CHINO CAMPUS CHINO C L O S E D J U LY 4 Main Instructional Building (CHMB) 5897 College Park Avenue (Edison and Oaks Avenue), Chino, CA 91710 909/652-8000 GUIDING PANTHERS TO SUCCESS (GPS) CENTER: Room CHMB-240 Walk-in services available Monday-Thursday. Call Counseling for hours. ADMISSIONS/CASHIER/PHOTO ID SERVICES: Monday - Thursday 7:30am-6pm Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Holiday Closed ASSESSMENT TESTING: Room CHMB-121D Wednesdays 8am-11am, 11am-2pm, 3pm-6pm Appointments required. Call 909/652-8001 or 8002 or go to to schedule. LIBRARY: Room CHMB-144 - 909/652-8115 Monday - Thursday: 9am-3pm Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Holiday: Closed Check the library website at or call for current information. BOOKSTORE: Room CHMB-149 - 909/652-8170 Books sold only for classes held at Chino Campus locations. Monday - Thursday 7:45am-1pm Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Holiday Closed See the Bookstore webpage ( for information about textbook rentals, reservations, ISBN’s, book prices and Chaffey merchandise. STUDENT HEALTH SERVICES: Room CHMB-105 - 909/652-8190 Monday - Thursday: 8am-1pm Call 909/652-8190 for more information and to schedule appointments. COUNSELING: Academic counselors are seen by appointment; some walk-in times may be available. Call 909/652-8001 for availability. MULTIDISCIPLINARY SUCCESS CENTER: (Tom Vitzelio, Instructional Specialist) Room CHMB-145 - 909/652-8150 Monday - Thursday: Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Holiday: DISABILITY PROGRAMS & SERVICES (DPS): Services available at the Rancho Cucamonga campus. Call 909/652-6379 or 6380 to schedule an appointment. TRANSFER CENTER: Call 909/652-6233 or visit for information EXTENDED OPPORTUNITY PROGRAMS & SERVICES (EOPS): Appointments suggested: Call 909/652-6349 to schedule. VETERAN SERVICES: Appointments required. Call 909/652-8001 to schedule. Wednesdays 9am-12pm FINANCIAL AID: Monday - Thursday 7:30am-6pm Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Holiday Closed Appointments available: Call 909/652-8140 to schedule. Summer 2014 Schedule of Classes 9am-7pm Closed days and times subject to change 41 Chaffey College CHINO C R E D I T C L A S S E S A L S O TA U G H T AT: Health Sciences Community Building (CHHC) (CHCM) Information Tech Center (CHTC) 5897 College Park Avenue 5890 College Park Avenue 13170 Seventh Street Chino, CA 91710 Chino, CA 91710 Chino, CA 91710 Vocational Nursing labs Fashion Design and Merchandising CISCO Internetworking Biological and Anthropology Science labs Interior Design Industrial Electrical Technology Hospitality Management Banquet Facility (joint use with the City of Chino) A L S O AV A I L A B L E AT T H E C H I N O C E N T E R ( C H C C ) A N D AT T H E C H I N O I N F O R M AT I O N T E C H N O L O G Y C E N T E R ( C H T C ) Economic Development Workforce Training Institute 909/652-7642 Employment Development and Community Education CalWORKs Information and Appointments 909/652-7653 HOURS: Monday-Thursday 7:00am-5:30pm Summer 2014 Schedule of Classes 42 Chaffey College CHINO CAMPUS (CCCC) CHINO SUMMER 2014 CLASSES Beginning and ending dates are listed for all classes. Class offerings – particularly instructor assignment – are subject to change without notice SECTION # INSTRUCTOR HOURS DAYS ROOM SECTION # Accounting (ACCTG) ANTHRO-1L Financial Accounting 4.00 UNITS Advisory: Completion of CIS-1 or BUSOT-63. Development and communication of financial information that is useful to investors, creditors, and other decision-makers. Includes the accounting environment, accounting cycle, generally accepted accounting principles, ethics, financial statements, operating, investing, and financing activities. Materials Fee: $4.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 82564 J.Liu 06/09/14-07/31/14 ANTHRO-3 909/652-6253 CHMB-161 Advisory: Eligibility for ENGL-1A as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or completion of ENGL-475 or ESL-475. Study of the biological features of humankind, utilizing scientific and comparative methods to understand human variation and adaptation, genetics, primatology, and the human fossil record. Materials Fee: $3.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only UNIT Human Anatomy 82838 S.Cotton 06/09/14-07/31/14 Introduction to Biological Anthropology 3.00 UNITS 6:00pm-9:20pm MW Last day to add: 06/12/14 9:50am-11:30am MTWTH CHMB-262 Last day to add: 06/12/14 4.00 UNITS Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL-1A as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or satisfactory completion of ENGL-450 or ENGL-475, or ESL-450 or ESL-475, or READ-550. Study of the microscopic and macroscopic structures of the human body. Materials Fee: $14.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 909/652-6253 82729 W.Nielson 06/09/14-07/30/14 3.00 UNITS 909/652-6404 Anthropology (ANTHRO) ANTHRO-1 CHHC-202 Biology (BIOL) BIOL-20 6:00pm-9:20pm TTH Last day to add: 06/12/14 6:00pm-9:20pm TTH Last day to add: 06/12/14 Introduction to Social and Cultural Anthropology 82734 J.Banh 06/09/14-07/31/14 3.00 UNITS Introduction to the characteristics of the criminal justice system in the United States, with focus on crime theories and measurement, responses, system components, and current challenges. (C-ID AJ 110) Materials Fee: $3.