8th Grade Complete SAT List with Definitions List One 1. COPIOUS

8th Grade Complete SAT List with Definitions
List One
COPIOUS: abundant; plentiful
TENACIOUS: tough; stubborn
SURREPTITIOUS: acting in secret; sly manner
VORACIOUS: eager to consume great amounts of food
OFFICIOUS: interfering; offering unwanted advice
SPURIOUS: not genuine; false
ONEROUS: troublesome or burdensome
GREGARIOUS: sociable
PIOUS: devout or virtuous; holy
SCRUPULOUS: careful of small details, honest
List Two
ATTRITION: a gradual reduction or weakening
EDIFICATION: enlighten; instruct
ABLUTION: a cleansing with water
ELOCUTION: the art of public speaking
WRITHE: to twist or bending in pain
PEDESTRIAN: ordinary; moving on feet
CARRION: dead and rotting flesh
PINION: to bind the wings; to confine
AMBIVALENCE: indecision
KISMET: fate
List Three
DEPLOY: to arrange strategically
CAVALIER: carefree and nonchalant
EGG: to encourage or incite to action
METE: to distribute by measure; to allot
NULLIFY: to make useless; cancel
EMBROIL: to involve in argument or hostile action
WAFFLE: to speak or write evasively
ASCRIBE: to attribute to a specific cause
ENHANCE: to improve; to intensify
IMPAIR: to diminish, as in strength
List Four
TERSE: to the point; concise
COERCE: to force someone by threatening
DIVERSE: different; varied
ABATE: to reduce
ABIDE: to remain; continue; stay; endure
GAMBIT: to take a risk for some advantage
JAUNT: a short pleasure trip
FRANK: marked by free and sincere expression
LITHE: bending easily and gracefully
AESTHETIC: having to do with artistic beauty
List Five
GULLIBLE: easily cheated or fooled
MAWKISH: excessively sentimental
RAFFISH: cheaply vulgar in appearance; disreputable
CONTINUUM: a continuous whole
TRAVAIL: strenuous labor or effort
INTREPID: fearless; bold
LANGUID: lacking energy; weak
EXODUS: a mass departure
INFLUX: a mass arrival or incoming
ABASH: to make ashamed or uneasy
List Six
INCESSANT: nonstop
LATENT: laying hidden; potential
ELOQUENT: extremely expressive in speech
DIFFIDENT: lacking self-confidence; timid
MALCONTENT: dissatisfied; unhappy person
EMINENT: standing out, renowned
WINCE: to flinch; to shrink back
PRUDENT: cautious; good judgment
AUGMENT: to make or become greater
EBULLIENCE: enthusiastic
List Seven
61. RHETORIC: over elaborate language or speech
DOGMATIC: an arrogant assertion of opinions
PHILIPPIC: insulting language; a tirade
PANDEMIC: widespread; general
IDYLLIC: something naturally peaceful
CRYPTIC: having a hidden meaning
CHOLERIC: hot-tempered; quick to anger
PECCADILLO: a minor offense
EMPHATIC: forcibly expressive
LOGISTICS: managing the details of an operation
List Eight
ABSTRACT: difficult to understand
DEFUNCT: dead or inactive
SUCCINCT: brief and to the point
PALPABLE: capable of being touched or felt
ACCOUNTABLE: responsible
OSTENSIBLE: offered as genuine or real
PLIABLE: receptive to change; easily bent
ADROIT: skillful; deft
BAUBLE: a small, inexpensive trinket
List Nine
ANCILLARY: providing assistance
SEDENTARY: characterized by sitting; little exercise
CURSORY: rapid and superficial
PREDATORY: victimizing or destroying others
SYMMETRY: exact form of sides of a line
TAWDRY: gaudy and cheap in appearance
AMBULATORY: capable of walking
IDOLATRY: excessive devotion to something
PECUNIARY: consisting of or relating to money
List Ten
PANORAMA: unbroken view of a wide area
SAGA: long story
PLETHORA: superabundance
GRADIENT: a rate of inclination; a slope
95. ADHERENT: a follower of a leader; supporter
96. VENT: outlet; to release
97. PRESENTIMENT: premonition; a sense that something is going to occur
98. ARMAMENT: military supplies and weapons
99. CORPULENT: fat; obese
100. CIRCUMVENT: to surround; enclose
List Eleven
101. ATONE: to make amends
102. DEVOID: entirely without
103. REPLETE: full to the utmost; gorged
104. MAMMOTH: huge; gigantic
105. BALEFUL: threatening; hurtful
106. DIMINUTION: the act or process of diminishing
107. ETHEREAL: very light, airy; heavenly
108. PURBLIND: having poor vision; nearly blind
109. LACKADAISICAL: showing lack of interest
110. BLAND: lacking flavor or zest; dull
List Twelve
111. CASCADE: a waterfall
112. PALISADE: fortification in the ground; extended cliff
113. FUSILLADE: a rapid outburst or barrage
114. PARABLE: a simple story illustrating a lesson
115. PARADIGM: a pattern that serves as a model
116. PATRIARCH: the leader of a family
117. MALADROIT: clumsy; inept
118. MALAISE: bodily discomfort; beginning of an illness
119. MALICE: intention to harm others
