Celebrating Over Fifty Years of Promoting Quality in the Heart of Illinois Q-NOTES http://www.hoiasq.org Inside this issue: The Chairman’s Corner Technical Meeting Information Quality Quotes and Biographies Announcements and Items of Interest Scholarship Information Section Officers and Section Awards January 2012 ASQ Section 1211 Mission Statement To serve as a catalyst for quality improvement by networking with our members and the community to provide resources, training, and professional development opportunities. ASQ Section 1211 Vision Statement Our vision is to be recognized by our ASQ members, community and business leaders as a true champion for promoting the quality sciences. The Chairman’s Corner by Harry Bateman Happy New Year to everyone! I hope you all had a safe and enjoyable holiday season. December was an important month for twenty-nine (29) of our members – they took ASQ Certification exams the first Saturday of the month. As I write this ASQ hasn’t posted the results, but I’d still like to offer my congratulations to all of you who were successful and attained your first, or an additional, certification. If anyone didn’t pass this time, please don’t give up. Renew your efforts, study again, and give it another try. ASQ certification is a valuable asset to have in your resume. The next exam date will be March 3. Good luck to anyone preparing for this round of testing. This month’s Technical Meeting is scheduled for January 17. There will be two presentations that night. In the first Sikha Bhatacharya and I will give a short summary report on the Northern Illinois Quality Conference. Then Gary Beckemeyer will describe his experience as a judge at last year’s International Team Excellence competition. Look for more information in this edition of Q-Notes. Have a "Quality" day. Harry Bateman ASQ Section 1211 Chair January 17, 2012 Technical Meeting International Team Excellence Competition Judging Presented by Ga Gary Beckemeyer And 2011 Northern Illinois Quality Conference Report Presented by Si Sikha Bhatacharya & Harry Bateman Gary Beckemeyer will present on his experience as a judge for the latest International Team Excellence Competition. Teams are judged on criteria ranging from Project Selection through Team Management and Project Presentation. This is the second time Gary has served as a judge for the competition. Sikha Bhatacharya and Harry Bateman attended the 14th annual Northern Illinois Quality Conference held on the campus of Northern Illinois University at Naperville, IL. They will provide their insights on the conference. Section 1211 has been a longtime sponsor of the event and 1211’s Dr. Bitthal Gujrati serves as the NIQC Logistics Support Chair. When: Tuesday, January 17, 2012 Time: 5:00 – 8:00 PM Location: Ravina on the Lakes 5236 W. Charter Oak Rd. Peoria, IL 61615 Program Check-in and networking Opening Remarks Dinner Guest Speakers 5:15 p.m. 5:45 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:45 p.m. Menu: Hand-Carved Honey-Glazed Ham Grilled Boneless Chicken Breast w/ Sauces Tossed Salad w/ Dressings (Ranch, French & It.) Buttered Parsley Potatoes Scandinavian-Style Vegetables Fruit Jell-O Salad Rolls & Butter Coffee, Iced Tea $15.00 for ASQ members, $18.00 for guests. (Student Chapter members eat free, Other Students - $7.00) To make reservations, please send an e-mail to hoisection1211@gmail.com or contact Mary Hottell-Clymer at 309-369-3421 or m.hottell-clymer@comcast.net Feel free to bring a friend or relative! Please make reservations by Friday, January 13th! If you do not wish to dine but would like to come for the Guest Speaker’s presentation, there will be no charge but please send in a reservation and indicate “Speaker Only”. If you have made a reservation and then find out that you can’t attend please send us a message at hoisection1211@gmail.com and let us know. Quality Biography Kaoru Ishikawa 1915‐1989 Kaoru Ishikawa was a prime mover of quality in Japan who believed in quality through leadership. His six quality concepts form the basis for a holistic approach that is the unique Japanese approach to quality improvement. Ishikawa’s focus on customer satisfaction is the foundation of quality today, and as the father of quality control circles, he believed in worker involvement, education, and personal commitment. By improving the quality of