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 82725 A.Rosales 06/10/14-07/31/14 ROOM Advisory: Eligibility for ENGL-1A as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or completion of ENGL-475 or ESL-475. Introduction to how anthropologists do their work, employ professional anthropological research ethics, and apply their perspectives and skills to the understanding of humans around the globe. Materials Fee: $3.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 7:00pm-9:15pm MTWTH CHMB-202 Last day to add: 06/12/14 Introduction to the Criminal Justice System DAYS Laboratory for Biological Anthropology 1.00 UNITS 82732 D.Keithly 06/10/14-07/31/14 Administration of Justice (AJ) AJ-1 HOURS Corequisite: ANTHRO-1 (may be taken previously). Comparative study of both human and non-human primates, human variation, evolution, genetics, forensic anthropology, and the primate fossil record. Materials Fee: $1.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 909/652-6830 ACCTG-1A INSTRUCTOR 8:00am-11:15am MTWTH CHHC-202 Last day to add: 06/12/14 CHINO CLASS LOCATIONS CHMB-262 LIMIT Effective Summer 2014, students exceeding 100 units earned (excluding 500-level courses) lose their registration priority. Per California Community College state regulatory changes. See for more info. CHCM Chino Community Center 5890 College Park Ave, Chino CHHC Health Science Building 5897 College Park Ave, Chino CHMB Main Instructional Building 5897 College Park Ave, Chino CHTC Information Technology Center 13170 Seventh St, Chino Additional sections of some classes may be available; check the Fontana and Rancho Cucamonga sections. Summer 2014 Schedule of Classes 43 Chaffey College SECTION # INSTRUCTOR HOURS DAYS ROOM SECTION # CHINO Business: Marketing (BUSMKT) INSTRUCTOR HOURS DAYS Chemistry (CHEM) 909/652-6830 BUSMKT-13 Professional Selling 909/652-6404 3.00 UNITS You MUST attend the first class meeting or you will be dropped! Also purchase a lab manual, splash-proof safety goggles, and a protective apron (available at campus bookstores), and bring them to the first class meeting! Techniques used to sell ideas, products and services. Tactics for prospecting, sales planning, securing appointments, presentation preparation and closing strategies, follow-up, and managing a sales territory. Materials Fee: $3.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only CHEM-10 Marketing Principles Introductory Chemistry 4.00 UNITS Prerequisite: Eligibility for MATH-425 as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or completion of MATH-410, or one year of high school algebra. Introduction to the principles of chemistry with an emphasis on measurements, atomic and molecular structure, classification of matter, nomenclature, stoichiometry, chemical equations, solutions and acid-base chemistry. Laboratory activities emphasize proper techniques, safety procedures, and experimental exercises in support of lecture content. Materials Fee: $12.00 Transfer: CSU; UC credit limitations Grading: Letter grade only 82576 A.McDaniel-Smith 7:00pm-8:40pm MTWTH CHMB-263 06/09/14-07/31/14 Last day to add: 06/12/14 BUSMKT-40 ROOM 3.00 UNITS Advisory: Completion of BUS-10. Marketing principles and methods covering management, demand analysis, forecasting, product development, pricing, distribution, material handling, advertising, personal selling, and global and Internet marketing. Materials Fee: $3.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only 82844 K.Kupecz and 06/09/14-07/31/14 82845 K.Kupecz and S.Johnson 06/09/14-07/31/14 82577 A.McDaniel-Smith 9:50am-11:30am MTWTH CHMB-263 06/09/14-07/31/14 Last day to add: 06/12/14 8:00am-9:40am MTWTH 9:50am-1:10pm MW Last day to add: 06/12/14 8:00am-9:40am MTWTH 9:50am-1:10pm TTH Last day to add: 06/12/14 CHMB-246 CHMB-209 CHMB-246 CHMB-209 Business and Office Technologies (BUSOT) Child Development and Education 909/652-6830 BUSOT-40A Beginning Computer Keyboarding (CDE) 3.00 UNITS 909/652-6253 Beginning computer keyboarding with mastery of alphabetic and numeric keyboard and correct touch-typing techniques. Introduction to the personal computer, word processing, and disk management. Materials Fee: $5.00. Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only 82580 T.Williamson 06/09/14-07/31/14 BUSOT-60A CDE-2 8:00am-9:40am MTWTH CHMB-242 Last day to add: 06/12/14 Microsoft Office Word - Specialist 3.00 UNITS 3.00 UNITS 82739 STAFF 06/09/14-07/31/14 Advisory: Completion of BUSOT-40A. MS Word. Develop personal and workplace skills to build a foundation for other Windows software applications. Customize and format academic papers, business reports, tables, columns, and graphics. Materials Fee: $5.