart is recognized by a groove that extends from the right side of the broad end of the heart diagonally to a point above and to your left of the apex. 5 The heart is now on the board in the position it would be in a body as you face the body. Locate the following chambers of the heart from this surface: i Left atria - upper chamber to your right ii Left ventricle - lower chamber to your right iii Right atria - upper chamber to your left iv Right ventricle - lower chamber to your left 6 While the heart is still in this position on the dissecting board, locate these blood vessels at the broad end of the heart. Observe and comment on what these blood vessels look and feel like (colour, texture, firmness, etc). i Coronary artery - this blood vessel lies in the groove on the front of the heart and it branches over the front and the back side of the heart to supply oxygenated blood and nutrients to the heart muscle itself. ii Pulmonary artery - this blood vessel branches and carries blood to the lungs to receive oxygen and can be found curving out of the right ventricle (upper chamber to your left). Page 2 of 14 © 2011 Published by QATS. Permission for copying in purchasing school only. Ser1PEU1O1B QATs N VCE Physical Education N SCHOOL-ASSESSED COURSEWORK, UNIT 1 – OUTCOME 1 Task iii Aorta - major vessel located near the right atria and just behind the pulmonary arteries to the lungs. Locate the curved part of this vessel known as the aortic arch. Branching from the aortic arch is a large artery that supplies blood to the upper body. iv Pulmonary veins - these vessels return oxygenated blood from the right and left lungs to the left atrium (upper chamber on your right). v Inferior & Superior Vena Cava - these two blood vessels are located on your left of the heart and connect to the right atrium (upper chamber on your left). Deoxygenated blood enters the body through these vessels into the right receiving chamber. 2 Begin the Dissection 1 Cut open the left ventricle following the lines on the diagram below. Can you see the flaps of the bicuspid valve? Draw a sketch or take a digital photo of the valve showing the suspensory ligaments. 2 Cut open the right ventricle by following the lines on the diagram. Describe how the right ventricle is different from the left ventricle in term of volume and thickness of the walls. Take a digital photo to show these differences. 3 Cut into the atria and observe the thickness of the walls of the atria. Is the muscle wall thicker or thinner than the walls of the ventricles? Explain why this is the case. 4 Finally, what can you say about the size (volume) of each of the chambers? Are they different sizes, which is the largest? (Note: You are required to bring your observations and other recorded data to class when completing the Report task). Page 3 of 14 © 2011 Published by QATS. Permission for copying in purchasing school only. Ser1PEU1O1B QATs N VCE Physical Education N SCHOOL-ASSESSED COURSEWORK, UNIT 1 – OUTCOME 1 Task Aorta Pulmonary artery The superior and inferior vena cava enter into the right atrium on the other side (posterior or dorsal side) The pulmonary vein enters the left atrium on the posterior (dorsal) side. Coronary artery and vein When you need to see inside the right ventricle, cut here. When you want to open the left ventricle, cut here. Clean Up t $PMMFDUBMMPGUIFIFBSUUJTTVFBOEXSBQJUVQJOOFXTQBQFSBOEUIFOQMBDFJOUIFHBSCBHFCBH provided. t ɨPSPVHIMZDMFBOBOEEJTJOGFDUBMMPGUIFEJTTFDUJOHUPPMTBOEUIFEJTTFDUJPOCPBSET t 8BTIZPVSIBOETUIPSPVHIMZ Page 4 of 14 © 2011 Published by QATS. Permission for copying in purchasing school only. Ser1PEU1O1B QATs N VCE Physical Education N SCHOOL-ASSESSED COURSEWORK, UNIT 1 – OUTCOME 1 Task PART A: SECTION 2 – CARDIOVACULAR AND RESPIRATORY SYSTEM RESPONSES TO PHYSICAL ACTIVITY: Equipment The following equipment is required in order to undertake the practical activities that