Brigham Young University Independent Study High School

Brigham Young University Independent Study
High School Programs
Concurrent Enrollment Application
Today’s Date: _____________________
Name: ___________________________
Social Security Number: ___________________
Mailing Address: ___________________________________ Date of Birth: ____________________________
Email Address: _____________________________________ Phone Number: __________________________
Number of high school credits earned to date: _________________ GPA: _______________________________
Please indicate the course(s) in which you would like to enroll:
Please indicate where you will be taking these courses:
___ BYU Independent Study courses ___ BYU on-campus* ___ Other university or college*
*If you plan to take concurrent enrollment courses on BYU campus or at another university, please contact them
regarding their requirements for concurrent enrollment, as their standards may differ from ours. Please also note
that you may have to apply separately for concurrent enrollment with these institutions.
Requirements for concurrent enrollment:
- Students must have at least a 3.0 GPA to participate in concurrent enrollment courses.
- Students must have completed at least twelve (12) high school credits to participate in concurrent
enrollment courses.
- Concurrent enrollment courses count for one (1) high school credit and three (3) university credits.
- Only the following courses or their equivalent may be taken through concurrent enrollment and counted
for high school credit: A HTG 100 (American Heritage), PL SC 110 (American Government and
Politics), PHY S 100 (Physical Science), BIO 100 (Principles of Biology), MATH 110 (College Algebra),
MATH 111 (Trigonometry), and ENGL 115 or 150 (Writing and Rhetoric).
- Students who would like to complete courses through colleges or universities other than BYU or BYU
Independent Study must submit a course description of the course with this application. Courses taken at
other colleges or universities that do not meet our requirements may count as elective credit.
Note: It is possible that courses taken through BYU or BYU Independent Study may not transfer to the student’s
college of choice. Please check with your college or university for information regarding transferring credits.
By signing below you verify that you have read and understand BYU Independent Study High School Program’s
concurrent enrollment policy, and you certify that the information provided is correct.
Student Signature: ________________________________
Date: _________________
Please complete this form and mail or fax it to the BYU Independent Study Office. You will be contacted in
approximately 2-4 weeks once you have been authorized to take concurrent enrollment courses.
Mailing Address:
BYU Independent Study
Attn: Joseph Roberson
239 Harman Continuing Education Building
Provo, UT 84602-1514
Attn: Joseph Roberson