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only 82582 T.Williamson 06/09/14-07/31/14 Child Growth and Development Advisory: Proof of negative tuberculosis test within the past 12 months may be required for some site visits. Introductory course examining the major physical, psychosocial, and cognitive/language developmental milestones for children - both typical and atypical - from conception to adolescence. (C-ID CDEV 100) Materials Fee: $3.00 Transfer: CSU; UC credit limitations. Grading: Letter grade only CDE-4 8:00am-9:40am MTWTH CHMB-262 Last day to add: 06/12/14 Child, Family and Community 3.00 UNITS Advisory: Proof of a negative tuberculosis test within the past 12 months may be required for some site visits. An examination of the developing child in a societal context, focusing on the interrelationship of family, school and community and emphasizing historical and socio-cultural factors. (C-ID CDEV 110) Materials Fee: $3.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 7:00pm-8:40pm MTWTH CHMB-242 Last day to add: 06/12/14 82742 STAFF 06/09/14-07/30/14 CREDIT CARD USERS 6:00pm-9:20pm MW Last day to add: 06/12/14 DROPPING (VISA, MASTERCARD, AMERICAN EXPRESS AND DISCOVER) To avoid standing in long lines, Chaffey recommends that you pay your fees online via MyChaffeyVIEW. Credit card payments are processed through the “Official Payments” vendor and have the same security measures whether you make your payment online via your home computer or in person. CHMB-161 CLASSES It is the student’s responsibility to drop classes. Students who do not drop classes by the published timelines will be held accountable for payment of fees for those classes, even if they didn’t attend any class meetings. Additional sections of some classes may be available; check the Fontana and Rancho Cucamonga sections. Summer 2014 Schedule of Classes 44 Chaffey College SECTION # INSTRUCTOR HOURS DAYS ROOM SECTION # Cinema (CINEMA) CINEMA-26 CIS-1 3.00 UNITS 3.00 UNITS 82551 J.Wall 06/09/14-07/31/14 82552 J.Wall 06/09/14-07/31/14 Survey of American cinema from silent classics through contemporary commercial films. Materials Fee: $3.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 82803 E.Jacobson 06/09/14-07/31/14 Introduction to Computer Information Systems Principles and applications of computers including their role in business and society. Provides computer competency for Computer Information systems majors and non-majors. (C-ID ITIS 120 and BUS 140) Materials Fee: $3.00 Transfer: CSU; UC credit limitations. Grading: Letter grade only 8:00am-9:40am MTWTH CHMB-160 Last day to add: 06/12/14 Survey of American Cinema ROOM 909/652-6830 3.00 UNITS Historical introduction to motion pictures as an art form, through the viewing of international cinematic works. Materials Fee: $3.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 82802 E.Jacobson 06/09/14-07/31/14 DAYS 11:40am-1:20pm MTWTH CHMB-160 Last day to add: 06/12/14 9:50am-11:30am MTWTH CHMB-242 Last day to add: 06/12/14 7:00pm-8:40pm MTWTH CHMB-261 Last day to add: 06/12/14 Earth Science (ESC) 909/652-6403 Communication Studies (COMSTD) ESC-1 COMSTD-2 Fundamentals of Effective Speaking 3.00 UNITS Advisory: Eligibility for ENGL-1A as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or completion of ENGL-475 or ESL-475. Emphasis on preparing and delivering various types of speeches before an audience. Communication theory and speech criticism are included for student application. Oral assignments are required. (C-ID COMM 110) Materials Fee: $3.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 82689 C.Navarro 06/09/14-07/31/14 COMSTD-6 82853 M.Okbamichael 06/09/14-07/31/14 ESC-1L 3.00 UNITS 9:50am-11:30am MTWTH CHMB-246 Last day to add: 06/12/14 Earth Science Laboratory 82857 M.Okbamichael 06/09/14-07/31/14 Advisory: Eligibility for ENGL-1A as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or completion of ENGL-475 or ESL-475. Develop confidence and competence as a group member and leader through a combination of theoretical and practical application of small group principles in everyday life. (C-ID COMM 140) Materials Fee: $3.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 82688 C.Navarro 06/09/14-07/31/14 3.00 UNITS 1.00 UNITS Corequisite: ESC-1 (may be taken previously). Hands-on activities to reinforce lecture concepts using scientific tools and methods to image, measure and observe phenomenon in geology, oceanography, astronomy and meteorology. (C-ID GEOL 120L) Materials Fee: $3.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 9:50am-11:30am MTWTH CHMB-243 Last day to add: 06/12/14 Fundamentals of Small Group Communication Earth Science Topics include geology, oceanography, meteorology, and planetology. (C-ID GEOL 120) Materials Fee: $3.