Commack Schools Supplementary Summer Reading List 2015 Grades K-5 “Every Hero Has a Story” KINDERGARTEN - Picture books for parents to read aloud. Author Beaumont, Karen Bertram, Debbie Brett, Jan Carle, Eric Carlson, Nancy Chodos-Irvine, Margaret Clements, Andrew Cousins, Lucy Dyer, Jane Ehlert, Lois Fleming, Denise Gall, Chris Gliori, Debi Guarino, Deborah Henkes, Kevin Hest, Amy Holabird, Katherine Howard, Arthur Intriago, Patricia Howe, James Jennings, Linda Klassen, John Keller, Holly Leopold, Niki Lionni, Leo Martin Jr., Bill McGhee, Alison Meisel, Paul Meister, Cari Numeroff, Laura O’Malley, Kevin Park, Linda Sue Parr, Todd Penn, Audrey Rex, Michael Rinker, Sherri Rohmann, Eric Rosenthal, Amy Rylant, Cynthia Seeger, Laura Vaccaro Slate, Joseph Spinelli, Jerry Stead, Philip Tafuri, Nancy Underwood, Deborah Wells, Rosemary Wheeler, Lisa Willems, Mo Wilhelm, Hans Wilson, Karma Wood, Audrey Title Who Ate All the Cookie Dough Best Time to Read; Best Place to Read All picture book titles All picture book titles Look Out Kindergarten, Here I Come Ella Sarah Gets Dressed Slippers at School and other picture book titles All picture book titles Little Brown Bear and all picture book titles All picture book titles All picture book titles Dinotrux Flora's Surprise Is Your Mama a Llama? All picture book titles Baby Duck titles Angelina books Cosmo Zooms Dot Horace and Morris but Mostly Dolores Little Puppy Lost I Want My Hat Back; This is Not My Hat That's Mine, Horace K is for Kitten All picture book titles All picture book titles Countdown to Kindergarten See Me Run When Tiny Was Tiny; Tiny the Snow Dog; Tiny Goes to the Library If You Give a … series Little Buggy Yum! Yuck! All picture book titles The Kissing Hand; A Pocket Full of Kisses; A Kiss Good-bye All titles Goodnight, Goodnight Construction Site My Friend Rabbit, A Kitten's Tale Little Oink; Little Pea; The OK Book Puppy Mudge series First The Egg; Dog and Bear series Miss Bindergarten series My Daddy and Me A Sick Day For Amos McGee All picture book titles The Quiet Book All picture book titles Dino-Soccer, Dino-Hockey, Dino-Baseball All picture book titles Noodles series All titles The Napping House and other picture books Yolen, Jane How Do Dinosaurs series GRADE 1 Books to Read Together and Beginning Readers Author Allard, Harry Barrett, Judi Brenner, Emily Brown, Marc Capucilli, Alyssa Child, Lauren Curtis, Jamie Lee Davis, Jacky DeGroat, Diane DiCamillo, Kate Dodd, Sarah Falconer, Ian Forest, Heather Fox, Mem Frazee, Marla Frost, Helen George, Lindsay Barrett Hamm, Mia Hoberman, MaryAnn Hoose, Phillip Hutchins, Pat Kasza, Keiko Kirk, Daniel Lobel, Arnold Lovell, Patty McDonnell, Patrick McMullan, Kate Munsch, Robert Munson, Derek Numeroff, Laura Otoshi, Kathryn Parish, Herman Pilkey, Dav Rankin, Laura Rathmann, Peggy Reynolds, Peter Rockwell, Anne Rose, Deborah Lee Rosenthal, Amy Krouse Rylant, Cynthia Saunders-Smith, Gail Sendak, Maurice Simont, Marc Sierra, Judy Stadler, Alexander Theobald, Joseph Waber, Bernard Watt, Melanie Title Miss Nelson series Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs On the First Day of Grade School Arthur books Biscuit series All picture book titles Big Words for Little People Ladybug Girl titles Brand-New Pencils, Brand-New Books Bink and Gollie series Dog's Colorful Day; Dog's ABC Olivia books The Little Red Hen; Stone Soup All picture book titles Roller Coaster All About Pets series Around the Pond: Who’s Been Here?; In the Woods: Who's Been There? Winners Never Quit The Seven Silly Eaters; You Read to Me, I'll Read to You Hey Little Ant All titles My Lucky Day; Wolf's Chicken Stew Library Mouse titles Frog and Toad series Stand Tall Molly Lou Melon; Have Fun, Molly Lou Melon The Gift of Nothing Fluffy series All picture book titles Enemy Pie Beatrice Doesn't Want To; What Grandmas Do Best and other What Best books One; Zero Amelia Bedlia's First Field Trip The Paperboy Ruthie and the Not so Teeny Tiny Lie Officer Buckle and Gloria The Dot; Ish All nonfiction titles Into the A, B, Sea Spoon The Great Gracie Chase; Annie & Snowball series; All in a Day; Poppelton series; Mr. Putter Tabby series Basic nonfiction books on a variety