Anatomy & Physiology

Anatomy & Physiology
Bone Growth and Development
The bony skeleton begins to form about six weeks after fertlization and bones continue to grow
up until the age of 25.Using your text, answer the following questions:
1. What is osteogenesis?
2. Distinguish between ossification and calcification:
The two types of ossification are Intramembranous and Endochondral. Answer the
following questions related to each type of bone formation.
I. Intramembranous Ossification (I.O.):
1. What type of tissue experiences intramembranous ossification? _____________________
2. Where does this process normally occur? _______________________________________
3. What shape/classification of bones form from I.O. ? ______________________________
Beginning I.O., calcium salts begin to crystallize
around cells known as mesenchymal cells.
1. What happens to the mesenchymal cells at the
Ossification center?
2. What is an ossification center?
3. What happens to osteoblasts as ossification proceeds?
4. As bone develops, what is needed at the site of ossification?
5. What type of bone initially develops during this process?
6. A layer of compact bone develops around the outside of the developed spongy bone. What
occurs to the outside of the bone following the development of the compact bone?
II. Endochondral Ossification (E.O.):
1. What type of tissue experiences endochondral ossification? ________________________
2. What shape/classification of bones form from E.O. ? ______________________________
Identify the events of the following illustrations for endochondral ossification:
Step #1:
Step #2:
Step #3:
Step #4:
Step #5:
Step #6
III. Puberty
1. What occurs in bones during puberty?
IV. Appositional Growth
1. What is appositional growth?