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 909/652-6902 11:40am-1:50pm MTWTH CHMB-210 Last day to add: 06/12/14 Economics (ECON) 909/652-6253 ECON-1 8:00am-9:40am MTWTH CHMB-243 Last day to add: 06/12/14 Introduction to Economics 3.00 UNITS The U.S. economic system including unemployment, growth, globalization, the environment, regulation, deregulation, inflation, interest rates, price discrimination, corporations and labor unions. Materials Fee: $3.00 Transfer: CSU; UC credit limitations Grading: Letter grade only PRIORITY REGISTRATION 82769 M.Coson 06/09/14-07/31/14 Effective Summer 2014, priority registration has been legally mandated for the following student groups: 8:00am-9:40am MTWTH CHMB-161 Last day to add: 06/12/14 Visit our website at for application and registration information. Eligible veterans, foster youth, active EOPS, DPS, and CalWorks students. Per the Student Success Act of 2012, Senate Bill 1456, signed into law in September 2012. See for more info Additional sections of some classes may be available; check the Fontana and Rancho Cucamonga sections. Summer 2014 Schedule of Classes 45 Chaffey College CHINO Survey of World Cinemas HOURS Computer Information Systems: Core (CIS) 909/652-6066 CINEMA-25 INSTRUCTOR SECTION # INSTRUCTOR HOURS DAYS ROOM SECTION # INSTRUCTOR CHINO Electricity ROOM ATTENTION STUDENTS English (ENGL) If you assessed into... 909/652-6902 Composition 3.00 UNITS Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL-1A as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or successful completion of ENGL-450, ENGL-475, ESL-450, ESL-475, or READ-550. Study and practice of expository and argumentative writing techniques. Frequent writing of compositions, with the ultimate goal of writing a research paper. A minimum of 6,000 written words is expected in the course. Three hours of supplemental learning in a Success Center that supports this course is required. (C-ID ENGL 100) Materials Fee: $3.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only NOTE: Sections held in CHMB-260 may have in-class computer writing assignments. Basic computer and keyboarding skills are recommended. 82693 R.Nazar 06/09/14-07/31/14 82694 R.Nazar 06/09/14-07/31/14 82690 R.Piluso 06/09/14-07/31/14 82691 R.Piluso 06/09/14-07/31/14 82692 A.Bootman 06/09/14-07/31/14 DAYS Reading and English have been combined. Use the grid below to determine what course you should take based on what course(s) you’ve successfully completed or assessed into: (See Industrial Electrical Technology) ENGL-1A HOURS 8:00am-9:40am MTWTH Last day to add: 06/12/14 9:50am-11:30am MTWTH Last day to add: 06/12/14 11:40am-1:20pm MTWTH Last day to add: 06/12/14 1:30pm-3:10pm MTWTH Last day to add: 06/12/14 7:00pm-8:40pm MTWTH Last day to add: 06/12/14 CHMB-260 CHMB-260 CHMB-243 ENGL-1A ENGL-475 or ENGL-450, or READ-550 ENGL-575 or ENGL-550, or READ-530, or BUSOT-455 ENGL-475 ENGL-575 or ENGL-550, or READ-530 ENGL-500 or READ-520 ENGL-575 ENGL-675 or ENGL-500, or READ-520 READ-500 or READ-510 ENGL-675 Prerequisite: ENGL-1A. Students incorporate rhetorical strategies in analysis and researched argumentation. Focus on logical reasoning, credibility, and emotional appeals. Writing intensive with a minimum production of 6,000 words. (C-ID ENGL 105) Materials Fee: $3.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only NOTE: Sections may have in-class computer writing assignments. Basic computer and keyboarding skills are recommended. Advanced Composition and Critical Thinking 82695 K.Friedman 06/09/14-07/31/14 82696 D.Estrada 06/09/14-07/31/14 Composition ENGLISH 475 Fundamentals of College Reading and Writing ENGLISH 575 ENGL-475 or ENGL-450, or ESL-475 or ESL-450, or READ-550 CHMB-243 ENGLISH 1A Introduction to College Reading and Writing ENGL-1A OR ENGL-1B Reading & Writing Course Sequence ESL 475 You should register for... CHMB-243 The ability to think, reason and communicate using written language is an essential skill. Starting with the right class for you will ensure your success and help you complete the required writing course in the shortest amount of time. Consult with a counselor for the skills needed for success in each class. Fundamentals of College Reading and Writing for ESL Students If you passed one of these classes... ENGL-475 BUSOT 455 Fundamentals of English for Business 3.00 UNITS 11:40am-1:20pm MTWTH CHMB-260 Last day to add: 06/12/14 7:00pm-8:40pm MTWTH CHMB-260 Last day to add: 06/12/14 Fundamentals of College Reading and 4.00 UNITS Writing Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL-475 as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or successful completion of ENGL-550 or 575, or READ-530, or BUSOT455. Careful study and practice of critical thinking, reading, and expository writing techniques, using primarily nonfiction texts, and the frequent writing of compositions with the ultimate goal of writing an essay using sources. Preparation for English 1A and a variety of academic disciplines. Five hours of supplemental learning in a Success Center that supports this course are required. Materials Fee: $0.00 Grading: Letter grade only RE-ASSESSMENT * ENGLISH 675 Preparation for College Reading and Writing *Dependent upon the re-assessment results, students move on to ENGL-575 or are advised to retake ENGL-675. 