1809 Ashland Avenue
Deering Hall 205
Baltimore, MD 21205
Phone: 410.614.5358/ Fax: 410.614.5360
Doctor of Philosophy, Department of Health Policy and Management, Johns
Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public, Baltimore, MD. Program in Law, Ethics and
Dissertation Topic: Recruitment of HIV-Infected Children into Clinical Research
Master of Public Health, School of Public Health, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor,
Michigan. Program in Public Health Policy and Administration.
Thesis Topic: Expanding Access to Antiretroviral Therapy for People with HIV/AIDS
Bachelor of Arts, Stanford University, Stanford, California. Human Biology.
10/11 - present
Associate Professor, Department of Health Policy and Management, Johns Hopkins
Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, MD.
7/04 – 9/11
Assistant Professor, Department of Health Policy and Management, Johns Hopkins
Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, MD (tenure track; 7/06).
4/99 - present
Core Faculty, Johns Hopkins Berman Institute of Bioethics, Baltimore, MD.
Associate Director, Greenwall Fellowship in Bioethics and Health Policy, Johns
Hopkins Berman Institute of Bioethics, Baltimore, MD.
9/00 - 6/04
Assistant Research Professor, Faculty of Health and Public Policy, Department of
Health Policy and Management, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health,
Baltimore, MD.
1/00 - 8/00
Assistant Scientist, Faculty of Health and Public Policy, Department of Health Policy
and Management, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore,
3/99 - 12/99
Research Associate, Faculty of Health and Public Policy, Department of Health
Policy and Management, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health,
Baltimore, MD.
10/97 - 10/99
Project Director, Improving Understanding in Early Phase Clinical Trials Project,
Department of Health Policy and Management, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of
Public Health, Baltimore, MD.
Coordinated project to improve the understanding of research among oncology
patients considering enrollment in early phase clinical trials. Participated in
development of study instruments. Developed project implementation plan.
Conducted brief and in-depth interviews. Supervised interviewers. Managed
quantitative and qualitative data. Conducted qualitative analysis. Maintained
contact with collaborating health care providers. Prepared various reports.
Project Director, Family to Family Project, Department of Pediatrics, Johns Hopkins
School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD.
Coordinated project to develop a community-based intervention to assist HIVaffected families in planning for future placement of their children. Developed and
conducted survey and created resource guide of available services to HIV-affected
families in Baltimore City. Developed and conducted in-depth qualitative interviews
with professionals currently providing services to HIV-affected families. Coordinated
qualitative analysis of data collected through professional interviews and focus
groups with HIV-affected family members.
Special Assistant to the Director, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious
Diseases, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD.
Served as AIDS and women's health coordinator for the Office of the Director (OD),
NIAID. Developed materials for OD in support of activities related to mission of
NIAID. Provided special expertise and assistance to the Director in support of
carrying out his duties as Director, NIAID.
8/90 - 2/91
Competitive Federal Government program to attract Masters level students to public
service. Home Office and Rotational Assignments listed below.
Home Office:
Program Analyst, National AIDS Program Office, Office of the
Assistant Secretary for Health, Public Health Service, Department of Health and
Human Services, Washington, DC.
Assisted CDC Desk Officer in advising Assistant Secretary for Health on policies
and issues related to HIV/AIDS. Reviewed and analyzed agency plans and budget
submissions for consistency with PHS policies and strategies. Prepared special
reports and briefing materials on HIV/AIDS-related issues.
Rotational Assignments:
Poverty, AIDS and Disability Policy Office, U.S. Senate Committee on Labor and
Human Resources, Washington, DC.
Participated in development and management of comprehensive youth health and
social services legislation. Interacted with constituency group representatives.
Responded to HIV-related constituent inquires.
San Mateo County AIDS Program, San Mateo County Department of Health
Services, San Mateo, CA.
Wrote request for proposals for Bay Area HIV Services Regional Strategic Plan and
coordinated proposal process. Reviewed and coordinated Federal and state funding
reporting requirements. Developed HIV/Mental Health Resource Directory for the
National Commission on AIDS, Washington, DC.
Drafted paper on the federal response to the AIDS epidemic for the Commission's
Comprehensive Report. Served as resource for Commission staff in regards to
federal HIV/AIDS programs.
Research Assistant, Resource for Public Health Policy, School of Public Health,
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI.
Assisted in development of Community AIDS Plan for Kent County, Michigan.
Health Policy Intern, AIDS Policy Center, Intergovernmental Health Policy Project,
Washington, DC.
Researched, analyzed, and tracked state legislation and policies related to
HIV/AIDS. Rendered technical assistance on state HIV/AIDS policies to federal,
state and local health officials and media representatives.
Staff Assistant, U.S. Senator Alan Cranston, Washington, DC.
Screened all calls to office. Handled constituent inquiries over the phone and in the
office. Responded to all student mail and requests.
Health Advocacy Intern, National Women’s Health Network, Washington, DC.
Monitored and analyzed federal health policy. Developed an AIDS Education/
Activity Project directed at college age women.
Member, Steering Committee, Clinical Research Ethics Consultation Collaborative,
Center for Translational Science Award, Bethesda, MD.
Member, Data Safety and Monitoring Committee, Johns Hopkins Older
Americans Independence Center, Baltimore, MD.
8/05 - present
Member, Data Safety and Monitoring Board, Pediatric Heart Network, National
Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, National Institutes of Health. Bethesda, MD.
Member, Steering Committee, Consultation Working Group, Committee on
Research Ethics, Center for Translational Science Award, Bethesda, MD.
Member, Planning Committee, Contemporary Issues in Human Subjects
Protections in Cancer Research, National Cancer Forum, Institute of
Medicine, Washington, DC.
10/09 – 8/12
Chair, Working Group in IRB Quality Assessment, Clinical Research
Ethics Key Functions Committee, Centers for Translational Science Awards,
National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD.
1/02 – 12/12
Member, Data Safety and Monitoring Board, Intramural Program, National Human
Genome Research Institute, National Institutes of Health. Bethesda, MD.
8/08 – 7/12
Member, Data Safety and Monitoring Board, Trial of Euglycemia after
Cardiac Surgery, National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, National
Institutes of Health. Bethesda, MD.
2/10 – 5/11
Member, Special Immunizations Program (SIP) for Laboratory Personnel Engaged
in Research on Countermeasures for Select Agents, National Research Council,
National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC.
6/08 – 12/08
Member, Confidentiality Summer Study Group, Maryland Department of Health and
Mental Hygiene, Baltimore, MD.
Ad Hoc Member, Scientific Review Group, National Heart, Lung and
Blood Institute, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD.
1/08 – 7/09
Member, Committee on Research Needs for Retention of Variola Virus, Board on
Global Health, Institute of Medicine, National Academy of Sciences, Washington,
9/05 - 1/06
Workgroup Member, Multiplex Initiative, Social and Behavioral and Genome
Technology Branches, National Human Genome Research Institute, National
Institutes of Health. Bethesda, MD.
6/04 - 3/05
Member, HIV Testing Workgroup, Maryland Department of Health and Mental
Hygiene, Baltimore, MD.
7/03 - 1/04
Workgroup Member, Workgroup to Study the Issue of HIV Testing Over an
Individual’s Refusal in the Event of an Occupational Exposure, AIDS Administration,
Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, Baltimore, MD.
Ad Hoc Member, Scientific Review Group, National Institute of Child Health and
Human Development, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD.
1/00 -12/02
Member, Institutional Review Board, Intramural Program, National Human Genome
Research Institute, National Institutes of Health. Bethesda, MD.
12/99 - 2/00
Member, Working Group on Willful Exposure of HIV, AIDS Administration, Maryland
Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, Baltimore, MD.
