Lone ranger with a mass target - FT.com ft.com > management > Sign in Site tour Register Subscribe Entrepreneurship Home UK World Life & Arts Business Education Companies Entrepreneurship Markets Business Books Search Advanced search Global Economy Business Travel Lex Comment Recruitment Management The Connected Business Personal Finance Women at the Top Tools Welcome to FT.com, the global source of business news and analysis. Register now to receive 8 free articles per month. October 23, 2012 4:45 pm Share Clip Reprints Print Email Lone ranger with a mass target By Andrew Bounds EDITOR’S CHOICE ©Rosie Hallam Dan Wagner has never backed down from a business fight. Now the serial entrepreneur is taking on Jack Dorsey, co-founder of Twitter and darling of Silicon Valley. Powa Technologies, one of the smooth-talking Londoner’s companies, has developed a mobile payments system similar to Mr Dorsey’s Square, the dongle that turns mobile devices into payment card readers. He even used the same stock shot as Square to promote it, which earnt him a “cease and desist” letter from the US company’s lawyers in July. More ON THIS STORY Powa in card reader deal with SA bank Vodafone to expand M-Pesa transfers Virtual money Developments herald a ‘world beyond cash’ EU set to approve UK mobile “It was the best publicity we could have had,” he says cheerfully and unapologetically over lunch in a Manchester restaurant. “We got coverage and lots of business inquiries on our website. We are already in discussion with US banks. We are going to take the fight to them.” Mr Wagner, 49, says he has “never been involved in something as exciting as this” in an eventful business career spanning almost 30 years. Banks, telecoms and software companies are all pushing consumers to use http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/8777fd1e-1915-11e2-af4e-00144feabdc0.html#axzz2AA9WogcO[23/10/2012 23:11:45] DEAR LUCY PERSONAL TECHNOLOGY The next problem: why is there so much mediocrity? Chris Nuttall’s latest reviews and trends Lone ranger with a mass target - FT.com wallet system More companies join mobile payments rush ON THIS TOPIC Technology Zap, tap and go Inside Business Smartphones have not yet digested payments Lex Square – upwardly mobile Square faces battle against behemoths IN ENTREPRENEURSHIP HMRC investigations reap millions Plea to drop NI payments for small businesses Business numbers hit new high IP teaching found wanting mobile phones as a payment tool. But Mr Wagner is convinced that Visa and MasterCard will maintain their grip on the infrastructure. Rather than create a new system, as Square has done, he wants to build mobile payment services in collaboration with the banks. Powa’s newest product, mPowa, will improve current payment systems, he says. Far smaller than the bulky payment terminals currently used in restaurants, for instance, its card chip reader connects via Bluetooth to the merchant’s mobile and sends a receipt by text message or email to the cardholder. It levies a 0.25 per cent fee per transaction on top of what the card services provider charges, usually about 2.5 per cent. Unlike Square, which Mr Wagner sees as targeted mainly at small retailers who do not currently take card payments, he believes mPowa will appeal to big companies with a door-to-door salesforce, or those who want to claim payment on delivery. “Over 70 per cent of Square customers transact less than 20 transactions per year or less. They have a mud hut. I have a skyscraper,” he says. Columnists 1. Lucy Kellaway on work 2. Andrew Hill on management 3. Luke Johnson on entrepreneurship 4. Michael Skapinker on business and society 5. Chris Nuttall on personal technology MOST POPULAR IN MANAGEMENT 1. New workers want the same things we did 2. The careerist: Tough management 3. Executive dealing with a corporate meltdown 4. Free, high-quality and with mass appeal 5. Time to open up at the office MPowa has one big advantage over Square: it uses the chip-and-pin technology that is widely used in Europe, Africa and Asia, whereas US-based Square can only handle the magnetic stripe. South Africa’s First National Bank, the retail and corporate division of First Rand, one of the country’s big four banks, in September became the first company to adopt the mPowa card reader and software, for which it will pay an annual fee. Banks and others can also adapt it and label it as their own. “We are a ‘white-label solution’. Square is a closed system,” Mr Wagner says. In a sharp pinstripe suit and with his full head of greying hair swept back, Mr Wagner seems more sombre than when he rose to prominence in the 1980s. Back then he was as famous for his Donald Duck waistcoat as for his achievements as one of a new breed of entrepreneur unleashed by deregulation. A new culture for start-ups After a 30-year career as a serial entrepreneur, Dan Wagner has strong views on how the UK government can help entrepreneurs. ● The recent proposal by George Osborne, the UK Chancellor for employees to waive their rights in return for an