82706 M.Kowach 06/09/14-07/31/14 82708 N.Null 06/09/14-07/31/14 82709 N.Null 06/09/14-07/31/14 8:00am-10:15am MTWTH CHMB-245 Last day to add: 06/12/14 1:00pm-3:15pm MTWTH CHMB-245 Last day to add: 06/12/14 7:00pm-9:15pm MTWTH CHMB-245 Last day to add: 06/12/14 Additional sections of some classes may be available; check the Fontana and Rancho Cucamonga sections. Summer 2014 Schedule of Classes 46 Chaffey College SECTION # INSTRUCTOR ENGL-575 HOURS DAYS Introduction to College Reading and Writing ROOM SECTION # 4.00 UNITS HOURS DAYS FASHM-10 Introduction to the Fashion Industry 82624 C.Osuna 06/10/14-07/30/14 10:30am-12:45pm MTWTH CHMB-245 Last day to add: 06/12/14 6:00pm-9:20pm MW Last day to add: 06/12/14 CHCM-203 Gerontology (GERO) 909/652-6675 909/652-8010 History of Fashion 3.00 UNITS Study of fashion employment opportunities. Includes international, regional and local fashion centers; textile and apparel production; trends; retail outlets; and merchandising techniques. Materials Fee: $3.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only GERO-11 3.00 UNITS Introduction to Gerontology 3.00 UNITS A survey of apparel styles from Egyptian to modern times. Analysis of costume as a result of social, political, and economic influences, and the interpretation of historic styles in today's retail apparel. Materials Fee: $3.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only Interdisciplinary study of aging, aging services, community resources, careers in gerontology, ethical, legal, and policy issues. NOTE: Earns 54 hours of CE credit: RCFE, NHAP, BRN#00426, and BBS #2178. Materials Fee: $3.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only 82628 M.Fueger 06/10/14-07/31/14 82622 J.McFadden 06/10/14-07/31/14 FASHD-40 6:00pm-9:20pm TTH Last day to add: 06/12/14 Beginning Clothing Construction CHMB-203 FASHD-42 1:00pm-5:30pm MW Last day to add: 06/12/14 Advanced Clothing Construction Guidance (GUID) 909/652-6202 GUID-2 FASHD-428 8:00am-12:30pm TTH Last day to add: 06/12/14 Computer-Aided Design CHCM-203 2.00 UNITS 82602 K.Burleson 06/10/14-07/31/14 GUID-3 CHCM-203 1:00pm-5:30pm TTH Last day to add: 06/12/14 2.00 UNITS 7:00pm-9:15pm TTH Last day to add: 06/12/14 Career Exploration and Life Planning CHMB-241 3.00 UNITS Career and life planning for students seeking direction in setting life, academic and career goals. Topics include problem-solving approaches; evaluation of values, interests, skills, and personality characteristics; academic learning strategies; and career investigation. Materials Fee: $5.50 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only 2.00 UNITS Advisory: Basic computer skills are recommended. Introductory course using CAD software to create flat sketches, colorize designs, and scan images. Effective use of program features to create and alter shapes, and manipulate text. Materials Fee: $3.00 Grading: Letter grade only 82630 C.Poteet 06/10/14-07/31/14 Essentials of Student Success Designed to increase student proficiency and retention in college. Topics include: learning styles, study and time management techniques, motivation, library research methods, critical thinking, memory and reading strategies, and others. Materials Fee: $2.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only Prerequisite: FASHD-40. Techniques of couture sewing, tailoring, and the handling of specialty fabrics. Materials Fee: $2.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only 82627 C.Poteet 06/10/14-07/31/14 CHMB-247 2.00 UNITS Techniques for clothing construction using woven fabrics. Lecture/ demonstration of basic sewing techniques, pattern and fabric selection utilizing industry methods. For beginners, and as a refresher course. Materials Fee: $2.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only 82626 C.Osuna 06/09/14-07/30/14 6:00pm-9:20pm TTH Last day to add: 06/12/14 82607 K.Sanchez 06/09/14-07/31/14 8:00am-9:40pm MTWTH CHMB-263 Last day to add: 06/12/14 CHCM-201 FEE REFUNDS Refunds of $20 or more are automatically processed. Refunds of less than $20 must be requested prior to the end of the semester. See page 13 for more information on the refund policy and processes. Additional sections of some classes may be available; check the Fontana and Rancho Cucamonga sections. Summer 2014 Schedule of Classes 47 Chaffey College CHINO 909/652-8010 Fashion Design (FASHD) FASHD-20 ROOM Fashion Merchandising (FASHM) Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL-575 as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or successful completion of ENGL-500 or READ-520. Introduction to the academic reading, writing, critical thinking, and study skills expected at the college level with the ultimate goal of producing clear, competent essays. Seven hours of supplemental learning in a Success Center that supports this course are required. Materials Fee: $0.00 Not degree applicable Grading: Letter grade only 82707 M.Kowach 06/09/14-07/31/14 INSTRUCTOR SECTION # INSTRUCTOR HOURS DAYS ROOM SECTION # HIST-18 CHINO GUIDANCE 650 Supervised Tutoring Arranged hours Last day to add: 07/31/14 ROOM 3.00 UNITS 11:40am-1:20pm MTWTH CHMB-262 Last day to add: 06/12/14 Hospitality Management (HOTFS) 909/652-8010 HOTFS-17 Principles of Food Preparation Planning 3.00 UNITS Limitation on Enrollment: Proof of a current negative tuberculosis test is required. Prerequisite: HOTFS-18. Principles and techniques in professional food preparation, including science and technology of the kitchen, food service safety and sanitation policies and procedures, recipe specifications, and kitchen equipment use and maintenance. Materials Fee: $0.