of topics Where the Wild Things Are The Stray Dog Born to Read Beverly Billingsly titles Marvin Wanted More! Lyle the Crocodile series; Ira Sleeps Over You're Finally Here; Scaredy Squirrel series Willems, Mo Wiseman, Bernard Zion, Gene Edwina, the Dinosaur Who Didn't Know She Was Extinct; Elephant and Piggie series Morris the Moose series Harry the Dirty Dog series GRADE 2 Author Adler, David Arnold, Tedd Bloom, Becky Brisson, Pat Brown, Jeff Buehner, Caralyn Cole, Joanna Cox, Judy Creech, Sharon Cronin, Doreen Dannenberg, Julie Danziger, Paula Edwards, Pamela Fearing, Mark Forward, Toby Gibbons, Gail Hoffman, Mary Hopkins, Lee Bennett Jenkins, Steve Keller, Holly Klein, Abby Krulik, Nancy McKinley, Cindy Meddaugh, Susan O'Connell, Kristine O’Connor, Jane Osborne, Mary Pope Parish, Peggy Park, Barbara Pattison, Darcy Preller, James Pulver, Robin Ransom, Jeanie Franz Richardson, Adele Roy, Ron Rylant, Cynthia Schneider, Josh Schwartz, Corey Rosen Sharmat, Marjorie Sierra, Judy Stevens, Janet Stevenson, James Stier, Catherine Teitelbaum, Michael Thomas, Shelley Moore Viorst, Judith Title Young Cam Jansen series Fly Guy series Wolf! Beach is to Fun: A Book of Relationships Flat Stanley series Fanny's Dream Magic School Bus series My Family Plays Music A Fine, Fine School All titles First Year Letters A is for Amber series Four Famished Foxes and Fosdyke The Book That Eats People What Happened to Little Red Riding Hood: The Wolf’s Story All nonfiction titles Amazing Grace; Boundless Grace; Princess Grace School Supplies: a Book of Poems All titles Help! A Story of Friendship Ready Freddy series Katie Kazoo series One Smile Martha series Fold Me a Poem Fancy Nancy titles Magic Tree House series Amelia Bedelia series Junie B. Jones series The Journey of Oliver K. Woodman Jigsaw Jones Mysteries Punctuation Takes a Vacation What Really Happened to Humpty Dumpty First Facts: Exploring the Animal Kingdom A - Z Mystery and Calendar Mystery series Henry and Mudge series; When I Was Young in the Mountains Tales From Very Picky Eaters Three Ninja Pigs Nate the Great series Wild About Books; Tell the Truth B.B. Wolf The Great Fuzz Frenzy Yard Sale If I Were President; If I Ran for President Backyard Sports series Good Night, Good Knight All Alexander titles Willey, Margaret Clever Beatrice Suggested Magazines for the Primary Grades High Five Highlights for Children Humpty Dumpty’s Magazine Your Big Backyard Zoobooks GRADE 3 Author Title Abbott, Tony Baretta, Gene Barrows, Annie Blume, Judy Child, Lauren Clements, Andrew Connor, Leslie DiCamillo, Kate Eyewitness Readers Fern, Tracey Giff, Patricia Reilly Greenburg, Dan Halls, Kelly Milner Helfer, Ralph Hopkinson, Deborah Hutmocker, Kimberly Jacobson, Jennifer Richard Joyce, William Katz, Jon Kerrin, Jessica Scott Kline, Suzy Look, Lenore Maddox, Jake Manes, Stephen McEwan, Jamie Osborne, Mary Pope Pennypacker, Sara Prelutsky, Jack Roy, Ron Sachar, Louis St. George, Judith Scieszka, Jon Shoveller, Herb Silverstein, Shel Vernick, Audrey Yolen, Jane Secrets of Droon series Now and Ben: The Modern Inventory of Benjamin Franklin Ivy and Bean series; Friend or Fiend The Pain and the Great One series Clarice Bean series Jake Drake series Miss Bridie Chose a Shovel Mercy Watson series Nonfiction titles Barnum's Bones Adventures of Minnie and Max series Zack Files series Dinosaur Mummies: Beyond Bare-bone Fossils World's Greatest Lion Sky Boys: How They Built the Empire State Building; Annie and Helen Therapy Dogs Andy Shane and the Very Bossy Dolores Starbuckle; Pumpkin Trick A Day with Wilbur Robinson Meet the Dogs of Bedlam Farm Martin Bridge series Herbie Jones; Mary Marony and the Snake Alvin Ho: Allergic to Camping, Hiking and Other Natural Disasters Paintball Invasion; Skate Park Challenge; Slam Dunk Shoes; Soccer Shootout Be a Perfect Person in Just Three Days Rufus The Scrub; Willie the Scrub; Whitwater Scrubs Magic Tree House Companion non-fiction titles Clementine series Poetry anthologies including A Pizza the Size of the Sun; The New Kid on the Block Capital Mysteries series Marvin Redpost series So You Want To Be President?; So You Want To Be An Inventor?; So You Want To Be An Explorer? The