120. MALODOR: a bad odor
List Thirteen
121. PARAGON: a model of excellence
122. STRIFE: bitter conflict; fight
123. APPEASE: to soothe; to pacify
124. LAMPOON: light, good humored satire
125. BOON: a timely benefit; a blessing
126. POLTROON: a coward
127. BRAZEN: bold, shameless
128. CONUNDRUM: a dilemma
129. COVERT: secret; hidden; concealed
130. BOOTLEG: to smuggle
List Fourteen
131. DIATRIBE: a bitter verbal attack
132. OFFAL: waste parts; rubbish
133. PARLEY: a conference, especially between enemies
134. FRAY: fight or scuffle; brawl
135. LAMBASTE: to assault violently
136. CATACLYSM: a violent upheaval
137. ESCAPADE: an adventurous unconventional act
138. ESCHEW: to avoid or shun
139. RANSACK: to search thoroughly; pillage
140. CAMARADERIE: comradeship; friendship
List Fifteen
141. ICONOCLAST: one who attacks popular ideas
142. SAGE: a person of wisdom
143. NEMESIS: an opponent that cannot be beaten
144. DOLT: a stupid person
145. CLONE: an exact duplicate
146. CARNIVORE: a flesh-eating animal
147. DESPOT: an absolute ruler
148. COURIER: a messenger
149. SPECTER: a ghost
150. MOGUL: a very rich and powerful person
List Sixteen
151. PRODIGIOUS: enormous in size, quantity, degree; marvelous, amazing
152. BOOR: a rude person; someone that is unrefined
153. PANACHE: dashing elegance of manner or style
154. FORBEARANCE: Patience
155. AGOG: highly excited by eagerness
156. FORTHRIGHT: frank; going straight to the point
157. PROFOUND: intellectually deep or penetrating; reaching to, rising from, or effecting the depth's of one's
158. FIASCO: a complete or humiliating failure
159. DOLEFUL: sorrowful; melancholy
160. OPAQUE: Impervious to light; dull; hard to understand
List Seventeen
161. BOVINE: relating to or resembling a cow
162. SUPINE: laying on back facing upward
163. ASININE: silly; stupid
164. MARITIME: near the sea
165. SUBLIME: impressive; inspiring awe; majestic
166. SERENE: clear; calm; tranquil
167. FOREBODE: to predict or foretell
168. BOMBASTIC: high sounding
169. WINNOW: to get rid of undesirable parts
170. SPAWN: to produce
List Eighteen
171. ANNALS: descriptive record; history
172. TOME: a large book
173. CATARACT: a large waterfall; a flood; an eye abnormality
174. BOOTY: loot; the spoils of war; goods or property seized by force; a valuable prize
175. ANIMATED: having life; alive; filled with activity, vigor, or spirit
176. JETSAM: cargo or equipment thrown overboard to lighten an imperiled vessel; discarded odds and ends
177. PORTAL: an entrance, door or gate
178. THRONG: a large group of people gathered closely together
179. BARRAGE: a curtain of artillery fire; any overwhelming attack, as of words or blows
180. ELITE: the best or most skilled members of a group
List Nineteen
181. FETTER: to restrain; to hamper; a shackle
182. TORPID: dormant; inactive; lethargic
183. TORRID: intensely hot; burning; passionate; rapid
184. PINGUID: Fat
185. DISHEVEL: to make untidy; to disarrange the hair or clothing of
186. NETTLE: to irritate; vex
187. MOTTLE: to mark with spots or blotches of different shades or colors
188. PRATTLE: to babble; to talk meaninglessly
189. BALK: to stop short and refuse to proceed
190. CURB: to control or check
List Twenty
191. ASSAIL: to attack violently
192. QUAIL: to shrink with fear; to cower; to lose heart and courage
193. DWELL: to remain for a time; to reside; to focus attention on; to speak or write about at length
194. QUELL: to extinguish; to put down or suppress by force
195. QUAFF: to drink heartily
196. ESTRANGE: to alienate; to treat as a stranger; to turn an affectionate attitude into an indifferent or
unfriendly one
197. DISCONCERT: to disturb the composure of; upset; to frustrate (as a plan) by throwing into disorder
198. ANNEX: to add or attach
199. ESPOUSE: to adopt; to support
200. REPROACH: to express disapproval of
List Twenty One
201. PACIFIST: one who is in opposition of war or violence
202. BEQUEST: something left to someone in a will
203. MANIFEST: clearly apparent to the sight or understanding; obvious
204. ROTE: a memorizing process using routine or repetition, often without comprehension
205. MORASS: anything that hinders, traps or overwhelms; low-lying, soggy ground
206. REIGN: the exercise or possession of supreme power
207. BROUHAHA: an uproar; hubbub
208. WRATH: extreme or violent rage
209. ZENITH: the peak; the highest point
210. SLAKE: to quench; to satisfy a craving
List Twenty Two
211. BEDLAM: a place or scene of noisy uproar and confusion