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only Success Center History (HIST) 82631 I.Moritz 06/09/14-07/30/14 909/652-6253 HIST-1 DAYS United States History From 1865 82785 J.Macias 06/09/14-07/31/14 0.00 UNITS Limitation on Enrollment: Referral by course instructor or academic counselor is required. Student must be enrolled in another Chaffey College course. Open-entry/open-exit supervised tutoring course that provides students assistance in understanding college course assignments. Individualized/small group tutoring and Supplemental Instruction (SI) sessions are conducted outside of class time in a learning assistance center, and are structured to help students achieve specific course objectives or improve learning and study skills in specific subject matter. The content of this course varies according to the course for which tutoring is sought. May be repeated. Non-credit course Grading: Ungraded 82995 R.Rundquist 06/09/14-07/31/14 HOURS Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL-1A as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or satisfactory completion of ENGL-450, ENGL-475, ESL-450, ESL475, or READ-550. Development of the United States from the Reconstruction Era through the present. Satisfies the CSU requirement in American history. Materials Fee: $3.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only This course provides tutoring assistance to students currently enrolled in another Chaffey College credit or non-credit course. Enrollment in GUID-650 may be accomplished during registration or at any time during the term in any Success Center. A current Chaffey student ID is required to access this service. GUID-650 INSTRUCTOR 8:00am-11:45am MTW Last day to add: 06/12/14 CHCM-103 World History: Pre-Civilization to 1500 3.00 UNITS HOTFS-18 Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL-1A as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or satisfactory completion of ENGL-450, ENGL-475, ESL-450, ESL475, or READ-550. Comparative study of the world's major civilizations from pre-history to 1500 in Eurasia, Africa, and the Americas. Similarities and differences between the civilizations and their influences on human history. Materials Fee: $3.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 82775 L.Reams 06/09/14-07/31/14 HIST-17 82625 F.Agyin 06/09/14-07/30/14 2.00 UNITS 7:00pm-9:15pm MW Last day to add: 06/12/14 CHMB-247 9:50am-11:30am MTWTH CHMB-160 Last day to add: 06/12/14 United States History Through 1877 PREFERRED ENROLLMENT 3.00 UNITS Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL-1A as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or satisfactory completion of ENGL-450, ENGL-475, ESL-450, ESL475, or READ-550. Survey of United States history from its colonial foundations through Reconstruction. Satisfies the CSU requirement in American history. Materials Fee: $3.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 82782 J.Sampson 06/09/14-07/30/14 Sanitation, Safety, and Equipment Sanitation, safety, and equipment management issues in the food preparation and service industry. Topics include: sanitary food preparation, OSHA requirements, Serv-Safe and HACCP standards, and fire prevention. Materials Fee: $2.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only 6:00pm-9:20pm MW Last day to add: 06/12/14 UNIT NEW AND RETURNING STUDENTS: To receive a preferred registration date, you must complete the following actions: - Fill-out and submit a Chaffey College application - Attend an orientation session - Take the Assessment test(s) - Create an Educational Plan with a counselor CHMB-160 CONTINUING STUDENTS: To maintain your preferred registration and financial aid eligibility, you must: LIMIT Effective Summer 2014, students exceeding 100 units earned (excluding 500-level courses) lose their registration priority. - Remain in Good Academic Standing (2.0 GPA or above) - Not have exceeded 100 units earned (excluding 500-level courses) Per the Student Success Act of 2012, Senate Bill 1456, signed into law in September 2012. See for more info Per California Community College state regulatory changes. See for more info. Additional sections of some classes may be available; check the Fontana and Rancho Cucamonga sections. Summer 2014 Schedule of Classes 48 Chaffey College SECTION # INSTRUCTOR HOURS DAYS ROOM SECTION # Industrial Electrical Technology (IET) INSTRUCTOR HOURS DAYS ROOM Mathematics Course Sequence IET-422 OSHA Construction Safety Training MATH 510 Arithmetic 2.00 UNITS Construction industry safety and health standards, taught in accordance with OSHA requirements. Upon successful completion, students receive the OSHA (30 hour) card. Materials Fee: $2.00 Grading: Letter grade only 82562 E.Alves 06/09/14-07/02/14 8:00am-12:00pm MW Last day to add: 06/10/14 MATH 610, 625 Review of Arithmetic and Algebra CHTC-200 Interior Design (ID) (Also see Fashion Design) ID-427 CAD for Set and Interior Design 6:00pm-9:20pm TTH Last day to add: 06/12/14 STAT 10 Elementary Statistics CHMB-201 Mathematics (MATH) 4.00 UNITS Prerequisite: Eligibility for MATH-25 as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or completion of MATH-425. Topics include solutions to higher degree polynomial equations: functions, polynomial, rational, inverse, etc.. Materials Fee: $4.00 Transfer: CSU; UC credit limitations Grading: Letter grade only MATH-410 MATH 60 Calculus with Applications MATH 65B Calculus II 4.00 UNITS MATH 75 Calculus III Prerequisite: Eligibility for MATH-410 as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or completion of MATH-520. Topics include algebraic operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division; factoring; rational expressions; and linear and rational equations. Materials Fee: $4.00 Grading: Letter grade only 82870 D.Valdez 06/09/14-07/31/14 SCSCI 10 Social Science Statistics MATH 65A Calculus I 8:00am-10:15am MTWTH CHMB-201 Last day to add: 06/12/14 Elementary Algebra MATH 4 Math Concepts for Teachers MATH 61 Pre-Calculus 909/652-6403 College Algebra MATH 25 College Algebra MATH 31 Plane Trigonometry (See Business: Management) 82861 D.Valdez 06/09/14-07/31/14 MATH 410 Elementary Algebra MATH 425 Intermediate Algebra 3.00 UNITS Management (MGMT) MATH-25 MATH 520 Pre-Algebra 909/652-8010 Advisory: Completion of FASHD-45 and basic familiarity with Macintosh or Windows computers is recommended. Computer aided design using professional software - such as AutoCAD, Rivit, Architectural Desktop, and ArchiCad - for floor plans, furniture layouts, elevations, lighting plans, 3-D perspectives, and renderings. Use of various printers and plotters. Materials Fee: $3.00 Grading: Letter grade only 82629 K.Galipeau 06/10/14-07/31/14 CHINO 909/652-7657 MATH 85 Differential Equations 10:30am-12:45pm MTWTH CHMB-201 Last day to add: 06/12/14 MATH 81 Linear Algebra Additional sections of some classes may be available; check the Fontana and Rancho Cucamonga sections. Summer 2014 Schedule of Classes 49 Chaffey College SECTION # INSTRUCTOR CHINO MATH-425 HOURS DAYS Intermediate Algebra ROOM SECTION # 4.00 UNITS PHIL-70 6:00pm-9:20pm TTH Last day to add: 06/12/14 CHMB-160 Physical Education: Lecture (PELEC) 909/652-6290 PELEC-15 Diet and Fitness 3.00 UNITS A lifestyle approach to fitness, including the study of nutrition, disease prevention, increased cardiovascular endurance, increased strength, flexibility, stress management, and considerations of aging on the body. Materials Fee: $3.00 Transfer: CSU Grading: Letter grade only 8:00am-9:40am MTWTH CHMB-202 Last day to add: 06/12/14 Nursing: Vocational (NURVN) 82960 C.Walters 06/09/14-07/30/14 909/652-8215 Foundations of Vocational Nursing Practice 3.00 UNITS 3.00 UNITS A survey of art music in western civilization. Topics studied include elements of music, basic musical forms, music periods, styles, and the role of music and musicians in the western world. Materials Fee: $3.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only NURVN-401 Introduction to Philosophy 82789 C.Mabonzo 06/10/14-07/31/14 909/652-6066 82811 STAFF 06/09/14-07/31/14 ROOM Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL-1A as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or satisfactory completion of ENGL-450 or ENGL-475, or ESL-450 or ESL-475. Introduction to the questions and ideas of major philosophers. Topics include knowledge (epistemology); reality (metaphysics); values, aesthetics, and religion (axiology), and social/political influences. (C-ID PHIL 100) Materials Fee: $3.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 7:00pm-9:15pm MTWTH CHMB-201 Last day to add: 06/12/14 Music Appreciation DAYS 909/652-6253 Music (MUSIC) MUSIC-4 HOURS Philosophy (PHIL) Prerequisite: Eligibility for MATH-425 as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or completion of MATH-410. Topics include more advanced study of topics introduced in MATH-410, plus absolute value equations and inequalities, etc.. Materials Fee: $4.00 Grading: Letter grade only 82877 G.Gavrilov 06/09/14-07/31/14 INSTRUCTOR 6:00pm-9:20pm MW Last day to add: 06/12/14 CHMB-241 2.00 UNITS PELEC-18 Introduction to Kinesiology 3.00 UNITS Advisory: Completion of ENGL-1A, and eligibility for MATH-410 as determined by the Chaffey assessment process or completion of MATH-520. The health care delivery system and role of the vocational nurse as a member of the health care team. Policies and expectations of the VN program and exploration of strategies for successful program completion. Materials Fee: $2.00 Grading: Letter grade only Survey of the discipline of Kinesiology, including physical activity, pedagogy, motor behavior, sport and exercise psychology, biomechanics, and the physiology of physical activity. Introduces students to various physical activity professions typically pursued by Kinesiology students and assists them in making early career decisions. Materials Fee: $3.