10/99 - 12/00
Member, Institutional Review Board, Abt and Associates, Inc. Bethesda, MD.
Society Membership
American Society for Bioethics and Humanities
Advisory Committee on Ethics Standards (5/06 – 10/07)
American Public Health Association
Forum on Bioethics, Program Co-Chair (2000)
Forum on Bioethics, Section Co-Chair (2001)
Public Responsibility in Medicine and Research
Scientific Review Committee (2014, 2015)
Steering Committee, Best Practices for IRB Review of Disaster and Emergency
Related Public Health Research, National Institute of Environmental Health
Sciences, NIH, Bethesda, MD.
Forum on Medical and Public Health Preparedness for Catastrophic Events,
Institute of Medicine. Invited Speaker. Panel: Addressing Institutional Review
Board Barriers to Health Research Implementation. Bethesda, MD
National Cancer Policy Forum, Institute of Medicine. Invited Speaker. The Current
Landscape in Human Subjects Protections. Workshop on Contemporary Issues in
Human Subject Research. Washington, DC.
Johns Hopkins School of Education. Best Practices in Enrollment of Students in
Educational Research Initiatives. Baltimore, MD
Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues. Invited Speaker. What
ethical issues ought to be considered prior to medical countermeasure research with
children? Washington, DC.
Food and Drug Administration. Invited Speaker. Are there sound ethical reasons for
a pre-event study of pediatric countermeasures? Workshop on Pediatric
Development of Countermeasures: Ethical and Regulatory Issues. Washington, DC.
Secretary’s Advisory Committee on Human Research Protections. Invited Speaker.
Measuring Ethical Goals of Research Oversight. Panel Member. How to Measure
IRB Effectiveness? Arlington, Virginia
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Is there a role for PrEP during
conception and pregnancy for HIV-uninfected persons with HIV-infected partners?
Technical Expert Meeting. Washington, DC.
Committee on Population, National Academy of Sciences. Invited Speaker. What
are current practices and state-of-the-art approaches to the process of informed
consent? Workshop on Collecting, Storing, Accessing, and Protecting Data
Containing Biological Measures, Sponsored by National Institute on Aging, National
Institutes of Health. Washington, DC.
Division of Cancer Treatment and Diagnosis, National Cancer Institute, National
Institutes of Health. Invited Speaker. What ethical issues ought to be considered in
the design and implementation of Phase 0 Trials? Workshop: Phase 0 Trials in
Oncologic Drug Development. Bethesda, MD.
HIV/AIDS Bureau, Health Resources and Services Administration. Invited Speaker.
What ethical issues ought to be considered when engaging HIV-infected patients in
health care? Engaging in Care Consultation. Washington, DC.
Office of Health Programs, US Department of Energy. Invited Speaker. What ethical
issues ought to be considered when implementing screening of former Department
of Energy workers exposed to beryllium? Washington, DC.
8/03 - 7/04
Center for Practice Management and Outcomes Research, Health Services and
Development Unit, Veteran’s Administration. What methods ought to be used to
assess IRB review documents? Best Precedents in Human Subjects Protections for
Health Services Research. Ann Arbor, MI.
9/00 - 3/01
National Academy of Science. How should the Committee to Review Studies
Involving Human Subjects enhance their practice? Washington, DC.
Editor-in-Chief, American Journal of Bioethics – Empirical Bioethics
Challenging Cases in Research Ethics Editor, American Journal of
Advisory Board, Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics
12/06 – 5/15
Associate Editor, Clinical Trials
Peer Review Activities (ad hoc review of manuscripts)
American Journal of Public Health
BMC: Medical Ethics
Hastings Center Report
IRB: Ethics and Human Research
Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA)
Journal of AIDS
Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics
Journal of General Internal Medicine
Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law
Journal of Women’s Health
New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM)
Patient Education and Counseling
Public Health Reports
Social Science and Medicine
Mentored Scientist Development Award in Research Ethics, National Institutes of
Delta Omega Honor Society, Member
Gustave Martin Award for Innovative AIDS Research, Department of Molecular
Microbiology and Immunology, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health,
Baltimore, MD.
Victor P. Raymond Award In Public Policy Development, Department of Health
Policy and Management, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health,
Baltimore, MD.
Director’s Award, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National
Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD.
Journal Articles
Kass N, Taylor HA, King P. The Harms of Excluding Pregnant Women from Clinical
Research: The Case of HIV-Infected Women. Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics
1996; 24(1):36-46.
Taylor HA. Barriers to Informed Consent. Seminars in Oncology Nursing 1999;
Kass N, Taylor HA, Anderson J. Treatment of HIV During Pregnancy: The Shift
from an Exclusive Focus on Fetal Protection to a More Balanced Approach.
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2000; 182(4):856-9.
Taylor HA, Kass N. Factors that Influence Parent Decision-Making About Enrolling
their HIV-infected Children in Clinical Research. AIDS & Public Policy Journal 2001;
Taylor HA, Kass N. Attending to Local Justice: Lessons from Pediatric HIV. IRB:
Ethics & Human Research 2002; 24(6):9-17.
Paasche-Orlow M, Taylor HA, Brancati F. Informed Consent Form Readability
Standards vs. Actual Readability: A Survey of U.S. Medical School Institutional
Review Boards. New England Journal of Medicine 2003; 348(8):721-6.
Taylor HA, Faden R. Ethical Considerations in the Formation of Smallpox Vaccine
Policy. Biosecurity and Bioterrorism: Biodefense Strategy, Practice, and Science
2003; 1(1):47-52.
Faden R, Taylor HA, Seiler N. Consent and Compensation: A Social Compact for
Smallpox Vaccine Policy in the Event of an Attack. Clinical Infectious Diseases
2003; 36:1547-51.
Seiler N, Taylor HA, Faden R. Legal and Ethical Considerations in Government
Compensation Plans: A Case Study of Smallpox Vaccination. Indiana Health Law
Journal 2004; 1(1):3-27.
Taylor HA, Wilfond B. Ethical Issues in Newborn Screening Research: Lessons
from the Wisconsin Cystic Fibrosis Study. The Journal of Pediatrics 2004;
Dickert N, Kass N, Paasche-Orlow M, Taylor HA. Excluding Particular Information
from Consent Forms. Accountability in Research 2005; 12(1):33-45.
Taylor HA, Sugarman J, Pisetsky D, Bathon J. Formative Research in Clinical Trial
Development: Attitudes of Patients with Arthritis in Enhancing Prevention Trials.
Annals of Rheumatic Diseases 2007; 66(4): 542-4.
Taylor HA, Johnson S. Ethics of Population Based Research. Journal of Law
Medicine and Ethics 2007; 35(2): 295-99.
Taylor HA. Moving Beyond Compliance: Measuring Ethical Quality to Enhance the
Oversight of Human Subject Research. IRB: Ethics and Human Research 2007;
29(5): 9-14.
Liao SM, Goldschmidt P, Sugarman J, Bok H, Brown H, Charo A, Faden R, Hare J,
Kahn J, Kurtzberg J, Manton K, Moreno J, Shanwani H, Sulmasy D, Taylor HA,
Zoloth L. Ethical and Policy Issues Related to Progenitor Cell-based Strategies for
Prevention of Atherosclerosis. Journal of Medical Ethics 2007; 33(11): 643-6.
Taylor HA, Currie P, Kass N. A Study to Evaluate the Effect of Investigator
Attendance on the Efficiency of IRB Review. IRB: Ethics and Human Research
2008; 30(1):1-5.
Taylor HA. Implementation of NIH Inclusion Guidelines: Survey of NIH Study
Section Members. Clinical Trials 2008; 5(2):140-6 (PMC# 2861770).
