fall syllabus 2014 com 203

COM 203: Professional Communication Skills
Fall 2014/3 semester hours
Aven 109
Wendy H. Copeland, MSC
Adjunct Professor
whcopeland@gmail.com 601-213-6579 Try to reach me via e-mail as your first form of communication. I will respond within 48
hours. You may also text me or call me via cell phone between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily.
Be sure to let me know who you are if you send a text.
This course is designed to improve oral communication skills and provide opportunities
to develop communication skills in the areas of problem solving, leadership, interviewing
and negotiating. Students will practice identifying and using both verbal and nonverbal
channels and cues.
Joseph A. DeVito (2008) Essentials of Human Communication. (8th edition). New York:
Addison Wesley Longman. ISBN – 13:978-0-205-93066-1
Methods of Instruction
Lecture, discussion, quizzes, activities, assignments and student presentations.
Academic Integrity
In accordance with university policy 2.19, Mississippi College students are expected to
be scrupulously honest. Dishonesty, including plagiarism and cheating, will be regarded
as a serious offense. Please refer to the policy for detailed information.
Students with Disabilities
In order for a student to receive disability accommodations under Section 504 of the
Americans with Disabilities Act, he or she must schedule an individual meeting with the
Director of Student Counseling Services immediately upon recognition of their
disability (if their disability is known they must come in before the semester begins or
make an appointment immediately upon receipt of their syllabi for the new semester).
The student must bring with them written documentation from a medical physician and/
or licensed clinician that verifies their disability. If the student has received prior
accommodations, they must bring written documentation of those accommodations
(example Individualized Education Plan from the school system). Documentation must be
current (within 3 years).
The student must meet with SCS face-to face and also attend two (2) additional follow
up meetings (one mid semester before or after midterm examinations and the last one
at the end of the semester). Please note that the student may also schedule additional
meetings as needed for support through SCS as they work with their professor
throughout the semester. Note: Students must come in each semester to complete their
Individualized Accommodation Plan (example: MC student completes fall semester IAP
plan and even if student is a continuing student for the spring semester they must come
in again to complete their spring semester IAP plan).
COM 203: Professional Communication Skills
Student Counseling Services is located in Alumni Hall Room #4 (near the Post Office) or
they may be contacted via email at mbryant@mc.edu. You may also reach them by phone
at 601-925-7790. Dr. Morgan Bryant is director of MC Student Counseling Services.
Course Outline & Objectives
Foundations of Human Communication
A. The Essentials of Human Communication
B. Perception of Self and Others C. Listening in Human Communication
D. Verbal Messages
E. Nonverbal Messages
1. Objectives: a) Prepare a communication model including sources and receivers.
b) Throughly discuss self-disclosure, perception and impression formation as
c) it pertains to social and on-the-job situations.
d) Understand some of the major concepts from communication and theory
and research
Interpersonal and Small Group Communication
A. Interpersonal Communication and Conversation
B. Interpersonal Relationships
C. Managing Interpersonal Conflict
D. Small Group Communication
E. Members and Leaders in Small Group Communication
1. Objectives:
a) Recognize his/her communication personality
b) Challenge and evaluate ideas to which he/she is exposed
III. Public Speaking
A. Public Speaking Presentation
B. Public Speaking Preparation and Delivery
C. The Informative Speech
D. The Persuasive Speech
1. Objectives:
a) Evaluate the strength and weaknesses of other speakers b) Improve oral communication skills
Attendance In accordance with university policy, students are expected to attend class regularly and
punctually. Any student whose absences, whether excused or unexcused, exceed 25% of
the class meetings will receive a grade of F in the course. Make-up exams are not given
unless you are excused for a school activity from the registrars office. Students without
an excused absence will receive a zero for a missed exam. Students that have unexcused
absences will not be allowed to make-up presentations. Students with an excused
absence will be allowed to make up a presentation by appointment with me.
Make-Up Work
Students with unexcused absences will NOT be allowed to make up presentations.
Students with excused absences will be allowed to make up a presentation at my earliest
convenience. This means you should be prepared to present until you have the
opportunity. Class activities and assignments will be penalized 10 points for every class
day they are late. Nothing will be accepted more than one week after it is due.
