1. Senior Adults-Father You tell us that when we are old and have gray hair You will carry us. When our elderly are weak and tired, give them rest in You. Scoop them up in Your arms and carry them. 2. Women- Lord, we ask that the women of Your church be women of prayer, so that the Word of God will be opened to them, and so the power of faith and holiness will descend upon them; that their spiritual influence may increase at home and at church and in the world. 3. Parents- We ask You Lord that the parents accept responsibility to raise up their children in the discipline and instruction of the Lord, teaching and giving the discipline they need, and giving them the special attention they crave from the parents. 4. Sunday school teachers- Oh Father Unless we are spiritually prepared, diligent, disciplined in study, and obedient to what You tell us, we won’t really understand very much of Your Word. May we always stay in prayer and in Your Word. 5. Children’s Church- We pray today for the children of First Baptist Church Oak Grove and all who will be visiting this month. Holy Father, we pray that You prepare the hearts of the children to receive the word of God. That all month they will be drawn by Your Holy Spirit. 6. Men- God, You are a Mighty God and we ask that You raise up mighty men in our church that will not be ashamed of You and that will come together to pray for their church, their pastor, their families and community. Isaiah 65:24 says, “Before they call I will answer; while they are still speaking I will hear” 7. Wednesday Nights- Dear Precious Lord, thank You for Your written Word and the mighty truths it contains. We pray that in the power of Your Holy Spirit You would open our hearts and minds to the truths that You wish us to see when we come together for classes. Prepare our hearts and open our minds and give us a teachable spirit that is receptive to all that You would have us learn. Open our ears to hear Your voice speaking to us and remove any preconceived biases that we may have developed in particular passages of scripture. 8. Our Committees- Almighty God, The Fountain of all wisdom, pour out Your wisdom on all who are on a committee. Raise up wise and discerning people for the future. 9. .Church Body-O Jesus mold this body of believers into a body of prayer warriors, running to You for everything! Father we need You! Forgive us for being selfish and prideful. Put an anxious desire in our heart to want to know more of You. 10. Volunteers- Father, for all the time, energy, finances and effort that Your people have sown, we pray and ask that You bless them with the one hundred fold return. That they would be super abundantly blessed and would increase far above all they could ever ask or think, in their personal lives and in all they do. Praise Your name Jesus, for the volunteers! 11. Staff-Father, we know they are busy but let each one begin their day in prayer and devotion to You. Lord, help them remain faithful in all their trials. Use their trials to bless others.” 12. Outreach- Father, show us how we can be more effective in our outreach and missionary work. Give us the strength and courage to make the hard choices, to go where we are needed, to minister to those seemingly beyond help---to risk the company of sinners. You didn’t come for the righteous, You came for the sinners to repent. 13. New Guests- Bring them in Lord, from all walks of life. May we never be guilty for turning anyone a way. Father remind us as we greet each guest that You have brought them to us. 14. The Lost- Father we pray for boldness for Your people when we share the gospel or preach. Pray also for me, that the message may be given to me when I open my mouth, to make known with boldness the mystery of the gospel Ephesians 6:19. 15. Discipleship-Oh Gracious Father, raise up many in our church that desire to teach others the deeper things of You Lord. Father You command us to disciple others, bring us those You want discipled and let not the enemy fill our schedules so much we don't have time. 16. Deacons- Father, use their lives to make a difference for eternity. In the here and now they can share Your love with those who don’t know You and those who struggle to live their new lives well. Whatever they lose in this world, let it be for gain in Your kingdom. 17. Pastor-Heavenly Father, we ask for your blessing on our pastor that he might receive the rest that he needs from his long hours of work. We ask You give him wisdom and direction for Your church. Please keep him humble and always relying upon You to give him the perfect wisdom and direction that he needs. 18. Benevolence-Father, help us to be generous with both our donations and our efforts to help those in need.-Blessed is he that considers the poor: the Lord will deliver him in times of trouble. 19. Pastors wife- O God protect our pastor’s wife from discouragement and bitterness when she or her husband face inevitable criticism. Keep her abiding in You so she will trust in the wisdom of the Word of God to answer her critics and to commit herself into Your hands, who judges righteously. 20. Audio/Visual-Father God, Our sound team is extremely vital to our Sunday mornings! We ask that You keep them hungry for You and to help them listen to the sermons as they are always in “stand-by” mode. 21. Marriages- Genesis 6:9 says “Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations, and Noah walked with God.” Dear Father, give us the determination to walk at Your side together. Give those couples an honorable walk that shows Your power and character. 22. Youth-O Holy Spirit, we ask You to fill our youth with Your wisdom and spiritual understanding. Please help our youth to choose godly friends and bless their relationships with their parents and loved ones. Turn the hearts of parents and youth toward each other. Give our parents wisdom and patience as they diligently teach their youth Your Word. 23. Military- Thank You for the men and women that protect this nation. Father, as they protect us, protect them as well! Lord, You know where they will be today and we pray that You will be there with them to guide them through whatever challenges and trials they face this day. to remain safe and sound until they return to their homes. Lord, be with their spouses. Give them strength to walk through each day, knowing that You have things under control. And for the families who are stuck in the “unknown”. Some of our men and women have been imprisoned overseas. Lord, even as Peter and Paul were thrown in prison, You were with them. Remind them of this Father. 24. Our Community- Lord, we know it’s Your desire to bless, and we know You are a generous and loving God. We pray for the people of Oak Grove right now, and ask for the blessing of employment. Open the doors Lord that no man can shut, and give opportunities for the people to work and provide for their families. 25. Greeters-Father, give the grace to all who greet so they will know how to respond to each person You bring to us. Oh let their character and words be a beautiful first impression to all who come here for the first time. 26. Finances-“Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened.” This verse encourages us Lord, to not only ask once, but to seek and knock persistently for the good things of Your Kingdom. Father we thank You that You don’t ignore our prayers in our need for financial blessings. 27. Worship-Ignite a fire in us Lord, as we leave our stresses of the week behind us and come into Your house on Sunday to focus on You and worship You. Help us to feel Your Spirit as the unified body of Christ worships You. 28. Missionaries- Lord, we pray for missionaries to stand firm under affliction and to look forward to eternal glory and to give all their anxious thoughts to You and rest in Your peace. 29. Our Country-Heavenly Father, we ask that You guide the leaders of this country. May they have integrity, morality, and leadership ability. Direct them to take our nation in the way You would have us go.