Taylor HA, Chaisson L, Sugarman J. Enhancing Communication among Data
Monitoring Committees (DMCs) and Institutional Review Boards (IRBs). Clinical
Trials 2008; 5(3):277-282.
Abdoler E, Taylor HA, Wendler D. The Ethics of Phase 0 Oncology Trials. Clinical
Cancer Research 2008; 14(12):3692-3697.
Taylor HA, Black B, Rabins P. Deciding in the Best Interest of Clients with
Dementia: The Experience of Public Guardians. Journal of Clinical Ethics
Kass N, Taylor HA, Fogarty L, Sugarman J, Goodman S, Goodwin- Landher A,
Carducci M, Hurwitz H. Purpose and Benefits of Early Phase Cancer Trials: What do
Oncologists Say? What do Patients Hear? Journal of Empirical Research on Human
Research Ethics 2008; 3(3):57-68 (PMC# 2861824).
Magyar-Russell G, Fosarelli P, Taylor HA, Finkelstein D. Ophthalmology Patients
Religious and Spiritual Beliefs: An Opportunity to Build Trust in the PatientPhysician Relationship. Archives of Ophthalmology 2008;1 26(9):1262-1265.
Barnett D, Taylor HA, Hodge J, Links J. Resource Allocation on the
Frontlines of Public Health Preparedness and Response: Report of a Summit on
Legal and Ethical Issues. Public Health Reports 2009; 124(2):295-303
Taylor HA, Kass N. The Research Ethics Consulting Service of the
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health: A Model for Continuing
Education in the Ethics of Human Subject Research within an Active Research
Community. IRB: Ethics & Human Research. 2009; 31(2):9-14 (PMC# 2874467).
Kass N, Sugarman J, Medley A, Fogarty L, Taylor HA, Daugherty C, Emerson M,
Goodman S, Hlubocky F, Hurwitz H, Carducci M, Goodwin Landher A. An
Intervention to Improve Cancer Patients’ Understanding of Phase I Clinical Trials.
IRB: Ethics & Human Research 2009; 31(3):1-10 (PMC# 2872090).
Taylor HA. Inclusion of Women, Minorities, and Children in Clinical Trials: Opinions
of Research Ethics Board Administrators. Journal of Empirical Research on Human
Research Ethics 2009; 4(2):65-73 (PMC #2859460).
Moon M, Taylor HA, McDonald E, Hughes M, Carrese J. Everyday Ethics in the
Clinical Practice of Pediatric Residents. Archives of Pediatric and Adolescent
Medicine 2009; 163(9):838-43.
Taylor HA, McDonald E, Moon M, Hughes M, Carrese J. Teaching Ethics to
Paediatric Residents: The Centrality of the Therapeutic Alliance. Medical Education
2009; 43:952-9.
Whicher D, Currie P, Taylor HA. Factors that Influence Institutional Review Board
Member Commitment to their Role Responsibilities. IRB: Ethics & Human Research
2009; 31(5):15-9.
Merritt M, Taylor HA, Mullany L. Ancillary Care in Community-Based Public Health
Intervention Research. American Journal of Public Health 2010; 100(2):211-6
Sockolow PS, Taylor HA. Confronting and Resolving an Ethical Dilemma
Associated with a Practice Based Evaluation Using Observational Methodology of
Health Information Technology. Applied Clinical Informatics 2010; 1(3): 244-255.
Taylor HA, Pronovost P, Sugarman J. Ethics, Oversight, and Quality Improvement
Initiatives. Quality and Safety in Health Care 2010; 19(4):271-274.
Taylor HA, Pronovost P, Faden R, Kass, N, Sugarman J. The Ethical Review of
Health Care Quality Improvement Initiatives: Findings from the Field, The
Commonwealth Fund. August 2010. Available
at: http://www.commonwealthfund.org/publications/issue-briefs/2010/aug/theethical-review-of-health-care
Carrese J, McDonald E, Moon M, Taylor HA, Khaira K, Beach MC,
Hughes M. Everyday Ethics in Internal Medicine Resident Clinic: An
Opportunity to Teach. Medical Education 2011; 45(7): 712-721
Aggarwal R, Gupte N, Kass N, Taylor HA, Ali J, Bhan A, Aggarwal A, Sisson S,
Kanchanaraksa S, McKenzie-White J, McGready J, Miotti P, Bollinger R. A
Comparison of Online versus On-site Training in Health Research Methodology: A
Randomized Study. BMC Medical Education 2011 11:37 doi:10.1186/1472-692011-37 (PMC#3141795).
Taylor HA, Merritt M, Mullany L. Ancillary Care in Public Health Intervention
Research in Low-resource Settings: Researchers’ Practices and Decision-Making.
Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics 2011; 6(3): 73-81.
Kass N, Chaisson L, Taylor HA, Lohse J. Length and Complexity of U.S. and
International HIV Consent Forms from Federal HIV Network Trials. Journal of
General Internal Medicine 2011; 26(11): 1324-1328 (PMC#3208469).
Sugarman J, Taylor HA, Jaff M, Sullivan T. Live Case Discussions: Attitudes
and Ethical Implications for Practice. Annals of Vascular Surgery 2011;
Taylor HA, Kass N, Ali J, Sisson S, Bertram A, Bhan A. Development of a Research
Ethics Knowledge and Analytical Skills Assessment Tool Journal of Medical Ethics.
2012; 38:236-242 (PMC#3801183).
Taylor HA, Merritt M. Provision of Community-Wide Benefits in Public Health
Intervention Research: The Experience of Investigators Conducting Research in the
Community Setting in South Asia. Developing World Bioethics 2012; 12(3):157-63.
Merritt M, Taylor HA. Responsibilities to Plan for Ancillary Care Pose Ethical
Challenges for Nutrition Research in the Community Setting. Journal of Nutrition
2012; 142:1787-1790 (PMC#3442792).
McCormick JB, Sharp RR, Ottenberg AL, Reider CR, Taylor HA, Wilfond BS. The
establishment of Research Ethics Consultation Services (RECS): An Emerging
Research Resource. Clinical and Translational Science 2012; 6(1):40-4
Szanton S, Taylor HA, Terhaar M. Development of an IRB Pre-approval Process for
DNP Students: Process and Outcomes. Journal of Nursing Education 2013;
Paasche-Orlow M, Brancati F, Taylor HA, Jain S, Pandit A, Wolf M. Readability
Standards as Compared with Actual Readability of Informed Consent Forms – A
Second Look. IRB Ethics & Human Research 2013; 35(4):12-19.
Moon M, Taylor HA, McDonald E, Hughes M, Beach MC, Carrese, J. Analyzing
Reflective Narratives to Assess the Ethical Reasoning of Pediatric Residents.
Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 2013; 3(2): 165-174.
Taylor HA, Rutkow L, Barnett D. 2014. Local Health Department Workforce
Willingness to Respond to Infectious Disease Events: Empirical, Ethical and Legal
Considerations, Biosecurity and Bioterrorism 2014; 12(4):178-85 (PMC4106374 Available on 2015-08-01).
Black B, Taylor HA, Rabins, P Karlawish J. Researchers’ Perspectives on the Role
of Study Partners in Dementia Research International Psychogeriatrics 2014;
26(10):1649-57 (PMC Pending).
Shah SK, Persaud D, Wendler DS, Taylor HA, Gay H, Kruger M, Grady C.
Research on a Cure for HIV in Neonates: The Need For Ethical Foresight Lancet:
Infectious Disease 2014; 14(9):893-8 (PMC Pending).
Kass N, Taylor HA, Ali J, Hallez K. A Pilot Study of Simple Interventions to Improve
Informed Consent in Clinical Research: Feasibility, Approach, and Results Clinical
Trials 2015; (12)1: 54-66.