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 82623 M.Escobosa 06/09/14-07/30/14 82953 V.Greer 06/10/14-07/31/14 10:30am-12:45pm MW Last day to add: 06/12/14 CHMB-247 6:00pm-9:20pm TTH Last day to add: 06/12/14 Political Science (PS) Nutrition and Food (NF) 909/652-6253 909/652-6294 NF-5 Nutrition for Life PS-1 3.00 UNITS NF-15 8:00am-9:40am MTWTH CHMB-241 Last day to add: 06/12/14 Nutrition I: The Science of Nutrition American Politics 3.00 UNITS Advisory: Completion of ENGL-1A. Study of the American political process and institutions. Analysis of the organization and function of California's state and local governments. Materials Fee: $3.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only Essentials of nutrition as they relate to diet, health and disease, risk reduction, stress, and nutritional deficiencies. Materials Fee: $3.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 82521 C.Hines-Tinsley 06/09/14-07/31/14 CHMB-246 82793 G.White 06/09/14-07/30/14 6:00pm-9:20pm MW Last day to add: 06/12/14 CHMB-246 3.00 UNITS Introduction to the science of nutrition and its implications for human health, including essential nutrients, basic dietary guidelines, and changing nutritional needs throughout the lifecycle. Materials Fee: $3.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 82522 C.Hines-Tinsley 06/09/14-07/31/14 9:50am-11:30am MTWTH CHMB-241 Last day to add: 06/12/14 Additional sections of some classes may be available; check the Fontana and Rancho Cucamonga sections. Summer 2014 Schedule of Classes 50 Chaffey College SECTION # INSTRUCTOR HOURS DAYS ROOM SECTION # Psychology (PSYCH) PSYCH-25 SEE THE WAITLIST POLICY ON PAGE 10 FOR MORE INFORMATION. MyChaffeyVIEW 9:50am-11:30am MTWTH CHMB-161 Last day to add: 06/12/14 Developmental Psychology: Lifespan Development (HOURS OF OPERATION) 3.00 UNITS The MyChaffeyVIEW Online services system is typically available 24 hours a day, Monday-Saturday, except where noted. MyChaffeyVIEW is usually not available on Sundays due to system maintenance. Study of human development from conception through old age with particular emphasis on biological and environmental influences. (C-ID PSY 180) Materials Fee: $3.00 Transfer: CSU; UC credit limitations Grading: Letter grade only 82754 M.Dennis 06/09/14-07/31/14 11:40am-1:20pm MTWTH CHMB-161 Last day to add: 06/12/14 DROPPING Reading (See English) 909/652-6253 Marriage, Family, and Relationships 3.00 UNITS Advisory: Eligibility for ENGL-1A as determined by the Chaffey assessment process, or completion of ENGL-475 or ESL-475. Cross-cultural, social class, gender, and ethnic variation in marriages, families, and relationships. Emphasis on the application of theories, research, and social factors. (C-ID SOCI 130) Materials Fee: $3.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 82764 L.Gaetje 06/10/14-07/31/14 6:00pm-9:20pm TTH Last day to add: 06/12/14 CLASSES It is the student’s responsibility to drop classes. Students who do not drop classes by the published timelines will be held accountable for payment of fees for those classes, even if they didn’t attend any class meetings. 909/652-7606 Sociology (SOC) SOC-16 ROOM YOU WILL NOW BE NOTIFIED VIA EMAIL IF YOU ARE ABLE TO ADD, SO BE SURE TO REVIEW AND UPDATE YOUR EMAIL INFORMATION ON MYCHAFFEYVIEW. 3.00 UNITS Advisory: Completion of GUID-2, and eligibility for ENGL-1A as determined by the Chaffey assessment process or completion of ENGL-475 or ESL-475. Survey of psychology, including research methods, history and systems, lifespan, perception, learning and memory, cognition, psychological disorders and treatment, social behavior, and brain mechanisms. (C-ID PSY 110) Materials Fee: $3.00 Transfer: CSU; UC Grading: Letter grade only 82746 M.Dennis 06/09/14-07/31/14 DAYS FEE PAYMENTS Students receiving Financial Aid, 3rd party sponsored billing, and students enrolled in the Facts Payment plan (see will not be dropped from their classes for non-payment. CHMB-262 NEED HELP WITH THE COST OF TEXTBOOKS? For everyone else, payment is due not more than 10 calendar days from the date of registration (including holidays and weekends). For more detailed information, see the Payment Deadline information on pages 11-14 and Payment Date Due Chart on page 15. Chaffey’s Emergency Book Grant and Textbook Rental programs can assist you. For details about the book grants, please call 909/652-6590 or 6593. For more info about the rental program, please call 909/652-6577. Textbook vouchers are valid only at Chaffey College bookstores and are not accepted at commercial bookstores or websites. Above programs funded by the Chaffey College Service Fee. Visit our website at for application and registration information. Additional sections of some classes may be available; check the Fontana and Rancho Cucamonga sections. Summer 2014 Schedule of Classes 51 Chaffey College CHINO Introduction to Psychology HOURS WAIT LISTED FOR A CLASS? 909/652-6253 PSYCH-1 INSTRUCTOR