request for information - UC Davis Health System

Request For Information
Clinical Charge Entry (CCE) Retail and
Miscellaneous Point of Sale
RFI # RFI 15-553830-MW
Date Issued: February 13, 2015
Due Date: February 27, 2015
Submitted by the University of California
Davis Health System
This RFI is also available at:
All questions regarding this RFI should be by email only and directed to:
Michael Wegmann
UCDHS Purchasing Department
Questions should not be directed to any other University departments or staff. Material or substantive
information provided to any Responder, as a result of questions received, will be provided to all Responders via
an addendum to this RFI.
Proposed Schedule of Events
Release of Request for Information
Receipt of Vendor E-Mailed Questions by noon PST
UCDHS Response to Vendors’ Questions by 4pm PST
Receipt of Vendors’ Response to this RFI by 3pm PST
On-site demos (if requested)
To be determined
Vendor Inquiries
Inquiries regarding this RFI process and the functional or technical requirements of the proposed
systems must be emailed by noon PST on Wednesday, February 4, 2015. The ONLY UCDHS
contact person and address are listed below. Questions must be submitted via email.
Michael Wegmann
UCDHS Purchasing Department
4800 2nd Avenue, Suite 3010
Sacramento, CA 95817
All questions/inquiries by email
Proposal Submittal Instructions
Each Responder is required to submit their response via e-mail to:
All responses must be emailed and the email posted and received in the UCDHS
Purchasing Department no later than 3:00 p.m. PST on Friday, February 26, 2015. If
possible, submit your response earlier than the indicated due date. UCDHS Purchasing
Department will not accept proposals received after the due date and time.
Following evaluation of this RFI, UCDHS may release a formal Request for Proposal. Requests
for demonstrations or presentations from vendors may be requested and you may be contacted
1. To obtain detailed information from Responders regarding their experience and
capabilities in successfully delivering CCE Retail and Miscellaneous Point of Sale system
that meets the requirements of the Clinical Departments within the UC Davis Health
2. To obtain a written proposal, pricing structures, work plans and implementation schedules,
and proposed methodologies and approaches to be utilized.
3. To solicit information that will enable UCDHS to compare and evaluate Responders’ CCE
Retail and Miscellaneous Point of Sale system offerings to determine the optimum
direction for the Health System.
4. To complete the required UCDHS IT Evaluation Process for the proposed CCE Retail and
Miscellaneous Point of Sale system. Refer to Section II Technology Evaluation under
University of California at Davis Health System Profile
The University of California, Davis Health System (UCDHS) provides the organizational
framework that enables the University of California, Davis to fulfill teaching, research, patient-care
and public service missions. It consists of the School of Medicine (SOM), the UC Davis Medical
Center (UCDMC), the UC Davis Medical Group and several specific centers such as the UC Davis
Cancer Center, the UC Davis Children’s Hospital and the UC Davis M.I.N.D. Institute. Together
they deliver primary, secondary and tertiary care throughout inland Northern California. The UC
Davis Medical Group, the health system’s physician network, includes over 500 physicians and
150 areas of medical specialty geographically dispersed in 25 locations.
UCDMC is one of five teaching hospitals operated by The Regents of the University of California.
UCDMC is a 619-bed, fully accredited hospital, which serves as the main clinical education site for the
UCD School of Medicine. Prior to its acquisition by The Regents in 1973, the hospital was owned and
operated by Sacramento County and served as the primary provider of health care to Sacramento’s
medically indigent population.
UCDMC is the sole Level 1 trauma center serving the Sacramento-Sierra area and the primary tertiary
care referral center for a 32-county area of more than five million residents. Each year UCDMC admits
approximately 32,000 inpatients, while its 150-plus clinics log more than 828,000 outpatients and
emergency visits.
UCDHS Clinical Departments with Retail Sales
Four UC Davis Health System clinical departments have a need for a point of sale (POS) system
for their retail products: C Street Plastics, Dermatology, ENT Facial Plastics, and Speech/Audio.
The POS will be used only for retail transactions and not for medical and professional billings.
In addition to these four departments, various departments may also have a need for a POS.