Rutkow L, Taylor HA, Gable L. Emergency Preparedness and Response for
Disabled Individuals: Implications of Recent Litigation. Journal of Law, Medicine and
Ethics 2015;43 Suppl 1:91-4.
Sharp RR, Taylor HA, Brinich MA, Boyle MM, Cho M, Coors M, Danis M, Havard M,
Magnus D, Wilfond B. Research Ethics Consultation: Ethical and Professional
Practice Challenges and Recommendations Academic Medicine. 2015; 90(5):61520.
Cho M, Taylor HA, McCormick JB, Barnard D, Boyle M, Capron A, Dorfman L,
Havard M, Reider C, Sandler J, Schwartz P, Anderson N, Danis M, Sharp R,
Wilfond, B. Building a Central Repository for Research Ethics Consultation Data: A
Proposal for a Standard Data Collection Tool. Clinical and Translational Science
2015; Mar 10. doi: 10.1111/cts.12268 [Epub ahead of print].
Ervin, AM, Taylor HA, Meinert CL, Earhardt S. Evidence Gaps and Ethical Review
of Multicenter Trials. Science 2015; 350(6261): 632-33.
Letters, Commentaries, Editorials
Taylor HA. Children Under 14 Deserve More: Peer Commentary. American Journal
of Bioethics 2003; 3(4):33-4.
Forman J, Taylor HA. The Role of Empirical Research in Defining, Promoting, and
Evaluating Professionalism in Context. Peer Commentary. American Journal of
Bioethics 2004; 4(2):40-43.
Taylor HA. Instead of Revising Half the Story Why not Re-write the Whole Thing:
Peer Commentary. American Journal of Bioethics 2007; 7(3): 19-21.
Taylor HA, Kass N. Our Two-Cents: Research Ethics Consultation at Johns
Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. Peer Commentary. American Journal
of Bioethics. 2008; 8(3): 33-35.
Kaphingst K, Ali J, Taylor HA, Kass N. Rapid Estimate of Adult Literacy in Medicine:
Feasible by Telephone? Family Medicine 2010; 42(7): 467-8 (PMC#3108549).
Taylor HA, Wilfond BS. 2013. Managing Disclosure of Research Misconduct by a
Graduate Student to a University Mental Health Professional During A Clinical
Counseling Session. American Journal of Bioethics 13(10):68.
Taylor HA, Wilfond BS. The Ethics of Contacting Family Members of a Subject in a
Genetic Research Study to Return Results for an Autosomal Dominant Syndrome.
American Journal of Bioethics 2013; 13(10):61.
Taylor HA, Kuwana E, Wilfond BS. The Ethics of Disclosing to Research Subjects
the Availability of Off-Label Marketed Drugs. American Journal of Bioethics 2014;
14(4): 56.
Taylor HA, Kuwana E, Wilfond BS. Ethics of Continuing to Provide a Drug on an
Open-Label Extension Study for an “Unapproved Indication”. American Journal of
Bioethics 2013; 14(4): 51.
Wilfond BS, Magnus D, Antommaria AH, Appelbaum P, Aschner J, Barrington KJ,
Beauchamp T, Boss RD, Burke W, Caplan AL, Capron AM, Cho M, Clayton EW,
Cole FS, Darlow BA, Diekema D, Faden RR, Feudtner C, Fins JJ, Fost NC, Frader
J, Hester DM, Janvier A, Joffe S, Kahn J, Kass NE, Kodish E, Lantos JD,
McCullough L, McKinney R Jr, Meadow W, O'Rourke PP, Powderly KE, Pursley
DM, Ross LF, Sayeed S, Sharp RR, Sugarman J, Tarnow-Mordi WO, Taylor HA,
Tomlinson T, Truog RD, Unguru YT, Weise KL, Woodrum D, Youngner S. The
OHRP and SUPPORT. New England Journal of Medicine 2013; 368(25):e36.
Shah SK, Persaud D, Wendler DS, Taylor HA, Gay H, Kruger M, Grady C.
Research on Very Early ART in Neonates at Risk of HIV Infection. Lancet Infectious
Diseases 2014; 14(9):797.
Taylor HA. Commentary on Goyal [Audio-visual recording of “informed consent” in
India: Step towards “understood consent”]. Clinical Trials 2014; 11(5): 607-608.
Taylor HA, Kuwana E, Wilfond BS. Ethical Implications of Social Media in
Healthcare Research. American Journal of Bioethics 2014; 14(10):58-9.
Taylor HA, Kuwana E, Wilfond BS. The Obligations to Report Statutory Sexual
Abuse Disclosed in a Research Study. American Journal of Bioethics 2014;
Taylor HA, Kuwana E, Wilfond BS. Protecting Research Subject Welfare in
Preventive Trials for Autosomal Dominant Alzheimer’s Disease. American Journal of
Bioethics 2015; 15(4): 83-4.
Taylor HA, Kuwana E, Wilfond BS. Navigating Parental Permission for Neonatal
Research. American Journal of Bioethics 2015; 15(4): 76.
Taylor HA. Commentary: Is There a Problem Consent in Escrow Can Solve?
Journal of Law and the Biosciences 2015; doi: 10.1093/jlb/lsv022
Taylor HA, Kuwana E, Wilfond BS. Is it Ethical to Enroll Cognitively Impaired Adults
in Research that is More Than Minimal Risk with No Prospect of Benefit? American
Journal of Bioethics; 15(10): 64-65.
Taylor HA, Kuwana E, Wilfond BS. Recontact and Recruitment of Young Adults
Previously Enrolled in Neonatal Herpes Simplex Virus Research. American Journal
of Bioethics; 15(10): 56-57.
Book Chapters
Hull S, Taylor HA, Kass N. Qualitative Methods, Methods in Medical Ethics, Edited
by Jeremy Sugarman and Daniel Sulmasy, Washington, DC: Georgetown University
Press. 2001:147-68.
Sugarman J, Pearlman R, Taylor HA. Empirical Approaches to Health Care Ethics.
Principles of Health Care Ethics, Second Edition. Edited by Richard Ashcroft, Angus
Dawson, Heather Draper and John McMillan, Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons,
Ltd. 2007:159-166.
Taylor HA, Johnson S, Faden R, Kass N. The Ethics of Public Health Research:
Moral Obligations to Communities. International Encyclopedia of Public Health,
Volume 2, Edited by Kris Heggenhougen and Stella Quah, San Diego, CA:
Academic Press. 2008: 498-503.
Taylor HA, Hull S, Kass N. Qualitative Methods, Methods in Medical Ethics, Second
Edition, Edited by Jeremy Sugarman and Daniel Sulmasy, Washington, DC:
Georgetown University Press. 2010: 193-214.
Taylor HA. Incorporating Ethics into Teaching Health Policy Analysis.
Ethics in Public Health and Health Policy. Concepts, Methods and Case
Studies (New York: Springer Publishing) 2013: 83-92.
Taylor HA. Research Methodology: Subjects. Bioethics, 4th Edition. Edited by Bruce
Jennings (Farmington Hills, MI: Macmillan Reference USA) 2014.
