Wind-Driven Ocean Circulation What Drives Circulation of Upper Ocean? Short answer: Energy from the Sun and Earth’s rotation Atmospheric circulation on an idealized non-rotating Earth Hadley cell Energy from Sun H Su rfa ce flo w causes differential heating of ocean and atmosphere Equator L L L H Hadley cell Coriolis Effect Maximum apparent rotation 60o 30o 830 km/h 1450 km/h 1670 km/h 0o 30o Arises from motion on a rotating earth 1450 km/h Equator Depends on observer’s frame of reference Coriolis Force From space, we see that it arises from the conservation of momentum as the earth rotates under a moving object a= initial north or south wind velocity of poleward moving air b= initial eastward velocity minus the eastward velocity of the earth at a higher latitude c= resultant velocity of the wind a= initial north or south wind velocity moving toward the equator b= initial eastward velocity minus the eastward velocity of the earth at a lower latitude c= resultant velocity of the wind Coriolis Force Magnitude: F/m = 2Ω sin∅ v Where: 2 Ω is earth’s rotational velocity (constant) ∅ is latitude, and v is velocity of the object. Direction: Initial direction Resultant direction Right in the Northern Hemisphere Left in the Southern Hemisphere Atmospheric circulation on an idealized rotating earth (with Coriolis Effect) Polar easterlies 60o Subpolar low Westerlies 30o Subtropical high 0o NE trade winds 30o SE trade winds Subtropical high Westerlies Subpolar low Polar easterlies 60o Climatic Zones Vertical Circulation POLAR EASTERLIES Earth’s Rotation Air sinks POLAR Polar front Low o SUBPOLAR PF TEMPERATE SUBTROPICAL “Horse Latitudes” Air rises: persistent cloudiness 60 N Westerlies Air sinks: clear skies, low rainfall High o 30 N Northeasterly Trades EQUATORIAL 0 “Doldrums” Air rises: persistent cloudiness and rain ITCZ o Southeasterly Trades o 30 S SUBTROPICAL “Horse Latitudes” TEMPERATE SUBPOLAR Air sinks: clear skies, low rainfall High Westerlies Air rises: persistent cloudiness AF Antarctic front POLAR Antarctica Air sinks ITCZ Intertropical convergence zone PF Polar Front AF Antarctic Front Atmospheric circulation and source of planetary winds The weather patterns of Temperate Regions 80 80 70 80 70 80 Polar 70 60 60 40 50 Subpolar 50 Temperate 40 40 40 Subtropical Subtropical 30 80 70 60 Temperate 40 Polar 70 60 50 50 40 80 70 30 Tropical Tropical Monsoon 50 60 70 80 90 120 140 30 60 50 Subpolar 60 70 70 80 140 120 100 90 50 40 30 20 10 0 Tropical Subtropical 80 30 Subtropical 40 40 Temperate 50 160 Tropical Subtropical 40 180 Equatorial Tropical 30 160 Equatorial 40 Temperate 50 60 50 50 Subpolar 70 60 70 Polar 80 40 Temperate 80 50 Subpolar 60 Polar 70 80 60 70 80 Atmospheric Pressure Systems Land masses heat in summer and cool in winter faster than ocean, because land has lower heat capacity than water This leads to seasonal effects: formation of cold high pressure systems over continents in winter and warm low pressure systems over continents in summer Atmospheric Pressure Systems: Northern Hemisphere Winter 180 90 90 90 180 1020 Icelandic low 1026 60 Siberian 1002 High 1032 L Aleutian low H 1008 Latitude 30 1014 1008 0 H 1020 H Pacific High L H 30 0 L 1014 1014 1020 H 30 H 1014 1008 1002 996 60 90 60 1026 1008 1020 H H 1014 1008 1014 1020 30 996 1002 1008 1014 1020 H Bermuda High 1020 ITCZ L 1020 L 180 90 Longitude 180 60 90 Atmospheric Pressure Systems: Northern Hemisphere Summer 