allocation of up to £50,000 shares in the business would not work for start-ups. “There is a fundamental contradiction in the idea itself, and it also seems based on a one-sizefits-all principle, which in my experience is not the best way forward in employment relations. I have never been held back from running or After leaving school at 16, he worked as a shop assistant for Julian Richer, then an aspiring entrepreneur whose hi-fi store Richer Sounds is now worth an estimated £50m. “Seeing Julian do it at 17 made me think I could start a business. You need role models,” he says. Latest headlines from Daily Finance Facebook Mobile Gains Spur Revenue Growth Why Yelp Is Fighting Fake Reviews with Public Shaming Weak Outlooks Doom Dow to Worst Day in 4 Months The Nobel in Economics: How It's Already Improved Our Lives He left to work with as an account executive at WCRS, a leading advertising agency, where he conceived the idea of creating a digital record of information about business sectors gathered from newspapers and other publications to form a resource for marketing professionals. High Fashion Slippers Take to the Streets, Heat up Retail Sales He gave up his job and used a scheme aimed at helping the unemployed to found Maid (Marketing Analysis and Information Database). “When I told my mother she burst into tears,” he says. “When I got a job in advertising she thought I had made it. My dad Executive Assistant Temple Group Chief Executive Officer Advisory Director – New City Network New City Network Director of Qualifications WJEC http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/8777fd1e-1915-11e2-af4e-00144feabdc0.html#axzz2AA9WogcO[23/10/2012 23:11:45] FINANCIAL TIMES JOBS Search Lone ranger with a mass target - FT.com expanding any of my businesses by employment rights.” ● Introduce a holiday from capital gains tax on investments in start-up companies. ● Improve technology infrastructure more quickly, such as by providing broadband internet services to rural areas. ● Make more innovative efforts to foster an enterprise-friendly culture : “Our ideas and entrepreneurial spirit could indeed help lead us out of our present doldrums, but it will need a lot more than lip service to create the conditions for a genuine and lasting revival of enterprise culture in the UK.” was encouraging though. Register for free to receive the latest executive jobs by email “Back then there was no structure to invest in start-up businesses. This was 10 years ahead of the internet.” TOOLS & SERVICES Maid captured 26 per cent of a burgeoning market. It floated in 1994 but the shares dived, and the company, renamed Dialog, was quickly dubbed “dial a dog” by some City investors. In 2000, it was sold it for $330m to Thomson, the newspaper group. A year later, he founded Venda, which runs ecommerce websites for retailers such as Tesco, Superdrug, JVC, Urban Outfitters, Condé Nast and Jimmy Choo. It was based on technology bought from Boo.com, an early online clothes retailer that crashed spectacularly during the dotcom bubble. 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He has lived in the same north London house for 20 years, and attends Arsenal football games with childhood friends. Updates Syndication Alerts Hub Privilege Club Daily briefings Conferences FT on Facebook Annual reports FT on Twitter Executive job search FT press cuttings FT ebooks Services FT ePaper Subscriptions Economic calendar Corporate subscriptions Education subscriptions In fact, Mr Wagner remains a surprising loner in the networked world of entrepreneurs. He admits, for example, to leaving a Google party attended by Rupert Murdoch early to catch an episode of 24 on television. Non-Executive Directors' Share prices on your phone Club Businesses for sale RSS feeds FT on your mobile He credits his modest upbringing for his tastes. Although his father was the UK managing director of BMW, “the salaries weren’t like they are now”, he says. “I’m happy. We had our holidays in Birchington on the southeast coast of England. I can take my daughters to Italy and Spain.” Contracts & tenders Analyst research Commercial Property listings Company announcements Mr Wagner has spent £8m of his own money developing the mPowa product. Square closed a $200m fundraising in September and takes $8bn of payments annually. FT Collection Mr Wagner, however, is in no doubt that Powa Technologies will one day catch it up, and says that the first bank deal gave others a “jolt”. But he envies Silicon Valley’s ability to raise money. “It is a terrible shame we do not have a venture capital industry that supports initiatives like this. We are the financial capital of the world.” He has, however, no intention of becoming an angel investor himself and helping others get started. “I would never invest in things other people do. I have enough ideas myself and using my money means I have no need to convince other people.” Copyright The Financial Times Limited 2012. You may share using our article tools. 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