Book Review
Taylor HA. The Search for an AIDS Vaccine: Ethical Issues in the Development and
Testing of a Preventive AIDS Vaccine. Bulletin of the History of Medicine 1998
Part II
Heather Chatman, MPH 2002
Hiroko Kosaki, iMPH 2003
Samantha Stokes, MPH 2003
Yen-Yuan Chen, MPH 2004
Eric Churchill, MPH 2004
Heather Parsons, MPH 2004
Sarah Sellers, iMPH 2004
Kristen Stafford, MPH 2004
Connie Lewin, iMPH 2005
Uday Deshmukh, iMPH 2006
Ann Mongoven, MPH 2006
Tracy Hubbell, MPH 2008
Nora Oliver, MPH 2008
Maria Nunez, MPH 2008
Nancy Sperry, PT-MPH 2009
Emily Evans, MPH 2009
Issac Mwase, MPH 2009
Sarah Donahue, PT-MPH 2010
Rebecca Stone, PT-MPH 2011
Dina Jerebitski, MPH 2012
Karen Wiswall, MPH 2012
Krista Harrison, PhD 2013
Marcelo Naveira, MPH 2014
Amy Paul, PhD 2015
Anitha Devadason, PT-MPH (expected 2016)
Manish Shukla, PT-MPH (expected 2016)
Rachel Fabi, PhD (expected 2017)
Ariella Messing, PhD (expected 2018)
Capstone Advisor
Heather Chatman, MPH 2002
Samantha Stokes, MPH 2003
Yen-Yuan Chen, MPH 2004
Eric Churchill, MPH 2004
Heather Parsons, MPH 2004
Karen Hoover, MPH 2005
Connie Lewin, iMPH 2005
Ann Mongoven, MPH 2006
Uday Deshmukh, iMPH 2006
Rafael Duncan Escandon, iMPH 2006
Nora Oliver, MPH 2008
Emily Evans, MPH 2009
Rebecca Stone, PT-MPH 2011
Master Thesis Reader
Nicole M. Johnson, MSc (Genetic Counseling) March 2002
Jamie Dokson, MSc (Genetic Counseling) January 2007
Jessica Young, MSc (Genetic Counseling) January 2008
Leila Jamal, MSc (Genetic Counseling) February 2012
Christen Sandoval, MSPH (Health, Behavior and Society) October 2012
Preliminary Department Orals
Gigi Barsoum, Health Policy and Management, August 28, 2000
Julia Slutsman, Health Policy and Management, May 29, 2001
Mark Stibich, Health Policy and Management, June 7, 2002
Jason Gerson, Health Policy and Management, March 4, 2004
Lori Hamby, Health Policy and Management, September 28, 2004
Neal Dickert, Health Policy and Management, March 30, 2005
Elizabeth Dederick, Health Policy and Management, March 28, 2006 (Alt)
Carlton Haywood, Health Policy and Management, May 15, 2007
James Cope, Health Policy and Management, October 8, 2009 (Alt)
Jillian Fry, Health Policy and Management, December 8, 2009
Krista Harrison, Health Policy and Management, December 15, 2010
Amy Paul, Health Policy and Management, December 11, 2012
Lauren Ellis, Health Policy and Management, April 22, 2013
Sarah Rodman, Health Policy and Management, October 7, 2013 (Alt)
Jala Taher, Health Policy and Management (DrPH), June 6, 2014
Leila Jamal, Health Policy and Management, November 12, 2014
Preliminary School-Wide Orals
Winifred Werther, Epidemiology, April 4, 2001
Susan Braid, Population and Family Health Sciences, November 17, 2004
John McGready, Biostatistics, January 6, 2005 (Alt)
Ingrid Burger, Department of Health Policy and Management, February 24, 2005
Neal Dickert, Health Policy and Management, April 6, 2005
Lori Uscher Pines, Health Policy and Management, April 17, 2006
Susan Braid, Population and Family Health Sciences, October 2, 2006
Alisha Creel, Health, Behavior and Society, March 7, 2007 (Alt)
James Cope, Health Policy and Management, October 12, 2009
Virginia Bowen, Population, Family and Reproductive Health, May 24, 2010
Krista Harrison, Health Policy and Management, January 20, 2011
Danielle Whicher, Health Policy and Management, August 29, 2011
Carleigh Krubiner, Health Policy and Management, December 7, 2012
Amy Paul, Health Policy and Management, January 22, 2013
Hanan Edrees, Health Policy and Management (DrPH), October 21, 2013 (Alt)
Venna Billioux, Epidemiology (DrPH), November 19, 2014
Leila Jamal, Health Policy and Management, January 29, 2015 (Alt)
Final School-Wide Orals
Winifred Werther, Epidemiology, January 13, 2003
Neal Dickert, Health Policy and Management, March 13, 2006 (Alt)
Alexa Green, Department of History of Medicine (JHSOM) September 21, 2006
Carlton Haywood Jr., Health Policy and Management, September 29, 2008 (Alt)
Catherine Lee, International Health, September 12, 2012 (Alt)
Krista Harrison, Health Policy and Management, March 4, 2014
Virgina Bowen, Population, Family and Reproductive Health, March 25, 2013 (Alt)
Hanan Edrees, Health Policy and Management (DrPH), May 19, 2014 (Alt)
Amy Paul, Health Policy and Management, March 11, 2015
Lauren Ellis, Health Policy and Management, April 30, 2015
Carleigh Krubiner, Health Policy and Management, June 15, 2015
Classroom Instruction
Primary Instructor, Ethical Issues in Health Policy: Public Health and Health Care,
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Term 2. Enrollment: 32.
Co-Instructor, Introduction to Bioethics in Public Health Practice and
Research, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Summer
Term, Enrollment: 264.
Primary Instructor, Ethical Issues in Health Policy: Public Health and Health Care,
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Term 2. Enrollment: 29.
Co-Instructor, Introduction to Bioethics in Public Health Practice and
Research, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Summer
Term, Enrollment: 274.
Co-Instructor, Introduction to the Ethics of Human Subject Research,
Johns Hopkins Berman Institute Bioethics Intensive. Enrollment: 16.
Primary Instructor, Ethical Issues in Health Policy: Public Health and Health Care,
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Term 2. Enrollment: 7.
Co-Instructor, Introduction to Bioethics in Public Health Practice and
Research, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Summer
Term, Enrollment: 203
Co-Instructor, Introduction to the Ethics of Human Subject Research,
Johns Hopkins Berman Institute Bioethics Intensive. Enrollment: 16.
Primary Instructor, Ethical Issues in Health Policy: Public Health and Health Care,
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Term 2. Enrollment: 35.
Primary Instructor, Introduction to Ethical Issues in Health Policy, Health
Policy and Management Winter Institute, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School
of Public Health. Enrollment: 15.
Primary Instructor, Introduction to the Ethics of Human Subject Research, Johns
Hopkins Berman Institute Bioethics Intensive. Enrollment: 12.
Primary Instructor, Ethical Issues in Health Policy: Public Health and Health Care,
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Term 2. Enrollment: 28.
Primary Instructor, Ethical Issues in Health Policy: Public Health and Health Care,
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Term 2. Enrollment: 24. Course
and instructor rated as outstanding.
Primary Instructor, Ethics in Public Health: Research, Policy and
Practice, Health Policy and Management Summer Institute, Johns
Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. Enrollment: 11.
Primary Instructor, Ethical Issues in Health Policy: Public Health and Health Care,
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Term 2. Enrollment: 17. Course
and instructor rated as outstanding.
Primary Instructor, Ethical Issues in Health Policy: Public Health and Health Care,
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Term 2. Enrollment: 12.
Course and instructor rated as outstanding.
Primary Instructor, Ethics in Public Health: Research, Policy and
Practice, Health Policy and Management Summer Institute, Johns
Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. Enrollment: 12.
Primary Instructor, Special Studies and Research - Ethics of Health Policy: Public
Health and Health Care, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Term 2.
Enrollment: 13.
Primary Instructor, Ethics of Human Subject Research, On-line Course, Johns
Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Term 4. Enrollment: 28.
Primary Instructor, Ethics of Human Subject Research, On-line Course, Johns
Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Term 4. Enrollment: 22.
Primary Instructor, Ethics of Human Subject Research, On-line Course, Johns
Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Term 4. Enrollment: 23.
Co-Instructor, Ethical Issues in Public Health: Research and Policy On-line Course,
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Term 4. Enrollment: 38.