Stinky Cheese Man and Other Fairly Stupid Tales; Math Curse Ryan and Jimmy: And the Well in Africa that Brought Them Together Where the Sidewalk Ends; Light in the Attic; Falling Up Brothers at Bat Color Me a Rhyme; A Sip of Aesop GRADE 4 Author Title Baglio, Ben M. Animal Ark series Birney, Betty G. Humphrey the Hamster series Bode, N.E. Cabot, Meg Cleary, Beverly Clements, Andrew Colfer, Eoin The Anybodies, The Nobodies, The Somebodies Allie Finkle's Rules for Girls series All titles All children's titles Worst Boy In The World Hey Batta Batta Swing: The Wild Old Days of Baseball Playing To Win: Althea Gibson Because of Winn-Dixie; The Tale of Despereaux:Being the Story of a Mouse; Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane Classroom at the End of the Hall; Elevator Family Mallory series Sugarplum Ballerinas series Cabin Creek Mysteries series My Weird School series; Baseball Card Adventures series Emily Windsnap series The Snow Baby Ruby Lu: Empress of Everything; Brave and True Mike Lupica's Comeback Kids series Amazing Days of Abby Hayes series Judy Moody series Lewis and Clark and Me Aunt Chip and the Great Triple Creek Dam Affair Wayside School series The Original Time Warp Trio series The Houdini Box Akimbo series Fourth Grade Rats Brave Dogs, Gentle Dogs; How They Guard Sheep Super Emma Hank Zipzer series Cook, Sally and Charlton, James Deans, Karen DiCamillo, Kate Evans, Douglas Friedman, Laurie Goldberg, Whoopi Gregory, Kristina Gutman, Dan Kessler, Liz Kirkpatrick, Katherine Look, Lenore Lupica, Mike Mazer, Anne McDonald, Megan Myers, Laurie Polacco, Patricia Sachar, Louis Scieszka, Jon Selznick, Brian Smith, Alexander McCall Spinelli, Jerry Urbigkit, Cat Warner, Sally Winkler, Henry GRADE 5 Author Title Applegate, Katherine Avi Baker, E. D. Byng, Georgia Creech, Sharon DeClements, Barthe DeFelice, Cynthia Dennis, Brian Duprau, Jeanne Gantos, Jack George, Jean Craighead Giff, Patricia Reilly Gutman, Dan Hahn, Mary Downing Hale, Shannon Harrison, David Hiaasen, Carl The One and Only Ivan Sophia's War The Tales of the Frog Princess series Molly Moon series Ruby Holler; Chasing Redbird; The Wanderer; Love That Dog; Hate That Cat Nothing's Fair in Fifth Grade Signal; The Ghost of Fossil Glen and other mysteries Nubs: The True Story of a Mutt, Marine and a Miracle The City of Ember; The People of Sparks; The Prophet of Yonwood; Diamond of Darkhold Joey Pigza series The Cats of Roxville Station Lilly’s Crossing; Willow Run; Hunter Moran Saves the Universe The Homework Machine; Return of the Homework Machine Wait Until Helen Comes; Deep and Dark and Dangerous; and other mystery/supernatural titles The Princess Academy; Palace of Stone Cave Detectives Chomp; Hoot; Scat Hunter, Erin Horvath, Polly Jenkins, Steve Jones, Charlotte Foltz Kimmel, Elizabeth Cody Kinney, Jeff Korman, Gordon Law, Ingrid Levine, Gail Carson Lupica, Mike MacDonald, Alan Madonna Martin, Ann Mass, Wendy Mills, Claudia Myers, Walter Dean Palacio, R.J. Riordan, Rick Spinelli, Jerry Stewart, Trenton Lee Tarshis, Lauren Turnage, Sheila Van Draanen, Wendelin Various Authors Warner, Sally Yee, Lisa The Warriors series Everything on a Waffle; The Trolls; The Pepins and Their Problems Dogs and Cats Mistakes That Worked; Fifty Inventions Discovered by Mistake Lily B series Diary of a Wimpy Kid series No More Dead Dogs; Island series; Dive series; On the Run series; Swindle series; Kidnapped series; Schooled;Ungifted Savvy; Scumble All titles Million Dollar Throw; The Big Field Trolls Go Home English Roses series The Main Street series Every Soul a Star; 11 Birthdays; Twice Upon a Time Trading Places Hoops Wonder Percy Jackson and the Olympians series; Kane Chronicles Crash; Maniac Magee; Loser; The Library Card The Mysterious Benedict Society series I Survived series Three Times Lucky Flipped The 39 Clues series Best Friend Emma Millicent Min, Girl Genius; So Totally Emily Ebers; Stanford Wong Flunks Big-Time Suggested Magazines for Grades 3, 4 5 American Girl ASK (Arts and Sciences for Kids) Contact Kids Cricket Magazine Jack and Jill Kids Discover Time for Kids Muse National Geographic World Ranger Rick Sports Illustrated for Kids Stone Soup Story Works