Although they do not sell retail products, they sell miscellaneous items such as: FMLA forms,
worker’s comp forms, physical approval, and medical records copy. These departments are not
the primary focus of the RFI, but need to be considered for future implementation.
C Street Plastics have approximately 400 different product types in their inventory. They sell retail
items such as lotions, make-ups, sunscreens, and skin care product kits. Part of their products list
includes prescription strength skin care products.
Dermatology is currently not selling retail or miscellaneous products, but will start again in the
beginning of year 2015. Their products list includes lotions, make-ups, sunscreens, and skin care
product kits.
ENT Facial Plastics have approximately 700 different product types in their inventory. They sell
retail items such as lotions, make-ups, sunscreens, and skin care product kits. Part of their
products list includes prescription strength skin care products.
Speech/Audio is selling hearing aid accessories as part of their products list. Their products list
includes batteries, adhesives, and wax guards.
Four clinical departments: C Street Plastics, Dermatology, ENT Facial Plastics, and Speech/Audio
are in need of a new point-of-sale system to replace an outgoing system. Although all
departments provide medical services, the POS will not handle any professional and medical
billing transactions. The system will only be used for retail and miscellaneous items that each
department sells.
Each department has between two to four cashier windows. The daily sales can range from $100
to $5,000 per department. Office hours are from 8AM to 5PM PST. A department can have up to
700 different items in their products list. All departments are independent of each other, which
mean that they perform their own inventory, each reconcile day’s total and submit daily cash flow,
and manage their own products list.
At the present time, each clinical department is using Clinical Charge Entry (CCE), a custom Lotus
Notes and Domino based application. Due UC Davis’ migration to O365 mail system, Lotus Notes
e-mail system and Domino based applications will need to be retired. CCE runs on a client
computer with manual selection of products. A receipt is printed from a laserjet printer on a letter
size paper.
Each department reconciles its daily sales after business hours and creates a Statement of
Cash/Credit (SOCC). Information in the SOCC includes: credit card/ATM sales, cash/check sales,
department’s account number, account number for items sold, any credit back to the department,
returns and exchange, and tax charges (if applicable). The department’s supervisor audits the
SOCC before sending the electronic copy to UC Davis’ financial system (Kuali).
Our goal is to find a point-of-sale system that can be implemented in our clinical departments. An
ideal solution will meet all the requirements from all four departments and provide flexibility for
future growth to other non-clinical departments. In addition to the functionalities of the current
application (CCE), our departments have added requirements to improve current workflows and be
compliant with sales policies.
Detailed list of requirements are on Attachment 1 (A1 RFI CCE Vendor Req Questions.xlsx).
Some requirements are broad and may exceed the system’s capabilities. We strongly encourage
vendors to participate in this RFI even if their system can only accomplish a portion of the
requirements. We welcome vendor ideas on the best solution for our needs.
The attached RFI Proposal Form is an excel spreadsheet that each vendor needs to fill out
completely in the electronic file provided. The questions asked are intended to help the University
to evaluate your corporate qualifications and ability to provide the functionality that our system
requires. It is acceptable to attach other information like company brochures but please respond to
all questions in the electronic form provided.
Please complete the following questionnaire included with the RFI:
• RFI Proposal Form - Attachment 1 (RFI CCE Vendor Req Questions.xlsx)
The UCDHS IT Evaluation Process is a set of activities and procedures referring to the acquisition
of new applications, technology, or technology devices. It is the goal of the UC Davis Health
System to ensure new applications, technology, and devices adhere to current Information
Technology, Clinical Engineering, and Security standards to safeguard patient privacy, enable
organizational efficiencies, and provide overall protection of health systems assets.
Please complete the following questionnaires included with the RFI :
• IT Preliminary Checklist for New Technologies – Attachment 2 (A2 Checklist v2.0.pdf)
• IT Technology Questionnaire – Attachment 3 (A3 Technology Questionnaire
• IT Security Questionnaire – Attachment 4 (A4 Summary and Recommendation
These documents should be submitted as separate attachments. If a question does not apply to
your product, enter N/A. Certain IT functional areas may request a conference call to receive
clarification on answers if necessary.