Small Group Discussion Leader, Physician and Society, Johns Hopkins School of
Medicine, Winter Term.
Co-Instructor, Ethical Issues in Public Health: Research and Policy, On-line Course,
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Term 4. Enrollment: 37.
Small Group Discussion Leader, Physician and Society, Johns Hopkins School of
Medicine, Winter Term.
Co-Instructor, Ethical Issues in Public Health: Research and Policy On-line Course,
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Term 4. Enrollment: 18.
Co-Instructor, Research Ethics and Integrity: US and International Issues, On-line
Course, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Term 4. Enrollment:
Small Group Discussion Leader, Physician and Society, Johns Hopkins School of
Medicine, Winter Term.
Small Group Discussion Leader, Physician and Society, Johns Hopkins School of
Medicine, Winter Term.
Instructor, AIDS, Ethics and Public Policy Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of
Public Health, Term 4. Enrollment: 20.
Small Group Discussion Leader, Physician and Society, Johns Hopkins School of
Medicine, Winter Term.
Other Teaching
Presented Lectures in the Following Courses
Foundations of Bioethics II
Methods in Bioethics
Department of Health Policy and Management
Ethical Issues in Public Health
Fundamentals of Health Education and Health Promotion
Introduction to Health Policy and Management
Health Policy 1: Social and Economic Determinants of Health
Health Policy 2: Public Health Policy Formulation
Health Policy 4: Health Policy Analysis and Synthesis
Issues in Health Advocacy
Managed Care and Health Insurance
Program Effectiveness in Health Education and Health Promotion
Proposal Seminar
Research Ethics and Integrity: US and International Issues
Research and Evaluation Methods for Health Policy
Environmental Health Sciences
Animals in Research: Law, Policy and Humane Science
Health Survey Research Methods
International Health
Ethics of Public Health Practice in Developing Countries
Public Health Perspectives on Research
Research Ethics
Introduction to American Indian Health Research Ethics
Conducted Individual Special Studies Courses
Ethical Theory and Applied Bioethics
Ethics in Health Policy
Ethics in Mental Health Policy
Informed Consent
Research Ethics
Title: Ethics Issues in Public Health Containment of Ebola and Other Infectious Outbreaks in Low and
Middle Income Countries
Role: Co-Investigator (10%); Principal Investigators: Nancy Kass, ScD and Jeff Kahn, PhD, MPH
Sponsor: Wellcome Trust
Period: 10/1/15-9/30/16
This project aims to learn from the collective experience of those involved in the containment of past
infectious outbreaks, including the recent Ebola outbreak in West Africa as well as other similar outbreaks
that have occurred in the last half century.
Title: Assessing Social Justice in Economic Evaluation to Scale Up Novel MDR-TB Drug Regimens
Role: Co-Investigator (30%); Principal Investigator: Maria Merritt, PhD
Sponsor: National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
Period: 07/01/2015 – 06/30/2019
The major goal of this project is to provide a valuable new tool to support ethical responsibility in deciding
whether and how to offer new drug treatments to populations of patients living with Multi-Drug-Resistant
Tuberculosis (MDR-TB) in specific countries or areas. This tool will improve current practice in public
health by enabling decision makers to take explicitly into account both social justice and value for money
in a single analysis. We expect this new tool to be adaptable to other kinds of decisions about public
health policy, as well as decisions about what kinds of health research to fund in the future.
Title: Consensus Guidelines for Central IRBs in the Multicenter Study Setting
Role: Co-Investigator (15%); Principal Investigator: Ann Ervin, PhD
Sponsor: NHGRI, NIH
Period: 10/1/14 – 9/30/17
The objective of this proposal is to establish priorities for the principles and practices of central IRBs in
the multicenter study setting and propose evidence-based consensus guidance for institutions and
investigators involved in a undertaking central IRB review of a multicenter clinical trial and for sponsors
recommending use of central IRBs for multicenter trials.
Title: Clinical and Translational Science Award (Research Participant and Community Core)
Role: Co-Investigator (10%); Principal Investigator: Dan Ford, MD, MPH
Sponsor: NCATS, NIH
Period: 9/1/13 – 8/31/18
One component of the Research Participant and Community Core is the Research Ethics Consult
Service. The service is available to all JHU faculty, staff and students. The goal of RECS is to support
the ethical aspects of clinical and translational research at JHU.
Title: Ethical Standards to Improve Local Response Capacity to Infectious Disease Events
Role: Co-Principal Investigator (25%) with Daniel Barnett MD, MPH
Sponsor: NIGMS, NIH
Period: 7/1/13-6/30/17
The objective of this project is to develop an ethically sound guidance document for local health
departments to use in planning for and executing their responses to infectious disease outbreaks. The
specific aims of the project are to describe and characterize perceptions of legal and ethical obligations
relevant to willingness to fulfill professional roles during infectious disease outbreaks among local health
department barriers to optimum policy creation, implementation, and enforcement and develop a
guidance document for local health department employers/administrators.
Title: The Johns Hopkins Center for AIDS Research (JHU CFAR), Ethics Faculty
Role: Co-Investigator (5%), Principal Investigator: Richard Chaisson, MD
Sponsor: NIAID, NIH
Period: 3/1/12-2/28/17
The ethics faculty of the JH-CFAR facilitate active deliberations with key project Cores and Scientific
Working Groups to identify and consider ethical challenges faced by HIV investigators in the conduct of
their research both in Baltimore and internationally, convene forums of investigators interested in ethics
and propose, develop, and conduct scholarly research, both empirical and conceptual, in collaboration
with JHU HIV/AIDS investigators.
Title: Assessing Social Value in Economic Evaluation to Scale up Novel TB Drug Regimens
Role: Co-Investigator (20%); Principal Investigator: Maria Merritt, PhD
Sponsor: NIAID, NIH
Period: 7/21/2014 – 6/30/2015
The objective of this project is to establish proof of concept for an innovative methodology to incorporate
norms of social justice in traditional economic evaluation for the scale-up of new public health
interventions, using novel drug regimens for tuberculosis (TB) as a paradigm case.
Title: Ethical Issues in Dementia Research Involving Surrogates and Study Partners
Role: Co-Investigator (20%), Principal Investigator: Betty Black, PhD
Sponsor: NIA, NIH
Period: 9/15/11-5/31/15
The objective of this project is to examine prospectively the experiences of caregivers who are serving as
surrogate decision makers and study partners for individuals who are participating in dementia research
and will analyze the ethical issues that arise for these individuals and how they are resolved. Findings
from this project will enable investigators and recruitment coordinators to better understand and discuss
the experience of being in a dementia study with potential study partners using language and descriptions
that reflect actual experience.
Title: Ancillary Care in Community-Based Research: Deciding What to Do
Role: Principal Investigator (25%)
Sponsor: NIAID, NIH
Period: 7/1/10-6/31/14
The objective of the proposed project is to establish an empirically informed normative account of
researchers’ obligations to provide ancillary care in community-based research in low-resource settings.
Ancillary care (AC) is defined as health care needed by research subjects, but not necessary for safety or
scientific validity.
Title: Ethical Challenges in the Conduct and Review of Post-Disaster Mental and Behavioral Health
Role: Principal Investigator (20%)
Sponsor: Preparedness and Emergency Research Center, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public
Period: 12/1/11-8/31/12
The objective this pilot project is to describe and consider the ethical challenges encountered by
investigators and Institutional Review Boards (IRBs) conducting and reviewing post disaster mental and
behavioral health research. Empirical and normative methods will be combined to identify key issues
IRBs (with emphasis on those affiliated with State/local Health Departments) ought to consider in
preparing for and reviewing proposals for the conduct of mental and behavioral health research among
adults and children affected by a natural or manmade disaster.
