Practice 1.1a - Reagan IB High School

Practice 1.1a - Fundamental and derived SI units
Reagan IB Physics
Use the following table of SI units in order to answer the questions below. Quantity IB SI unit SI unit Variable symbol SI fundamental unit equivalent acceleration a meter per second squared m s-­‐2 amount of substance n mole mol density ρ kilogram per cubic meter kg m-­‐3 distance d meter m electrical charge q coulomb C electrical current I ampere A electrical resistance R ohm Ω energy E joule J force F newton N frequency f hertz Hz Luminous intensity candela cd mass m kilogram kg power P watt W pressure p pascal Pa temperature T kelvin K time t second s velocity v meter per second m s-­‐1 potential difference V volt V volume V cubic meter m3 work W joule J 1. What are the units of velocity in the SI system? 2. a. What does it mean to be traveling 5 meters per second? b. How far would you have traveled in 1 hour? = m s-­‐2 = mol = kg m-­‐3 = m = A s = A = kg m2 A-­‐2 s-­‐3 = kg m2 s-­‐2 = kg m s-­‐2 = s-­‐1 = cd = kg = kg m2 s-­‐3 = kg m-­‐1 s-­‐2 = K = s = m s-­‐1 = kg m2 A-­‐1 s-­‐3 = m3 = kg m2 s-­‐2 Practice 1.1a - Fundamental and derived SI units
Reagan IB Physics
Write the following SI unit expressions in IB format (using exponents) and use the result to determine the quantity being expressed 3. kg m3 4. 5. kg m2 s2 kg m s2 6. kg m2 A2 s3 Simplify the following SI unit expressions, write each in IB format (using exponents) and use the result to determine the quantity being expressed 7. A s s 8. kg2 m3 A kg m A3 s3 Practice 1.1a - Fundamental and derived SI units
Reagan IB Physics
9. m s2 10. * kg m2 s3 s ÷ kg m s2 Expand the following units into their fundamental unit equivalents, perform the operation shown, then simplify the resulting units. 11. m N ÷ 2
s 12. A * Ω 13. W * s Practice 1.1a - Fundamental and derived SI units
Reagan IB Physics
14. The IB data booklet gives an equation that states Force = Mass * Acceleration. In order for this equation to be valid, the units on each side of the equal sign must balance. Show that this is true. 15. The IB physics data booklet gives the following equation: Momentum = Mass * Velocity. Determine the SI units of momentum (in terms of fundamental units). 16. The IB physics data booklet gives two equations gives three equations for power. Use each to determine the SI fundamental equivalent units for power. a. Power = Force * Velocity b. Power = Work / time c. Power = Potential difference * Electrical current 