Proposal Conditions
Notwithstanding any other provision of the RFI, Responders are hereby advised that this
RFI is a solicitation for information only and is not to be construed as an offer to enter into
any contract or agreement.
UCDHS shall have the unconditional and unqualified right to withdraw, cancel, or amend
this RFI at any time. Responders shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and
furnishing of responses to this RFI. .
Responses to this RFI should be made according to the instructions contained herein.
UCDHS reserves the right to interpret or change any provision of this RFI at any time prior
to the submission date. Such interpretation or change shall be in the form of a written
addendum to this RFI. Such addendum will become part of this RFI and any resultant
contract. Such addendum shall be made available to each company that has received an
UCDHS has, at its sole discretion, the unconditional and unqualified right to determine that
a time extension is required for submission of proposals, in which case, a written RFI
addendum issued by UCDHS shall indicate the new submission date for proposals.
Prior to the final submission date, any Responder may retrieve its information to make
additions or alterations. Such retrieval, however, shall not extend the final submission
Responders wishing to submit information in response to this request do so entirely at
their own expense, and submission of a proposal indicates acceptance of the conditions
contained in the RFI unless clearly and specifically noted otherwise.
PUBLIC INFORMATION AND TRADE SECRETS--The California Public Records Act limits
UCDHS’s ability to withhold pre-qualification and bid data to trade secrets or records, the
disclosure of which is exempt or prohibited pursuant to federal or state law. If a submittal
contains any trade secrets that Responder does not want disclosed to the public or used
by UCDHS for any purpose other than evaluation of the Responder’s eligibility, each sheet
of such information must be marked with the designation “Confidential.” UCDHS will notify
the Responder of any request, by another party, to inspect such confidential information.
Responder will have an opportunity to establish that such information is exempt from
inspection in any proceeding to compel inspection.
All computer programs and data made available by UCDHS to Responders hereunder
shall remain the property of the UCDHS and shall be maintained, used, and disseminated
in accordance with the California Information Practices Act of l911, Civil code Sections
1798 through 1798.76, and the California Public Records Act, Government Code Section
6250 through 6260. All listings and all copies of listings that reveal names or identification
numbers of individuals, (i.e., employees, patients, etc.) shall be destroyed or returned to
Contract Terms and Conditions
The University of California Terms and Conditions for Goods and Services shall apply to
this Request for Information and will be attached as a separate document, Attachment 5
(A5 University of California erms and Conditions of Goods and Services.)
No form of the University’s name shall be used in promotional materials, signs,
announcements, or other forms of communication or advertising originated by Responder
unless the University’s express written permission for such use has been obtained in
Under existing campus policy ( P & P Manual #260-15) a gift or donation to the University
may not be coupled with the expectation of tangible compensation or with the imposition of
contract or grant requirements. Each purchasing transaction, business contract, research
contract, affiliation agreement, and grant shall be considered as separate and whole in
itself. As such, it is the policy of the University of California Health System that no gift or
donation to the University, nor any of its business contracts, purchasing transactions,
research contracts, affiliation agreements, or grants shall be used as partial consideration
for any other transaction, contract, agreement, grant or gift/donation.
As referenced herein, contracted equipment shall refer to all equipment contracted under
this agreement. The title to Contracted Equipment shall at all times remain with the
vendor, and the risk of loss arising due to UCDHS’s fault or negligence, or due to theft or
disappearance, shall pass to UCDHS upon the date the Contracted Equipment is
delivered and installed at the site. The risk of loss due to all other causes shall remain with
the vendor.
Vendor’s equipment shall conform to manufacturer published specifications or as
otherwise agreed by both parties.
• The University of California Davis Health System (UCDHS) grants other University of
California (UC) entities the right to acquire the properties and/or services from a
resulting contract based on this competitively bid Request for Proposal (RFP). By
submitting an RFP that results in a contract, the Contractor agrees to make the
same bid terms and price, exclusive of freight and transportation fees, available to
other University of California entities. UCDHS will not be responsible for any
problems, which may arise between UC entities and the Contractor as a result of
any sales and/or purchases made.