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How to change your password on GoWMU
GoWMU is a web portal to access your WMU email, grades, eLearning and more. Below are instructions on
how to log into your GoWMU account.
Student, Demo
1. You must have your temporary log-in information. It is on this
letter. You received this yellow paper with your admissions letter.
2. Open your web browser
3. In the URL box type “”
a. This web address will take you to Western Michigan
University or WMU’s main web page
4. To get to GoWMU, click on the GoWMU box in the top
right-hand corner
5. A new screen will open
6. Click the “First Time Logging In?” button
7. Enter your Bronco NetID into the box labeled “Bronco
8. Select “Change my password” under the “I would like
to:” section
9. Click the “Proceed” button
10. Once the new screen opens, it will ask you to create a
new password, select a security picture and word, and
select a challenge phrase (this is all on one page)
a. Your new password will need to include 3 of the 4 following options:
i. One (1)capital letter (A, T, S, . . . )
ii. One (1) small letter (a, t, s, . . . )
iii. One (1) number (1, 2, 3, . . . )
iv. One (1) special character (!, @, #, $, %, ^, . . . )
b. Your password will need to be 6 to 10 characters long (Abc123 to Abcde12345)
Bronco Net ID
c. Make sure you write your password down and that you are the only person who can see it.
There is a spot for you to write it at the bottom of this sheet.
11. Next, you will select a security word and picture.
a. This adds extra security to your account, so only you can access it.
b. There will be a list of words, select one (1)
i. Write that word here: ____________________________
c. There will be a set of pictures, select one (1)
i. Write a description of the picture here: _________________________________
Next, you will need to choose a “challenge phrase”
a. Write the challenge phrase here: ____________________________________________
b. Write your answer here: ___________________________________________________
Write your login and password information here:
a. Bronco NetID: ______________________
b. Password: _________________________
**Keep this paper somewhere safe**
How to sign up for housing on campus at WMU
Log into GoWMU (This is your homepage).
2. To apply for housing, click the “Residence
Life Housing” link.
3. A new window should open and it will look
like this.
4. Click the “Launch Application” link next to the correct
“semester/year Housing and Dining Application” title.
5. The window that opened should look like this.
Read all 3 paragraphs and then select “Next Step”
Is all of the information on this page correct?
If yes, select “Next Step.”
First Name:
Last Name:
Birth Date:
If no, select “Cancel.”
English as a Second Language
1234 Main St. Apt A11
Address Line 2:
Zip Code:
Cell Phone: 2691234567
Update your information on GoWMU.
ii. There are instructions on how to update
your information on GoWMU at the end of this packet.
9. If your information is correct, and you clicked “Next Step,” a new page will open.
10. You must have a person that
WMU can contact in case of an
emergency. You must fill out all
the blanks on this page.
11. Is your “Emergency Contact” person the same person
you want notified that in case you are missing?
a. If yes—Check the box “Missing Person contact is
the same as Emergency contact”
a. If no—Enter the new person’s information.
12. To move on, click “Next Step”
13. This page is about your meal plan
14. A meal plan is how many meals you get each week
a. Bronco Gold Meal Plan— eat as many times in a
week as you want
b. 20 Meal Plan—eat 20 meals each week
c. 15 Meal Plan— eat 15 meals each week
d. 10 Meal Plan—eat 10 meals each week
e. Room Only Meal plan—no meals*
*Only available in Harrison Hall, Stinson Hall,
and Henry Hall. You will not get to eat at the
dining halls
15. Use the dropdown menu to pick the meal plan you
16. Select “Next Step”
17. Living Learning Communities are residence halls where students are studying in similar programs or have
similar interests and characteristics.
18. If you do not want to live in the Living Learning
Communities, select “+I am not interested in an LLC”
19. If you want to live with students studying
Similar programs, select the correct Living Learning
a. Aviation (Flight Science)
b. Business
c. Education
d. Engineering
e. Fine Arts
f. Health
20. Click “Next Step”
21. Choose the residence hall you want to live in.
a. You must pick at least 3 residence
halls that you want to live in during
the semester, rank them in order of
choice (1st choice, 2nd choice, 3rd
22. To see the differences between residence
halls, click “Hall Comparison Chart”
23. To see how much the residence halls cost,
click “Current Room Rates”
24. To add your first dormitory choice, click “Add”
a. A gray box will open.
b. Notice that next to “Preference Number” is a 1. This
means it is your first choice.
c. For “Preference Type,” select “Building” from the
dropdown menu.
d. For “Preference,” select the residence hall you want
to live in.
e. The residence halls are listed in alphabetical
order (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L….etc.)
f. Click “Select”
25. Click “Add” to add more choices for residence
26. Repeat step 23 to add two (2) more choices.
27. You must have three (3) residence halls listed.
a. You can add more if you want.
28. You can request to have a room by yourself.
You would not have a roommate. This is called a
“Single.” The cost of a single room is more than a
a. Check this box if you would like a
b. If you do not want a “Single” leave the
check box blank.
c. Click “Next Step”
31. This page is about what you like in your own
residence hall room. These are “Yes” or “No” questions.
a. Do you like your room quiet?
b. Do you go to sleep before midnight (12:00
c. Do you get up early (before 8:00 a.m.)?
d. Are you neat? Do you keep your room clean?
32. This section is if you already have a roommate.
a. Click “Add”
b. You will need to write the names of your
i. First Name
ii. Last Name
iii. Bronco NetID (abc1234)
c. Click “Confirm ID”
33. Click “Next Step”
34. This page is about your criminal history.
Criminal history is a record of laws you
have broken in the past.
35. These three (3) questions are “Yes” or “No”
a. Have you ever been found guilty of
breaking a law?
b. Have you been charged with a crime
but not found guilty or innocent yet?
c. Have you ever been dismissed from
or almost dismissed from any college
or university?
39. If you choose “Yes” for any of the questions,
you must write the reason in this box.
a. If you choose “No” for the questions, you
do not need to write anything in the box.
40. Click “Sign your Contract” to finish your
How to Change Personal Information in GoWMU
Address/Phone Number
1. Login to GoWMU using your Bronco NetID and password
2. Click on the arrow next to “All”
3. Click on “View/update My Personal Information”
4. Click on “View/Update Addresses and Phones”
5. To change your Local Address and/or Phone Click “Current”
6. On the next page, type in your new address and/or your new phone number
7. When you are done, Click Submit