BYU Independent Study Orientation 1. 2. 3. 4. BYU Independent Study courses are semester-length courses. Course materials are shipped upon registration to student’s home address. Paper/Pencil courses include a paper manual and submissions. Some courses may require an additional textbook. Quaker Digital Academy will order those textbooks with paper course materials. 5. Submission: Always make copies of assignments before submitting them! Credit will not be given for assignments lost in the mail. BYU does not accept separated portions of one lesson. Submit lesson in its entirety before mailing the assignment. 6. Speedback Assignments are lesson submissions. Speedback submissions may be as many as 7 to12 per course. Your Instructional Supervisor will prepare a schedule for you to follow so that you can stay on track and complete both semesters within 180 days. 7. Submit assignments by mail. All instructor-graded assignments mailed to BYU Independent Study must include the submission cover sheet, which came with course materials. Speedback assignments are processed by computer, allowing BYU to post your grades the day work is received in the office. Mail assignments to BYU office address listed below. BYU is not responsible for items lost or damaged in the mail; therefore, always make a copy. Mail your Speedback assignments to: BYU Independent Study 120 Morris Center (MORC) Provo, UT 84602-0300 Address labels are provided with course materials. Quaker Digital Academy can mail assignments, but you must bring them into the office between the hours of 9-5 PM Monday-Friday. 8. Instructor-graded Assignments Instructor-graded work is graded by the instructor rather than by computer. Grades will be posted approximately two weeks after the assignment or exam is received in the BYU office. Please include a cover sheet when submitting assignments, indicating which lesson is being submitted. BYU prefers assignments to be submitted sequentially and one at a time. Do not submit more than three instructor-graded assignments at a time. You may not turn in the same work for two different courses. 9. Resubmissions Your Instructional supervisor will contact the BYU office to see whether or not a resubmission is available for your course. If a resubmission is allowed, you will only be given ONE resubmission per lesson. In some cases, not all lessons can be resubmitted. There is, however, a $10 fee for each resubmission. You may not resubmit any assignments or midcourse exams after you have requested the final exam. 10. Requesting Exams Courses may have midcourse exams, final exams, or both, depending on the course. You may take the midcourse exam at any time during the course. However, you can only request the final exam after all course assignments and examinations have been submitted. 11. Each course is different. The Instructional Supervisor will let you know what you will need in order to take the exam. a).There may or may not be a time limit on an exam. b.) Some courses allow an 8x11 sheet of notes to use on an exam. For example: Geometry and Physical Science 12. Ordering second semester courses: Email or call Kathy Sleutz 330-364-0631 or . All first semester lessons and submissions must be completed and posted before second semester courses will be ordered. 13. Retakes In some cases, you may retake an exam once for a $15 fee. Retakes must be done within 30 days of taking the original exam. All course work, including exam retakes, need to be completed by the course expiration date. 14. Student must pass the final exam in order to pass the course. 15. Proctors All BYU Independent Study exams must be taken at Quaker Digital Academy. Kathy Sleutz will order the exams. All assignments/lessons must be completed and posted. 16. Final Course Grades Grades for instructor-graded exams will be posted approximately two weeks after your completed exam is received. Speedback exam grades will be posted within twenty-four hours after your exam is received. 17. Notice of Course Completion You will receive a notice of course completion that includes your final exam grade (if your course has a final exam) and your course grade. You should receive this notice approximately two to three weeks after your final exam is received at BYU Independent Study. For high school courses, your school counselor will also receive this notice. You must complete the entire course to receive credit, even if the course is worth more credit than you need. 18. As with all educational programs sponsored by BYU, a high sense of personal honor and integrity is expected in the completion of BYU Independent Study courses. The assignments are intended to prepare you for the examinations and should be your own work. If evidence of academic misconduct on assignments or exams is established, or if your submitted work is found to be profane or unduly disrespectful of others, you may be given a failing grade for the course.