MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY THE RESPIRATORY SYSTEM FILL IN THE BLANK KEY ANATOMICAL TERMS 1. pharynx 2. mediastinum Throat Partition between the two thoratic compartments Hairlike projections that sweep away materials Lymphatic tissues in the throat Opening the larynx Small tubular airways Cavities in the cranium Protective mucus-secreting sacs to entrap pathogens Tubular passage from throat to stomach Windpipe 3. cilia 4. adenoid 5. glottis 6. bronchioles 7. sinuses 8. mucous membranes 9. esophagus 10. trachea 11. flap that prevents food from entering the larynx 12. partition that separates the nostrils 13. muscle that separates thorax from abdomen 14. part of throat behind the nose 15. part of throat behind the mouth 16. the voice box 17. the windpipe 18. membrane that covers the lung 19. inner part of that membrane 20. airsacs at the end of the bronchioles Epiglottis Nasal septum Diaphragm Nasopharynx Oropharynx Larynx Trachea Pleura Visceral pleura Alveoli SYMPTOMATIC AND DIAGNOSTIC TERMS 1. anoxia 2. anoxemia 3. hypoxia 4. hypoxemia 5. bronchitis 6. laryngitis 7. hemoptysis 8. empyema 9. nocturnal dyspnea 10. tracheostenosis Lack of oxygen in tissues Lack of oxygen in blood Deficient of oxygen in tissues Deficient of oxygen in blood Inflammation of lung’s airways Inflammation of voicebox Spitting up blood Pus in pleural cavity (pyothorax) Difficulty breathing at night Narrowing of windpipe OPERATIVE AND THERAPEUTIC TERMS 1. laryngotomy 2. laryngectomy 3. laryngoplasty 4. laryngoscope 5. laryngocentesis Incision into voicebox Excision of voicebox Surgical repair of voicebox Instrument to examine voicebox Puncture of voicebox MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY 6. laryngograph 7. laryngologist 8. laryngopharyngectomy 9. laryngostomy 10. thoracoplasty Instrument to X-ray voicebox Specialist in voicebox Surgical removal of throat and voicebox Creation of opening into voicebox Surgical repair of pleural cavity GIVE THE A PPROPRIATE MEDICAL TERM 1. inflammation of voicebox and throat 2. visual examination of interior of voicebox 3. discharge of laryngeal mucus 4. involuntary contraction of the voicebox 5. a narrowing of the larynx 6. inflammation of the larynx 7. inflammation of the larynx and trachea 8. inflammation of the larynx and trachea and bronchi 9. inflammation of the throat 10. pain in the throat 11. surgical removal of the pharynx 12. study of the throat 13. radiographic examination of the throat 14. any disease of the throat 15. disease of the throat caused by fungus 16. surgery to repair the throat 17. instrument for incision of the pharynx 18. discharge of mucus from the pharynx 19. inflammation of the throat and nose 10. pain in the nose Laryngopharyngitis Laryngoscopy 1. rhinitis 2. rhinesthesia 3. rhinologist 4. rhinolaryngitis 5. rhinorrhea 6. rhinokyphosis 7. rhinometer 8. rhinopathy 9. rhinonecrosis 10. rhinoplasty 11. rhinophonia Inflammation of the nose Sense of smell Specialist in the nose Inflammation of the nose and voicebox Nasal discharge Humped bridge of nose Instrument to measure the nose Any disease of the nose Death of nasal bones Surgical repair of nose Nasal speech Laryngorrhea Laryngospasm Laryngostenosis Laryngitis Laryngotracheitis Laryngotracheobronchitis Pharyngitis Pharyngalgia, pharyngodynia Pharyngectomy Pharyngology Pharyngography Pharyngopathy Pharyngomycosis Pharyngoplasty Pharyngotome Pharyngorrhea Pharyngorhinitis Rhinalgia