212. PREHENSILE: adapted for grasping or holding
213. DOUR: severe; gloomy; stern
214. TAUT: stretched tight; tidy
215. RIFE: abundant; great in number or amount
216. INDOLENCE: inclination to laziness
217. INCONTROVERTIBLE: not able to be "turned against" or disputed; certain; indisputable
218. BENIGHTED: being in a state of intellectual darkness; ignorant; unenlightened
219. REQUISITE: essential; necessary
220. SHUNT: to move or turn aside; to evade by putting aside or ignoring
List Twenty Three
221. RESPITE: delay; postpone; a brief interval of rest
222. PERSONIFY: to think of or represent as having human qualities; to typify
223. FORTE: something in which a person excels
224. ENMITY: hostility; deep-seated hatred
225. CRONY: a close friend or companion
226. BEVY: a group of animals; an assemblage
227. BATTERY: the unlawful beating of a person; act of beating or pounding; any large group of related
228. ACME: the highest point
229. PSYCHE: the human soul; the mind
230. BANDY: to trade; to give back and forth; to bat to and fro
List Twenty Four
231. CHASTISE: to discipline; to criticize severely
232. POLARIZE: to break up into opposing factions or groups
233. TANTALIZE: to excite by exposing something desirable while keeping it out of reach
234. SYNCHRONIZE: to occur at the same time; simultaneous
235. SURMISE: to guess; to infer (something) without sufficient evidence
236. DEMISE: death; the end
237. HIATUS: a gap or an interruption in space, time, or continuity; a break
238. EVINCE: to show or demonstrate clearly
239. CRUX: main point; the heart of the matter
240. APEX: the highest point; peak
List Twenty Five
241. QUIETUDE: calm; tranquility; peacefulness
242. EXTRUDE: to force out, as through a small opening
243. OBTRUDE: to impose oneself or one's ideas on others; to stick out
244. ADDICT: to devote (oneself) habitually or compulsively; one who is addicted
245. BRINK: Edge
246. EXALT: to raise high; glorify
247. HEARTEN: to give strength, courage, or hope; to encourage
248. KINDLE: to cause to burn or ignite; to arouse or inspire
249. PORTEND: to warn of as an omen; forecast
250. SEETHE: to be agitated, as by rage; to churn and foam as if boiling
List Twenty Six
251. GASTRONOMY: the art of good eating
252. PROPINQUITY: proximity, nearness; kinship
253. ANIMOSITY: having a feeling of ill-will; bitter hostility
254. CUPIDITY: excessive greed, especially for money
255. DEPRAVITY: extreme wickedness
256. HIERARCHY: categorization of a group according to ability or status
257. PLUCKY: brave and spirited; courageous
258. GRAVITY: seriousness or importance
259. PATRIMONY: an inheritance from a father or an ancestor; anything inherited
260. CANOPY: a covering
List Twenty Seven
261. ACCRUE: to accumulate over time
262. PERPENDICULAR: upright or vertical; being at right angles to the plane of the horizon
263. EXEMPLAR: a model or original; an example
264. DIRE: disastrous; desperate
265. GARNER: to gather or store
266. DETER: to discourage; to keep someone from doing something
267. INURE: to get used to something undesirable; harden
268. NURTURE: to nourish, to feed; to educate; to train; to foster
269. BOLSTER: to support, as in a group; to give a boost; a large pillow
270. HAMPER: to prevent the free movement, action, or progress of; to hinder or impede
List Twenty Eight
271. DOFF: to take off; to remove; to put aside
272. DON: to put on
273. SVELTE: slim, slender
274. OBESE: extremely fat; grossly overweight
275. STALACTITE: a tapering formation hanging from the ceiling of a cave, produced by the dripping of
mineral-rich water
276. STALAGMITE: a conical mineral deposit formed on the floor of a cave by the dripping of mineral-rich
277. DIURNAL: occurring every day; occurring during the daytime
278. NOCTURNAL: of or occurring at night
279. PRISTINE: extremely pure; untouched
280. SQUALID: dirty and wretched, as from poverty or lack of care
List Twenty Nine
281. CAPITULATE: to surrender under certain conditions; to give in
282. VALIDATE: to declare legally valid; legalize
283. EXONERATE: to free from accusation or blame; to free from a responsibility or task
284. EXPATRIATE: to exile, banish; leave one's country (either by force or by desire
285. PALLIATE: to make seem less serious; to mitigate
286. CONFISCATE: to seize
287. ELUCIDATE: to make clear and explain fully
288. INUNDATE: to overwhelm with abundance or excess; flood
289. DEPRECATE: to express disapproval of
290. RUMINATE: to ponder; to reflect upon