180 90 180 90 90 1008 Icelandic low L 1008 60 1008 60 Pacific high Thermal low H L 1026 30 1014 1002 1020 L L H 30 Latitude 1020 1014 ITCZ 1014 0 1014 30 1020 1020 H H 0 1020 H 1026 30 H 1014 1008 60 60 1002 996 990 90 180 90 Longitude 180 90 High and Low Pressure Cells: Geostrophic Balance Falling air A Coriolis force effect Northern Hemisphere Rising air B Undulations in the Jet Stream and Polar Front North Pole Easterlies Jet Stream 30o 60o 60o Upper Westerlies Cold Air 30o Warm air Equator Warm winds L Low H High Jet Stream Atmospheric Pressure Systems: Northern Hemisphere Summer 180 90 180 90 90 1008 Icelandic low L 1008 60 1008 60 Pacific high Thermal low H L 1026 30 1014 1002 1020 L L H 30 Latitude 1020 1014 ITCZ 1014 0 1014 30 1020 1020 H H 0 1020 H 1026 30 H 1014 1008 60 60 1002 996 990 90 180 90 Longitude 180 90 High and Low Pressure Cells: Geostrophic Balance Falling air A Coriolis force effect Northern Hemisphere Rising air B Undulations in the Jet Stream and Polar Front North Pole Easterlies Jet Stream 30o 60o 60o Upper Westerlies Cold Air 30o Warm air Equator Warm winds L Low H High Jet Stream Invasion of temperate regions by warm tropical air masses from the south and cold polar air masses from the north cP mP mP cP cT mT mT Cyclogenesis H L Cold L Warm N Warm sector H mT (a) (b) L (c) L L Warm (d) (e) (f) Cyclogenesis off Cape Hatteras Iceland L Low 3 H H Low 1 L L H Bermuda high Low 2 Blizzard of ‘96 Coupling of the Planetary Wind Field with Ocean Circulation The Ekman Spiral Wind direction 45o Upper layer: Force from wind shear balanced by Coriolis Direction of net water transport force and friction 90 (viscosity) from Northern Hemisphere underlying layers Wind direction 45o Surface current o Spiraling currents Direction of net water transport averaged over depth of spiral No water motion Southern Hemisphere Surface transport: 45o to right of wind Viscosity transfers momentum between layers; exponential decline in speed with depth due to frictional energy losses Net Ekman transport 90o to wind Ekman transport can be used to spin up an idealized model ocean Water is piled up until forces are balanced in an ocean with steady-state circulation (Geostrophic Balance) Subtropical Gyre: Circulation in Geostrophic Balance Path of ideal geostrophic flow s Corioli Path of actual geostrophic flow Gravity Geostrophic flow A West rl ste e W y Wi Apex de Tra 60 o 30 o nds Flow to South Flow to North Northern Hemisphere Subtropical Gyre East nds i W B 0 o Dynamic topography of sea surface as measured from space by satellite altimeters (TOPEX Poseidon) Gulf Stream in the North Atlantic Gulf Stream Rings Continental Shelf Woods Hole Cape Hatteras Warm-Core Ring Gu m lf Strea Miami CU BA fS l u G am e tr Cold-Core Ring Bermuda Bahama Islands Sargasso Sea Slope Water Gran d Ba nks Convergence and Divergence Zones Convergence -- Downwelling Divergence -- Upwelling CURRENTS TRANSPORTS WINDS Westerlies o 30 N 20 o 10 o 0 convergence NE Trade Winds North Equatorial Current divergence Equatorial Counter-current convergence South Equatorial Current Equatorial divergence Doldrums o 10 o 20 o SE Trade Winds Equatorial Upwelling convergence o 30 S Westerlies Equatorial North Equatorial Counter-Current current Equatorial divergence Depth (m) 0 50 South Equatorial Current W E W W W W 100 150 W W 200 o 25 N Thermocline 20 o 15 o 10 o 5 o 0 o Latitude 5 o 10 o 15 o 20 o o 25 S Coastal Upwelling