the way we work together, Ishikawa saw a way to improve the quality of life in the world. He is the creator of the Fishbone Diagram for problem solving, shown below being used to bring out the causes of a car that has failed to start. The “Fishbone” diagram is also known as the Cause & Effect diagram and the Ishikawa diagram “A bad system will defeat a good person every time.” – W. Edwards Deming “Tell me and I will forget, show me and I may remember, involve me and I’ll understand.” – Chinese Proverb Mark your calendars for February 21, 2012 The February Technical Meeting will be our annual Student Night at Bradley University. Bradley students will be presenting their projects. More information in the February edition of Q-notes ASQ Exam Registration Deadline Rapidly Approaching The deadline for those wanting to register to take an ASQ certification exam on March 3rd is Friday January 13, 2012 John Wilder Tukey (1915-2000) American Statistician John Wilder Tukey ushered in a new era of statistics. He questioned the Fisherian assumptions (Ronald A. Fisher, 1890-1962, English statistician and geneticist) of regular uncertainty and gave insight into the irregularity of the real world. Whereas Fisher taught that statistics could be mathematically modeled to a point where one could seek optimal solutions to fairly well proposed problems, Tukey showed a world in which most of the old assumptions were open to question. His life's work consisted largely in discovering how to collect and analyze data, and in teaching us how to cope with a world in which there is not only uncertainty, but also uncertainty about the uncertainty. Tukey is best remembered for his work in the development of the FFT algorithm and the box plot. ASQ Distinguished Service Medals The ASQ Board of Directors has approved the following members at their November 2011 meeting to receive the Distinguished Service Medal. The recipients will be recognized at ASQ’s World Conference on Quality and Improvement, May 21‐23, 2012, in Anaheim, CA. Sister Mary Jean Ryan, FSM: For her distinguished contributions to the quality profession by extending the reach of quality into the healthcare profession, and by living a role‐model life that demonstrates the heart of quality in service to humankind. Dr. James L. Bossert: For his dedication and energy to promote and lead by example in the pursuit of quality; for his desire to help others learn and succeed in the quality profession; and for his sustained service to ASQ to improve the process and methods utilized that paved the way to ASQ’s standing as a world leader in quality. Scholarship Applications must be postmarked no later than March 1, 2012 For anyone who is interested in attending our monthly Leadership Committee Meetings, please contact Harry Bateman at Bateman_Harry_D@cat.com. Currently meetings are being held every second Monday of the month at 4:30 p.m. You are welcome to join us. ASQ - Heart of Illinois Chapter 1211 Officers & Committees for 2011-2012 Office Chair Assistant(s) Section Chairman Harry Bateman Chair-Elect Chair-Elect Michael McCabe Secretary Trent Tippey Doug Hiller Treasurer Scott Orr Shane Miller Nominating Committee Paul Carver Clyde Leach / Jim Smith Membership Committee Jim Smith Jason Janssen / Shane Miller Auditing Mary Hottell-Clymer Clyde Leach ReCertification Clyde Leach Chris Barber Education/Certification Craig Miller Dave Longanbach / Todd Johnson Bradley Student Chapter Dr K.S. Krishnamoorthi Natalie Sutton HOI Website (Internet Liaison) Jennifer Twait Scott Orr / Elena Burash Member Development (Member Upgrade) Jason Janssen Joe Cimino / Matthew Ward Voice of the Customer (VOC) Chris Barber Sikha Bhatacharya Planning/Arrangements Mary Hottell-Clymer Clyde Leach Program Jeff McKee Matt Ward / Dianne Smith Publicity / Newsletter Robert Christopher-Murphy Craig Miller / Elena Burash Quality Management Plan Michael McCabe Dave Longanbach Fund Raising Mathew Ward Krissa Dudley Recognition John Owen Paul Carver / Darin Van Nattan Historian Randy Juskiv Jim Smith NIQC Liaison Dr Bitthal Gujrati None Q-notes is published ten times a year by ASQ Heart of Illinois Section 1211. Special editions may be published if warranted. If you have something you would like to see or announce in Q-notes please contact Robert Christopher-Murphy at Christopher_Murphy_Robert_M@cat.com