are to be undertaken in this part of the laboratory: t 1FOBOEQBQFS t 4UPQXBUDIFT t )FBSUSBUFNPOJUPSTJGBWBJMBCMF Method You are to work in pairs to undertake the following activities (both partners should complete all activities). Lying quietly t 4JUUJOHVQSJHIU t 8BMLJOHGPSUXPNJOVUFT t +PHHJOHGPSUXPNJOVUFT t 4UFQVQTPOUPBCFODIGPSUXPNJOVUFT t NFUSFTQSJOUNBYJNBMJOUFOTJUZ t TFDPOENBYJNVNTJUVQT t 0OFLJMPNFUSFSVOBTRVJDLMZBTQPTTJCMF Note: The activities should be undertaken over two practical class sessions with adequate rest periods to be given between any activities performed in the one session. Results – Data Collection At the completion of each of the activities you need to measure and record the following data: Heart rate immediately after the completion of each activity t 3FTQJSBUPSZGSFRVFODZJNNFEJBUFMZBGUFSUIFDPNQMFUJPOPGFBDIBDUJWJUZ To determine heart rate either take your pulse count for 10 seconds immediately after each activity and then multiply this by six to give you your heart rate per minute or else record the heart rate shown on your heart rate monitor immediately after cessation of the activity. To determine respiratory frequency count the number of breaths taken in the 15 seconds immediately after each activity and then multiply this by four to give you your respiratory frequency. All relevant data measurement should be recorded in an appropriate results table. (Note: You are required to bring your results sheets to class when completing the Report task.) Page 5 of 14 © 2011 Published by QATS. Permission for copying in purchasing school only. Ser1PEU1O1B QATs N VCE Physical Education N SCHOOL-ASSESSED COURSEWORK, UNIT 1 – OUTCOME 1 Task PART B: PRACTICAL LABORATORY REPORT Structure and Function of the Cardiovascular and Respiratory Systems General You have participated in a heart dissection laboratory and a variety of physical activities in Part A of this task. You will use the data and knowledge gained through these classes to present a laboratory report. It will include: t UIFQSFTFOUBUJPOPGUIFEBUBPCUBJOFE t BOBOBMZTJTBOEEJTDVTTJPOPGUIFEBUBQSFTFOUFEBOE t BTFSJFTPGEJTDVTTJPORVFTUJPOTSFMBUFEUPUIFTUSVDUVSFBOEGVODUJPOPGUIFDJSDVMBUPSZBOE respiratory systems. Develop your report on separate sheets using the following guidelines. Additional advice You have 90 minutes of class time. t 4FUZPVSTFMGVQXJUIBQQSPQSJBUFSFTPVSDFTJODMVEJOHPCTFSWBUJPOTBOEEBUBGSPN1"35" t 6TFIFBEJOHTBOEQBSBHSBQITJOUIFEFWFMPQNFOUPGZPVSSFQPSU t 4FFLBEWJDFGSPNZPVSUFBDIFSPOMZ Aim Write an appropriate aim for this practical laboratory report. (2 marks) SECTION 1 – HEART DISSECTION Presentation of results Clearly present, in an appropriate format, the observations you made during the heart dissection, including any sketches, diagrams or photos. (5 marks) Page 6 of 14 © 2011 Published by QATS. Permission for copying in purchasing school only. Ser1PEU1O1B QATs N VCE Physical Education N SCHOOL-ASSESSED COURSEWORK, UNIT 1 – OUTCOME 1 Task Discussion questions Question 1 Label the following diagram of the heart. Copy and paste or replicate this diagram into your report. (7 marks) Question 2 What is meant by the terms systemic circulation and pulmonary circulation? (2 marks) Question 3 &UHDWHDÀRZFKDUWGHSLFWLQJWKHÀRZRIEORRGWKURXJKWKHKHDUWDQGDURXQGWKHERG\EHJLQQLQJZLWKEORRG LQWKHULJKWYHQWULFOH (5 marks) Question 4 What is the function of the heart valves? Why are there no valves at the entrance to the right and left atrium? (2 marks) Page 7 of 14 © 2011 Published by QATS. Permission for copying in purchasing school only. Ser1PEU1O1B QATs N VCE Physical Education N SCHOOL-ASSESSED COURSEWORK, UNIT 1 – OUTCOME 1 Task SECTION 2 – CARDIOVACULAR AND RESPIRATORY SYSTEM RESPONSES TO PHYSICAL ACTIVITY Presentation of results 6TJOHUIFGPMMPXJOHUBCMFUPSFDPSEUIFEBUBZPVPCUBJOFEBGUFSFBDIPGUIFBDUJWJUJFTQFSGPSNFE during Part A (Section 2) of this task. $FWLYLW\ +HDUW5DWH EHDWVSHUPLQXWH <RXUV 3DUWQHUV 