Title: Research Bioethics Consultation Standardization and Data Sharing Administrative Supplement
Role: Co-Investigator (4.5%), Principal Investigator: Mary Disis, MD (University of Washington)
Sponsor: NCRR, NIH
Period: 09/11/10 – 05/30/12
The objective of this supplement to the University of Washington CTSA was to advance two important
milestones towards the long term goal of creating a system for CTSAs to share research bioethics consult
data with each other in a restricted database for research, quality improvement and education.
Title: Testing Modified Approaches to Informed Consent
Sponsor: NIAID, NIH
Role: Co-Investigator; Principal Investigator: Nancy Kass, ScD
Period: 4/1/08 - 5/31/11
The objectives of this project were to (1) develop study materials for a future, large, multi-site, randomized
trial comparing standard to enhanced informed consent procedures, and (2) determine the feasibility of
conducting such a future trial by piloting study materials and procedures in six ongoing clinical studies of
asthma, COPD, HIV, pulmonary hypertension (PH) and rheumatoid arthritis (RA) at the Johns Hopkins
Medical Institutions.
Title: Development of the First Test for Common Cancer Risk in the General Population
Sponsor: Doris Duke Clinical Interfaces Award
Role: Co-Investigator. Principal Investigator: Andrew Feinberg, MD, MPH
Period: 10/01/05-9/30/10
The objective of the grant was to develop and validate a practical biological screening test for colo-rectal
cancer risk. In conjunction with the cohort study to evaluate the screening test an innovative informed
consent procedure will be introduced and evaluated and the role of the procedures on decision-making
Title: India Office of AIDS Research Distance Learning Supplement
Role: Co-Investigator; Principal Investigator: Bob Bollinger, MD, MPH
Sponsor: OAR, NIH
Byramjee Jeejeebhoy Medical College (BJMC), Pune India: Clinical Trials Unit
Period: 1/01/09 - 12/31/09
The objective of this initiative was to compare outcomes of providing biostatistics instruction and research
ethics instruction to 60 scientists in India via the internet (distance education) or via classroom (in-person
Title: Ethics Review of Continuous Quality Improvement Research
Role: Co-Investigator; Principal Investigator: Jeremy Sugarman, MD, MA, MPH
Sponsor: The Commonwealth Fund
Period: 11/1/08 - 4/30/2010
The objective of this project was to describe what Quality Improvement Practitioners (QIPs) believe to be
the ethical norms that guide their CQI activities; the ethical challenges encountered in efforts to conduct
CQI activities; and their opinions about and recommendations for the ethical oversight of CQI activities. A
survey of QIPs and hospital CEOs to obtain their opinions and recommendations for ethical oversight
quality improvement activities was be conducted.
Title: Ancillary Care in Public Health Intervention Research in Resource-Limited Settings: Researchers
Practices and Decision-Making
Sponsor: Faculty Innovation Fund, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Role: Principal Investigator with Maria Merritt, PhD
Period: 6/1/2007 – 6/30/2008
The objective of this pilot project was to gather preliminary data on ancillary care practices and decisionmaking from public health researchers in resource-limited settings. The specific aims: (1) describe
researchers’’ practices regarding the provision of ancillary care in public health intervention studies they
have conducted; (2) describe the factors that influence researchers’’ decision-making about whether to
provide ancillary care; (3) develop a conceptual model that portrays factors relevant to researchers’’
decision-making and the relationship among the factors identified.
Title: Attitudes of Arthritis Patients Regarding Enrollment in Prevention Trials
Sponsor: Vienna Medical Academy (funds provided to VMA by Centocor and Schering Plough)
Role: Co-Investigator; Principal Investigator: Jeremy Sugarman, MD, MPH, MA
Period: 7/1/04-12/31/04
The objective of this project was to enhance the informed consent process for a randomized controlled
trial (RCT) of disease modifying anti-rheumatic drugs in patients with persistent inflammatory arthritis
(PIA) entitled the Definitive Intervention in New-Onset Rheumatoid Arthritis (DINORA) trial.
Title: The Role of Public Guardians in End-of-Life Decision Making for Persons with Dementia
Sponsor: Niarchos Foundation
Role: Co-Investigator; Principal Investigator: Peter Rabins, MD, MPH
Period: 9/1/02 - 9/30/03
The objective of this project was to determine the practices court-appointed public guardians regarding
end-of-life medical decision making on behalf of dementia patients, and to examine the extent to which
current practices reflect ethical principles of autonomy and beneficence.
Title: Justice in Clinical Research: Theory and Practice
Sponsor: Mentored Scientist Development Award in Research Ethics (K-Award), NIAID, NIH
Role: Principal Investigator
Period: 9/1/99 - 4/31/03
The objective of this project was to enhance the P.I.s theoretical knowledge and empirical skills in the
ethics of human subject research generally, and in theories of justice and their implications for subject
selection in particular.
Title: The Culture of Phase I Oncology
Sponsor: Niarchos Foundation
Role: Principal Investigator
Period: 1/1/01-6/30/02
The objective of this project was to explore how oncologists actively engaged in Phase I research
negotiate their competing obligations to patients and the advancement of science and how these
obligations influence how they present the option of enrollment in a phase I to patients.
Title: Improving Understanding of Early Phase Clinical Trials
Sponsor: NIAID, NIH
Role: Project Director/Co-Investigator; Principal Investigator: Nancy Kass, ScD
Period: 10/01/97-9/30/02
The objective of this project was to conduct a randomized controlled trial of a computer-based
intervention to improve understanding of oncology patients approached to consider enrollment in an early
phase clinical trial.
Program Director, PhD Concentration in Bioethics and Health Policy, Department of
Health Policy and Management, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health,
Baltimore, MD.
Departmental Self-Study Committee, Department of Health Policy and
Management, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, MD.
9/07 – present
Faculty Sponsor, Certificate in Bioethics and Public Health Policy, Department of
Health Policy and Management, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health,
Baltimore, MD.
12/12 - 3/13
Search Committee, Faculty for Institute of Health and Social Policy, Department of
Health Policy and Management, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health,
Baltimore, MD.
1/11 – 12/12
Member, Institute for Policy Studies Academic Subcommittee, Department of Health
Policy and Management, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health,
Baltimore, MD.
9/09 - 8/10
Member, Admissions Committee, Department of Health Policy and Management,
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, MD.
12/04 – 7/09
Member, Qualifying Exam Committee, Department of Health Policy and
Management, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, MD.
School of Public Health
3/12 – present
Member, Academic Ethics Board, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public
Health, Baltimore, MD.
9/11 – 7/13
Member, Faculty Senate, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health,
Baltimore, MD.
8/01 - 1/02
Member, Committee on Human Research (Institutional Review Board - #3), Johns
Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, MD.
1/01 - 6/06
Member, Committee on Human Research (Institutional Review Board - #2), Johns
Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, MD.
9/95 - 11/97
Member, Committee on Human Research, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of
Public Health, Baltimore, MD.
Berman Institute of Bioethics
1/12 – 5/13
Member, Bi-Weekly Seminar Series Committee, Johns Hopkins Berman Institute of
Bioethics, Baltimore, MD.
3/12 – 2/13
Member, Public Health Strategic Planning Committee, Johns Hopkins Berman
Institute of Bioethics, Baltimore, MD.
3/12 – 2/13
Member, Research Ethics Strategic Planning Committee, Johns Hopkins Berman
Institute of Bioethics, Baltimore, MD.
School of Medicine
12/99 - present
Discussion Group Leader, Research Ethics Workshops About Responsibilities and
Duties of Scientists (formerly Course on Research Ethics), Johns Hopkins School of
Medicine, Baltimore, MD.
