ANSWERS TO Problem Session #1 SCENARIO ONE US = Bad News UR = Fear/negative emotion CS (CS+) = Phone Ringing CR = Fear/panic to phone ringing trace conditioning procedure excitatory conditioning - extinction when “I have heard the phone ring many times and gradually my sense of fear and panic has reduced” - spontaneous recovery when “, although occasionally I still react with fear and panic to the sound of the telephone ringing.” SCENARIO TWO US = kiss UR = aroused CS (CS+) = girlfriend CR = aroused CS (CS-) = parents (conditioned inhibitor) short-delay conditioning procedure (or long-delay) SCENARIO THREE US = fur coat UR = allergic reaction CS (CS+) = music (Beethoven) CR = allergic reaction probably backward (both sat down before music started – e.g. fur coat is present before music) or simultaneous conditioning (music and fur coat presented at same time) SCENARIO FOUR US = bell UR = awaken CS (CS+) = full bladder CR = awaken probably short-delay conditioning Learning (3203) handout for chapter 3 (answers) Page 1 SCENARIO FIVE US = foot stab UR = pain CS (CS+) = urchin CR = fear backward conditioning SCENARIO SIX US = batter (stuff on spoon and bowls) UR = salivation CS (CS+)= mother baking (excitatory conditioning) CR = salivation CS (CS-) = frowning (conditioned inhibitor, inhibitory conditioning) probably short or long-delay conditioning SCENARIO SEVEN US = treatment UR = discomfort/cry CS (CS+)= doctors/white coat CR = fear Generalization demonstrated by “One day my family decided to eat at a restaurant that happened to have waiters who wore white jackets. My sister acted fearful and cried the minute she saw them.” Extinction demonstrated by “The treatments stopped but my sister still had to go for weekly check-ups. At these check-ups there was no painful treatment, and eventually my sister stopped crying whenever she saw a doctor in a white coat.” Disinhibition demonstrated by “At her last check-up though, while we were sitting in the waiting room, an ambulance blared its siren loudly right outside the waiting room window. Everybody jumped it was so loud. Shortly after, the white-coated doctor came in to the waiting room and my sister cried with fright the moment she saw him.” Learning (3203) handout for chapter 3 (answers) Page 2 SCENARIO Eight An Example of Higher Order Conditioning: Higher-Order conditioning: in 1st order conditioning, CS1 acquires strength to serve as "US" in 2nd order conditioning. Method: 1st order conditioning phase -> 2nd Order Conditioning Phase Test Phase -->Result EXP CS1 --> US CS2 --> CS1 CS2 --> CR CON CS1 --> US CS2 alone CS-2 --> no CR Method: 1st order conditioning phase --> 2nd Order Conditioning Phase Test Phase -->Result EXP “not pleased” --> hit sad face --> “not pleased” sad face --> fear CON “not pleased” --> hit sad face alone sad face --> no fear Learning (3203) handout for chapter 3 (answers) Page 3