Strategies for Overcoming Resistance Education and commitment

Strategies for Overcoming Resistance
Education and commitment – communication will help to reduce anxiety and
ensure people understand what will be happening and what is expected of them.
Participation and involvement – increases understanding, enhances feelings of
control and reduces uncertainty. If possible involve people in drawing up the plans
for change or at least consult them when doing so.
Facilitation and support – accepting legitimate anxieties and helping people cope
with change. Provide encouragement, training, support to help with adaptation.
Negotiation and agreement – may have to offer incentives for agreeing to change.
Manipulation and co-optation – attempting to show change in a positive light when
it is not positive. Co-optation involves getting people interested in the change by
promising them benefits e.g. new roles in a new structure.
Explicit and implicit coercion – using authority to get change through. Can be
clearly stated or implied (e.g. there will be serious consequences).