5HVSLUDWRU\)UHTXHQF\ EUHDWKVSHUPLQXWH <RXUV 3DUWQHUV /\LQJTXLHWO\ 6LWWLQJXSULJKW :DONLQJIRUPLQXWHV -RJJLQJIRUWZRPLQXWHV 6WHSXSVRQWRDEHQFKIRUWZRPLQXWHV PHWUHVSULQWPD[LPDOLQWHQVLW\ VHFRQGPD[LPXPVLWXSV 2QHNLORPHWUHUXQDVTXLFNO\DVSRVVLEOH (2 marks) 2 Draw two appropriate graphs that display the heart rate and respiratory frequency for both you and your partner for each of the activities undertaken. Your two graphs should allow for ease of comparison of heart rate and respiratory frequency for each activity (8 marks) Page 8 of 14 © 2011 Published by QATS. Permission for copying in purchasing school only. Ser1PEU1O1B QATs N VCE Physical Education N SCHOOL-ASSESSED COURSEWORK, UNIT 1 – OUTCOME 1 Task Discussion questions Question 1 a Which activities resulted in the lowest and highest heart rates? Suggest reasons for this. b Which activities resulted in the lowest and highest respiratory frequency? Suggest reasons for this? (2 + 2 = 4 marks) Question 2 Discuss the relationship between heart rate and the intensity of physical activity. (2 marks) Question 3 Define the following terms that refer to cardiovascular and respiratory function: t )FBSUSBUF t 4USPLFWPMVNF t $BSEJBDPVUQVU t 7FOUJMBUJPO t 3FTQJSBUPSZGSFRVFODZ t 5JEBMWPMVNF (6 marks) Question 4 Explain the relationship between heart rate, stroke volume and cardiac output and how each are affected by physical activity. (5 marks) Question 5 Explain the relationship between respiratory frequency, tidal volume and ventilation and how each are affected by physical activity. (5 marks) Question 6 Create a flowchart depicting the path that air travels from outside of the body until it diffuses into the blood. (3 marks) Conclusion Write an appropriate conclusion for this practical laboratory report. (2 marks) Page 9 of 14 © 2011 Published by QATS. Permission for copying in purchasing school only. Ser1PEU1O1B QATs N VCE Physical Education N SCHOOL-ASSESSED COURSEWORK, UNIT 1 – OUTCOME 1 Teacher Advice General This task requires students to complete a practical laboratory report in two sections both of which are related to how the cardiovascular and respiratory systems function to enable human movement. In the first section students will report on the dissection of a heart. In the second section students will report on their participation in a variety of physical activities and the effect that these have on circulatory and respiratory function. Prior to undertaking the Report task students will need to have undertaken the heart dissection. They will also need to have participated in a variety of physical activities in which they will gather and collect data that they will then utilise in completing this task. Students should also have been instructed in how to take pulse measurements or alternatively how to correctly use heart rate monitors Ethical and safety Issues Some students may be sensitive to the use of any animal product for the purpose of a scientific dissection, or to the very existence of animals bred and raised for human consumption. Some students may have religious or cultural objections to handling dead animal material and depending on the method of slaughter. If you have access to a magnifying video camera you could project a demonstration dissection. Prepare a handout or PowerPoint of illustrations and/ or animations for students who are not taking a practical part in the activity. Students who are unwilling to handle animal material, but are keen to see what is going on could take digital photographs of the heart in different stages of dissection. In addition teachers should give consideration to student involvement in physical activities. Physical activity such as that suggested in this QAT can be stressful and may cause injury, especially if attempted by individuals without an appropriate level of physical fitness. It is therefore recommended that all students have permission and medical