9/02 - 6/06
Member, Johns Hopkins Medicine Institutional Review Board - #2, Johns Hopkins
School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD.
Scientific Meetings
Taylor HA, Ervin AM. Presenter and Panel Member. Questions about Central IRBs:
How Can We Use Empirical Research to Find Answers? Advancing in Ethical
Research Annual Meeting 2015. Public Responsibility in Medicine and Research.
Boston, MA.
Black BS, Taylor HA. Rabins PV. Karlawish J. Experiences and Perspectives of
Study Partners Involved in Dementia Research. 8th Clinical Trials on Alzheimer’s.
Barcelona, Spain.
Rutkow L, Taylor H, Barnett D. Public Policy, Public Health Workers, and Infectious
Disease Response: An Analysis of Focus Group Data. American Public Health
Association Annual Meeting 2015. Chicago, IL.
Wilfond B, Taylor HA, Cho M, Porter K, Danis M. Presenter and Panel Member.
Novel Approaches in Research Ethics Consultation: The Impact of Collaboration.
American Society of Bioethics & Humanities Annual Meeting 2015. Houston, TX.
Taylor HA. Presenter and Panel Member. Tough Questions about Ebola: Scientific,
Regulatory, and Ethical Issues with Experimental Treatments and Vaccines.
Advancing in Ethical Research Annual Meeting 2014. Public Responsibility in
Medicine and Research. Baltimore, MD.
Black B, Taylor HA, Karlawish J. The Role of Study Partners in Dementia Research
and its Implications for IRBs. Advancing in Ethical Research Annual Meeting 2014.
Public Responsibility in Medicine and Research. Baltimore, MD.
Paul A, Taylor HA, Merritt M. A Responsible Exit: Using Theories of Justice to
Inform Donor Practices of Transitioning Health Programs to In-country Partners.
American Public Health Association Meeting 2014. New Orleans, LA.
Taylor HA. Presenter and Panel Member. Late Breaking Session. Ebola: A
Humanitarian Crisis and New Lessons for Public Health, Research and Team-based
Care. American Society of Bioethics & Humanities Annual Meeting 2014. San
Diego, CA.
Black B, Taylor HA, Rabins P, Karlawish J. Caregivers' Perspectives on Their Role
as Study Partner in Dementia Research. American Society of Bioethics &
Humanities Annual Meeting 2014. San Diego, CA.
Rutkow L, Taylor HA, Barnett DJ. Developing Ethical Standards to Improve Local
Response Capacity to Infectious Disease Events. Annual Meeting of National
Association of County and City Health Officials 2014. Atlanta, GA.
Taylor HA. Presenter and Panel Member. Teaching and Learning Empirical
Bioethics: Resources from the Presidential Bioethics Commission. Association for
Professional and Practical Ethics Annual Meeting 2014. Jacksonville, FL.
Harrison K, Taylor H. Organizational Values in the Provision of Access to
Care for the Uninsured. American Public Health Association Meeting 2013.
Boston, MA.
Taylor H. Conduct and Oversight of Research after a Natural/Man-Made
Disaster. Advancing in Ethical Research Annual Meeting 2013. Public Responsibility
in Medicine and Research. Boston, MA.
Taylor HA. Presenter and Panel Member. Bioethics Funding at the National
Institutes of Health (NIH). Advancing in Ethical Research Annual Meeting 2013.
Public Responsibility in Medicine and Research 2013. Boston, MA.
Black B, Taylor HA, Rabins P, Karlawish. The Critical Role of Study Partners
for Persons with Dementia who Participate in Research. American Society
of Bioethics & Humanities Annual Meeting 2013. Atlanta, GA.
Harrison K, Taylor HA. Going Forward: Prototype Guidance for Addressing
Ethical Challenges in Health Care Resource Allocation and Policy DecisionMaking. American Society of Bioethics & Humanities Annual Meeting 2013.
Atlanta, GA.
Wilfond B, Cho M, Danis M, Heitman E, Limehouse W, Taylor HA. Establishing a
Research Ethics Consultation Service: Core Features and Tailored Approaches.
American Society of Bioethics & Humanities Annual Meeting 2012. Washington, DC.
Taylor HA, Kass N, Ali J, Greenhalgh M, Chaisson L, Sugarman J, Scharfstein D.
Enhancing Process of Informed Consent. Advancing Ethical Research Conference
2011. Public Responsibility in Medicine & Research. Washington, DC.
Taylor HA, Kass N, Ali J, Greenhalgh M, Chaisson L, Sugarman J, Scharfstein D.
Enhancing Process of Informed Consent. American Society for Bioethics and
Humanities Annual Meeting 2011. Minneapolis, MN.
Taylor HA, Merritt M. Public Health Research in Low Resource Settings: Provision
of Benefits to the Community, Tenth World Congress of Bioethics, International
Association of Bioethics, Singapore
Merritt M, Taylor HA. The Duty of Rescue and Health Researchers’ Ancillary-Care
Responsibilities to Subjects, Tenth World Congress of Bioethics, International
Association of Bioethics, Singapore.
Merritt M, Taylor HA, Mullany L. Translating Data To Theory: Ancillary Care In
Public Health Intervention Research. American Society for Bioethics and Humanities
Annual Meeting 2009. Washington, DC.
Carrese J, McDonald E, Moon M, Taylor HA, Khaira K, Beach MC, Hughes M.
Everyday Ethics in Internal Medicine Resident Clinic. American Society for Bioethics
and Humanities Annual Meeting 2009, Washington, DC.
Carrese J, McDonald E, Moon M, Taylor HA, Khaira K, Beach MC, Hughes M.
Everyday Ethics in Internal Medicine Resident Clinic. 32nd Annual Meeting of the
Society for General Internal Medicine, Miami Beach, FL.
Merritt M, Taylor HA, Mullany L. Ancillary Care in Public Health Intervention
Research in South Asia: Researchers' Practices and Decision-Making, Ninth World
Congress of Bioethics, International Association of Bioethics, Zagreb, Croatia.
Moon M, Hughes M, McDonald E, Taylor HA, Carrese J. Everyday Ethics in the
Outpatient Practice of Pediatric Residents. American Society for Bioethics and
Humanities Annual Meeting 2007. Washington, DC.
Taylor HA, McDonald E, Moon M, Hughes M, Carrese J. Uncovering Ethics for
Pediatric Residents: The Role of the Therapeutic Alliance in Maximizing the Wellbeing of the Patient. American Society for Bioethics and Humanities Annual Meeting
2007. Washington, DC.
Kass N, Sugarman J, Taylor HA. Improving Understanding of Early Phase Clinical
Trials, Panel Session on Results from the NIH Informed Consent Initiative.
American Society for Bioethics and Humanities Annual Meeting 1999. Philadelphia,
Taylor HA, Kass N, Recruitment of HIV-infected Children into Clinical Research,
126th Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association, Washington, DC.
Taylor HA, Kass N, Recruitment of HIV-infected Children into Clinical Research,
Joint Meeting of the American Association of Bioethics, Society for Bioethics
Consultation, and Society for Health and Human Values, Baltimore, MD.
Taylor HA. Recruitment of HIV-infected Children into Clinical Research, The Ninth
B. Frank Polk HIV Research Symposium, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of
Public Health, Baltimore, MD.
Invited Seminars
Taylor HA, Hull S. Qualitative Research Design: Strategies for Genetic Counselors,
Educational Breakout Session. National Society for Genetic Counseling, National
Meeting, Washington, DC.
Taylor HA. Barriers to Informed Consent. Clinical Research Associate Committee,
Cancer and Leukemia Group B Meeting, Miami Beach, FL.
Keywords: Research ethics; local translation of federal policy relevant to human subject research; civilian
bio-defense and HIV/AIDS policy; qualitative research methods.