COM 203: Professional Communication Skills
Class Schedule We will make every effort to follow the schedule. However, the instructor reserves
the right to make changes. It is YOUR responsibility to note any deviations. You will
not be granted any exceptions because you were not aware of changes.
August 27
Introduction to Course, Overview of Expectations
August 29 Chapter 1 Essentials of Human Communication
September 1
No Class - Labor Day Holiday
September 3
Chapter 1 Essentials of Human Communication
September 5 & 8 Chapter 2 Perception of Self and Others
September 10
Chapter 3 Listening in Human Communication; Quiz Ch. 1 & 2
September 12
Chapter 3 Listening in Human Communication
September 15 & 17 Chapter 4 Verbal Messages
September 19
Chapter 5 Nonverbal Messages; Quiz Ch. 3 & 4
September 22
Chapter 5 Nonverbal Messages
September 24
Test 1 - 5
September 26 & 29 Chapter 6: Interpersonal Communication and Conversation
October 1 Chapter 7: Interpersonal Relationships; Quiz Ch. 5 & 6
October 3 Chapter 7: Interpersonal Relationships October 6 Fall Break No Class
October 8 & 10
Chapter 8: Managing Interpersonal Conflict
October 13 Chapter 9: Small Group Communication; Quiz Ch. 7 & 8
October 15 Chapter 9: Small Group Communication
October 17 & 20 Chapter 10: Members in Small Group Communication
October 22 Test Chapters 6 - 10
October 24 Group Exchange
October 27 Chapter 11: Public Speaking Preparation; Quiz Ch. 9 & 10
October 29 Chapter 11: Public Speaking Preparation
Oct. 31 & Nov. 3 Chapter 12: Public Speaking Preparation and Delivery
November 5 & 7
Chapter 13: The Informative Speech
November 10
Chapter 14: The Persuasive Speech
November 12
Chapter 14: The Persuasive Speech; Quiz Ch. 11-14
November 14
Test Chapters 11-14
November 17& 19 Informative Speeches; Class Graded Rubrics
November 21& 24 Group Work for Projects
November 26 Thanksgiving Break No Class
December 1 & 3
Persuasive Speeches; Class Graded Rubrics
December 5 & 8
Final Group Projects Presented
December 10 Review for Comprehensive Final
December 12 8am Final Exam for MWF 9am class December 15 8am Final Exam for MWF 10am class
1. Group Exchange 2. Résumé
3. Informative Speech
4. Persuasive Speech !
COM 203: Professional Communication Skills
Grading Scale
750 - 676 = A
675 - 601 = B
600 - 526 = C
525 - 451 = D
450 - below = F
Suggested Evaluation*
100 pts each
Open Book Quizzes 25 pts each Assignments 25 pts each Group Presentation Final Exam
pts total pts total
pts total
pts pts
*Evaluation Formula subject to change if additional assignments are given. Class
participation is not graded, but noted. Professor reserves the right to add up to 1
point to final grade based on class participation. Participation includes relevant
contribution to class discussions, timeliness and general attitude. !
Sign and return the LAST page to the professor.
Below is a copy of the statement you will sign. Keep this for YOUR RECORDS.
I have read and understand the syllabi for Professional Communication Skills. I agree to
abide by the syllabi and understand that the instructor has the authority to change the
schedule and any part of the syllabi. It is my responsibility to gather notes and any
deviations from the schedule should I fail to attend a class or arrive late. I understand
that make-up exams are not given and should I fail to be present for an exam, I will
receive a zero for the exam.
COM 203: Professional Communication Skills
COM 203 Agreement
I have read and understand the syllabi for Communication 203: Professional
Communication Skills. I agree to abide by the syllabi and understand that the instructor
has the authority to change the schedule and any part of the syllabi. It is my
responsibility to gather notes and any deviations from the schedule should I fail to
attend a class or arrive late. I understand that make-up exams are not given unless it is
an excused activity from the school. Should I fail to be present for an exam, I will receive
a zero for the exam. !
_____________________________________ ________________________
Printed Name
Provide an e-mail address and phone number should the professor need to contact you.
Use an e-mail address you check regularly.
Email Address: _____________________________________________________
Cell Phone: ________________________________________________________
COM 203: Professional Communication Skills