clearance to undertake the activities outlined in this task. Neither the authors nor publisher can accept responsibility for any injury or condition that may be sustained as a result of performing any of the physical activities described in this QAT. Equipment and resources A range of equipment and resources is required for Part A. See details as outlined. In addition students could be given access to computers to develop their report in PART B. Page 10 of 14 © 2011 Published by QATS. Permission for copying in purchasing school only. Ser1PEU1O1B QATs VCE Physical Education N SCHOOL-ASSESSED COURSEWORK, UNIT 1 – OUTCOME 1 N Solution Task Pathway Below are suggested responses. Teachers should consider the merits of alternative responses. The following responses should form the basis of the laboratory report. Aim 5XPNBSLTBWBJMBCMFIFSFoBXBSEFEBUUFBDIFSTEJTDSFUJPOCVUTUVEFOUTTIPVMENBLFSFGFSFODFJO their aim to investigating or learning more about the structure and function of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. SECTION 1 – HEART DISSECTION Presentation of results 'JWFNBSLTBWBJMBCMFIFSFoBXBSEFEBUUFBDIFSTEJTDSFUJPOCVUUIFZTIPVMEIBWFJODMVEFEDPNNFOUT observations and diagram, sketches and/or photographs that address the key questions posed during the heart dissection directions. This should include observations and comments about how the heart feels in terms of its firmness and texture, as well as its size, colour, weight and features such as blood vessels and fat tissue. Students should also provide information (including diagrams or photos) to show the relative thickness of the walls of the various heart chambers, and the differences in the size or volume of these chambers. Discussion questions Question 1 Seven marks available here – half mark for each part of the heart correctly identified as follows: Aorta Superior vena cava Pulmonary artery Pulmonary valve Pulmonary vein Right atrium Left atrium Tricuspid valve Aortic valve Inferior vena cava Mitral valve Right ventricle Page 11 of 14 Septum © 2011 Published by QATS. Permission for copying in purchasing school only. Left ventricle Ser1PEU1O1B QATs N VCE Physical Education N SCHOOL-ASSESSED COURSEWORK, UNIT 1 – OUTCOME 1 Solution Pathway Question 2 Two marks available here – one mark for each definition provided. t 4ZTUFNJDDJSDVMBUJPO refers to blood flow from the left ventricle to the body and then back to the right atrium (1 mark). t 1VMNPOBSZDJSDVMBUJPO refers to blood flow from the right ventricle to the lungs and back to the left atrium (1 mark). Question 3 Five marks available here – awarded as follows. To access full marks students must include all elements listed below including the heart valves. Teachers can deduct marks as they deem appropriate for any missing element. Right ventricle ÖPulmonary valve Ö Pulmonary artery ÖLungs ÖPulmonary vein ÖLeft atrium ÖMitral valve Ö Left ventricle ÖAortic valve ÖAorta ÖBody tissues and cells ÖVena cava ÖRight atrium ÖTricuspid valve ÖRight ventricle Question 4 Two marks available here allocated as follows: The valves of the heart are located within the chambers of the heart and are critical to the proper flow of blood through the heart. All of the valves act as one-way valves, allowing blood to flow either from one chamber to another, or allowing blood to flow out of the heart, in only one direction (1 mark). The valves control the flow of blood through the heart by opening and closing during the contractions of the heart. The opening and closing functions of the valves are controlled by pressure differences generated within the heart, as well as some muscles located within the heart (1 mark). SECTION 2 – CARDIOVACULAR AND RESPIRATORY SYSTEM RESPONSES TO PHYSICAL ACTIVITY: Presentation of results 5XPNBSLTBWBJMBCMFIFSFoBXBSEFEBUUFBDIFSTEJTDSFUJPO5PBDDFTTCPUINBSLTSFTVMUTGPSIFBSU rate and respiratory frequency for all activities and for both partners should be recorded in the table provided. 2 Eight marks available here – four marks for each graph drawn. One graph should display the heart rate data for both partners for each of the activities undertaken and the other should display the respiratory frequency data for both partners for each of the activities undertaken. In both cases a bar graph would be the most appropriate graph. To access full marks each graph should be neatly drawn, with a title provided and all axes appropriately scaled and labelled. Page 12 of 14 © 2011 Published by QATS. Permission for copying in purchasing school only. Ser1PEU1O1B QATs N VCE Physical Education N SCHOOL-ASSESSED COURSEWORK, UNIT 1 – OUTCOME 1 Solution Pathway Discussion questions Question 1 B 5XPNBSLTBWBJMBCMFIFSFBXBSEFEBUUFBDIFSTEJTDSFUJPOɨFBDUJWJUJFTUIBUSFTVMUFEJOUIFMPXFTU and highest heart rates should be identified and reasons suggested as to why. C 5XPNBSLTBWBJMBCMFIFSFBXBSEFEBUUFBDIFSTEJTDSFUJPOɨFBDUJWJUJFTUIBUSFTVMUFEJOUIFMPXFTU and highest respiratory frequency should be identified and reasons suggested as to why. Question 2 Two marks available here as follows: Physical activity or exercise results in an increase in heart rate since the active muscles require an increased supply of oxygen (1 mark). The greater the intensity of the activity or exercise the higher the heart rate so that more oxygen can be delivered to the working muscles (1 mark). Question 3 Six marks available here – one mark for each correct definition provided: t )FBSUSBUFoSFGFSTUPUIFOVNCFSPGUJNFTUIFIFBSUCFBUTQFSNJOVUFNBSL t 4USPLFWPMVNFoSFGFSTUPUIFWPMVNFPGCMPPEFKFDUFEGSPNUIFIFBSUMFGUWFOUSJDMF XJUIFBDICFBUPGUIF heart (1 mark). t $BSEJBDPVUQVUoSFGFSTUPUIFBNPVOUPGCMPPEFKFDUFEGSPNUIFIFBSUMFGUWFOUSJDMF QFSNJOVUF t 7FOUJMBUJPOoSFGFSTUPUIFBNPVOUPGBJSJOTQJSFEPSFYQJSFEQFSNJOVUFCZUIFMVOHTNBSL t 3FTQJSBUPSZGSFRVFODZoSFGFSTUPUIFOVNCFSPGCSFBUITUBLFOQFSNJOVUFNBSL t 5JEBMWPMVNFoSFGFSTUPUIFBNPVOUPGBJSCSFBUIFEJOBOEPVUJOPOFCSFBUI Question 4 Five marks available here as follows: All three of these parameters are inter-related. Cardiac output is the product of heart rate multiplied by stroke volume (1 mark). An increase in either stroke volume or heart rate results in an increase in cardiac output (1 mark). During physical activity, all three of these parameters will increase (1 mark). Heart rate will increase linearly or in direct proportion to the intensity of exercise (1 mark) whilst stroke volume will increase with increases in exercise intensity up to about 40-60 percent of maximal exercise intensity (1 mark). Question 5 Five marks available here as follows: All three of these parameters are inter-related. Ventilation is the product of respiratory frequency multiplied by tidal volume (1 mark). An increase in either respiratory frequency or tidal volume results in an increase in ventilation (1 mark). During physical activity, all three of these parameters will increase (1 mark). Respiratory frequency will increase from about 12-15 breaths per minute at rest up to 35-50 breaths per minute during maximal intensity exercise (1 mark). Tidal volume will increase from about 0.5 litres per breath up to 3-5 litres per breath at maximal intensities (1 mark). Page 13 of 14 © 2011 Published by QATS. Permission for copying in purchasing school only. Ser1PEU1O1B QATs N VCE Physical Education N SCHOOL-ASSESSED COURSEWORK, UNIT 1 – OUTCOME 1 Solution Pathway Question 6 Five marks available here – awarded as follows. To access full marks students must include all elements listed below including the heart valves. Teachers can deduct marks as they deem appropriate for any missing element. Nasal cavity ÖPharynx Ö Larynx ÖTrachea Öbronchi ÖBronchioles ÖAlveoli Ö Capillary ÖBlood ÖRed blood cells Conclusion 5XPNBSLTBWBJMBCMFIFSFoBXBSEFEBUUFBDIFSTEJTDSFUJPO Page 14 of 14 © 2011 Published by QATS. Permission for copying in purchasing school only. Ser1PEU1O1B